Heavenly Dao plus point system.

As the name implies, as long as you accumulate experience points through cultivation, when the experience points reach 100%, you can add points according to your own attribute panel.

Because Li Han only practiced the sport of moving bricks at present, which was also considered a type of exercise, he still did not know what the difference between different cultivations was.

Whether it is practicing swords or practicing spells, he will gain more experience points.

[Host Li Han: The properties panel is as follows.] 】

【Note: All the attributes of this system template are reorganized with the standard attributes when the host loads the system, and all subsequent property panels are dotted for the system, which has nothing to do with my basic attributes.] 【




Skill:There are no skills that can be added at the moment.】 When

he first crossed over, Li Han's thin skin and bones, not to mention moving sandbags, that little capital can break his waist even if he moves a stone.

But there was a system, and it took him three months to move bricks to save up three experience points, and then added points to strength and stamina.

One point of strength allows him to move hundreds of pounds of things like a strong adult

, and two points of physical strength makes him feel tired at all for a day's heavy work, and even can finish the day and then do an all-nighter, and now he feels as strong as a cow.

Lately, he has shifted his attention to the head of the youkai who is guarding him, and he is calculating that the fourth month is approaching, and his experience points are almost full, and whether he can punch the guy's head with a little more strength, and then find a way to leave this place.

The prison of the southern guards was a hollowed out mountain and stored in a cave, and rooms were dug up on both sides of the long rock wall, dark and damp, with torches inserted next to them.

"Brother Hanzi, thanks to you today, otherwise the old man will definitely die in the hands of that guy."

"Liuzzi, what are you talking about, the dog can't spit out ivory in its mouth, don't keep all those unlucky things, what can't die."

The stench in the prison was pervasive, like stool that had been fermented for a long time, and a few black guys with only almond-eyed ren'er were squatting next to Lin Yu... Of course, Li Han's current image is not much different from theirs, with his crazy long hair unkempt, like a wild man.

"I was telling the truth, How, Xiongzi, you still want to make a move on me?"

Liuzi was as thin as a monkey, and suddenly slipped behind Li Han, and the man named Big Bear glanced sideways at Liuzi when he saw this.

"Liuzzi, I found that your kid has really become more and more arrogant recently, has Laozi not made you recently, don't you know how ruthless?"

"Heh, you dare to bully and bully me, do you move Brother Hanzi to try?"

"Laozi..." There

were four people living in this cell, and before Li Han came, it was this strong man named Xiongzi who had the final say, and Liuzi had to feed this guy first every time he cooked, and then he dared to serve himself a bowl.

Later, after Li Han turned from another cell because of a fight and trouble, Xiong Zi him, and Li Han kicked this hundred-pound strong man on the ground, and covered his stomach for most of the month, after that, he saw Li Han and did not dare to let go.

"Shut up for me."

Li Han frowned.

When Xiongzi and Liuzi heard this, they immediately obediently closed their mouths.

The old man in the day was lying in the corner, his mouth closed one by one, very weak.

"Old man, what do you want to say?"

Li Han asked.

When the old man heard this, he took a breath and waved his hand, and Liuzi hurried to hold up his body, and after a long time, the old man eased up and sighed slightly.

"Brother Han, you are a good person, old man, I was caught on the southern side... Fifty years old, just sixty this year, a full ten years, when I first came, I was still thinking about how to escape back..."

As soon as these words came out, the other two subconsciously looked along the wooden fence of the prison, the dimly lit cave outside, the monster guard, the southern city wall, the more powerful monster guard.

Even if you go out of that wall, if you don't know the way, there is a poisonous miasma everywhere on this side of the southern country, and the monsters can't stand it, let alone ordinary people, they will die if they smell it.

Escape? Where to escape?

The old man's already deep eye sockets filled with dry tears, which was really unbearable.

"The old man's family is on the side of Shen Volcano Zhuang, originally a boatman who ferries in the Huaishui Bamboo Pavilion, but he went to a border town and was caught in this place, when I went out, the wife at home was still waiting for me to go back... However, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back now

..." "Over there in the Ichiki Dao Alliance..."

Liuzi sighed.

Xiong Zi heard this and said angrily: "One Qi Dao Alliance? The fart Dao League, his mother's, only knows to run over every day to shout slogans, send one or two Taoist priests who are not in the instrument to play prestige, even in the southern country does not dare to fly in, bomb or we are arrested flat-headed people, counting on them? "

Don't make the Yiqi Dao Alliance say so bullying and afraid that hard will not work... Well, they really didn't use it....

Li Han was also irritable.

At the beginning, when he met those Taoist priests flying in the sky, he also thought about whether he would be rescued one day, after all, they were full of temperament, and the whole thing was the same as the announcement before the Armageddon, as if one day he would pull a large army over to fight with this group of monsters in the southern country, but later Li Han found that he was really just moving his lips.

There is an old monster Huan Du who has lived for tens of thousands of years on the southern side of the country, and whoever sees him has to take a detour, highlighting two words, invincible.

For Skywalk... Oh, a fart way, with the spell of the One Qi Dao Alliance, it is easy to see under this wall, in addition to the monsters, there are people, if you can't save it, you will directly be humane?

Fortunately, there is a system, without a system, Li Han really has no hope at all, and moving bricks here will not be cared for.

The only pity is that I can't touch any cultivation laws or secrets now, and the only thing that can be improved here is the attributes of all aspects of the body, such as physical strength, strength, etc... The real role of the system has not yet been fully played, and it is really guarding the key to a golden mountain that has not opened the door.

"Rest well, old man, don't think so much, everything will be fine."

In this case, Li Han had to comfort the old man twice.

"Give me up! Taibao-sama has arrived! At

this time, there was a noise outside the prison.

The bat monster is holding a spear in front, followed by a 'man' in a red robe, but the overall form looks like a human, and through the strange light, you can see that the guy's face seems to be cracked, there are openings, and if you look closely, it is the eyes.

Li Han knew that guy.

He is the poisonous master of one of the five poisonous taipo under the Nanguo princess, and after Li Han was captured by a little monster, he was brought to him, and then he was taken all the way to the Nanguo side.

This guy, just by looking at it, you can feel the deep aura on his body, like an unfathomable black hole, which makes the scalp numb.

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