Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 932: I think you are here to touch porcelain.

Xiao Xuan waved his hands with a dark face, "Go."

Xiao Changqing walked out of the ward with a sullen face, and there were nine bodyguards in black and sunglasses standing outside the door.

These nine people are his personal bodyguards, and each of them is a top expert hired with a lot of money.

In fact, they had already heard the fighting sound from the other side of the corridor, but they couldn't take a step away from the sickness until they got an order.

Xiao Changqing stared at the end of the corridor with gloomy eyes, and the screams continued to come from the corridor on the other side of the corner. One could imagine how intense the battle was.

Soon, one of his subordinates flew out from the corridor over there, fell heavily to the ground, and began to groan in pain.

Immediately afterwards, two, three, four... One after another, the subordinates flew out and stacked together, which can be said to be very spectacular.

When the thirteenth flew out, a man and a woman appeared at the end of the corridor.

The man is wearing a black suit, and the woman is wearing a black dress. The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful. It can be said that it is very correct, just like the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".

However, in Xiao Changqing's eyes, this picture was extremely dazzling.

Just such two young people were able to break through the defense they had set up and barged in grandiosely.

It was tantamount to slapping him hard in the face.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to hurt my people? You want to die!" Xiao Changqing said through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Xiao, don't get me wrong, we're not here to fight, we're here to talk to you about business." Ye Feng hurriedly showed a harmless smile.

"Business? This is how you do business? Do you think I'm a fool?" Xiao Changqing roared furiously.

"It was they who insisted on stopping me from coming in, so I had to let them rest first, please don't get me wrong." Ye Feng continued to persuade me.

"Okay, let's talk about business, right? As long as you can come to me alive, I'll talk to you." Xiao Changqing didn't want to listen to his explanation, so he waved his hand.

The nine top masters immediately rushed out like arrows leaving the string.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

The speed and movements of these nine people were extremely fast and fierce, and they were by no means comparable to the group of drunks and rice bags outside.

"There are nine people in total, how many do you want?" Ye Feng brought up the old story again.

"Four." Cheng Fei'er replied without hesitation.

"Isn't that good? If you get less, isn't that looking down on you? Isn't it sexist?"

"Because I'm weaker than you."

"Is it reasonable for you to be weak?"

"If you talk nonsense, I'm going to punch again?"


Ye Feng didn't say any more, because the nine top experts had already rushed forward.

He hastily retreated to avoid the black tiger's heart attack from one of them.

The move this person uses is Black Tiger Fist, which is a kind of Pictographic Fist and is known for its fierceness.

This person has thick calluses on both fists, which are a full circle larger than normal people, and a single punch is enough to open mountains and rubble.

Now many people think that the national art is too weak, and they are KO'd at every turn.

In fact, those people are just putting on airs, and they practiced for the purpose of bluffing and deceiving. It is estimated that they only play wooden dummy stakes every day, and they have never really competed with others.

But like the nine people in front of me, each of them carried a strong murderous aura, and they seemed to have crawled out of the dead.

The moves of these people have no ostentation, they are specially used to kill people, and every move is a deadly trick.

The man's punch missed, without any hesitation, he immediately pushed the mountain with his feet, and his body directly hit Ye Feng on the right, and his right hand reached his lower body at the same time.

This move is very difficult to defuse, if you only focus on defending the lower body, then the upper body will definitely lose.

With this guy's fierce strength, once he was hit, he would probably end up with broken bones and spit blood at the very least.

And if he only defends the upper body and not the lower body, then Ye Feng may be in danger.

But if you want to defend against both, you have to have a strength that far surpasses the opponent.

For ordinary warriors, the best way at this time is to retreat quickly, but it is inevitable that they will lose the initiative and be beaten.

But Ye Feng is not an ordinary person. With his current strength, even his master Liu Wenyuan has to stay away, let alone a warrior whose strength is far inferior to his master.

He didn't dodge or dodge, instead he used exactly the same moves as the opponent and counterattacked.

The man obviously didn't expect him to make such a "faint trick", and was immediately overjoyed.

He is nicknamed "Living King Kong" because his muscles and bones have been beaten like copper skin and iron bones. If he is smashed, even a cow can be smashed to death.

This kid chose to collide with him, he was looking for death.

Thinking of this, he immediately exerted all his strength, trying to smash this kid into meat paste, and also showed his strength in front of Mr. Xiao.


Sooner or later, the bodies of the two collided violently like sparks hitting the earth, and the whole building seemed to tremble.

Then, one of them directly vomited blood and flew out backwards.

Everyone took a closer look and found that the person who flew out was the "Living King Kong", but now it has been smashed and scrapped, turning into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

One arm was directly smashed into an "L" shape, and half of the shoulder was also severely deformed. Blood from the mouth was gushing out like Baotu Spring. How could it be called "miserable".

Everyone looked back at Ye Feng again, only to see that he was afraid of hitting the dust on his body, and looked like he was fine.

"What living King Kong? I think you are here to touch porcelain?"

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