"Leave them alone and go on."

Simon Chuisha waved his hand.

He didn't care what manslaughter, today he took the three poisoned corpses to the side of the One Qi Dao Alliance, he had something to say, throughout the ages, in order to catch a monster, the slaughter of villages has happened repeatedly, not to mention that this is the southern border area.

The two Dongfang sisters were originally very puzzled, and after learning the cause of the matter from the bystanders, they were even more angry, what is the difference between this practice and setting up a private court.

After they revealed their identities, everyone was also very surprised, and the two eldest ladies of the Dongfang family actually came over.

However, it did not help.

The world is afraid of the Divine Volcano Village and the Oriental Solitary Moon, thirty years ago may still be able to sell their Dongfang family a face, now, this family has only two daughters, the broken family, what is there to fear, their most popular foreign chief disciple Jin Renfeng is not here, and who will care about the two of them.

"The two young ladies of the Oriental Family don't want to get involved in this matter, if Ximen Daxia reports this matter to the Obsidian Supervision Department, you Shen Volcano Village will only be difficult to handle."

"That is, the two Oriental Ladies still listen to the advice, this town is mixed with the internal response of monsters, and they have killed people, what a big thing, if they really have the intention to investigate, everyone will suffer."

"You rice buckets, you can't catch monsters yourself, take others out of anger, can you kill innocents like this? Stop me!

Dongfang Qin Lan's silver teeth were about to break, and she took the sugar gourd to sign and wanted to pierce a few holes in the guy who stopped her.

Dongfang Huaizhu took a deep breath, his eyes were cold, and his body trembled with anger.

At present, the wind of investigation on this side has also become the trend of the times, and everyone who comes to this town to kill demons and remove demons is afraid of being stabbed in the back by Leng Buding, and Ximen Chuisha, who is in the limelight, can no longer listen to any opinions.

Her every move involves the Dongfang family, and if she is angry at this time, it involves the Obsidian Supervision Department...

Li Han lowered the brim of his hat slightly, and he knew that his trip was probably for nothing.

At this time, seeing the tragic situation on the street, he also remembered what the poisonous master told him when he came.

He wanted to go to the human realm, and escaping from the demon realm was the easiest thing, because people were much more ruthless to people than monsters to people.

Especially these Dao masters, he had already experienced the strength of the Southern Country many times.

Unconsciously, from day to night, the investigation was carried out all night.

The number of people who died at the hands of Ximen Chuisha has reached more than thirty, and this is still for the sake of the two sisters of the Dongfang family.

In the rules set by the One Airway Alliance, people and demons are absolutely opposites, even if there are individual people and monsters fornicating, they must not be put on the table, and the matter of Ximen blowing sand is a matter on the table, if anyone can't get by with him, the three corpses are the best evidence to go to the Ichiki Dao Alliance, which even the two sisters in the East have no way.

These guys, who are known as heroes and good men on weekdays, are all soaked in blood in their hands at this moment, and their faces are particularly hideous under the illumination of the lights.

Li Han is also under investigation at the moment.

According to Ximen Chuisha, except for him and several figures with heads and faces in the Dao Alliance, as well as the two young ladies of the Dongfang family, everyone else is suspicious.

If you refuse, you are weak-hearted, and you will definitely be attacked by the crowd.

Li Han's gaze searched around, and there were people guarding both sides of the long line, in case someone escaped, and a dozen more people would arrive at him.

At this moment, his eyes looking at Ximen Chuisha in the distance revealed a trace of coldness.

"Brother Hanzi, Brother Hanzi..." At

this critical moment, Li Han's sleeve was suddenly pulled by someone, and he turned his face slightly in surprise.

I saw a thief's eyebrow-eyed face and a gorgeous satin robe.

It was his partner Liuzi who had worked together during the Southern Kingdom, and he learned that he had only visited this town today, but he didn't think that he would be arrested just after coming in, and he also thought that the travel expenses given to him by the poisonous master had not been used up, and if he was dashing for a few days, he would die a happy ghost.

"Brother Hanzi, I can be considered to have seen you."

Rokuko burst into tears, his voice was low, and he couldn't stop sobbing from hiding his face.

Li Han looked gloomy, looked around, and then pulled him into the crowd, and said in his ear: "When does the poisonous master plan to start?" "

I have a demon in my stomach, three shots are a signal, they are all waiting outside, Brother Hanzi, I still can't bear it, let them monsters in to kill our own people..."

Rokuko shrunk his head and looked around.

This was the first time he had seen so many Dao Masters, and he used to hear their voices coming from the sky when moving bricks.

"You treat them as their own, do they treat you as their own? Do you still expect them to help you get rid of the slug in your stomach? Look at the corpses on this street, do you want to die?

Li said coldly.

Rokuko shook his head desperately.

"Now, send a signal immediately, don't be afraid, I will protect you first when the fight breaks out later."

Li Han looked around, and everywhere he saw were people from the rivers and lakes holding magic weapons and people from the One Qi Dao Alliance.

That's why he didn't start.

Now it's a godsend.

"Okay, Brother Hanzi, I'll listen to you."

Rokuko nodded when he heard this, and then patted his abdomen.

Knock knock three times.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the crowd of people who were investigating were also moving forward step by step, and soon, Li Han was in front of Ximen Blowing Sand.

He held a charm and dangled it back and forth in the belly of a commoner, who at first gritted his teeth and then developed an extremely unbearable expression on his face.

Ximen Blowing Sand smiled coldly, and then increased the effect of the spell, and the golden light flashed.


Shi Tang's hand rose and fell, without the slightest hesitation, and hot blood splashed all over the ground and flowed on the soles of Li Han's feet.

When he approached a figure wearing a kasa and walked in, Ximen Chuisha raised his head and frowned, always feeling a little familiar.

This man... Is it the person who stands next to the two young ladies of the Dongfang family during the day?

Under the firelight, his face was smeared with a little carbon ash, but his eyes stared straight at Ximen Blowing Sand, unlike everyone else, without the slightest fear, even... Some Sen is cold.

Ximen Chuisha only felt a chill rushing down his spine, and he didn't know how strong it was.

However, he retracted his mind a little and scolded angrily.

"Look what look! Come here! The

man stepped on the blood-stained street, only wearing a robe, and even the stone hall where his hands were folded next to him and the tip of his sword was still dripping blood, could not help but glance up.

At this moment, someone shouted.

"Look, the monster is here!"

"It's a youkai!"

The black pressure of the sky was pressed, like a swarm, flying towards this side, and the entire town seemed to be caught in the net.

Yokai of the Southland.

At this point in time, it actually came....

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