Dragon City.

"Princess, it's time to go back..." There

was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

Inside the house, Huandu Luolan took a deep breath, the tip of her nose was slightly sour, she got up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was the Panda Elder of the Southern Kingdom, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

This is the mansion where Li Han lived before.

Nowadays, he is not invincible, but he has been in the front yard, rarely has time to come back to see, and at most he spends the night at the Dongfang House.

Having lived here for a few months, the two of them have not met and talked as much as when they brought her here from the South.

"Uncle Yun.

"Miss Huandu.

Butler Uncle Yun lowered his head with a peaceful smile on his face.

Huandu Luolan smiled with difficulty, and immediately said: "I'm leaving today." "

Actually... There is still a lot to say, but in the end, there is only such a weak sentence.

There is no follow-up.

This may be nonsense, but... It was very uncomfortable in my heart, not to this old housekeeper, but to this courtyard where I had lived for several months, and... Someone who couldn't speak.

"Miss Huandu, this. Uncle

Yun held something respectfully in both hands, and when he got closer, he saw that it was the sculpture of Second Master Guan that Huan Du Luolan bought on the streets of Nanguo that day, and then it was damaged due to some accidents, and then she took it to Flying Dragon City together.

A few days ago, she thought about asking this old man to go to the city to find a craftsman to repair it.

After all...... I was embarrassed to send it at the beginning, but now I want to leave, I want to send it, I want to think about it or the original thing is better... Well, everything is better at the beginning, so tinkering is tinkering, at least, this thing can be fixed.

A tingling pain flashed in Huandu Luolan's eyes.

"Uncle Yun, no need, this is originally a gift I want to give to my eldest brother, just pass it on to him."

Uncle Yun smiled when he heard this: "This old boy can't be the master, when the young lady handed this thing to me a few days ago, it was the master himself who took it to repair it, saying that he would take it to Miss Huandu after the repair was completed, and if he was not satisfied, he would take it to repair it again."

Huandu Luolan lowered her head when she heard this, and whispered softly.

"He... Uncle

Yun nodded and said, "Well, the master has always been busy, but he said that even if he is busy, as long as Miss Huandu speaks, he must still inform him as soon as possible."

Huandu Luolan raised his head, his expression expectant, and his tone became a little urgent.


After a long time, she still lowered her head, looking at the panda elder on the side with a heartache.


the wind is the wind, if the rain is the rain, the whole southern country is ordered by the princess, there is simply nothing that cannot be done, even if she wants the stars in the sky, I am afraid that the old poison emperor will try his best to take it off for her, just like a spoiled child.

But...... It is such a princess, but she is so humble that she does not even dare to express it in words if she wants to see someone.

"Thank you, Uncle Yun, please also tell the eldest brother that Luo Lan is leaving, please him... Take care of your body. In

the end, Huandu Luolan still took the sculpture and held it in the palm of his hand, cherishing it as always.

Uncle Yun didn't answer, just looked at her with a kind smile, making her a little puzzled.

"Miss, the old boy understands that you don't want to cause trouble to the master, but there are some things that you don't say to your face, there will be no result, the old man is just a young man in his early twenties, his emotions are not like me, this bad old man, in many ordinary people think will be very excited things will sink, can not stir up a wave, it is the age of the graceful, flesh, if you don't say, he is busy and busy." "

Time changes many, many things for humans.

Many people are determined to become what kind of person when they are young, and what kind of things they want to do, the precipitation of time will fade the blood of the past, the joys and sorrows experienced will numb and throbbing emotions, in the big environment, return to dullness, return to life, this is a stage that most people have to go through.

It is also inappropriate to generalize with things like changing hearts or Yi Zhi, and it is also inappropriate to think that those who do not change can always stick to a path to the dark.

It can only be said that people will change is the norm, just like things have a shelf life, it is biological instinct to adapt to change, and it is also the instinct of biology to forcibly fight change, which is normal.

Therefore, if there is anything special to do, it is better to do it early, and after a while, maybe that thought will disappear.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Huandu Luolan listened and tears flowed unconsciously.

She was scared too.

Why is one's life so long, but human lifespan is so short?

Decades, hundreds of years of hard work for her is really fast, she is obviously bigger than her eldest brother, but she is still like a small child, under the care of her father and emperor for so many years.

The next

time, when I come back, when I see my eldest brother, what will he look like, will he become such a gray-haired look?

"I... I want to see my eldest brother, okay?"

"Of course, Miss Huandu."

Uncle Yun sighed.

He still remembered that when the old man handed this thing to him two days ago, he told him that it must be properly handed over to Huandu Luolan.

He knew the inside story, the master ran all over the streets and alleys, personally asked the best craftsmen to build, these things can actually be handed over to the next person to do, but the master did not do that.

Isn't there any other wild way to coax girls? This is the old man, you can't look at those bells and whistles at all.

He wants to be good to a person, he never goes through the formalities, goes through the scenes, and the trivial matters of life will give you the clear arrangement that you want to moisturize and silently.


Elder Panda was not easy to persuade again.

Li Han seems to be on the side of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and the envoy sent by the Southern Country this time is a poisonous master.

The five poisonous taipo removed the second, and there are still three left.

The old poison emperor has not asked about political affairs for a long time, and now most of the affairs in the southern country are all on the head of the poisonous master, and he seems to have been able to talk to Li Han before, and it is not appropriate to send others.

The attitude of the Heaven and Earth Alliance can be imagined.

It's always been tough.

And this time, it was the issue of the unification of the whole world that was discussed, the Western Regions were no longer considered, Fan Yunfei had disappeared, and the red refining fire dragon there had already brought his good friend snake Fire Ji to surrender after the last time he came to Flying Dragon City.

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