Chapter 177: The Four Horsemen of Terror! The Six Gems of Thanos! The Last Hope of the World!

Starting from American comics

Volume 1

Chapter 177: Six-Gem Thanos! The last hope of the world!

The few superheroes just now have almost risked their lives.

There is only one goal, that is to control the huge, terrifying guy.


And now it is obvious that the Justice League, plus Wanda, have basically all been defeated by the terrifying “Gatekeeper”.

This guy is the archangel appointed by God Jehovah.

And the four knights in front of them are the people arranged by God to judge the world!

Tony, Ancient One, and Doctor Strange are all very clear about how difficult it is to defeat one of the four knights in front of them.


How difficult it is.

But they are the last line of defense of this planet!

They must not retreat!

There is no fear on the face of “War”!

He is War itself, he is the spokesperson of Jehovah!

He drove the horse under him, and the horse raised its head and neighed!

Then… the hooves of the terrifying horse seemed to step directly on the air!

Then it actually flew into the air!

Headed straight for Gu Yi!


Accompanied by an extremely terrifying explosion!

The magic circle created by Gu Yi in an instant collided with the “War”.

The attack method of “War” can almost be said to be simple and unpretentious.

It is completely different from Gu Yi’s flashy method that wanted to stain the entire sky!

He really just swung the extremely terrifying sharp blade in his hand!


Accompanied by a tearing sound that made people’s teeth itch!

The blade of “War”… seemed to be able to directly tear open the dimension and space!

Countless people were looking forward to the magic circle created by Gu Yi…

Will it have the strength to fight against the opponent?

However, the answer that was revealed immediately made everyone feel cold!

Ancient One’s magic circle collided with the long sword of “War” in the air!

In an instant.

The magic circle created by Ancient One…

It was even unable to withstand this sword!


After a loud bang, the magic circle instantly became like a piece of broken glass hit by a stone.

It broke into countless pieces in the air!

The flames in the sky all disappeared in the hands of Ancient One!

Ancient One fixed her eyes on the body of “War”, as if she had almost no surprise about the current situation.

Her beautiful eyes like stars slowly drooped.

“Sure enough… Just using this method, we can’t fight against the gods…”

But “War” is not like the enemies in the drama, who will continue to launch their attacks after you finish your lines!

The huge, extremely oppressive body is now facing Ancient One and others.

He started his charge!

Wherever he stepped on…

Almost everything turned into ruins and dust!

Gu Yi looked atThe knight in front of her was getting bigger and bigger.

She rubbed the magic circle again in her hand.

She said lightly.

“Gentlemen, it’s an honor to fight side by side with you.”

Then, countless energies came out in full force!

Fight against the arrogant knight together!

In fact, now they are resisting the “God’s punishment” and the knight.

It’s not just happening on this planet belonging to humans.

At this moment, wars are breaking out everywhere in the entire universe!

Vanguard Guard Mothership

A huge figure is standing in front of the watchtower.

He looked into the distance, where a planet was being ravaged by knights.

“Damn… Have we tried all our weapons now?”

“Yes… Sir, now almost all of our weapons that can be used have been used in this battle, but judging from the current feedback and situation, it is really not… ideal.”

The person standing next to him seemed a little scared, and said with trepidation.

“Damn it!”

The burly man in the lead suddenly punched the table in front of him.

He is Thanos.

When this crisis happened, he also had the same idea, running here to see if he could get something out of this crisis and get a share of it.

After all…

These storage objects are almost all super technologies that are simply unimaginable!

Or just some…

Ancient objects that only exist in legends!

Thanos knows very well that if he can really get these things in his hands…

Then for him, it must be an extremely terrible improvement!


Now he also knows that if no one can really take action…

This world is probably really like what Jehovah said.

Going straight to destruction!

Thanos looked at the picture in front of him and took a deep breath.

The exposed pictures in front of him are shocking him again and again, and he has conquered countless planets.

At this moment, he felt helpless.


Thanos knew very well the strength of Ancient One, Doctor Strange, and Wanda.

But they seemed to have no advantage in front of these messengers of Jehovah.

These three people…

Except for Doctor Strange, the other two are absolutely capable of fighting with him.

But it is obvious…

Even if they were facing the messengers sent by Jehovah…

They were simply powerless.

They could only struggle under the attack of the opponent!

Thanos sighed, turned his head and looked behind him.

That was the Infinity Gauntlet.

He turned around, took off the Infinity Gauntlet, and then moved his body.

“I never thought that there would really be such a day.”

He stared at the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, raised his head again, and looked at the sky. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“My original intention was to conquer this world and make all things in the universeAll of them are trembling in my hands, and at the same time, I want all living beings to sing my praises behind me. ”

“It’s just…”

Thanos said halfway, and then stopped talking.

The guy next to him seemed to understand what Thanos meant.

He didn’t ask any more questions.[]

Since these containments came to this universe one after another and were then contained by the organization called the Foundation, Thanos has begun to gradually lose confidence in himself.

This world and the universe… are gradually collapsing.

And he, Thanos, probably can only conserve his energy in the meantime.

But now the whole universe is going to be gone!

Conserving energy, isn’t that pure nonsense?!

“My lord… are you going to take action this time?”

“Of course, this universe will not just perish, it will not be destroyed like this!”

Thanos put on his Infinity Gauntlet and let out a long breath.

“Even if the final outcome of this universe is to be destroyed… then only I can do it! ”

“Go, tell the Void.”

“Now is the time to need them. If they are still hiding at this time… their lives will end here.”


Gao Tianzun and the Collector soon received the news from Thanos.

“This… this is not right. Isn’t it taking advantage of the situation to make these requests at this time?”

The Collector was terrified.

It’s not that he and Gao Tianzun don’t have fighting power, but to be honest, he and Gao Tianzun’s strength…

It’s really a bit not good enough…

If they fight against superheroes who are not particularly strong, they have no problem, but if they face superheroes like Ancient One or Wanda…

I guess they don’t have much chance of winning now.

“Damn it…”

Gao Tianzun muttered to himself on the side, looking at the exposed picture.

“Damn it! Damn it! Isn’t it there? ”

The collector, who was in a frenzy, noticed Gao Tianzun’s dumbfounded look, and came over suddenly, staring at the exposed screen like him.

“….. one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse… that is, Famine, is not far from us.”

Gao Tianzun nodded with some difficulty.

The horrible scene in the screen almost made him really dare not look at it again.

But in fact, the curiosity in his heart still prompted him to look at the screen.

The knight, waving his weapon…

It is very interesting that wherever he goes, it is different from “war”.

No matter how strong the herds are, no matter how fertile the land is, wherever he passes, it will become a wasteland in an instant!

It will become a ruin!

What he brings is hunger, poverty, and strange withering!

And now he is not far from the position of the collector and Gao Tianzun!

“Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! ”

The collector grabbed his head, his eyes almost bloodshot…

As an antique connoisseur and collector, the thing he likes to see most isis to collect all kinds of good things,

And this knight called “Famine”…

He won’t even kill himself directly, he will only take away everything that belongs to him!

Then let him lie in his despair…

Gradually die!

The collector can’t stand this the most…

You said you want to make him a poor and hungry person.

It’s really better to just give him a knife!

“Okay! Okay! Okay! Give it to him! Anyway, he will die… Let him try!”

Water Blue Star

Ancient One, Doctor Strange, and Wanda, who finally recovered and forced her body back to the battlefield, are still fighting with “War”. (Li’s) The opponent’s strength is really too strong…

Too terrifying!

It can even be said…

So strong that it almost makes people despair!

Doctor Strange just threw out the magic circle to limit “War”, but was chopped down by the long knife in his hand!

And along with his magic circle being cut off…

There was also the chaos magic that had begun to become extremely thin, and it felt that it was basically powerless to fight!

Tony had already tried his best to dispatch modern technology for output.

But in front of the gods…

Everything seemed so insignificant!

At this extremely tragic time, when it seemed that the whole army would be annihilated at any time!

The Ancient One, who had just been beaten back and was reorganizing his magic circle, suddenly raised his head.



Doctor Strange obviously had no time to deal with the other party, and returned without raising his head.

“He is coming… Give it to him, this may be… the only way.”

“He?… Who?”

Doctor Strange frowned.

But he quickly stopped his questioning.

He knew who the Ancient One was.

Since she said this…

She must have her plan!

Doctor Strange knew in his heart…

As long as the time is right…

I will naturally understand.

He didn’t say anything more, and used all his strength to support the attack of the guy in front of him!

And at this moment…

A strong figure in the distance.

was also approaching the battlefield quickly…

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