Chapter 065: Supreme Godhead! Tony’s Broken God Completion Plan? !

One spear! Punch through the virtual!

In other words, the other party at least has the ability to make technology regress to the steam age!

Permanently lock the upper limit of technology, unable to move towards the Internet age.

“A weak Foundation is so terrifying!”

“What if the heyday appears?”

“Moreover! Who can be sure that the information is true? The ability to turn time is mysterious in our eyes! In the eyes of the Foundation, it should be just like this? Who can be sure that the Supreme Sorcerer must be right?”

“Even if He is the only one at this stage, who can be sure that the power of the Foundation on other timelines cannot cross the barrier and appear? No one dares to take such a risk, even the most fearless and ambitious person!”

Nick Fury’s tone is dim.

With the power currently displayed by the Foundation.



It’s just a toy! – Not worth mentioning at all!

“They are just greedy…”

“Not stupid!”

Nick Fury shook his head.

He has dealt with those guys countless times, and he can still do the most basic understanding!

Gotham City


Bruce shook his head.

Although he is not a believer in personal heroism.


The power of the Foundation obviously shatters common sense.

After witnessing the spear that pierced through the virtual, even if you don’t want to believe it, you can only admit that the other party is terrifying!

As long as He is still there!

The Foundation is as stable as Mount Tai!

As for the high-level vacancies mentioned by the mages?

It will only make the Foundation more terrifying in the eyes of others!

Just the tip of the iceberg that has been revealed is already shocking, not to mention the mystery hidden under the water!

“Protect the Earth?”

Bruce whispered softly, his expression a little heavy.

In the complex moods of countless people, the Foundation has become more mysterious and powerful.

Especially in the eyes of some smart people.

The Foundation that has been “exposed” is even more fearful.

And as the center of the storm!

Holding a conical spear!

What about Lin Xiu, who is regarded as a god?


Lin Xiu has no idea what these guys are imagining after they have changed their minds.

He has been staying in the base quietly.

Waiting for the system feedback.

Lin Xiu knows nothing about these things.

If he knew.

He would probably just applaud and cheer.

Here’s the pen, you write it!

It’s so damn good at making up stories. He didn’t expect that the Foundation could be explained in this way when it disappeared.

I have to say it!

As expected of Master Ancient One, he has helped him many times, openly and secretly!

He is simply the “best foreign aid” of the Foundation!

[Ding! SCP-610 is successfully contained]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the controllable version of SCP-610 Abomination Flesh]

The system prompt sounded.

As expected, it was another containment that was infected and turned into a controllable version.

In the panel.

The flesh and blood meme exudes a hateful and twisted aura.

It was as if there was an invisible ray of light washing it. Although it was still full of the creeping of the proliferating infection, the disordered distortion had obviously stagnated a lot and became safe and controllable.

[Controllable version of SCP-610 Flesh of Abomination]

[Object level: Keter]

[With extremely strongInfectious skin diseases can spread to the whole body in a short period of time. After being completely infected, it will enter the restart state. After the restart is completed, it will become a deformed body. The flesh and blood deformity develops various twisted forces…】

[With the deformed area as the core, it continues to infect outward to form an infected area. Inorganic matter cannot escape the infected range. This is a natural disaster covering the world, twisting and crazy… It is extremely weak to fire resistance! 】

[The holder Lin Xiu can control the direction and range of its infection, and control the direction of the development of the deformed body…】

“The proliferation and deformation of flesh and blood creatures?”

“A natural disaster that infects the world as a unit?”

Lin Xiu’s eyes moved slightly.

He quickly locked on to the actual effectiveness of SCP-610.

The second one has too much impact and is easy to overturn. Even he is not willing to use it casually.

But the first one…

Control flesh and blood, directional deformation cultivation?

“Zombies should also be a kind of flesh and blood creatures, right?”

Lin Xiu blinked.

It feels that the zombie army in his hand can develop some new directions.

His eyes moved slightly.

He glanced at the Black Light Tyrant standing next to him like a statue guarding.

Before Lin Xiu had time to think more.

The system prompt sound rang in his ears again, doing his duty like a silent guard.

[Ding! SCP-610 is contained! Do you want to start drawing the eighth contained object to be exposed and descended? ]


Lin Xiu nodded, and caught the overflowing information from the radiating light.

“Is it her?”

Lin Xiu’s eyes moved slightly.

I didn’t expect to draw this contained object.

To some extent.

This can be said to be the first humanoid contained object with self-intelligence.

“The drop location?”

Lin Xiu frowned, stretched out his hand and waved, pulling out a miniature projection of the map.

“The most suitable place for her…”

“Of course it’s this place!”

Lin Xiu’s eyes were slightly cold, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

He pointed with his right hand.

Direct lock!

Stark Tower

“JARVIS, calculate the loss–”

“Yes, sir!”

A large amount of data torrents poured from mid-air.

Under the holographic projection, a high-tech picture appeared in front of him.

Miniature models of various mechas.

One by one, they were formed and disassembled in the picture. If there were a genius who was proficient in mechanical manufacturing here, he could even find out the general way of building “Ultron-1” through detailed disassembly diagrams.

It is not impossible to try to reverse the production.

“Total loss 27%”

“Energy consumption 64%”

“The structure is 39% incomplete”

“Is it allowed to use materials in the resource library for replacement and repair?”


Tony stood on the arming platform, while letting the mechanical arm disassemble the armor on his body, he responded.

“Replacing and repairing… The estimated repair time is 17 hours!”

“17 hours?”

Tony shook his head and glanced at the countdown on the sky.

“It’s still in time!”


Before Tony could breathe a sigh of relief, a siren suddenly sounded in his ears.



“Unknown program discovered! FoundUnknown program…”

“Unknown structure invaded and infected, unable to repair downward, repair forced interruption! Please instruct!”

Woo woo woo——

The flashing red light, combined with the mechanical alarm flute.

Gives a strong sense of uneasiness.


Tony frowned, the surface looked relatively stable.

“Jarvis, details!”

Tony tapped the screen.

The internal disassembly of the mecha was instantly magnified dozens of times, reaching the point where every detail was visible.

Among the countless similar parts.

Tony, with his sharp eyes, finally found the difference.

“That is…”

“What? ! ”

Tony looked at the scene in the mecha in front of him, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes.


He was already the top scientist on Earth.

Not to mention other aspects, he was definitely the top in the mecha suit.

Not inferior to the interstellar level!

Tony originally thought that nothing could surprise him, but the disassembly of the parts in Ultron-1 in front of him made him widen his eyes and reveal an unbelievable look.

Originally, a piece of program he didn’t recognize suddenly appeared in the mecha he built by himself. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Not only in the soft control program.

Even on the mechanical structure, a piece of something he didn’t recognize appeared inexplicably.

“Jarvis, check for possible infection!”

Tony vigilantly disconnected the network directly and tore the network cable with one hand.

“Yes, sir! ”

A huge stream of data burst out in front of his eyes, turning into a green ocean of 1s and 0s.

For a long time!

Finally it slowly stopped.

“Sir, there is nothing abnormal, the program has no infection effect!”


Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

He was barely relieved and continued to explore inside.

“Instinctively completing upwards, almost instinctively devouring other machines, repairing itself and sublimating into a more efficient mechanical mode, just like… like it has been broken, what is it completing? !”

Tony murmured uncertainly.

He was sure!

This is not his original program.

Among the three thousand mecha troops, only these three machines have this special change.

In a short period of time!

He can already feel the earth-shaking changes in the internal parts of these three Ultron-1 mechas, the performance has increased by at least two times, and it is still iterating.

“It’s even more perfect than the new version I preset? ”

Tony pulled a sketch from the table in shock.

It was the design template of Ultron-2, with only a general outline, and the details were still being refined.

“Could it be…”

Tony’s eyes moved slightly, as if he had guessed something.

If there was something that he couldn’t control, it would only be the Foundation!

When they “restarted the world” and used that weird machine to replicate Oz.

Although all the life forms were ejected.

But the mecha troops were stranded inside because they had no life. It was only during that period that he lost control of the mecha troops. This was the only time when an accident could happen!”Is it really related to the Foundation?”

“Some higher-dimensional power infected the mecha without my knowledge?”

Tony frowned.

After pondering for a long time, he didn’t come up with any clues.

He shook his head and simply stuffed it up: “Jarvis, put these three mechas in the bottom storage room, cut off the power and network, and clear the surrounding metal products…”

“Yes, sir!”

The order has been issued.

But looking at the countdown on the sky, it kept jumping.


Tony’s steps of leaving suddenly paused.


“Slow down for a while!”

“Other mechas, all refer to them for the second-generation upgrade”

“Analyze those self-complementary mechas, use them as a blueprint… to build Ultron-2…”

Tony sighed deeply.


No one waits!

He can research the second generation, but it will take a lot of time!


He can completely use the mecha to complete the program and develop a stronger version! Save time!

It is equivalent to having countless top mechanics helping him to deduce and build!

“Protecting the world… requires power…”

Tony clenched his fist and made up his mind.

In the ear!

It seemed that he could hear a faint sound coming from the void.


The fit of machinery and gears?


“There needs to be something else.”

Tony shook his head, and the blank look in his eyes became clearer.

To this unknown power.

He was always wary and had to introduce another force.

Holding Howard’s relic letter.

Tony made up his mind.

“Jarvis, help me send a text message to Lu Dan. If he doesn’t accept it, I will go it alone…”

“Yes, sir!”



“Received a message from Tony!”

“He wants to study the Cosmic Cube… and find the power to protect the world from it…”

Coulson came over with a serious expression.


“How does he know this thing!”

Nick Fury’s pupils shrank, and he instinctively doubted everything.


“Is it a relic letter left by his father?”

Coulson scratched his head.

After all, this token was sent by him personally!


Nick Fury frowned, as if he was recalling the glorious years in the past, with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes.


Coulson raised his head.

As the second generation of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Lu Dan’s mind.

In this turbulent era, Lu Dan had already told him most of the secrets, just in case something unexpected happened, which would lead to too much information interruption and the collapse of SHIELD.


Nick Fury frowned.

The Cosmic Cube is one of the six Infinity Stones in the universe, corresponding to the most fundamental space power in the universe. The Space Stone is absolutely an indescribable treasure!

The power of Captain Marvel is inextricably linked to this stone.

On a large scale.

The value of this stoneEven higher than the Earth itself!

Under normal circumstances, with Nick Fury’s personality, of course he would not let go!

Want to snatch something from him?

No way!!


Nick Fury raised his head, and the countdown on the sky kept jumping, like the countdown of the god of death.

Then think of the clamorous remarks on the Internet.

“Want to give it?”

“Give it!”

Nick Fury’s single eye flashed with determination.

No choice!

Earth! Need its own strength!

To some extent, he and Tony reached a consensus.

And the strength and development potential of the mecha force also gave Lu Dan strong confidence.


Maybe it’s another way!

Pocket space


Lin Xiu, who was sitting at the desk, waiting for the arrival of the containment, raised his eyebrows with a surprised look.

“You said, SCP-682 is restless?”


“But it has calmed down now!”

The special operations team handled the progress in an orderly manner.


“Uncle 682 must be too lonely to make a fuss, let Peanut go to accompany it.”

Lin Xiu said “understandingly”.

Anyway, the “cell” is next door, so it is easy to visit.

Under the controllable version of the suppression, there is no external force involved, and safety can still be guaranteed, and there is no need to worry about overturning.

Before Lin Xiu could say anything else.

The countdown that kept jumping finally stopped.

[Countdown to Zero]

[Exposure: The eighth contained object SCP-053 Little Girl Eight].

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