Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 962: did he appear here

"Why is he so slow? Mr. Ye obviously left so many traces, it should be easy to find."

"Is he a little too suspicious? Mr. Ye didn't set any traps at all."

"Ah...I see. Arthur is thinking completely according to his inertia, thinking that this is a suspicious formation deliberately set up by Mr. Ye, so he dare not move forward rashly."

"It seems to make sense..."

Everyone immediately figured it out.

The opponents Arthur had encountered before were all life-or-death battles.

The opponents are also masters of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, and they often leave some traces on purpose to lure the enemy into the trap.

Therefore, Arthur is now confronting Ye Feng, preconceived to bring the opponent into the status of "master".

The traces left by Ye Feng are too obvious, even an amateur player would not leave such obvious traces.

This was on the contrary, making Arthur suspicious, wondering whether the other party was deliberately tempting him, so his forward speed slowed down.

Wanting to understand this, they all looked at each other with extremely weird expressions.

I really don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Is this Mr. Ye really stupid, or is he just pretending to be stupid?

They became more and more confused.

But Ye Feng quickly gave them the answer - he is so stupid!

Just after he broke a trap, perhaps because of his complacency, he actually entered another trap area.

Accidentally kicked the trap that Arthur had set with his hair.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A few arrows cut from tree branches stabbed towards his face immediately.

Of course, the heads of these arrows are all bald, and although they hurt a little in the face, they won't be fatal.

If it is on a real battlefield, these arrows will not only be sharpened, but even stained with venom.

Once stabbed in the body, there is no doubt about death.

This can be regarded as Arthur's mercy.

Ye Feng was obviously a little flustered, he hurriedly lowered his head to dodge, and at the same time stepped back.

He dodged so fast that he even avoided the attacks of those arrows.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he had already stepped into another trap.

Just when he was dodging the arrow just now, he took a step back with his right foot and stepped directly into a noose.

The noose immediately contracted, binding his ankles, and then his whole body was pulled upside down, hanging in the air.

Liu Fanghai, Cheng Fei'er and others in the waiting room supported their foreheads and sighed deeply.

They should have expected this result a long time ago, but because of this guy's amazing performance just now, they raised a glimmer of hope.

Unexpectedly, it still fell short in the end.

Just as they were sighing, the camera suddenly went black, completely losing the image of Ye Feng.

"what happened?"

Everyone is full of question marks.

"He turned off the action camera on purpose, probably because he doesn't want us to see it?" Liu Fanghai spread his hands helplessly.

Everyone present wanted to laugh, but because of Cheng Feier's presence, they had no choice but to hold back their laughter.

This guy probably thought it was embarrassing, so he turned off the camera on purpose, right?

In any case, this game has been lost.

It doesn't make any sense to turn off the camera.

Now just wait for Arthur to find Ye Feng's hidden gun, and then it can be declared over.

Everyone turned their attention to Arthur's picture.

At this time, he may have realized that his previous caution was too much, and immediately accelerated the speed of tracking.

It took about five minutes to arrive at Ye Feng's hiding place.

He first looked around cautiously, but didn't find any traps.

There was a look of doubt on his face, obviously he couldn't understand why the other party didn't set a trap.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a reason, and I simply didn't bother to think about it.

Now that the possibility of traps had been ruled out, his mind relaxed and he began to walk slowly towards the place where the gun was hidden.

Because Ye Feng didn't erase the traces, so as long as you are not blind, you can see it at a glance.

Out of caution, he still used a sapper shovel to dig.

After digging twice, the pistol that Ye Feng had buried was dug out.

There was a sigh in the living room immediately.

Although this result had been expected long ago, it was indeed too embarrassing.

Arthur found Ye Feng's hidden gun without any effort at all.

Liu Fanghai and several executives laughed wryly.

After losing this round, the contracts of the Sirius Assassins Alliance were directly reduced from twenty years to one year.

It's hard to say whether they will renew their contract after one year.

But the end has been like this, and they have nothing to do.

There was also a sneer on Arthur's face in the picture, and he didn't know if he was laughing at Ye Feng's performance, or at himself for being too careful just now.

He squatted down slowly, and was about to pick up Ye Feng's hidden gun, announcing the end of the game.

But at this moment, the smile on his face froze.


This is entirely due to the instinct of a person who has lived and died for a long time, and he is subconsciously going to retreat.

But it's too late!

A figure suddenly swooped down from above his head.

He had just lifted half of his body, and a cold pistol was already on his head.

"you lose!"

The accident happened so suddenly that everyone in the lounge froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.

In the picture, Ye Feng's body is hanging upside down on the tree, holding a pistol in his hand, and pressing it on top of Arthur's head.

At the corner of his mouth, there was a victor's smile.

" did he appear here?"

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