Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 33 Barcelona Derby

Hu Lai sat alone on the sofa in the living room and watched a La Liga match.

Uncle Yong was not by his side to accompany him, but in the live box of the match he was watching.

This La Liga game is the focus of this round of La Liga.

Sarria vs. Catalan United.

Barcelona city derby.

Because Sarria is far from Catalan United in terms of fame and strength, this city derby is not well-known.

It is far less famous than the "Madrid Derby" between the King of Madrid and the Pirates of Madrid.

But when it comes to the intensity and the importance of both sides, it is not inferior to other city derbies at all.

The legendary chairman of the Catalan club, Louis Chiovas, who has passed away, once said a famous saying: "I don't care about the 'king' or the 'pirate', I just want Sarria to die completely!"

Of course, he said that fifty years ago, when Saria was at the peak of his club.

But even in its peak period, there was still a big gap between the strength of the Catalan United and Thailand at that time.

At their peak, they won the Copa del Rey twice in three years.

At that time, the Catalan United won three league titles in five years.

Although the two teams are far apart in terms of strength and status, Siovas, the legendary chairman of Catalan United, still said such a sentence, which shows how much hatred there is between Catalan United and Sarria deep.

It can be said that the Catalan United regard the entire Catalonia as their sphere of influence, and as a result, there is such a Sarria under their noses.

How can a side-lying couch allow others to snore?

Although the King of Madrid is a competitor of Catalan United, this kind of competition actually has a feeling of "sympathy" in a sense. Even the Catalan United believes that only the King of Madrid is worthy of being their opponent, and they have been entangled with them for a hundred years.

As for Sarria, who is can't be regarded as an opponent at all, but a deadly enemy that Catalan United wants to get rid of quickly.

A sworn enemy and an adversary are entirely different definitions.

When confronting opponents, you must maintain your demeanor.

To race against the sworn enemy,

As long as it can kill the opponent, you can do anything.

Conversely, Sarria's attitude is simpler. They don't have any "opponents" in the domestic league. In their eyes, only a city rival like Catalan United is an enemy. Because the strength is weaker than the opponent, the reputation is lower than the opponent, and the status is lower than the opponent, so they tend to work harder when playing against the Catalan United.

The two teams regard each other as sworn enemies, and this game is naturally played like sparks hitting the earth.

Very stimulating and intense.

Hu Lai grinned as he watched through the TV screen.

My heart said, good guy, if I hadn't double-checked, I really thought I was watching a Premier League game.

The intensity of the physical confrontation is even worse than that of the Premier League that Hu Lai is familiar with.

Just now, Catalan striker Edmond Paterson received a yellow card for kneeling Saria's midfielder Mikel Lecco while returning to defense.

And Lecco, who was pushed to the waist with his knees, fell to the ground and didn't get up, his expression was very painful.

Doctors and stretchers are now on the field.

The commentator on British TV is saying: "...It seems that Lecco can't hold on to the game..."

Hu Lai's eyes lit up - the positions of Lecco and Brother Huan overlapped, and they had the same effect. If Lecco can't persist in the game, won't Brother Huan's chance come? !


"It seems that Lecco can't hold on to the game...Zhang Qinghuan may play..." Before the CCTV commentator He Feng finished speaking, the screen suddenly cut to Sarria's bench.

He saw Zhang Qinghuan taking off his substitute vest.

Apparently he was about to be substituted!

"Great! This is the first time a Chinese player will appear in the Barcelona Derby!" Yan Kang seemed very happy. "This is another historic moment!"

He Feng joked: "In the past one or two years, we have had a lot of historical moments... Ha!"

Soon Zhang Qinghuan finished changing clothes and appeared beside Sarria coach Arno Casas, bowing his head while arranging his shorts and listening to the coach's instructions.

This is not the first time he has played in La Liga, but the importance of all previous games may not be comparable to the current game.

So he still looked dignified and serious, without the relaxed feeling of being familiar with the road.

This is a life in danger...

The mood of the audience is also the same. They are both looking forward to and worried about Zhang Qinghuan's coming off the bench.


"Zhang, don't think too much after playing. Just play as you usually do in training and games. Catalan United's midfield defense is problematic. You don't have that much pressure. Use your skills to get rid of their defense. , and then send a deadly pass!"

Although when he first came into contact with Zhang Qinghuan, Sarrias coach Casas didn't know much about the Chinese player.

But after almost half a season, he already knows that the most suitable position for Zhang Qinghuan is an organizational midfielder.

It's not going to work to ask him to go to the wing to attack.

Instead, let him do a good job in the middle, whether it is organizing an offense or shooting a direct threat.

Judging from the recent performance, at least the presence of Zhang Qinghuan will be a strong supplement to Saria's midfielder.

Now when Lecco, the original main midfielder, is injured, can't Zhang Qinghuan be able to step up?

And if there is no Zhang Qinghuan, Casas may have to consider changing the lineup and changing tactics.

When the team is behind 1:2, if they lose the players who organize the offense, the team will have to use a simple and rough style of play to deal with the Catalan United, but for the Catalan defense line, the direct play effect not good.

Zhang Qinghuan nodded after listening to the head coach's arrangement, and replied in simple Spanish: "Don't worry, coach, I understand."

He was then pushed to the fourth official position.

When he left, Sarri's assistant coach asked Casas: "Can he do it, Arnault?"

Casas shrugged: "This is an unexpected substitution, Victor. We shouldn't put our hopes on him, it's unfair to him. Don't put pressure on him, this game... is not something he can do alone. decided."

He paused for the last time, but still said so.

This is a derby in the same city, or at home, so of course he doesn't want to lose.

But the current strength gap between the two teams is too huge.

It's not that he said he doesn't want to lose, so he doesn't have to lose.

Sarria's strength in the three lines is worse than that of Catalan United. How can they win?

It's pretty good to be able to fight this game to a 1:2...

Although it is said that the difference in strength in the same city derby is not important, since Sarria returned to the first division from the La Liga, in the Barcelona derby, the performance against the Catalan United was a bit disastrous-a complete defeat.

Not to mention winning, not even a draw.

Although Sarria worked hard in every game, his fighting spirit was completely fine. But the huge gap in strength between the two sides cannot be made up by fighting spirit alone.

The worst time, Sarria lost 0:5 in the away game and was beaten helplessly.

Therefore, the Barcelona derby between Sarria and Catalan United was fierce. It was because both sides were very hostile to each other, and it had nothing to do with the technical content of the confrontation.

In the eyes of many people who understand football, this kind of intensity will not make a game look good, but will greatly reduce the enjoyment of the game. After all, the game is always interrupted, not smooth at all, how can it look good?

As the head coach of Sarria, Casas is very aware of the strength of the team, so he feels that it is good to be able to play only one goal behind.

Of course, he only said this to himself in his heart, not to anyone else.

After all, this is a Barcelona derby, and the opponent is the rival Catalan United in the same city. How can they surrender before the game is over?

Reason tells him that it is difficult to defeat Catalan, but emotionally he must fight to the death with his opponent.


Because Lecco had already been removed from the field ahead of time, Zhang Qinghuan didn't need to give him a high-five. When the game entered dead time, he could be replaced with the referee's permission.

Zhang Qinghuan, who ran onto the pitch, was still gesturing to his teammates, telling them that the head coach had said everything would remain the same, and he would play as he played before.

No major adjustments will be made because of his sudden substitution.

This is also to let everyone stabilize the morale of the army, and don't mess up your position just because you hurt the midfielder.

After running to his place, he took a deep breath and exhaled all the stale air in his chest.

Then shake your head left and right, and write down the positions of your teammates and opponents.

I will take the test in a while.

For him, this is really like an "examination" in a certain sense.

This is not the first time he has represented Sarri in a game, nor is it the first time in La Liga.

Those first times of his have already passed. But today's game is still very important to him.

Because this is the Barcelona derby.

How do you say something?

"The best way to win the support of fans, the trust of teammates and the favor of coaches is to perform well in important games."

Is there anything more important than a city derby?

At least for a small team like Sarria, which has only won ten championships in more than 100 years... no.

Whether it is the final of the King's Cup, the Champions League or the Europa League, it is a luxury for Sarria.

But the Barcelona derby twice a year is their final.

Zhang Qinghuan is very clear that if he really wants to gain a foothold in this team, or in La Liga.

So in today's game with an unexpected appearance, he must definitely show a sufficiently convincing performance.

Just like Holly.

After joining Leeds City, he didn't even make the squad for a full month. But once he played in the Premier League, scoring goals was like a flood that opened the gate, and he couldn't stop it.

Scored five goals in three rounds of the league, completely crazy.

It also paved the way for his next days in Leeds City.

When mentioning Hu Lai, Zhang Qinghuan thought of Guan Yu Hu Lai's words relayed by Uncle Yong.

A gathering of heroes?

He looked at the Catalan players in front of him, all of them were top football stars in the world, players who were far greater than Sarria in terms of ability, worth, and fame, and naturally far greater than Zhang Qinghuan.

It's really a gathering of elites, and there are so many masters.


So what?

Today I will treat you as carrots for a meeting!

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