The awareness of fire prevention in this era is still relatively strong, an inn, people go out of the lights, only this room where Li Han lives is flashing lights.

The two sisters jumped up and went to the inside of the backyard and went back to the attic.

After all, it was the back door, and it was so late at night, Dongfang Huaizhu naturally hesitated a little, but there were priorities.

Bang bang!

"Excuse me."

"What happened when the girl visited late at night?"

There was a young voice in the room, slow and measured, and it sounded very elegant.

"Sister, this person's voice is so familiar."

Dongfang Qin Lan was slightly surprised, and whispered on the side.

Dongfang Huaizhu's expression was slightly moved when he heard this.

"Can you bother Gongzi to open the door first?"

"Huh? This...... In the middle of the night, lonely men and widows, not very good, I'm afraid there are faux pas.

"Hmph, who said it's a lonely man and widow, I'll accompany my sister."

"This... Okay, wait a minute.

Li Han was embarrassed to speak, and there was no expression on his face, he rolled his eyes, hid things like money bags under the bedboard, and tried not to make a move.

After a long time, he pushed open the door.

The fire in the room reflected the figure, wearing a robe and a scholar's crown belt, looking clean and neat.

Dongfang Qin Lan looked at the old man blankly for a long time, and Dongfang Huaizhu also stopped and stared, frowning slightly.

"You're not... The one between the feasts... Big brother? "

Ahem... The girl don't come unharmed.

Li Han smiled awkwardly but not politely, and secretly slandered in his heart.

What big brother, can't you call a son? Don't we look like a literate reader?

At this moment, he is indeed the same as Fang Cai, he is not wearing a cloak, he does not have the temperament of a down-and-out ronin, he wears a robe, a bunch of hair, eh... It was like a bookish temperament jumped on the paper.

Dongfang Huaizhu is well-informed, and he also knows that these readers love face, so he is at that table... Well, it's not good for readers to be exposed in person, but my sister's direct words are a little hurtful.

However, even if she came here, she did not come to get acquainted with this prince, so she could no longer delay time because of such a thing as human affection.

"Gongzi Fang has been in the room since he returned from the inn?"


"The movement is so big, I think what happened outside is clear."

Dongfang Huaizhu stared at Li Han's pupils.

Li Han unconsciously shrunk his body, his eyes showed a little fear, and he swallowed his throat.

"Fangcai... I heard that a monster has entered the town, is this true?

Dongfang Huaizhu smiled and said: "Gongzi, don't be alarmed, this matter has not been confirmed, my sisters have not seen any monsters here, maybe someone is strange and chaotic."

"No, no, no!"

Li Han quickly shook his head, causing both sisters to be puzzled.

"On the way back from our side, I heard someone shouting that the monster was coming, just over at the inn where we ate, I was afraid, when I ran to an alley, I only felt a dark wind blowing, so I found a place to hide, and then I heard a voice saying what five poisonous taibao, come to the town to arrest people and other words, I didn't hear it very real, anyway, it didn't look like the people and ordinary people in the Dao League, and then I secretly ran back when the people were far away."

"Nanguo, Five Poisons Taibao?"

Dongfang Huaizhu looked surprised, she had been to many places since she was a child, and she could be described as well-informed.

Any demon king-level existence is a reputation that shocks all directions, and I don't know who the five poisonous taibao of the southern country is, but it is rare to see it on weekdays.

It seems that this scholar does not lie.

First, the few people who died were indeed poisoned and died, and the only thing that could create this death in such a short time was the poisonous skill of the Southern Kingdom, and secondly, to prepare for the worst, if this scholar was sent here by the Southern Kingdom, then it would be even more impossible to reveal this information with these demon exterminators.

Fang saw that this scholar was alone here to hold the lamp, Dongfang Huaizhu still had some doubts, and now he had no doubts, he was simply afraid of monsters, afraid of death, human nature.

In this way, it can be asserted that this matter was done by the demon of the southern country.

"Alas... These monsters are too hateful, I want to be a scholar, but passing by here, such a thing happened, the two girls are so late at night, it's better to go back as soon as possible, don't follow those people to make fun, how can ordinary people compete with monsters?

Li Han was also a little unbearable by Dongfang Huaizhu's tentative eyes, so he made this decision.

He had long recognized the two sisters.

The fox demon little red lady handsome guy he is not familiar with, and the beauty he is so precious.

Don't get me wrong, he is very honest, very pure, not colorful, looking at beautiful women is just out of appreciation, in order to please his mood.

Having said that, Dongfang Qin Lan is easy to deceive, but Dongfang Huaizhu is not so easy to deceive, as the eldest daughter of Dongfang Guyue, the owner of the Divine Volcano Zhuang, walks the rivers and lakes, and her intuition in all aspects is very keen, so that she is eyed, there is no benefit.

Fortunately, the poisonous master has indeed come to the border area to arrest people, Li Han is not completely framed, people are a big demon king, manly husband, what wind and waves have not seen, what is wrong with a little slander and grievance?

O man! Don't be careful!

are all acquaintances, all are friends, now Li Han, this friend is in difficulty, what's wrong with pulling brothers?

Don't say it, others are not there, Li Han will call the shots for him, and he will carry the black pot!

"With all that said, the two girls should rest well, and I will go to bed early."

Li Han quickly closed the door with both hands.

The two sisters glanced at each other, and then, Dongfang Qin Lan's small hand pressed on the door frame.

"Why is that?"

Dongfang Huaizhu said: "Gongzi, this matter is important, since you heard it, you must not stay out of the matter, what Fang Cai said, tomorrow you also need to remind everyone that if the monster really comes to the town, the life will be ruined." "

Huh? This... I...... I'm going to leave tomorrow.

Dongfang Qin Lan said angrily, "Oh, what are you doing in such a hurry? You all know that the monsters are coming to the town to rob people, and you don't care about the people in this town?

"I want to manage... But I'm just a reader with no chicken power, and without that ability, I... I'm afraid of death, and those good men with knives want me to prove something, what if I say the wrong thing and cause everyone to be angry?

Li Han looked timid and said this sentence naturally.

The two sisters in the east were stunned, and Dongfang Qin Lan raised his eyebrows, quite hating iron and steel: "You!" You are a man..."

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