After letting the three panda guardians send Huandu Luolan away, it was already late at night outside, Li Han looked around for a while, and there was silence outside the courtyard.

He closed the door and turned back to the futon where Fang was sitting.

The cup of chicken soup was empty at the moment, and all those medicinal herbs had been eaten by him, and today it was too late to ask in detail, and another day I would ask his good sister Huandu Luolan where those medicinal materials were buried in the Poisonous Emperor Mountain.

At present, what he has to do is to add to this newly saved experience point.

The improvement in physical attributes is very stable, just from the physical strength, the only attribute that adds two points.

Li Han's improvement is very considerable, although he will not be tired to death after working for a day when he adds a little, but there will also be a feeling of collapse after work, but when he adds two points, that feeling completely disappears, and now Li Han has not experienced what it feels like to be tired for a long time.

Moving hundreds of pounds of stone tables in the yard like now, all day, it is not difficult at all, it is just a little sweaty, this is still under the premise that Li Han is very hard.

Choice is important:

1 - physical attributes plus points.

2 - Special skills (emotions) plus points.

The first point, although it is impossible to escape the category of ordinary people, but in the long run is very terrifying, attribute bonus is not capped, now Li Han plus one or two points is enough to reach the peak of the prime of ordinary humans, according to the urine of the system, after each point may bring a doubling of the increase, if you keep adding physical attributes, when you add to three to four points, it is probably the degree that ordinary people cannot understand, and then the sanctification of the flesh is not an impossible thing.

Second, there is an unknown risk, after all, it is a worm, and it is unknown whether it can be controlled if it is hatched in the body, but if you add points, you may be able to open up some extraordinary power.

Combined with Li Han's current situation, it is not suitable for him to fight steadily, there is not so much time, now up to the emperor of the Southern Kingdom, down to the five poisons and taibaoquan have been offended by him alone, now it is for the sake of the face of Huandu Luolan's body, if this thing is unraveled in the future, even if Li Han's relationship with Huandu Luolan is now good, I am afraid that it will be difficult to end well, if you can, you still have to seek a way to get out as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Han looked calm.

Add a little love!


the system was covered, Li Han's lower abdomen suddenly surged with a warm and cool breath, as if there were clouds lingering, and he looked down.

A sickly purple color lingered around the belly, and the night could not block its brilliance.

And in that purple color, at the core is a silkworm chrysalis or something, originally only as small as a fingernail, slowly expanding until it is the size of a finger.

In the process of its growth, Li Han could obviously feel that something strange emanated from the inside of the affection, spreading all the way to the bloodline and to the ends of the limbs.

He only needed a little mental control to transfer this breath out of his body.

[Honmei Love LV1: The body of ten thousand poisons is generated, and the progress is 5%. "

The body of ten thousand poisons!"

Li Han was surprised!

This is the ultimate study of the Southern Poison Emperor Huandu, which gathers all the known poisons of the Voodoo Country and turns them into its own demon qi, supplemented by the unique practice luck of the Huandu family that has traversed the southwest for 10,000 years, and cultivates diligently, fast is hundreds of years, slow is thousands of years to have a small achievement.

Note that the Heart Sutra is required to cultivate the Ten Thousand Poison Body here, but Li Han's system can be generated directly with the addition of points.

That old monster had practiced for thousands of years to achieve great success, and Li Han's side only needed to add a little to reach his five percent.

When the body of ten thousand poisons is cultivated, it can resist the general poison, when it is small, it is not afraid of the poison of the world, and when it is completed, it can let the poison turn into a solid form, within the six paths, among the five elements, once invaded, no one is spared.

Now that Li Han, who has reached five percent, is temporarily far away from Xiaocheng, he can at least be regarded as entering the hall.

He raised his hand, and the deep purple aura spread from all over the meridians to his skin, and he pointed slightly.

The old locust tree in the courtyard was breezy and blowing.

He tried to draw this breath out of his body and guide it all the way to the old locust tree's body, and then a crackling sound sounded, and both the leaves and branches shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the last gust of wind blew, only an extremely shrunken and thin trunk remained of the originally strong locust tree.

Many monsters in the southern country are still easy to use these means, but all the monsters who have tried to cultivate highly poisonous and lived for decades, their demon power is enough to do such a thing, not to mention the five poisons on top of this, they are all with unique skills.

However, you must know that cultivating poison skills is a very time-consuming and laborious thing, the poison emperor of the southern country has practiced for tens of thousands of years, and today's achievements are the peak of the ten thousand poisonous body Dacheng, those adventures needed in the middle, understanding of this kind of things Li Han can be directly omitted.

The benefits of practicing poison skills are also very obvious, when encountering guys who are not particularly strong but can't fight in frontal hand-to-hand combat, using poison skills to sneak attacks can often achieve miraculous results, and in addition to the five poison taipo in the southern country, not all monsters practice poison skills and have a certain resistance, at least the guys who guarded Li Han before did not.

This means that even without the incident of Huandu Luolan, Li Han can no longer be so tired in front of many monsters below the demon king.

"In this way, it can be regarded as having a certain self-preservation ability, and the rest is to increase the speed of earning experience points, and add a few more points to the affair in a short period of time."

Li Han smiled slightly.

He could feel that there was something in his abdomen, and it seemed that after adding a point, the originally silent love seemed to come to life, like a spring silkworm ready to fade.

Huandu Luolan told him that the opportunity to bring herbs to him today was that when he was in the palace before, her father and emperor once said that it was not an overnight thing to practice the poisonous body, and the southern royal family must cultivate the corresponding physique in advance, otherwise before the poison skill was cultivated, he would be poisoned and died, which was a little embarrassing.

The same is true on Li Han's side, only by obtaining something similar to this kind of opportunity can he cultivate the corresponding exercises, otherwise it is impossible.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another week passed.

Southern Imperial Palace.

Huandu Qingtian hammered his back, and in front of him was a poisonous man in a red robe.

"Your Majesty, in this case, you can do it?"

"Well, I have taken out the love trick in Luo Lan's body with a secret method, so that she will no longer be affected, but... That kid and Luo Lan seem to have been very happy recently.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister knows what to do."

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