Chapter 137: God vs. God! The Battle of Creators!


“Do you think I’m a fish in the water?”

SCP-343 whispered softly.

Even though he was regarded as prey and target by the giant hand.

There was no trace of anger on his face, and his calm face was as calm as a well.


There was no fluctuation in his expression.

It was as calm as a spring in a deep pool.

“Do you need… help…”

Superman’s difficult voice sounded beside him.

The raging power burned in his body, and the extreme transformation of the sun’s yellow light was like a nuclear thermal reactor.

It pushed Superman’s power to grow continuously.

In the blink of an eye, he exceeded the limit and easily reached the level of star shattering.

Even though he knew his own strength, he was not even a firefly in front of this giant hand that covered the Milky Way.

But Superman still chose to stand up.

Practice the justice in his heart, even if he fell on the road of justice!


SCP-343 seemed to be amused by Superman, and the gentle smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly became more sincere.

He shook his head and chose to refuse.


“Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

“That… is just a projection of His power…”

“Let me handle it!”

SCP-343 smiled and spoke. He felt the breath of omniscience and omnipotence on his giant palm.

He is the pioneer!

He is also the creator!

He is the creator!

He is also the originator!

He is the first cause of the world, and he personally created all time, all space, all universes, all parallel worlds and all matter…

He is the incarnation of the abstract concept “God” in the original universe!

He is also the common source of all matter and spirit, the true source and origin of the DC universe!


It’s just a projection now!

It’s just a projection of the power of the DC God…

“Do you think I am a power of the same origin?”

SCP-343 raised his head.

With his nearly omniscient wisdom, he easily saw through all the truth.

He took a step forward.

He crossed the infinite void and directly reached the vast universe and galaxy.

Facing the giant hand that covered the galaxy, SCP-343 moved!

Just like the projection of DC God.

SCP-343 also slowly stretched out his hand.



As ordinary as an ordinary old man.

On the dry palm like a branch, there is the wrinkled skin unique to the elderly.

Like the annual rings of a tree.

Two palms, facing each other.

One big! One small!

The gap in size like a chasm makes it difficult to find an adjective to describe it.

The huge hand that covered the galaxy, with a width of 100,000 light years, was caught in the palm of the palm. Two hundred billion stars like the sun were like dust invisible to the naked eye in the giant hand.

Only a galaxy of the size of the solar system is qualified to be regarded as a drop of water.

And the opposite of Him.

is an ordinary palm.

Like every old person, there is nothing magical about it.

Just like this, across the chasm that no one dared to imagine, the two palms actually began to duel.

They collided with each other, but there was no destruction.The aftershocks of the ground vibrated, but the scene of the contact shocked countless people speechless, stunned, and froze in place.

“Blocked… blocked?!”

“How is this possible…”

The ghost widened his eyes, even the endless energy of nothingness could not cover up the shock on his face.

The green cloak fluttered without wind, rolling more exaggeratedly than the waves.

Showing his magnificent heart.

Possessed in the host, he directly occupied the main consciousness because his heart was too excited.

As the revenge spirit of DC God, he is also the incarnation of the anger of DC God.

Inheriting the power given by the creator, the Supreme, Ghost truly knows the horror and power of God…

Beyond thought and language.

Well-deserved Supreme!

Unrivaled Supreme!

Even if it was just a projection of power, as long as the DC God took action, there shouldn’t be anything, any existence, that could stop his power…

This is the inner cognition of “You~”, and he also believed it from the bottom of his heart.


The scene in front of him!

It undoubtedly shattered his belief.

The giant palm…

was blocked!

In other words, the power of the DC God has met a rival.

“It’s just an SCP anomaly…”

The ghost’s eyes were filled with horror and disbelief.

The pale face under the cloak really looked like the ghost!

It’s not even the supreme divinity.

Such an ordinary SCP divinity can actually compete with the power of the DC God.

Even if it’s just a projection of the power of the DC God, it’s too terrifying.

Eagle sauce!

Manhattan District!

When everyone turned their eyes to the great war in the universe.

No one knew.

On the surface of the small broken ball, there is a great god with unimaginable strength!

“An ordinary SCP divinity?”

Dr. Manhattan shook his head, and a playful smile appeared on his deep blue face.

The ring-dot symbol on his forehead lit up with a glittering glow.

Hydrogen atom!

That symbolizes the only thing Dr. Manhattan worships.

His pure eyes looked at the universe and the stars.

His ability to surpass the concept of quantum gave him almost omnipotent power.

Dr. Manhattan could feel that the SCP anomaly that came this time was definitely not just a divine creature!

He glimpsed another huge side of SCP-343.

Beyond all imagination and description.

An existence that transcends the original universe!

Nothing known or unknown can limit him.

The Almighty!

He who does whatever he wants!

The authority that is completely different from the DC God, but ultimately leads to an abstract concept with a high degree of similarity.

“Is this… just a small part of his… power…”

Dr. Manhattan said in a gloomy tone.

SCP-343 “God”!

He didn’t care. With the power of connection in his body and the means of quantum observation, he could easily crush the opponent.The means that have been demonstrated before, let him do it will only be better and stronger!


The real power in SCP-343.

Or rather!

The real body of SCP-343 made Manhattan’s eyes stagnate.

Even if it was just a glimpse, the content of quantum observation was enough to shock him.

Supreme Godhead!

Absolutely Supreme Godhead!

It is not weaker than the Supreme Godhead of SCP that has appeared before!

The most important thing is!

Dr. Manhattan can sense the state of the other party! It is in full bloom!

Not broken, not imprisoned, not disappeared…

But standing silently in front of the crown.

The state is intact, holding an unknown parchment scroll in his hand.

As if waiting for something.

The twisted lines interweave into several ancient characters.


Dr. Manhattan murmured in a low voice.

In the flash of quantum observation, he only read these two words.


He can feel that the other party seems to have noticed him.

The attention of a supreme deity… comparable to the DC God… or even stronger than the DC God…


“Interesting! It’s really too interesting!” (To read a thrilling novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dr. Manhattan lowered his head, smiled foolishly, and his face was filled with a bright smile.

Unexpected changes.

It didn’t make him afraid, but it made his dead heart finally stir.

Compared to an unchanging future.

The more chaotic, unpredictable, and complicated the future is… []

Dr. Manhattan is happier!


Would a person who was so bored that he wanted to die still be afraid of death?

If it weren’t for the unexpected restart, he would have returned to nothingness long ago.

“He… actually took action…”


The observer took a breath of cold air, feeling a little shattered.

SCP-343 is so powerful and has such strange power that he guessed that someone would definitely take action.

The observer thought about the Celestial Gods…

Thinking about the five great gods…

Even the Life Tribunal had a fleeting glimpse in his mind…

But only!

He did not take this person into consideration!

DC God!

The creator and creator of the endless universe, the well-deserved creator, the first cause of the DC universe, the supreme god above all gods…

All kinds of high-sounding titles are stacked on his head, becoming an insignificant part of his title.

His power can be imagined!

He is absolutely great above the five great gods!

The God of Death who appeared before is completely incomparable to the DC God, and they are not characters of the same level at all.

The birth and destruction of the multiverse are just trivial matters to Him!

The level is so high that people look up to him, and it is not a product of the same level at all!

This is an unimaginable existence.

How could he appear for an SCP anomaly?

Even if the DC God only projected a ray of power, it would be shocking enough!

Being able to take action…

That means SCP-343 has caught His attention.


“Could it be? ! ”

The observer’s pupils shrank, as if he had guessed something.

Although SCP-343’s code name is “God”.


The text on the exposed screen clearly stated that 343 was called “God”.

And this supreme creator and the Supreme.

The name…

Also God!!


SCP-343 also calls itself “the creator of the universe”!

“Could it be that He felt that his power and authority were being eroded?”

“So he acted instinctively? ”

The observer’s eyes showed disbelief.

Scared by his own audacious guess, was DC God affected by SPC-343?

When SCP-343 compressed the parallel world.

Felt the abstract concept of “Emperor” emanating from Him.

Realizing that his power and authority were being invaded, he cast his gaze from the endless void and acted domineeringly…

The observer wanted to deny it.

Felt that this idea was too outrageous.


Besides that…

He couldn’t think of any other possibilities!

That was DC God, the real creator, how could he act because of such a small matter!!

The observer stared with horror, his heart was in turmoil, and he kept jumping back and forth about the truth of his guess.

He scared himself, he was almost scared by himself!


I have to say!

The observer’s guess , makes sense!

Infinite Void

“Another God…similar concepts…authority…”

Wearing a well-dressed black suit, holding a civilized stick in his hand.

Wearing a top hat and a mustache, he looks like an elegant gentleman.

It is the DC God!!

With a calm gaze, he looked at the infinite void. As the original creator of the universe and the first cause of the DC universe, there are many things in the infinite world that can be hidden from His eyes.

Even with his eyes closed, he can see everything.

He has been dealing with this giant beast.

Suddenly, he felt that the authority that he originally enjoyed was affected, as if it was eaten and eroded by small insects.

The DC God instinctively sent down a ray of power projection to “weed and kill insects” in the “wheat field”.


The result of the matter!

It seems to have surprised Him a little.

His power… was blocked…


“SCP anomaly? Foundation? Another God? ”

DC God frowned.

He sneered at these claims.

He still claims to be the creator of the universe?


Too ridiculous!

If this old man is the creator of the universe, then what is he, the DC God?



All time, space, concepts…

But they were all created by him!! (Qian Zhaozhao) How dare someone jump out and snatch the concept and authority of “God” from Him?

This is simply too ridiculous!

DC God wanted to laugh, but finally shook his head.

He originally thought it was a giant beast or some other mortal enemy, but he didn’t expect it was just an old man he had never heard of. DC God swung his civilized stick,Didn’t do anything else.

He disdains bullying the weak!


The abstract concepts of SCP-343 are quite interesting.

Supreme deity?


One who does whatever he wants?

Just when DC God was curiously studying.

The collision between SCP-343 and the giant hand also reached the final climax.


Also the creator of all things!


Also one who does whatever he wants!

Two forces that are of the same origin but completely opposite collide.

The authority of the “God” of the two abstract concepts interweaves with each other, and there is no earth-shattering battle scene.

Only the collision of interlaced brilliance.

One side transforms to the other side until it completely becomes the shape of the other side.

Abstract concepts, only species.


There can only be one!

And the winner this time surprised countless people!

The giant hand was gradually assimilated by the power.

The giant hand that scooped up half of the galaxy was forcibly assimilated into its own shape by SCP-343.

Originally sitting on the fishing boat.

High above, DC God calmly studied new abstract concepts.

Suddenly his expression changed slightly.

He sensed a power belonging to himself, which was quietly dying.

Competing with a guy of unknown origin…


It turned out to be Him?

The clown was actually me? !

DC God’s expression changed slightly, and he was a little bit overwhelmed.

The projection of his own power was actually assimilated by others and turned into the shape of the other party? .

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