The Taoyuan Li family holds the most exquisite magic weapon of the One Qi Dao Alliance, but there are many that only the Li family master himself can use properly, after temporarily losing this big help, many of the family masters of the One Qi Dao Alliance have their attacks on the figure in the sky is more and more ineffective, he seems to be striding in the sea of thunder and fire, one person and one sword, floating abnormally, and the old master of the East is on the side with the help of the demon killing divine fire.

At this moment, they who had completely fallen into the downwind simply did not have the ability to organize another powerful attack.

However, the truly desperate thing is not the end of it.

"It's a poison dart!"

"Where did the cold arrow come from! Yes!

"Old fee! We're surrounded! "

Suddenly, I don't know when some arrows were shot outside the wall, the crowd ran staggered between the arches of the courtyard, constantly throwing things into the inner courtyard, explosive charms including poisoned iron tribulus terrestris, and occasionally someone blowing poison darts in the corner... There are people everywhere.

All the masters not only have to suppress Li Han in the sky, but also give up a part of the powerful magic weapon to the Eastern Lonely Moon refining, in this bad situation, there is no extra magic weapon to deal with these people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance on the ground, they took the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack outside the courtyard, countless dark weapons flew from all directions towards the many masters of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and many people have already been tricked, and there are a lot of dark weapons tied to the chest, legs, hands and feet.

Steward Fei's hair was pierced by an arrow and his crown band was pierced, and he raised his head in embarrassment, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Dongfang dude! Do you really bear to let us old brothers be buried here?

Dongfang Guyue's raised hand trembled slightly, and her face was a little hesitant.

At this time, there was a voice from the other side.

"Ah! Lord Yue, I'm dying! You work harder! A

ball of fireball flew in front of Li Han, he rolled his eyes, quickly put the sword in front of him, his face was unbearable, and he flew out upside down in an instant.


At this moment, Dongfang Lonely Moon looked embarrassed.


Dongfang Huaizhu pear blossoms brought rain, and the voice of doing its best sounded from behind Dongfang Lonely Moon.

"Ahhh!! Lord Yuejo! I really can't do it! If you want to die, you want to die..."

Li Hanhan's face was painful, his teeth were grinning, and he was defeated and retreated, flying everywhere.

Thrilling, watching, a good young man, is almost gone.

Dongfang Lonely Moon immediately made a decision and roared angrily in the direction of Steward Fei.

"Fatty Fei! Don't sell favors to Lao Tzu now, if the old son-in-law dies today, this old life Lao Tzu doesn't want it! At

the same time, the Demon Exterminating God Fire unfolded again, and the flames that rushed into the sky were more violent than Fangcai, washing away most of the magic weapons on the field, and even the Li family master's fire absorbing gourd clicked, and obvious cracks appeared, which could be completely shattered at any time.

"Handsome! Lord Yue, that's it, kill them!

Li Han waved the flag on the side and shouted.

Dongfang Guyue looked at the kid who had almost died just now, but now suddenly jumped alive, and fell into silence for a while.

"It's over... It's over..."

muttered Steward Fei.

In his line of sight, Li Han seemed to show some medical miracle, the fire was so big, he immediately had no pain in his waist, no pain in his legs, and the spells such as fireball thunder that had beaten him to defeat were easily dodged by him.

At this time, it could be seen that the existing magic weapon offensive could no longer resist the advance of this young man.

The households, one after another, fell one after another in the sneak attack, the defense system they formed was being eaten away, and the young man in the sky was getting closer and closer to everyone.

Steward Fei finally understood at this moment, these people didn't seem to have thought carefully before they came, thinking that a small Flying Dragon City was on the verge of the mildest Tushan Demon Realm, plus these old guys, nothing would happen in the end.

However, the world of cultivators is so cruel, everyone may die in the next moment, including these old guys who are usually high on weekdays, if they are not careful, they will lose this old life.

This young man named Li Han may become the biggest threat within the human realm of the One Qi Dao Alliance in the future, except for the demon domain.

"The old slave is incompetent, the hegemonic son, the future of the royal family..."

A sharp golden light came from west to east, the same person and a sword, a white robe, and the handsome eyebrows were full of anger.

"Fourth brother!"

"Here it comes!"

Behind him, Li Quxun, the boy of the thousand machines, made a seal in his hand, and the sword box he was carrying buzzed, as if there was a dragon groan.

Suddenly, I saw countless flying swords flying out of the sword box, converging into a long river of gold, rushing in unison to the direction where the king's power hegemony was, as if to break through the gray sky in the middle of winter.

In this critical moment, the two are at odds.

Wang Quan Hegemony naturally recognized this guy as the person he met in the shops of Flying Dragon City in the past, and only afterwards did he understand that the knife technique used by this person was the indefinite flying knife of the third brother Li Zizi.

Unexpectedly, this person, at a young age, could actually have the mana to compete with him!


When Wang Quan Hegemony gritted his teeth and insisted, he saw that the man on the other side suddenly smiled at him inexplicably, and for a moment he fell into an ice cellar.

Could it be....


Wang Quan Hegemony only felt that the other party's mana suddenly increased to a point that he couldn't understand, like Mount Tai pressing the top towards him, his chest and lungs were all a sharp pain, if he didn't let go, he would die!

After realizing this, Wang Quan Hegemony took the lead in pulling the gong, and with a bang, his body flew out upside down at the first time, and a little blood spilled from his mouth.

"Big brother!"

At the same time, the rest of the members of the mask group arrived and caught the body of Wang Power Hegemony, and Aoki Yuan urged the magic weapon Ruyi and began to heal Wang Power Hegemony.

"Leave me alone! Go and save the owner below. Wang

Quan Hegemony waved his sleeve.

Everyone was stunned to find that the eldest brother was no longer as elegant and dashing as before, as if he had changed a person, and his eyes were full of the taste of victory and defeat.

Li Quxun's magic weapon flying sword finally converged into the most magnificent golden sword, running through the sea of black clouds that ran through heaven and earth, and overflowed the sky with golden light.

"Li Han, retreat quickly! Old man come!

Dongfang Lonely Moon saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart.

However, in the face of this golden giant sword, it swung down from the sky, destroying the power of the decay.

Li Han had a sword for each person, but smiled contemptuously.

"No need, your old man sits down, this sword, a little fierce."

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