
Li Han nodded.

Then, quite helplessly, he pulled away Dongfang Qin Lan, who had been wiping tears on him.

Moved to moved, that... Sometimes Li Han wants to say, it's better to see outside, it's really a little indecent for girls to do this... The main thing is that he is probably still a fastidious person, and he does not want to stain his clothes with snot and tears.

Seeing Dongfang Qin Lan staring at him, Li Han twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

"She is afraid that she is tired from the day, so prepare some late-night snacks for her."

"Yes, sir."

In this way, after supporting Dongfang Qin Lan, what remained was the matter between him and Dongfang Huaizhu.

Until now, Li Han had no intention of lying, the transaction on the side of Flying Dragon City was a big reshuffle, and there were many interests involved.

He wanted to find an umbrella for the time being, and the best choice was the Divine Volcano Village.

Dongfang Huaizhu is not the eldest lady of the ordinary small family Jasper, I believe she should also think about it, although today's Shen Volcano Village is still prominent, but it is also difficult to support alone, sooner or later it will face the embarrassing situation of being divided, which is also Li Han feels that he can convince her that Li Han still disdains to do it, harming others and harming himself.

This is definitely a win-win situation, so Li Han must speak.

The candlelight in the room was dim, reflecting the cold side face of Dongfang Huaizhu, and his eyes were slightly red, shocking.

The beauty here, like the first fog permeating the green waves, looking back, between the vagueness, you can vaguely see the mountains dyed green, fade the fireworks between the world, causing people to pity.

"Gongzi, please sit."


Li Han nodded, and then sat down on the chair next to him.

Immediately afterwards, Dongfang Huaizhu poured a cup of tea for him, and there was no expression on his face the whole time.

"Miss Dongfang, I have something to discuss with you..."

"Gongzi is the eldest husband, what is there is only to say to Huaizhu, why condescend to use the word discussion?"

Dongfang Huaizhu shook his head.

"Where is this, I..."

"Gongzi is now a big family, he is no longer alone at the beginning, the old man called Gongzi 'master', so young and promising, in the past, Huaizhu had eyes and did not know Mount Tai."

"That... Miss Dongfang, are you angry?

Li Han, who realized that something was wrong, chuckled in his heart.

His intuition told him that now was definitely not the time to get down to business.

When Dongfang Huaizhu heard this, a smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"How so? Everything is Gongzi's private affairs, outsiders are inconvenient to ask, Gongzi please use tea. "

This..." Li

Han touched the hot teacup, I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt it... The tea poured by Oriental Huaizhu is a little hotter than ordinary tea, and the temperature cannot be lowered.

With a slight turn of his eyes, Li Han slowly put down the teacup, got up and looked up at the moonlight outside the door forty-five degrees, sighed, his eyes were slightly humid and hot, full of sorrow.



The tea in the cup is not cold, and people are depressed.

Speechless and empty hatred, who to listen to?

Dongfang Huaizhu was stunned for a moment, how suddenly...

Her heart softened, and she said, "Gongzi, why are you sentimental? "


Li Han paced a few steps from the room, glanced at Dongfang Huaizhu, and shook his head again.

Dongfang Huaizhu Fangcai is indeed a little temperamental, even if she herself does not know why she is like this, it is clear that it is not a relative, and people are not obliged to tell her those things... It's just that she still lost her temper.

Now seeing Li Han like this, he looked like he had endured a lot, and he looked difficult to argue, and for some reason, his heart suddenly softened, and his temper disappeared, and he couldn't help but be a little curious.

"If Gongzi has something difficult to say, he can say it."


Li Han raised his head and slowly closed his eyes, a trace of dampness and heat overflowed the corners of his eyes.

"Alas, today's matter is not that I don't want to explain it to Miss Dongfang, it's just that I have difficulties."

Dongfang Huaizhu said softly: "I also know that this Flying Dragon City is mixed with fish and dragons, and the prince is alone, only to enter this place, it is not easy to survive, if it is not for the little sister's affairs today..."

Li Han secretly glanced at her, and saw that she lowered her head with a guilty look, and immediately frowned and sighed.

"Don't say it, it's all her fault! If I were optimistic about Qin Lan today, this kind of thing would not have happened, and in my heart, don't mention how much I regret it! Seeing

Li Han's look of self-blame, Dongfang Huaizhu reached out and pulled his sleeve.

"I don't blame you..." Li

Han turned his head slightly, glanced at her secretly again, and saw that she lowered her head.

"Alas... In my heart, these two days have always been uncomfortable, I offended Miss Dongfang before, and the stupid words I said, don't go to your heart.

Dongfang Huaizhu's expression froze when he heard this, and a hint of red surged on his face visible to the naked eye.

"I... I didn't go to my heart. "

Huh? Didn't go to the heart? Where is this, don't you know that you provoke me every day?

"I also know that Miss Dongfang is honored, and I am just a mortal..." Before

he finished speaking, Dongfang Huaizhu interrupted.

"Li Han."

Her hand tightly pinched Li Han's sleeve, her white jade fingers were slightly blue, and her voice was cold and crisp, like a chivalrous woman... She is a chivalrous woman in her own right.

"I also want you to know that it has nothing to do with status and status, but I am not the child of an ordinary family, although the Divine Volcano Village has a respected status in the One Qi Dao Alliance, but my father is old, there is no successor to the great family business, the grace of nurturing, there is no way to repay, I can't just go with people casually, don't ask anything at home, can you understand my suffering?"

"So you actually like me?"

Li Han's eyes lit up, and he suddenly came to power.


Dongfang Huaizhu's heart twitched sharply, don't go over, don't dare to look into Li Han's eyes.


"Come and come, please sit down, if there is any difficulty, we will discuss, it doesn't matter, I have nothing else as a person, just warm-hearted."

When it comes to this, Li Han is not a tendon, and he naturally sees it at once.

Shen Volcano Zhuang said that he hit the idea of Shen Volcano Zhuang, and there will definitely be no successor, which is easy to talk about.

He made a gesture of invitation, after all, men and women are not intimate.

How could Dongfang Huaizhu not take care of him at all.

Immediately lost his temper, frowned and said: "Can you be a little more serious, always one set of people in front of the other, when people can't see it?" How did I not know before, you are such a bad person! Saying

that, Dongfang Huaizhu took out the handkerchief he gave before, raised his head and stretched out his hand to wipe the corner of Li Han's eyes, and snorted coldly.

"You are best at rhetoric."

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