Chapter 011: How can this treasure kill people? Blink and you die?!

“You can’t judge good or bad by appearance…”

Nick Fury was just about to express his opinion.

The next moment.

Lewd Egg’s expression froze in place, and he felt bad.

[Exposure: SCP-173 Statue – The First Work]

[Danger Level: Euclid]

[It has life and is aggressive. It will break the neck when people are not prepared! Only when you look at it will it remain still and stay still]

[Stare at me and don’t blink~ You must not look away~ Otherwise I will break your head~]


Who can tell him!

What does this not blinking mean?

“Could it be…”

“What he meant by taking advantage of people’s unpreparedness is the time gap of blinking?”

Thinking of this terrifying puppet statue rushing over to him to lock his throat and break his neck, Nick Fury couldn’t help but shudder.

It’s not just dangerous.

But this terrifying picture itself is a kind of visual damage.

Looking at the scary puppet on the screen, and comparing it with the panacea that cured diseases before.

Nick Fury’s expression became even more rigid.

How can this treasure kill people? And they die in the blink of an eye?

Isn’t this treatment too different? !

Nick Fury, who originally equated the containment with special treasures, felt that his worldview was a little broken.

After losing the panacea, he was trying his best to make a comeback!

Mirror space

“Can’t look away?”

“Will you be killed if you look away?”

Mordo frowned. Although he successfully got a panacea, he still instinctively didn’t believe it when he saw this description. It was obviously just an ordinary statue, which was just a little scary at most.

“This is not magic!”

Mordo shook his head, but out of caution, he decided to stay in the mirror space.

No matter how weird it is.

It’s impossible to cross into the mirror to attack him, right?


“Isn’t the description of this thing too outrageous?”

“Isn’t this too metaphysical? Will you stay still if you look at it?”

Tony shook his head.

Science told him that metaphysics was not credible.

But the health data of the body that recovered after taking the panacea could not deceive people, so Tony could only believe it with suspicion.

But to say how scared he was of this statue was pure nonsense!

No matter what, it was just a concrete statue. Tony, the scientific research boss, saw through the building material at a glance.

The appearance was quite scary.

But concrete determined its essence.

No matter how weird it was, a shell didn’t need to be too strong. The palm cannon on his armor could easily blow the concrete into pieces. The sculpture was blown to pieces. What’s the point of twisting the neck no matter how weird it was?

Caliber is justice! Cannon is truth!

Tony, who was in the late stage of fire phobia, was a loyal believer of the turret cult.

“Using this sculpture to scare people is a bit too disrespectful to science.” Tony shook his head helplessly.

The panacea saved his life!

No matter what he said about the Foundation, Tony was definitely grateful in his heart.

No matter…

ThisThe things exposed for the first time seemed a bit too ordinary.

It was really inconsistent with the Foundation’s domineering declaration, or… it was out of character.

Just as Tony shook his head secretly.

The picture displayed on the screen changed again, and the content of the broadcast made Tony’s eyes widen.


“You dare!”

Tony roared and clenched his fists, and the veins on his arms exploded.


The doll that was originally alone in the corner of the room suddenly disappeared.

The scene changed.

Directly came to a crowded street.


It should be said that it was a crowded street.

The road that should have been busy with traffic was filled with flowing blood everywhere, leaving a vacuum area.

On the ground…

There were a large number of corpses with broken spines.

A quick glance at the scene showed that the number was unclear, and this was because of the time. It was a time when there were few people. If it was during the peak hours, the bodies would have piled up into a small mountain.

In the corner of the street, a strangely shaped puppet stared at the screen.

SCP-173! The original!



Scarlet blood dripped from its hands and gathered into a pool of blood on the ground. A figure lay on the ground beside it. There was no sign of struggle on the surface of the corpse, only horror on the face.




But in Tony’s eyes, there was only anger: “I will get rid of you! In the name of Tony Stark!”

Endless anger made him furious.


“Turn on the search system, I want to locate him as quickly as possible!”

Watching the tragic death of innocent civilians, Tony seemed to have something awakening in his heart.

“Is that the Empire?”

General Ross’ pupils shrank, and he recognized the Empire’s style based on the scattered signs on the street.


He obviously had no chance to get out since he was trapped in prison.

That’s right!

He was accused of military crimes for attempting to use sub-nuclear bombs in a busy city, and he was almost dragged to a military court.

“It’s a pity that there is only one-third.”

Ross gritted his teeth in hatred.

One-third, and it was a panacea in the form of powder. It was not difficult for the military to keep him safe, but wanted to get out without damage? That’s not so easy.

“It’s all because of those damn mutants!”

Ross slapped the wall angrily.


Song girl looked at the tragedy on the screen, and there was some pity in her eyes.

“Don’t worry!”

“We’re almost there!”

Wolverine’s deep voice soothed her heart.

[Brothers, please send some free flowers to support us. Thank you. If you have any plot direction you want to discuss, please leave a message in the comment area]

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