After these days, he naturally saved a little experience, and he has not added a little for the time being.

And the bracelet he got from Jade Xiaoshun two days ago came in handy at this moment.

【Leech Demon Bracelet:+1】

【Function: Wearing it can heal all trauma and heal wounds in a short time.


【New: Blood washing and cutting the pith. Unlike

the lover, the attributes of this bracelet seem to be pure equipment, and there are no skills attached to it.

But by adding points, it seems that this healing function can be taken further.

When Li Hanfang inspected the main body of Laozhuang, he found that there was a heavy poisonous gas stored in his chest, and these poisonous attacks using the southern country could be dragged out.

But what can't be governed is.

For more than half a year, Jin Renfeng has been drugging the old owner, and those toxins have piled up bit by bit, and because of the demon destroying god fire, the blood has not been eroded in the slightest, and the toxins have penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

It can be said that the bones of the old owner are completely that pitch-black color.

Fortunately, there is a system, and it can also add points to the magic weapon.

"Ah..." The

old owner's mouth closed one by one, his consciousness had already fallen into a coma, and the poisonous gas in his chest made his breathing very difficult.

A trace of purple aura gathered in the palm of Li Han's hand, which continued to spread and penetrate into Dongfang Lonely Moon's body, and soon after, the purple qi dragged a wisp of black aura out of Dongfang Lonely Moon's body like a cocoon.

His violently heaving chest gradually calmed down, and his breathing gradually became natural.

Then, Li Han breathed a sigh of relief and placed the bracelet on Dongfang Guyue's chest, and the turquoise fluorescent light continued to shine with the rise and fall of Dongfang Guyue's chest.

Not long after, Dongfang Guyue's body twitched, and as soon as the throat went up and down, a black ink-like fetid liquid oozed from the corner of his mouth.


Li Han couldn't help but say these two words.

He was also dumbfounded.

The leech demon family is really outrageous, in the original work, above Tu Mountain, there is a patriarch of the leech demon clan, it can be said that all the people or monsters who have a breath left, sent to her, can basically survive.

Not everyone can afford the four words of demon doctor, this kind of illness is terminal, deep into the bone marrow, and there is no doubt about death, through a bracelet of the leech demon family, it can also be easily treated.

In the future, if Li Han suffered any injuries here, wouldn't it be that the drizzle was simply not enough?


The house has been busy all day, from day to night.

A group of family masters were guarding outside the door, and many people showed tired faces, and they did not secretly say that the old man of Dongfang Lonely Moon could really support ah, and he was so able to support it when he was seriously ill.

Dongfang Qin Lan sat uneasy.

"Miss Dongfang, the Oriental Patriarch looks like this, I can't last tonight, I need to make plans early."

"Yes, I see that these people are not good at coming, Miss Dongfang, you should have planned earlier."

The two old doctors were not at all skeptical about whether Dongfang Lonely Moon could survive, but they saw that Steward Fei wanted to talk and stop, and they didn't know what Old Fei was thinking.

If it can promote a marriage, in the future, the King Power Villa and the Shen Volcano Villa are separated, but there is no male in this Dongfang family, what is yours and mine, it is not up to their hegemonic young master to decide?

Before this, fortunately, there was a golden phoenix there, that young man was quite valued by the Eastern Lonely Moon, and it was naturally difficult for the butler Fei to speak in this regard, and now that the golden phoenix is also dead, it is a great opportunity to merge the Divine Volcano Villa.

"Thank you for your concern."

Dongfang Huaizhu nodded.

Dongfang Qin Lan glared at these old guys, making them shrink their bodies.

"Little sister, don't be rude, let the steward of the village prepare dinner, it's not reasonable to always let the guests stand like this."

"Guest? What kind of guests are these people, why should we entertain them!

Dongfang Qin Lan said coldly.

Dongfang Huaizhu touched her head: "Our Dongfang family has always acted brightly, the visitor is the guest, little sister, although we are women, we are not small, and we don't do real things."

She smiled softly.

The faces of those masters outside the door were extremely ugly, and Steward Fei was anxious in his eyes.

'Young Master, Young Master, why haven't you come yet? If such a virtuous and dignified Usuke marries back to Zhonai, you will benefit immensely in this life. And

right now.


Within the curtain, a cough sounded.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they were all stunned in place.

"Zhu'er, you don't need to do the little belly chicken intestines, do it for the father, and don't roll, Hugh said that I Dongfang Lonely Moon, this old man turned his face and didn't recognize people!"

An old voice sounded, very weak, but there was no intermittent coughing, very coherent, not at all like a dying person.

"Daddy... Dad..."

Dongfang Huaizhu's eyes instantly reddened, she had tried her best to hold back tears, but the moment she heard her father's voice, the grievances she had received over the past few days seemed to all come to her heart.


Dongfang Qin Lan also opened the curtain for the first time.

I saw that on the bed, Dongfang Lonely Moon sat up under the help of the young man, the weak sickness on his face still did not retreat, but his eyes were like a tiger and wolf looking at everyone outside.

Li Han frowned and pressed Dongfang Qin Lan's head.

"What are you doing?"

"Your father's body has only recovered sixty percent now, and he can't withstand such a toss."


Dongfang Qin Lan replied gently, and then broke into a smile, lying on the side of the bed, and screamed loudly.

Dongfang Lonely Moon also smiled kindly and touched her head.


old man has never seen such a miracle in half a year's medical practice!" Is it really cured with acupuncture?

"Young Lang, who are you and who are you learning from?"

The three doctors are all experts in the interior, and this is naturally a housekeeping skill.

At that time, Dongfang Lonely Mo said that he sat up, and even opening his eyes and saying a last word or two was a luxury.

What now? Even if it is a return to the light, it is impossible to have the same bright eyes as now.

"I hope to forgive me, these inconveniences inform you, the old owner's illness is almost fine, and I invite three people to come and take the pulse."

Li Han didn't say anything, and very consciously gave way to his position, and pulled Dongfang Qin Lan away with him.

Dongfang Huaizhu's gaze has been moving with him, no longer cold as before, and his eyes are full of girlish longing and adoration.

The three doctors stepped forward to take the pulse of Dongfang Lonely Moon in the midst of everyone's uncertain and shocked looks.

"Oriental Zhuang Master, it's no big deal."

"The pulse is stable."

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