Chapter 107: Eternity of Backlash! God Really Exists!

“The real Golden Crow?”

Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows.

He smelled the power of the Supreme God.

It is not just a symbol of the sun.

It is an abstract concept of light and heat, which overlap with each other.

The essence is above the God.

The Supreme God floor tiles are not something that anyone can look down on.

“Seal it with a tungsten iron cage!”

“The periphery of SCP-1428 must maintain the temperature and stability of the incineration unit!”

Lin Xiu turned his head and whispered to Dr. Clef.

He didn’t want to stage a big sun disaster in the base.

Just in case!

Proper vigilance is necessary!

[Ding! SCP-1428 is contained! Do you want to start the exposure and advent of the thirteenth contained object! ]


The familiar prompt sound sounded again.

Lin Xiu slowly raised his head, with a bit of trance in his eyes.


“Is it the thirteenth? The progress is really fast.”

Lin Xiu shook his head.

Unconsciously, he has been able to do it, and he can remain calm in the face of divine abnormalities!

Although the time is short.

But after experiencing so many changes.

His growth is far beyond everyone’s imagination.

“In that case…”

“Then continue!”

Lin Xiu murmured in a low voice, reaching out and lightly tapping the system panel.


Invisible waves flashed.

Various streams of light jumped out of the void, turning into a variety of colors, as if they wanted to swarm out.


In the end, only one broke through the shackles.

“Is it Him?”

Lin Xiu frowned.

A strong murderous intent rushed in his face, as if he was facing a bloody Shura field.

The murderous intent that seemed to be real made people feel nervous.

Lowering his head, it seemed as if he could smell the blood.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu has seen the wind and rain, and he doesn’t care about these things. He has long been accustomed to them.

He just raised his eyebrows slightly.

It’s not the strong smell of blood that shocked him, but the abnormality that appeared this time!

“It’s actually Him…”

Lin Xiu’s eyes moved slightly, and he always felt that there would be problems this time.


No matter what.

The descent must be carried out.

He can’t control this. The only thing he can choose is the location of the drop!

“Let me see where it’s my turn this time…”

Lin Xiu pulled it with his hand.

He called up the miniature map from the system panel.

He started looking on it.


Nick Fury walked in the control room, his pace was very fast, and he looked very busy.



A large number of staff members shuttled around the operating table, and they were also in a hurry.

As if they were under a lot of pressure.



Large holographic projections were projected from the technology panel, showing the situation in various places, full of technology.

With the full support of Tony and Dr. Banner.

The technological level of SHIELD has been visibly improved, as if it was on a rocket.

“What is the disaster situation in various places?”

Nick Fury put his hands on the table, looking forward with a strong sense of oppression.

“For the time being…”

“No problem!”

Coulson scratched his head. Being pushed out by his colleagues, he could only speak with a stiff upper lip.

“Because of Dr. Clef’s actions when he left, a large part of the influence of SCP-1428 seems to have been wiped out, and the temperature in various places has dropped a lot…”

“In the Asia-Pacific and European regions, there is no need for large-scale rainfall to cool down. The temperature is within the warning range…”

“Only near the desert, it seems that because the distance is too close and the impact is too serious, it is still in a high temperature state. However, artificial rainfall has been started to cool down…”

“Because of the high Crops destroyed by high temperatures and areas that may be in food shortages have also been submitted to the Security Council. They are responsible for food collection and allocation, as well as international aid work…”

Coulson spoke clearly.

Every aspect is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Thanks to Dr. Clef’s actions before leaving, most of the effects of SCP-1428 were eliminated.

Only then can all work be carried out easily.

Otherwise, the global high temperature warning, even breaking the limit, is enough to paralyze the political systems of most small countries, and more than half of the world’s regions will fall into turmoil. That’s it. It was really a mess.


Nick Fury couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The worst situation did not happen!

While a trace of relief flashed through his mind, the vague guess became more certain!

“GOC’s style is indeed different from the Foundation…”

“Even if it was Dr. Clef, who defected from the original organization and joined the Foundation, his style of doing things still carried some marks of the original organization. This is conclusive evidence…”

Nick Fury lowered his head.

Half of his face was shrouded in shadow, and the specific expression could not be seen clearly. Love.

The complicated look in his one-eyed eyes.

As if he was calculating something!


A new organization…

He really had no ill will towards the Foundation.

An investigation into the GOC.

It was just a politician’s instinct to not put all his eggs in the same cage.

Trying to have two more hopes and two more options.

Called Carlson to his side.

He whispered to him, ignoring his surprised look, and issued a tough order.


It was classified as Level 10 top secret!


“We can only wait and see how things develop. ”

Nick Fury raised his head and looked at the screen in the sky, his eyes were extremely deep.


Turns quietly.

[Exposure countdown: 18 hours and 32 minutes]


Countless wizards gathered outside the holy land.

In the temple.

Wang and Mordo looked at the center nervously, and Ancient One was suspended in the air.

Invisible waves bloomed on her body.


Power swept over.

Returning from the astral shuttle, Ancient One slowly opened his eyes.

Immediately met the expectant eyes of Wang and Mordo.

“Supreme Wizard, how is the situation?”


Facing the two attentive people, Ancient One just shook his head calmly.

“How could it be–”

“You are not…”

Wang and Mordo’s faces changed suddenly, as if they heard something incredibleNews, their eyes almost popped out!

Do they know!

This time, Ancient One went to another dimension to try to find the Eternal God.

Suspecting that the GOC was a force from other dimensions and related to SCP anomalies, he went to the Eternal God for a solution.

The result…

Nothing was found?

According to the magic book, the fluctuations on Ancient One’s body just now should have been in contact with the Eternal God!

Could it be that the Eternal God also knew nothing? !

The guess that flashed through their minds made them open their eyes wide.

“Don’t think too much.”


“We guessed wrong, the GOC organization is not from other dimensions.”

Ancient One shook his head.

On the surface, he was comforting Mordo and the others.

But in his heart!

He was far more horrified than them.

The Eternal God’s reply was… No…

Not only the GOC organization!

Even the Foundation could not find any trace of their existence in the eternal time.

As if it was erased from the space and time of countless dimensions.


While forcibly probing inside.

Gu Yi also felt that the Eternal God seemed to groan, as if he had suffered some internal injuries.

“No… Impossible…”

“That is the original power beyond the universe, a real abstract concept…”

Gu Yi shook his head.

She used the means of astral projection to personally go to the origin to meet the Eternal God. It was not the projection of His power, but the real, indescribable Eternal God who represented the universe and time!

How could He be injured.

Or was He injured because of probing the timeline.

It must be that he had sensed it wrong.

Gu Yi shook his head, but the panic and uneasiness could not stop fermenting in his heart.

“Quick!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Go and get all the mages out to repair the defensive barrier of the Sanctuary as much as possible,”

Gu Yi shook his head.

Forced his thoughts to get back on track.


There was no time for her to think about these miscellaneous things. []

Look up and look at the screen.

There is not much time left for them!

[Countdown: 16 hours and 34]

Different time and space dimension

“Help… Help…”

After experiencing the destruction of the embers of fire again and again.

Constantly switching between life and death.

The collector, who has repeated this countless times, has completely given up struggling.

He is too lazy to waste energy even controlling the energy of the universe and suppressing the flames burning on his body.

He just lies in the void like a rotten.

Let the flames burn on his body.


Quickly enter the next stage of resurrection.

Anyway, struggling is useless. Working hard and exhausting a lot of energy, it only suppresses the burning speed of the flames. It does not improve the outcome of the matter, and cannot escape the fate of being burned to death by the embers.

Fortunately, he gave up struggling.

He placed all his hopes on the reinforcements.

At the beginning, he still had the energy to curse SCP-1428-1 and viciously planned to get back at him.

But! After being tortured for so long, the collector who had been beaten up completely gave up the idea in his mind.

If…Give him another chance.

He would never provoke SCP-1428-1 even if he was beaten to death!

Those SCP anomalies are all monsters!

The collector regretted it in his heart. He must have lost his mind. Why did he have to collect these ghost things when there were so many things to collect? He was just asking for trouble…

The cycle of life and death never ends.

Just when the collector was about to give up struggling.


Invisible waves bloomed in the void.

Gao Tianzun, who used the ability of walking in the void and telekinesis to cross countless different dimensions.

Finally! Here we are!


“How did you get so miserable!?”

As soon as they met.

Gao Tianzun couldn’t help but take a breath.

Since he became the founder of the Council of Elders of the Universe and reached the pinnacle of cosmic power.

This was the first time he had seen the collector so embarrassed.

“That Golden Crow? Is it so powerful?”

The corners of Gao Tianzun’s mouth twitched slightly.

The horror of the SCP anomaly was far beyond his expectations.


The relationship between the two was obviously extraordinary.

Gao Tianzun didn’t delay for long, and soon put away his nonsense and started to help.

Mind projection!

Influence on reality!

Cosmic energy!

Various powerful forces bloomed.

Combined with the powerful strength of the collector himself.

With the joint efforts of the two top universe powers.


After a long time of tossing.

Finally suppressed the embers in the collector’s body.


It was their power that worked.

Or it was the Foundation that successfully contained SCP-1428-1 and completely sealed it off, which led to the lack of embers’ stamina.

It’s hard to say.

In short.

The collector could only comfort himself that the matter was finally over.


“. New SCP anomaly!”


The collector grimaced in pain, and due to carelessness, the embers that were suppressed in his body jumped up again.

“Just be quiet!”

Gao Tianzun couldn’t help but twitch his mouth, a little bit uncomfortable.

At least!

For a short period of time!

The Collector can’t move around, he can only recover from his injuries!

As for the SCP anomaly?

Gao Tianzun slowly raised his head.

Even in the deep and far away dimension of the main plane, the clear screen can still be seen in the sky above.

In the picture!

The clock ticked.

The minute hand and the hour hand were very firm.

[Countdown: 3 hours and 21 minutes]

Metropolis City

“Crick, are you okay?”

Bruce looked over with a worried look.


The relationship between the two is a bit complicated.

But! When Superman was injured, Batman’s concern was absolutely the most sincere!

“No, it’s okay!”

Superman shook his head, his face a little pale.

Just now!

When CSP-1428-1 existed.

The solar power in his body was lost as if it was siphoned away, which did make him feel a little uncomfortable.


After the Foundation personnel were dispatched to contain SCP-1428.

His body was obviously much better.

In his body!

The ability to absorb the power of the sun was restored again.Here it comes!

He could feel the yellow light of the sun gathering on him.

The injuries will heal soon if he gets some sun.

“Thanks to the Foundation (Mah Zhao) Association.”

A look of relief appeared on Superman’s face.


“Thank you Foundation!”

Bruce nodded as if to agree.

But the eyes below seemed to be thinking about something.


Think of a way…

Let Creek have strong combat power without relying on the sun…

SCP-1428 has fallen into the hands of the Foundation.

Batman, who is suspicious by nature, cannot accept that his greatest weakness is controlled by others.


Creek is now the strongest combat force of the Justice League!


“It seems that there is not much time left.”

Bruce raised his head and murmured in a low voice.

The numbers on the screen made him frown.

[Countdown: 0 hours and 25 minutes]

Countless people are worried.

New GOC! Global Occult Alliance! It touched too many people’s hearts.


Before they could implement their ideas.

A new shock was imminent.

[Ding! Countdown to zero! ]

[Exposure: The thirteenth contained object SCP-076 Abel! ]

[Albo root, nothingness! Two brothers in the Bible, twins of Adam! Second son! ]

Appeared in the video.

It is a rock cube SCP-076-1, and the humanoid individual SCP-076-2 in it.

It looks like a simple picture.

But it made the entire hemisphere on the other side of the ocean boil!

No matter what!

The Bible! God! Christianity!

It has always been the most popular existence on earth, especially in the other hemisphere on the other side of the ocean.

Countless countries have similar beliefs.

The gods they worship may be different.

But the Bible remains unchanged!

“God! The first human created by God! The second son of Adam, the father of man, has appeared in the world!”


“God really exists!”

The roar that was almost like a groan resounded through the sky in the Vatican. .

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