Four Skills for All

Chapter 431 Li Xin’s guess

Mr. Tang and Li Xin walked out of Li Yuan's room.

Seeing that Mr. Tang had no intention of leaving, Li Xin stopped worrying and said, "Mr. Tang, go sit in my room."

Mr. Tang nodded and followed Li Xin to his room.

These two people can be said to be Moxiu's two most important elders besides his mother.

There is no need to say more about Mr. Tang. Since Mo Xiu awakened, Mr. Tang’s shadow has been there every step he takes.

As for Li Xin, Mo Xiu didn't have much contact with his grandfather, and it didn't take more than a year to even recognize him as a relative.

But Mo Xiu truly felt his grandfather's love for him.

Let’s not talk about grandpa’s response to requests, but let’s talk about that incident with the Ouyang family. Grandpa directly confronted the Ouyang family for Mo Xiu.

This kind of pampering was something Mo Xiu had never experienced since he was a child.

Mo Xiu didn't say anything, but he was still very moved in his heart.

Now that the two of them were in the same room, if a fight broke out, Mo Xiu really didn't know who to help.

It was Li Xin who spoke first.

"Mr. Tang, how are you? Can we talk now?"

Mr. Tang shook his head and said, "You can't say that!"

Li Xin was a little angry. Isn't this a joke?

"Mr. Tang, I don't understand what you mean. Don't you want to say it?"

Mr. Tang smiled and said, "I called your grandpa Lao Li back then, but now he is no longer here. Alas, it's a pity."

"Mr. Tang, you don't have to move my grandfather out if you don't want to, right?"

Mr. Tang took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Li Xin.

"Look at this, it's signed by your grandfather."

Li Xin took the piece of paper. It was a simple agreement, and it did have grandpa's name at the end.

There were very few words on it. Li Xin read it several times. The more he read, the more frightened he became, and finally he screamed in shock.


Mr. Tang said calmly: "Although it is a bit inhumane, your grandfather agrees with Li Yuan's matter."

Li Xin asked in a low voice: "But when Li Yuan was born, my grandfather was no longer here. How did I choose Li Yuan?"

Mr. Tang held the end of the piece of paper and said, "Did you see it? Your grandfather was not the only one to sign, but there were others. Li Yuan was chosen by me, so I feel indebted to her."

"But, Mr. Tang, why these families? What's the basis? Could it be! Could it be that Old Man Tianji calculated it?"

Mr. Tang nodded and said, "Yes, do you still want an explanation now?"

Li Xin rolled her eyes and said, "If that's the case, I really don't have any complaints. It's just that I have suffered a lot from Li Yuan."

"Yes, or are you trying to persuade Li Yuan to get married?"

Putting aside her grudge, Li Xin completely relaxed.

"My little girl is very stubborn and I can't persuade her. Wait! If that's the case, wouldn't Mo Xiu..."

Mr. Tang said: "That's right and no, Mo Xiu will tell you the specific situation with the answer."

Li Xin said: "I understand, I keep saying this, but actually I want to ask about the situation on the beast side."

"I'm not very clear about the situation on the beast's side. They have stopped negotiating with me, and the Ape King and Fox King are watching me too closely. I can't enter the beast's territory. As long as you know that a war will start at any time, alright."

Li Xin nodded, thoughtfully.

"So are you ready to take charge of the overall situation when you come back this time?"

Mr. Tang smiled, somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"How can I take charge of the overall situation at such an old age? My health is no longer good, and few people will listen to me when I am old. The banner of mankind has been handed over to Mo Xiu a long time ago, but he has not realized it before. .”

When it comes to Mo Xiu, Li Xin is a little proud. His grandson has never disappointed anyone.

"Then what do you want to do when you come back this time?"

Mr. Tang stood up, walked to the door, and said, "Burn the last oil in my body to make my final contribution to the Central Committee."

Li Xin didn't answer and watched Mr. Tang leave.

According to Mr. Tang, this time may be the last time he comes back.

When he lowered his head and saw the paper in his hand, he realized that it had not been returned to Mr. Tang.

Li Xin immediately chased him out, but Mr. Tang was gone.

I could only take this piece of paper and return to the room, sit on the chair and read the contents on the paper again.

“Bloodline continuation agreement.

In order to continue the high-quality bloodline, descendants may be selected from each royal family for continuation. "

Only these words were written on such a dated piece of paper, and the rest were a dozen signatures.

Because of the passage of time, the signature was a little blurry, but Li Xin still saw his grandfather's name at a glance.

Li Xin read this sentence five times before he understood what it meant.

When I first saw it, I felt baffled. Isn’t the blood of the Li family high enough? How does it look like a compromise for a better bloodline?

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that this was to select the best people from the royal family to continue the bloodline.

There is only one possibility for this bloodline, which is the strongest group of people in the past.

Behind Wushang was the group of people leading the royal family.

Grandpa once said that the royal family was chosen by God to protect mankind, and there are also a group of people who are the chosen ones, and they are the real strong ones.

In other words, Moxiu is likely to be the continuation of the bloodline of these people. If you think about it further, is it possible that he is the descendant of Wushang?

All records related to Wushang show that Wushang was a saint who had no wife or children in his life and only did things that were beneficial to mankind. He was somewhat similar to Mr. Tang.

But isn’t it beneficial to humanity to leave offspring for all mankind?

Moreover, when Li Yuan disappeared, it was planned by Mr. Tang himself, and it was very likely that he was Supreme.

If Supreme had a successor and was passed down to this day, even this war would have a greater chance of winning.

Looking at Mo Xiu again, the six skills that caused a lot of fuss a while ago are not restricted by the system. All kinds of skills are available. This is not even something that the royal family can do.

If this is really the case, no wonder Mr. Tang. This is not only Mr. Tang's responsibility. The Li family has signed on it, and the Li family is also responsible.

It was necessary for Mr. Tang to keep it secret. No matter who Mo Xiu was from the original generation, this was the top secret and it was impossible to tell Li Xin from the beginning.

Now Li Xin just feels a little ashamed of Li Yuan, and all other grudges in her heart have been put aside.

But I'm still a little curious about who Mo Xiu's father is, and based on what Mr. Tang meant, which lineage he should be a descendant of.


On the other side, high in the sky.

Mo Xiu didn't know about the Li family's affairs. Li Ling'er was currently fighting with Zhuge Zhong, and he had no chance to tell Mo Xiu that he saw Mr. Tang at the door of Li's house.

The few people did not hurry and tried their best to enter the beast's territory in the best condition.

By noon, Moxiu and his party landed in a remote town.

The clothes of the few people were all fine, relatively low-key and not too conspicuous. It shouldn't be a big problem if they pretended to be tourists passing by.

So a few people walked in generously.

Except for Mo Xiu, who covered his face, otherwise he would be recognized.

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