Chapter 8

Li Han also tested the Poison Emperor's tone this time, and he didn't expect to leave the Southern Kingdom so easily.

He wasn't quite sure what bad intentions this old guy was behind his back, after all, the daughter who made him look like a treasure was treated like this, and if he really had the heart, there were ten thousand ways to kill Li Han.

However, according to the current situation, Li Han should be in no danger for the time being, and the reason is very simple, people with the status of the Poison Emperor do not need to lie to him.

"Brother Han..."

"Brother Hanzi..."

The eyes of the laborers converged on Li Han's body, in this place where they had no relatives, they were all human beings, but now they wanted to return to the human realm but it had become a luxury, I don't know how many people had a sad look in their eyes, all of them were ragged, their faces were yellow and thin, and their eyes were staring at Li Han.

Li Han looked up to the sky, slowly closed his eyes, and sighed.

"After I leave, do not whip my compatriots at will as before, see meat and rice for three meals a day, do not slack, and when the people of the One Qi Dao Alliance come, they must organize refuge in time, they are building the walls of your southern country, and protecting your southern people, if you demons also have a heart, compare your heart to your heart."

"Don't worry, I promise you today, you can rest assured, I have never broken my word in Huandu Qingtian."

Huandu Qingtian nodded.

This requirement can still be met by him, he didn't think of torturing these human laborers at first, but he just didn't care, could it be that the huge southern country could not afford to raise a few human slaves? It's just that the shemales are different, as the emperor of the southern country, his eyes cannot be placed in such an inconspicuous place, and he is too lazy to care about it on weekdays.

Huandu Qingtian saw that the young man had carried the old man's body and walked towards the side of the forest step by step.

A group of laborers followed, and after a long time, a lot of dry firewood was added to the clearing somewhere, piled up in a square shape, and the sun set and the flames rose, reflecting the orange dusk.

Crying could be heard from far away.

Huandu Luolan hid beside Huandu Qingtian and pulled his sleeve.

"Father, why are they so sad."

Huan Du Qingtian touched her head, and her old face was full of kindness.

"Luo Lan, human beings are no better than our monsters, their short lives simply do not have time to recognize the world, come in a hurry, go in a hurry, but human beings still have wisdom, which makes their lives always full of many regrets, our monsters may have enough time to make up for it, but they don't, many choices are only once for them, which makes them always miss the good in the past when they are in a difficult environment, which is inevitably sad."

Huandu Luolan blinked his eyes suspiciously and said, "So, isn't our southern side good enough for them?"

Huandu Qingtian nodded and looked up at the ragged figures in the forest in the distance.

"This is one of the reasons, but no matter how good it is, for these people, there is no good home anywhere."

By the waterfront next to the woods, the fire reflects the gradually evening sky.

Huandu Luolan could smell the fragrance of Zhi grass floating along the water's edge, she really found it difficult to understand her father's regret to choose this kind of thing, death was also far, far away from her, the kind of distance that could not be seen.

She had always thought of these people who built the walls as toys, or livestock or the like, and the five poisonous taipo under her also said so, she never thought that she would have any intersection with these people.

But now she knows that they can move, they can talk, and they have joys and sorrows.

The boy raised his head, and when he said that paragraph, it was probably caused by the emotions planted in that human body.

She could feel his mood, disappointment, loneliness, and it seemed that such a big world could not find a place to put that heart at that time.

The tip of Huandu Luolan's nose was slightly sour, and she looked blankly at the back that she was very afraid of, and her long hair reflected by the fire was frantically spilled on her shoulders.

"He also has ... Want to go home? "


Li Han then collected the old man's ashes.

People have to have a thought in this life, just like the old man nagged for a long time in the past, how good his hometown is, what kind of wine and meat there is, can't see it, can't touch it, but the mind will think, the old man occasionally said that he didn't expect to live so long in the south.

People are such amazing creatures, as long as there is a thought in their hearts, even if they are old and weak, they can withstand such a heavy labor life for so long.

Li Han also had a thought, leaving this place in the southern country and going to the boundary of mankind... No, the world is big, he hopes to be able to go anywhere, live a free and easy life, systematic people, must be tough, this is not a luxury, hehe... Isn't this quite unproductive, and I dare not think of some ambitions.

For example, occupy Tushan, open a harem, and then punch the Beishan Demon Emperor, kick the three young people of the Ao Lai Kingdom, become a strong party, career and love reputation... Haha, far.

Step by step, be steady, that's what he thinks now.

How good people are that they are all people's, just like those guards, one by one they eat fragrantly, you look envious, call people a brother, want to rely on this to pull relationships, so what, will he share your share? No, when you are in a good mood, I will chat with you for two words, and if you are in a bad mood, you will directly whip and serve.

It is better to seek others than to seek oneself, this is the most important thing he learned in the three months he came to the south, and he believes that he will have it in the future.

After leaving the labor area, Li Han held the ashes of the old man and went all the way to the palace on the southern side under the leadership of Huandu Qingtian.

It is said that a place was arranged for him to stay, so that he could start a worry-free life, as long as the requirements were not excessive, he could meet them.

During the period, Huandu Luolan was still very afraid of Li Han, and it seemed that he had not recovered from the shadow of being kidnapped a few days ago, and the five poison taipo behind the poison emperor was more interesting than a look, especially the silver-haired handsome man who was known as the poisonous prince, wearing a white robe, and the green tendons on the back of his hand could be seen not far away.

If there really was substantial killing intent in this world, then Li Han obviously felt it at this moment, this guy seemed to want to smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces.

But it's a pity, if something happens to him Li someone now, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be nothing wrong with their delicate little princess in the southern country.

This thing can be said to be the foundation, once there is any damage, what kind of blow will be to the cultivation of Huandu Luolan in the future, no one can say, even the Poison Emperor does not dare to take risks.

So, what's the use of you hating me again?

This kind of incompetent rage, Li Han didn't even bother to bird him.

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