Chapter 132: Odin in SCP?! The Excitement of Quantum God!

[Exposure: The fifteenth contained object SCP-343 God! ]

[Object level: safe! ]

The light curtain slowly lights up.

From pure black to color.

A small room appears in the picture.

It is not big, but it is fully equipped with various household appliances and full of traces of human life.


The smell of fireworks?

It is completely different from the “cage” style that was used as a cage and separated by metal walls before.

It is more like a small nest where some human beings live.

The decoration has a bit of British style, and there is a very blazing fireplace burning on one side. The flames on the firewood release heat to the outside, baking the whole room warm.


A figure appears in the field of vision.

Sitting casually on the sofa, it is obviously the owner of this room.

The characteristics are obviously male.

But in terms of race, it becomes vague, and it is difficult to make a final conclusion. There is no race human figure.

[SCP-343 is a male, of no particular race, but apparently omnipotent, possessing near-omnipotent powers, and having a favorable impression of humans, and containment has proven impossible…]

[Given the popular nickname “God” by some, he looks like an elderly man, but his appearance obviously differs from observer to observer.]

Two simple lines of subtitles.

But the crowd watching the screen was filled with a turmoil in their hearts.

“God? God? Could it really be the God I imagined?”

“It must be! Didn’t you see the subtitles saying that he is almighty and has almost omnipotent power? If this is not God, then what is God? There is actually a God in the SCP anomaly, this is really… Thai pants hot!”

“Oh my god… This is too exciting, right? It has shocked me for a whole year!!”

“Oh~ Lord, you are finally willing to bow your head and have mercy on your lambs in the mortal world…”

“Don’t cry at the wrong grave upstairs! This is obviously an SCP anomaly, what does it have to do with your God Yahweh?”


On the Internet, various comments were flying.

Even foreign netizens who are not very keen on the Internet left messages on the comments.

The swarming number of people instantly caused the network to crash again.

Don’t forget!

Christianity is the largest sect in the world!

Regardless of their respective doctrines and beliefs, the common belief of all branches is basically God.

And now!

The Lord in their hearts! Almighty God! Suddenly appeared before their eyes!

It is no longer a shadowy figure that appears behind other SCP anomalies, but appears right in front of us!

SCP-343 God

The content on the screen is so clear that it cannot be ignored!

Countless atheists, the things they hold on to in their hearts, collapsed instantly at this moment.

God has appeared clearly in front of us.

Still talking about atheism, that’s too ridiculous! It’s clearly a dead duck’s mouth!

This day!

It’s a carnival for Christians! !

Some people are happy, of course some are worried, and some are shocked.


“How is this possible?!”

“How could the SCP that came this time be “Him”?!”

NiNick Fury’s pupils shrank, and his dark face was filled with shock and horror.

The corners of his mouth moved, and his face twitched, as if he had encountered something unbelievable.


He had no prejudice against Christians.

He had no opinion on the belief in God.


God should not be here!

“How could it be Him…”

Nick Fury murmured in a low voice, just like Xianglin Sao, his eyes were blank, and he kept repeating.

SCP-073 and SCP-076!

The appearance of Cain and Abel, and the power they displayed.

All of them proved that God existed in SCP, and the status of that SCP God was – the Supreme Godhead!

They had seen the projection of the Supreme Godhead several times.

They knew the horror of this power.

Ordinary SCP divinity, in front of the Supreme Godhead, is not even qualified to carry shoes.

Although it is just two more words, the increase is far more than one order of magnitude, at least separated by an infinite universe!

Most of the SCP divinities are broken stars, which are the strongest in the universe.

And the Supreme Divinity?

A ray of light from the Three Brothers of Death can bring a universe to an end…

A base point from the Broken God can assimilate the universe into a mechanical structure…

All of them are just a sneeze.

An existence that can make the multiverse tremble!

And now!

The SCP anomaly they are facing is to jump directly to the Supreme Divinity? !

“This, this, this…”

“God?! Supreme Divinity?!”

Nick Fury muttered for a long time, his lips moved for a while, but he didn’t say a word.

His heart was filled with shock.

The King of Agents can also be confused sometimes.

“Supreme Divinity?”

Ancient One frowned, his tone was a little hesitant.

I always feel something is wrong.

She has been in close contact with the light of the Supreme Divinity!

SCP-343 gave her a feeling in the picture that was a bit strange and seemed to be missing something.

Hesitation gradually turned into certainty.


“Not the Supreme God!”

Ancient One shook his head, his expression was very firm on his cold face.

She believed in her inner perception that SCP-343 was definitely not the Supreme God.

At least, it shouldn’t be now!

“He is just an abnormal SCP God… but… maybe he is very strong…”

Ancient One murmured in a low voice.

His eyes fell on the record of the exposed text [Almost omnipotent], and his expression was a little solemn.

From beginning to end!

The content on the exposed screen.

Basically non-existent. An example of exaggerating facts and false propaganda.

All of them are completely realistic, and have always been known for their rigor, so many people secretly think that the internal operating mechanism of the exposed video may be some kind of unimaginable intelligent brain AI.

The rigorous style can make many scientists feel familiar.

In other words…

Whether SCP-343 is a supreme deity or not.

The powerful strength He possesses is an iron rule that cannot be questioned.

“The omnipotent “God”…”

Gu Yi’s tone was faint, and his voice was empty.echoed in the temple.

“Is the SCP anomaly that appeared this time called “God”? ”

Odin frowned.

A strong fear appeared in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that the Asgardian Protoss was the only prosperous Protoss in the Nine Realms, and the other Protoss had disappeared in the long river of history. He didn’t expect that a “God” would suddenly appear.


It was the “God” that was exposed in the video and concluded!


The suffix is ​​- God!

The real god?


The legendary God Yahweh?

Odin’s eyes were filled with golden light, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

If, there is a place for God in SCP.

Then is it possible…

There is also a god called Asa Odin in the SCP anomaly?

Ordinary people who eat melons are just watching the show, just like watching a grand stage play.


For the strong on Earth, or even in the universe.

They were not so calm, their hearts were surging wildly, and countless complicated thoughts flashed through their minds.

In their respective minds, they weighed the possible impact of SCP anomalies.

As the strength of SCP became more and more terrifying.

Every unknown SCP that came was undoubtedly a terrifying shock to the original world.

This is the tide of the times. If you can’t step on the tide, you will be swallowed by the torrent!


No matter what they think in their hearts.

The pictures in the exposed video are still playing smoothly and orderly. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[SCP-343 can bring pleasure to personnel, reduce the negative impact of psychological depression, and improve work efficiency…]

[For ordinary people, SCP-343 has no malice, and likes the presence of people around, the feeling of companionship, and the personality is free-spirited, but tends to be “kind” and indifferent to external things as recognized by the public! ]

[If you are lucky enough to see Him! You can try to make a wish to him, and it is likely to be fulfilled. 】



SCP-343 leaned on the sofa.

Holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, wisps of hot steam rose from the surface of the cup.

The overall feeling was extremely comfortable.

The nervous heart was instantly relaxed.

SCP-343 had a faint smile on his lips, and his burning eyes seemed to be able to penetrate infinite dimensions and see the onlookers who stayed on the screen and stared at the picture without blinking.

It was like, in the invisible, a cross-dimensional gaze occurred.

“No, no, no…”

“I almost felt it wrong.”

Wanda shook her head.

She took this vague feeling as her own illusion.

How could it be!

How could the other party see them…

The SCP anomaly that descended before was also extremely powerful, but still knew nothing.

It must be an illusion.

Wanda pursed her lips and tried to convince herself.



These become the details.


SCP-343! It has come!

[Exposure ends]

[It has come: SCP-343 God]

In the picture.

SCP-343, who was tasting coffee, suddenly raised his eyebrows.

As if he sensed something.

He shook his head helplessly, took a sip of coffee, and then put the coffee cup on the table.

Elegant and calm.

After he finished his action.

The power of advent finally began to cover SCP-343.


Before disappearing, SCP-343 faced the close-up of the screen, with a slight smile on his lips, as if he knew what was going to happen next, and smiled at everyone.

It flashed and disappeared quickly, as if it was just an illusion, and few people noticed it.


Dr. Manhattan obviously saw it.

And took it to heart.


“Smile at the audience who are watching the content in front of the exposure screen?”

“Is He saying hello?”

Dr. Manhattan murmured softly, and a soft voice sounded from the corner of his mouth.

The smile left by SCP-343 before disappearing.

It really looks like it was intentional, as if he knew what was going to happen, so he greeted everyone first.

The people in the picture realized that they were being observed.

And, they actively conveyed information to the outside of the picture.

It was like breaking the fourth wall.


“So interesting!”

If other people noticed this, they might feel unspeakably terrified.


For Dr. Manhattan.

It was only interesting!

His eyes lit up, emitting a burning gaze, as if he had seen a treasure beyond imagination.

A monotonous future that could be seen at a glance.

Finally, something different appeared, and this was what he was looking forward to!


“The God in the Bible?”

“It seems… a very interesting SCP anomaly…”

Dr. Manhattan murmured in a low voice.

Countless lights burst out in his eyes, and the power of connection bloomed to the limit.

This supreme powerhouse who returned from the “Restart of the Universe” and was called “Quantum God” finally got serious and burst out with his true strength.


There is a power that can make him face it.

Dr. Manhattan’s heart was filled with deep surprise.

This is great!


“This is too bad!”

Nick Fury’s eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

SCP-343 descended too quickly.

From the exposure video, they didn’t get much useful information at all.

Appearance, attributes, abilities, likes and dislikes, characteristics…

Without knowing anything.

SCP-343’s exposure has ended and entered the descending program.

A short time.

The information they can sort out is all a mess, not systematic at all, and cannot be determined.

It’s all a mess.


Lu Dan angrily slammed the table (Li Le’s), using anger to cover up the uneasiness in his heart.

SCP-343 is obviously a divine SCP creature, but the information they have obtained is pitifully small.

Apart from knowing that the other party is male and very powerfulStrong, with almost omnipotent power, nothing else is known, such little information is really too little!

The most important thing is!



From the appearance sketches reported by agents and experts, there are now tens of thousands of them.

Obviously, in everyone’s eyes, the other party’s appearance is different.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people…

The words that were originally just adjectives, at this moment, put on SCP-343, have become realistic content.

Vague and unpredictable appearance.

In addition, SCP-343 is suspected to have high intelligence and autonomous action…

The difficulty of finding the other party is undoubtedly geometrically increased.

The terrifying strength can also make the other party take the initiative, stay if they want to, leave if they want to, and cannot be controlled at all.

Once entering the downtown area of ​​the city, it will be an unimaginable natural disaster.


Two huge words appeared in front of me.

Lu Dan felt his eyes go dark. This SCP anomaly is definitely a big trouble!


“The target has appeared!”

Coulson pushed Lu Dan’s shoulder to attract his attention, and pointed to the exposure screen.

In the picture!

On the busy street.

Countless vehicles and people come and go.

The neon lights are on.

The lights are bright and the atmosphere is prosperous.

An old figure suddenly appeared on the street.

Not eye-catching.

On the ordinary appearance, only a pair of eyes are particularly attractive.

Vicissitudes and deep.

Like the Milky Way in the night sky.

Flowing with indescribable wisdom, people’s anxious hearts are instantly calmed. .

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