Simon Chuisha's eyes were full of despair.

The hand holding the Snow Mist Imperial Fan fell to the ground, and the wind around him gradually became weaker, and finally slowly dissipated.

The poisonous mist that lingered around him all struck towards his body at that moment.

His eyes, mouth, nose, and ears poured in, and his body trembled continuously in mid-air, and the flesh and skin on his body quickly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yes... It's you..."

Simon Blowing Sand's mouth closed one by one, and a dry, old well-like voice squeezed out of his throat.

At the last moment of his sight, he saw an alley next to Long Street, and a figure walked out, and the fire of the house reflected his face.

The face of the teenager is not very old.

Under the hood was a pair of clear but cold eyes, he came by the quiet moonlight in the darkness, stepped on the blood-soaked stone road, his figure was tall and thin, and there was not a trace of footsteps.

Li Han squatted down and quickly groped on the corpses of Ximen Blowing Sand and Shitang.

In addition to the weapons and magic weapons of the two, they also searched for many valuable things, such as jade pendants and jade rings.

In addition, there are some Daomen charms.

These things are very convenient to use, and can be used as a one-time spell to cast, but the specific method of use Li Han is still unknown, those ghost drawing talisman things he can't recognize, and after going deeper into the human realm in the future, he can roughly know it by asking someone.

Don't look at these people all have talismans on their bodies, in fact, this kind of thing can only be used by rich people, often a charm costs a lot of silver taels, even if it is taken to sell, it is much more than the cash that Li Han gets now.

After Li Han came out of the alley, several people wanted to run this way, and he ran from another street in the opposite direction first, shouting as he ran.

"Youkai! The yokai is coming! The

situation was critical, and everyone was afraid of stepping on the thunder, so for the time being, no one ran to the street where Li Han came out, but chose to follow behind him.

Li Han's means of escape are undoubted, the basic addition of physical fitness is there, compared to ordinary people, it is still much better, and he quickly got rid of the pursuers behind him.

On the side of the town, those people in the Ichikido Alliance who fought against the monsters quickly showed a scene of decay, the number of monsters is too much, and it is indeed a bit of a fool's dream to rely on the current people who want to suppress it.

Moreover, it is now night, no more than day, the patrols on the side of the Ichikido Alliance are not so dense, the news is transmitted back, and it will take a certain amount of time to send people to reinforce them, and there will be no rescue for the time being.

"Six sons, six sons!"

At the time of the incident, taking advantage of the chaos, Li Han placed the sixth son in the corner of a private house.

If nothing else, people call him brother, they are all difficult brothers, and they naturally want to take him with them at this moment.

However, there was no response after a long time.

A hand pressed on Li Han's shoulder, and the expression on his face froze.

"See you again."

Before Li Han could make any moves, the poisonous master sighed: "Don't do it, since I let you go, I won't do anything to you, since that friend of yours is doing things for my southern country, naturally there is nothing to do, rest assured."

"What do you mean?"

Li Han did not let go of his heart because of his words, not because he did not believe, but because there was no reason to believe.

Based on the things he did in the southern country, the poisonous master was willing to let him go, it was already a blessing in misfortune, this kind of meeting again, can be regarded as a grace and a severance, he is a person, the other party is a demon, and there is no emotion to talk about.

"After you left, the princess said that if we bring someone to you to provoke again, we will not be spared."

The poisonous master looked slightly sad.

At that time, when the little princess said this, it was obviously brewing for a long time, after so many years, no matter what she did, she had five poisonous taipo to escort her, even if she broke the sky, she was also the princess of the southern country, the only daughter of the poisonous emperor, and no one would blame her for anything.

But since Li Han left, the little princess has changed, no longer as willful as before, always taking into account what the people around her are thinking, and personally making soup for her father to send over, and also bowing and thanking the five poisonous taipo who has been taking care of her, and her attitude is very sincere, as if she has changed a person.

The current Nanguo is not very different from when Li Han first left, at least the five poisons are up, and even the imperial uncle and the imperial princess do not blame Li Han.

"Get along with you for a few days, the princess now treats people and things for everyone to see, if you want to return to the southern country again, then go back with me at this moment, I guarantee that you are okay in the name of the Five Poisons Taibao."

"I don't have to worry about safety, but after I go back, will I still come out?"

Li Han smiled slightly.

He didn't believe it, the poisonous master had only appeared now, and when he turned his face, he found that in the cracks in the bricks and tiles on this street, there were spiders everywhere, and these small things were the eyes and ears of the poisonous master.

That is to say, how did he kill Ximen Chuisha, I am afraid that this person also saw it the whole time.

"Can you guarantee that you won't tell the Poison Emperor what you saw today, and I'll go back with you, how?"


The poisonous master was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head.

"Well, although I don't know what the love in your body has spawned, the princess has an order, so I can't force you to sell your personal love today."

Saying that, as soon as he pulled his hand, there was another person next to him with a cloth ball stuffed in his mouth, it was Liuzi.

"The love cheats in his body have been taken out, this time I came to your human realm to arrest people, there are so many young and strong, the number is enough, I don't want many."

Monsters generally need some young people to arrest people here, and these jianghu warriors are born with big waists, captured and tortured, and then installed one or two worms (since Li Han's incident, in order to prevent the same accident in the future, Huandu Qingtian is so required), all of which are good labor.

The demon tide comes quickly, and it retreats quickly.

The poisonous master stood on the roof and lifted his clothes, the golden light flashed, and the people in the rivers and lakes who were caught in the middle of the battle came from and were guarded, and after a slight negligence, they fell into fainting.

The demons below have arrested all those charlatans, and compared with these young and strong laborers, those people in border towns are really not enough, so they have not been arrested.

The sky will be bright.

Li Han asked Liuzi to go back to his inn first.

Because, he also has to prepare something to slip away.

However, the moment he opened the door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"If you meet a princess in the future, please say a few more beautiful words for me, and these should be gifts for you."

Sister flower in a coma on the bed, a letter on the table.

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