Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 36 It's Hu Lai's turn to play

Zhang Qinghuan's first goal in his overseas career finally helped Sarria draw with the powerful Catalan United 2:2 at home.

Sarria finally ended their embarrassing record of losing all against Sarria since returning to the First Division.

So even though it was only one point at home, this point is of great significance to Sarria.

Of course, being able to draw with the Catalan United may have something to do with the fact that the Catalan United's mind has shifted to the Champions League group stage in the middle of next week.

After all, Catalan United only got the right to qualify for the group in advance, but did not get the first place in the group.

For a giant like Catalan United, how can the mere right to qualify for the group qualify for them.

What they want is not only to qualify from this group, but also to qualify as the number one in the group.

Even though they are now five points ahead of Vesuvius, the second place in the group, there are still two rounds left in the group stage. In the last round, they challenged Vesuvius away, and that game was very difficult.

To get the first place in the group, they must beat Leeds City at home in the next fifth round of the group stage.

This is not an impossible task for them, but it is not a result that can be obtained casually.

In order to ensure that they can beat Leeds City at home, the Catalan United gave up the league in terms of skills, tactics and mentality.

This led to their final draw with Sarria in the away game.

And when the game is over, it can be seen from their not very upset expressions that they don't really care about the result of this city derby.

Or... I can't say that I don't care, I just say that I don't care as much as everyone thinks.

Their calm contrasted with the Saria players who celebrated wildly after the game like clowns...

After all, seeing the appearance of the Sarrias players, it will make people think that Saria has won this city derby...

The result was just a draw.

It does seem a little funny that a draw can make Saria's players so excited.

So there is a strong contrast between the calm Catalan players and the ecstatic Sarria players, which fully illustrates the difference between the two teams:

The super giant Catalan has the world in mind,

With the whole of Europe in their eyes, they may not care too much about the gains and losses of this game with their rivals in the same city.

After all, they only drew with Sarria in the away game, and they didn't lose to each other. Had it lost, it might have been very different from the calm it is today.

At this stage, it is more critical to ensure that the Champions League group will qualify first.

However, compared with Catalan United, Sarria has only one Catalan United... The structure is too small!


Despite the obvious, in the post-match press conference, Catalan coach José Bernal denied that his team's failure to win the game had anything to do with the Champions League group stage in the middle of next week:

"... We were a little slack after leading. But this slack is not because of the Champions League. We respect our derby opponents very much. We will not consider other opponents until the end of this game... I will not win if I don't win. It's a pity, even in the away game, we came here for the win... Zhang's coming off the bench was the turning point of the game, he did a great job..."

Bernal admitted that his team did not perform well enough in this game, but he did not admit that the poor performance was related to the Champions League.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a cover-up.

As the head coach of the team, he certainly cannot openly state at the press conference that his team does not take Sarria seriously, and his mind is full of the Champions League in the middle of next week.

Bernal is definitely not a fanatic coach, and he would never say so in front of media reporters anyway.

But just because he doesn't say it doesn't mean he doesn't think so.

In fact, from the point of replacing Campsano and Paterson with only one goal ahead, one can guess Bernal's mind to some extent.

He is indeed preparing for the Champions League group stage in the middle of next week.

It is not injustice that Catalan United did not win this game, because from the head coach to the players, none of their minds were 100% on Saria.

In an interview after the game, Jimenez, the main central defender of Catalan United, also took the initiative to mention the Champions League: "It is indeed a pity that we did not beat Sarria. But the game is over, we should turn our attention to the next game... We want to make sure we beat Leeds at home and get first place in the group ... we will give our all for that game."

He was right.

The game against Sarria has already been played, and there is no way to win, what else can I do?

Could it be that life is over without a win in the Derby?

You can only look forward, and you should look forward.

As long as they beat Leeds City in the next game and secure the first place in the group, then the shadow of being tied by Saria in the away game will naturally disappear.

After defeating Leeds City at home, the Catalan United team will be able to deal with it with a relatively relaxed attitude when they challenged Vesuvius away in the last round of the group stage, and there is also greater maneuvering in personnel selection and tactical arrangements. room.

After all, no one wants to beat the Serie A powerhouse Vesuvius, who is known for his tenacious style, when Christmas is approaching. It is the safest and safest way to beat Leeds City at home.


La Liga is really late enough, the game is almost twelve o'clock after the game.

Normally at this time, Hu Lai should already be lying on the bed and sleeping. But today, in order to cheer for Brother Huan, he stayed in front of the TV until he finished watching the live broadcast of the game, and waited until Brother Huan was interviewed by the Spanish TV station before turning off the TV.

Fortunately, most of the Premier League games are in the afternoon, so this round of Leeds City's main league game against the Highlanders was over in the afternoon.

Hu Lai not only has time to watch the game at home, but also doesn't have to worry about watching the game too late and affecting the next day's game-there is no game on the second day.

Similar to the absence of Catalan United in the center of the league, Leeds City also failed to make the most of their main players in the home game against the Highlanders, but let some of their main players rotate and rest.

Obviously, they are saving their energy for the away game against Catalonia in the middle of next week.

This makes many people do not understand.

After all, judging from the current ranking of points in the Champions League group stage, it cannot be said that Leeds City has completely lost hope of qualifying for the knockout round, but the hope is also very slim:

After the four rounds of the group stage, Leeds City only accumulated three points, ranking third in the group, which is two points more than the Bay Lighthouse, which is fourth in the group. Not to mention qualifying for the knockout round, they might not even be able to play in the Europa League—— According to the rules, although the third place in the Champions League group stage cannot participate in the Champions League knockout rounds, they can participate in the Europa League knockout rounds in the second half of the season. So as long as Leeds City can keep the third place in the league, at least they can continue to play in the European war.

As for the Champions League knockout... Leeds basically don't have to think about it.

Catalan United, the first in the group, has 12 points, and Vesuvius, who is second in the group, has seven points. As long as Vesuvius wins another game or Leeds City loses one game, they will completely lose their chance of qualifying for the knockout stage of the Champions League. .

Under such circumstances, there is really no need for Leeds City to go to an away game to fight Catalan United.

Even if they want to compete for the Europa League qualification, they still have the last round of the home game against the Gulf Lighthouse.

As long as they beat the Bay Beacon in that game, Leeds City can still overwhelm their opponents in both points and win-loss relationship, and secure third place in the group.

So what should be abandoned is definitely not the league with the Highlanders, but the Champions League group match with the Catalan United.

Take this opportunity to make up for the lessons you missed in the league, lest the league rank is too low.

In the past two months, the rumors about the dismissal of the team's head coach Tony Clark will be turned up and hyped from time to time. Is it really the nonsense of the media?

If there is no breakthrough in the European competition, the league will continue to slide towards the relegation zone... Maybe Clark, the meritorious coach who led his team to the league championship, will really be fired.

Don't say it's impossible, what is impossible in football?

Grades are everything. If you get good grades, you are a god, and if you don’t get good grades, God will fire you.

So if Clark still has reason, he should choose what is best for him.

But he didn't.

This makes people very incomprehensible.

Of course I can't understand it, because they are outsiders, and the conclusions inferred from Leeds City's personnel arrangement in the game against the Highlanders.

The conclusion is that Clark is still betting on the Champions League.

But as an insider, Hu Lai obviously knows more than outsiders.

Unlike those who can only rely on some clues to guess what Clark thinks, as a Leeds City player, he doesn't need to guess, he knows what the boss thinks.

Because the boss told them all.

The boss still wants to fight in the Champions League...or, he wants to try to fight Catalan United again.

Since the 1:3 home defeat to Catalan United, the boss has been brooding over this defeat, always thinking that a large part of the failure of that game was due to the lack of luck of Leeds City.

So he wants to try again when he challenges Catalonia in this away game, and see what he can do with Catalina.

For this reason, in the game against the Highlanders, he chose to let most of the main players rest in rotation, recharge their batteries, and save their best state for the away game.

Even if Leeds City finally lost to the Highlanders 2:4 at home, and the league ranking fell out of the top ten and came to the eleventh position, he would not hesitate.

There has always been a saying in the media and social networks that Tony Clark is called "crazy", which is an evaluation of Clark who always likes to take more risky offensive tactics in the game and is unwilling to defend.

And Hu Lai now feels that their boss's madness is not only reflected in the multiple-choice question of offense or defense.

There is a kind of madness in this head coach who will not give up until he reaches his goal.

This kind of madness is sometimes unreasonable, but sometimes it resonates with people's hearts.

Just like now.

Hu Lai especially hopes that their boss is really a lunatic who dares to give up anything in order to challenge the rich, instead of "pretending to be crazy and acting stupid".

After all, when the latter is faced with huge setbacks and pressure, it is easy to show timidity...

A true lunatic will never show his timidity, because he doesn't know what "fear" is at all!

What about the Catalan United?

Are the top giants amazing?

The Stan Park Rangers are as top giants as Tramed, aren't they still fucked by us?

Is Catalan United better than these two?

There are also Manchester Athletic, as well as giant teams like London Bridge, they are also a force that cannot be underestimated in the European arena.

Hou Lai was also worried about the previous 1:3 home loss to Catalan United.

That game was a failure for him, the team lost the game and he didn't score personally.

He has always given people the impression that he is joking and not serious, but it definitely does not mean that he is indifferent to his poor performance.

In the first round against the Catalan United, there was no need to find any excuses, but the performance was not good.

So he is also eager to avenge his shame in the second round of the Cathay United game.

Standing in front of the turned off TV, Hu Lai stretched.

Brother Huan's game is over, and it's time for him to play next.

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