The tide of the cabin deck is undulating, and the moist breath pours into the bamboo pavilion.

The wind is light and cloudy, and it is a good season when the mountains are red.

"Brother Li Xian, I have something important to do, so I instructed the two disciples under my division to send you off."

"This... No need.

Li Han was carrying a thick bag full of silver money and personal items.

"If you encounter something in the realm of the Divine Volcano Villa, then the master will definitely not spare me easily after learning about it, you still quickly take the ashes of the old man in the family to be buried, and wait for you in the village for your brother to drink."

With a wave of his hand, two long-awaited disciples of the Divine Volcano Village outside the pavilion walked in.

Li Han glanced at the two people casually, and then said with a smile: "The most honored thing for me to go to the southern country this time is to get acquainted with such a figure as Brother Jin, and I hope that you and I will still have green mountains and green waters in the future."

"Well, the green mountains are still there, and the green water flows for a long time!"

The golden man Feng Tuo smiled, until the three of them came out of the Huaishui Bamboo Pavilion, his back gradually moved away, his face became gloomy, his face showed disdain, and he sneered.


The sound of beating leaves through the forest is endless, the dappled sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and the maple leaves stain the road red.

Standing halfway up the mountain, you can see a building similar to a mountain villa not far away, deep in the basin, surrounded by deep mountains and old forests, along this road can only be seen, a few miles away on the ground sitting cooking smokers, terraced fields.

Li Han knew the old man's name.

Intending to go to the inhabited place over there to inquire about the situation, the two disciples of the Divine Volcano Village he followed both had smiles on their faces and looked very enthusiastic.

"Are there no other houses around here?"

"Haha... Mr. Li, no, just that place, the owner of the Shen Volcano Village was originally built away from the people's residence, so as not to disturb the disciples under the door, we flew out of the mountain gate, but it took several miles to see the people.

Li Han leaned on the rock and looked around, the wilderness.

The two people standing in front of him also looked smiling.

"In this way, I see that it is not easy for you to cultivate, you are used to this poor and remote place on weekdays, if you are injured outside, I am afraid that no one will know, what can you do then?"

One of the disciples smiled and said: "Mr. Li, I don't know something, but whenever my disciples go out, they will carry some charms of the main sect, generally the master brother will be aware of it when he sits in the Zhuang, if someone has an accident or is injured, he only needs to activate the spell, and the senior brother can know for the first time."

The other disciple turned his face sadly and touched his hand behind him.

Li Han suddenly showed a very interested look, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Oh? Did you take that charm with you this trip? Can you show me?

"This... I didn't bring it, and it was a dangerous thing to send Mr. Li away, naturally it couldn't be the same as the usual mission, and the tracking talisman was also very valuable, and it would cost a lot of money to use it once.

The disciple nodded towards the man next to him, and the two of them moved forward slowly one after the other.

At this time, Li Han was lying on the rock and looking at the sky blankly, looking defenseless.

"Oh, so, then I'm relieved."

"What does Mr. Li mean by this? Although my brothers and I have no name in Shen Volcano Zhuang, they also know a little about the Dao, and they also carry a little demon destroying divine fire, if it is not for some fierce and vicious monster, my two still do not put it in their eyes, this trip to protect Mr. Li, you can rest assured.

The two disciples of the Divine Volcano Estate slowly approached Li Han, but their eyes were staring at the bulging package on his body, and their greedy gaze could no longer be concealed at this time.

However, the next moment, the bodies of both were frozen in place.

Wisps of purple qi spread from the soles of the two people's feet, all the way up, sweeping the blood veins of the whole body.


..." "Ah..." The

two raised their heads at almost the same time, their meridians suddenly turned purple, densely crawling all over the skin like earthworms, and their bodies were shaking violently, constantly withering and shrinking, as if they had been squeezed dry.

At this moment, the poisonous veins attacked the heart, they could clearly feel the pain of the body, but they couldn't say a word, and as far as they could see, they could clearly see that their skin turned a sickly purple.

I see! All understood! It turned out that the guy who was colluding to kill people in the town that Senior Brother Jin had guessed was the person in front of him!

Who would have thought of it! It is not some son of a prominent family in the One Qi Dao Alliance, it is this seemingly unknown scholar in front of him.

He would actually use the toxins of the Southern Kingdom!

The master brother just felt that spending money on this guy was too much of a loss, so he sent the two of them to ambush and kill halfway and bring everything back, anyway, no one knew about it later.

But who could have imagined!

This guy is the murderer who killed Ximen Chuisha and Shitang!

Li Han looked at the sky, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"The so-called water is difficult to receive, which is a gift that is sent, and there is absolutely no reason to come back. My golden brother seems to be doing something out of line, you say, yes. A


Say nothing.

The bodies of the two then fell, and two silent corpses were added to the ground.


Kamikakuso, at night.


The sound of a table knocking sounded.

In the dimly lit lobby, the light of the fire reflected Jin Renfeng's uncertain face.

"What! Haven't returned yet? "

Well, yes, Senior Brother, those two are afraid that they didn't see a lot of money, so they killed people and fled..." A

young man who looked like a bookboy waited on the side, holding a plate in both hands, and the mist of medicine was rising in the cup.

Halfway through his words, he saw Jin Renfeng press his finger to his lips, signaling him to silence him.

Jin Renfeng cautiously glanced at the paper window outside the door.

In any case, this matter was categorically unknown to his two junior sisters, and he could have openly explained that he had sent the two disciples to protect Li Han's thoughtfulness.

So the question is, what about Li Hanren?

At that time, according to the nature of Dongfang Huaizhu, he will definitely have to see the living people willing to give up, if the matter really reaches that step, if Jin Renfeng says that he does not know, this kind of words will fall into the ears of the owner Dongfang Guyue, I am afraid that it will also feel ridiculous.


Where is this, Shen Volcano Zhuang, are the disciples of Shen Volcano Village not even able to look at people near Shen Volcano Zhuang? This is as outrageous as the assassination of the leader of the Ichikido Alliance at home.

Jin Renfeng lowered his voice and said gloomyly: "Send someone to check for me, whether it is the scholar or the two people sent, I want to see people in life, and I want to see corpses when I die!"

"Yes, Senior Brother."

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