"Don't move! If you move, I will kill her. As soon as

the poisonous master wanted to lift his clothes, there were many eyes in his body, and if he opened them in an instant, he could release a strong light that was enough to make people faint.

This move is difficult for even a Daoist priest with advanced cultivation on the Human Qi Dao Alliance to resist, let alone this ordinary human laborer here.

But...... The guy was obviously very cautious, and he warned the moment his hand touched his clothes.

The poisonous master retracted his hand ruefully.

"Father! Someone here is bullying me... Whaa

"This... Good man, there is something to discuss, what is the skill of bullying a child, you might as well let the princess go first, and then let's talk about it well. The

poisonous master coughed, and immediately a flattering smile appeared on his face, which shocked the surrounding monsters, they had never seen their boss like this.

But...... No way, this is the princess.

"What is there to talk about, you and I know very well, if I release this princess, it will still be difficult to escape death, anyway, it will be dead in the horizontal and vertical directions, it is better to take this little thing on the road."

Li Han smiled grimly, and advanced a little more towards the spear on Huandu Luolan's throat, and the sharp spear surface cut Huandu Luolan's delicate skin, and a trace of blood slipped from her neck.


Sensing a trace of pain, Huandu Luolan covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes widened, and tears of fear slipped down one after another.

Li Han's heart was not angry for a while, he had no hope for this step, he had made a lot of plans, but he had been carrying it, and it had been like this since he crossed into this world.

If you want to rank a crosser unlucky list, he will definitely be on the list.

The poisonous man's forehead was bruised, he had ten thousand ways to kill this ant-like human, but this guy had the only bargaining chip that could negotiate with him, the demon king, and even stomp his face under his feet with his feet, and he could only smile.

The princess is in hand.

Even if Huandu Qingtian is here, if there are any clever means, I am afraid that he will not risk his daughter being harmed to use it.

"Eh... Hehe, boy, don't say it so hurtfully... I'm not malicious, you better put that weapon away first.

"I can't even guarantee my own safety, do you think I will keep her safe for you?"

Li Han roared.

"Don't get excited, everything is negotiable, and we will satisfy you on whatever you want."

As soon as the poisonous master saw that he was excited, the spear in his right hand planned to move forward, and he was immediately so frightened that he almost lost his soul, and subconsciously wanted to kneel on the ground... If this matter is passed back today, what will the Poison Emperor say that he doesn't even dare to think about it!

"Unless you have a way to tie my life to hers, she will die if I die, and I will release her, but think about it, this kind of thing can't be done, it's better to take her on my way now."

Li Leng snorted, and the strength in his hand increased by another point.

"Don't! Slow down! There is a way! The

poisonous master roared loudly.

This is called a fart negotiation, the kidnapper is going to take the hostages on the road before he finishes his two sentences, and when he encounters this kind of unfathomable guy, the poisonous master knows that if he hesitates for a second, he can start preparing for the funeral of the princess and himself tomorrow.

"Five, four, three..." The

voice like a death knell struck on the heart of the poisonous master, looking at the cruel smile on the guy's face, the poisonous master reacted instantly.

"There is a pair of lovers in the princess's body, you only need to eat one to live and die with the princess!"

The poisonous master shouted!

A cold, slightly pleasant voice sounded.

"You answered correctly, Lord Taibao, the princess can survive."

Plopping, the poisonous master held his head and knelt on the ground weakly, his eyes full of disbelief.

In just a few seconds, he felt like he had spent hundreds of years.

It's over... Unable to drag the Poison Emperor and the others over, he took it upon himself to reveal such important news to a human laborer.

The corners of Li Han's mouth raised slightly.

He almost forgot that there was still such a thing as poison on the southern side.

Although Huandu Qingtian's Ten Thousand Poison Body is not afraid of any emotions at all, and his daughter Huan Du Luolan has also cultivated that physique behind it, but when he was a child, that is, the current Huandu Luolan, there was no Ten Thousand Poison Body at all.

The love demon is effective, which means that as long as you eat a love demon in Huandu Luolan's body, Li Han's side will definitely not die before Huandu Luolan becomes an adult.

"What if you restrict my personal freedom?"

"It's impossible, the love is one, you can't take it out, if you are abused, the princess will also feel pain here."

The poisonous master shook his head in dismay, and when he looked up, he saw Huandu Luolan's little face full of tears of disbelief.

I'm sorry, princess... If you were more active when you were usually cultivating, you wouldn't be controlled by a human being now... It doesn't make sense to reason with this madman, save your life first, until you have practiced the body of ten thousand poisons in the future, I will definitely crush this damn guy's corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Li Leng smiled coldly, how could he not know what this guy thought, but he has a system, there is no shortage of anything, the most lacking thing is time, as long as there is enough time, he is afraid of a chicken.

He doubted the authenticity of the poisonous master's words, but he was relieved to think about it, the love trick here in the southern country is not a joke, it is generally used to limit what the beloved planted, to ensure the loyalty of the feelings, and it is really a common thing for people here to raise the cheat.

"Do you obediently hand it over yourself or let me do it."

Li Han glanced at Huandu Luolan and moved down to his lower abdomen.

Huandu Luolan's petite body trembled for a moment.

"Don't move, I... I'll come by myself, don't hurt me.

Saying that, she put her arm around Li Han's neck, and Li Han's pupils contracted subconsciously.

"Don't! Didn't you shout for love yourself? My father said that this thing can only be mouth-to-mouth... I can't help it, don't be angry!

Huandu Luolan was afraid and aggrieved, and cried out when she was frightened.

What the hell!

Li Han nodded, forgive this little girl can not set off any storms, he turned his head and said to the poisonous master: "You all disappeared from my sight." The

poisonous master gritted his teeth and waved his big hand, and all the monsters disappeared with him on the side of the city wall.

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