This time, the people of the Dao Alliance came to the Qi Dao Alliance and wanted to negotiate the issue on the side of Flying Dragon City in private.

In unkind words, it is to overwhelm people with power, but Li Han does not intend to give them this face, his thinking is very clear, the Fish Dragon Gang has come to this point and eliminated the largest moth in Flying Dragon City, the Tianxian Courtyard, so both the momentum and development have reached the peak.

So, what should you do next as a gang?

"Offering, is this some immortal fighting, affecting the pond fish, you must know that our Fish Dragon Gang's business in Flying Dragon City is not clean, if it is criticized by those big people on the top because of this..."

"That's why I said it was a civil organization, in the past, our Fish Dragon Gang only had dealings with the Tianxian Courtyard, but now if the Immortal Courtyard has been extinguished today, it will naturally disappear, and in the future, you will have to go to the official family to eat the official family's meal, help the master, what do you think?"

Li Han said with a smile.

The gang leader was stunned: "The meaning of offering means..."

"In the future, stop the measures of forcibly collecting money from the major shops in Flying Dragon City, give up this part of the revenue, and replace it, Flying Dragon City has frequent trade exchanges, use the existing money in the gang to buy the dart bureau and dock in the city, monopolize the means of trade and transportation, and then expand the power, eliminate some bandits and monster forces along the trade route, and set up checkpoints for reasonable charges, This kind of practice that can not only hold high the banner of protecting the safety of the people and protect the income of merchants, but also echoes the interests of the residents in the entire Flying Dragon City, and can be long-term, when the time comes, you only need to sit at home and have a steady stream of money in the account, what does the helper think? "

To put it succinctly, it is to whitewash the transformation.

Casino Qinglou this kind of business that comes quickly but harms people Li Han is not unable to do, but disdains to do, many people generally have a misunderstanding, think that the evil door crooked way to make money is the most, in fact, otherwise, people are forced to take risks, there is a right way to go, is definitely more money than the evil door crooked way.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, Flying Dragon City occupies a line and monopolizes transportation, which is equivalent to holding the golden rice bowl of making money.

"The offering is reasonable, it's just this matter of destroying demons and checkpoints..."

"If the people of Shen Volcano Village don't do anything, where do we get the money for them?"

Li Han helplessly spread his hands, what kind of joke, his money is so easy to earn? Even if it is the future husband, we have to compare it first.

Perfect closed loop, the people of the official family can not only help them kill demons, but also ensure that this road is not destroyed by others, Shen Volcano Village will not fall if he does not fall the Fish Dragon Gang, this is completely tied to a boat.

The gang master's eyes suddenly lit up, and he sighed from the heart: "Wonderful! Consecrate! Wonderful! Your brain is so good! Lao Tzu has long seen that our line has no future, our brothers below say that it sounds good to be called gang members, to say that it is not good, that is, bandits, the difference is that we mix in the city, people mix outside the city, are all rabble, dedicated to your hand, we will also be regarded as people who eat official meals in the future, it is the only thing that is a little difficult to do... We also know the brothers outside the city, and the hands between these brothers are somewhat ..." Li

Han smiled.

Oh? Do you know each other, or brothers? Wouldn't that be better?

"Help master, the Divine Volcano Village is coming, these brothers will inevitably still suffer calamities, instead of dying at the hands of outsiders, it is better for you to personally decide, they do a lot of evil on weekdays, this is also a debt that should be repaid, when it is broken, you are helping them."

The helper muttered, "The offering is very good, we are also kind, I will do it!" "

Anyway, when he came to this step, his net worth and life were all pressed on Li Han's body, and he could only follow him sideways.

After speaking, the gang master summoned people in the same way as Li Hanfangcai, saying that he wanted to invite all the mountain kings to dinner, and then sent someone to order the eyeliner or erwuzai that had been planted around those mountain kings before, which basically meant to rebel and steal the house while they were out.

It can be seen that the gang master is also skilled, and this should be able to be done properly.

After the general direction was decided, the Fish Dragon Gang also officially entered the transformation stage, and it takes time to eliminate those who are not clean and stubborn, and truly standardize, in terms of time... It would definitely not be possible to complete this time before inviting everyone from the One Qi Dao Alliance to come to the banquet here in Flying Dragon City.

But the problem is not big, come out to mix up to talk about the rules, unruly killing a hundred people can not be difficult when they see it, as long as the first step is taken, there is no problem with the God Volcano Village to ensure everything.

The rest is the most important thing.

Think from the perspective of the future, two-line operation, guaranteed long-term.

Nowadays, under the leadership of the Ichiki Dao Alliance, the relationship between humans and demons is opposite, but with the current timeline, it is only a matter of time before the demon alliance is established and the trend of entering this stage of cooperation between humans and demons is a matter of time.

The predecessor of this world's North Mountain Demon Domain is actually a human territory, called the Royal Demon Kingdom.

The southern country is built to a large extent on the basis of human civilization.

The demon emperor of the Western Regions is in love with a human woman....

Ao Lai Guo and outside the circle are not under consideration for the time being.

Regardless of the Ichiki Dao Alliance, the general trend in the future will definitely be based on the handshake between humans and demons, and the coexistence of the world.

Li Han, as a traverser, must seize the future, first sneak up the bridge for the time being, which involves the two cards he currently holds in his hand.


"Well, how have things been these days?"

"I can only say that I can eat."

Li Han couldn't help but smile when he heard this, it's good to be able to eat.

He waved his hand, signaling the gang member to leave, then opened the door alone and pushed open.

In the empty room, dark light entered the cage.

The small orange-haired one sat cross-legged on the ground, rolled up his sleeves, and grabbed two oily big chicken legs left and right, stuffing his mouth bulging.

The small pair with turquoise hair held the porcelain bowl, looking dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth were stained with milk.

When the two saw Li Han come in, they both stopped the movement in their hands and looked at him without saying a word.

"I haven't had much time these days, and I don't plan to take down the charm on my body?"

Li Han just walked over naturally.

The two sisters subconsciously shrunk into the cage, and the place where they were imprisoned in the past seemed to give them a little sense of security at this moment.

Tu Shanhong chewed the food in her mouth, swallowed it in an instant, and her mouth bulging like a hamster also returned to normal, and then she temporarily put down two chicken legs.

"What the hell are your conspiracies?"

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