Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 38 Holy Family Stadium

Hou Lai stood in the player tunnel of the Sagrada Familia Stadium, with his teammates.

He is in the heart of this world-famous stadium.

In a few minutes he will be on the field with his teammates from here.

He wasn't scrutinizing the tunnel like a curious baby like he was when he went to Stan Park.

Because the player channel of the Holy Family Stadium is not full of photos of famous people in the history of their club - it has been two years since Hu Lai came to Europe, and Stan Park Stadium is really the only one he has been to that loves to show off his club history stadium.

The Sagrada Familia Stadium has a long history. The stadium, named after the Sagrada Familia, a famous landmark in Barcelona, ​​has been in use for 76 years since it was put into use in 1950. Among them, after many reconstructions and expansions, it can now accommodate 120,000 people to watch the game at the same time. It is the largest professional football stadium in Europe.

When the stadium was full, the atmosphere was extremely terrifying.

But today's game, the stands of the Holy Family Stadium were not full.

After all, usually only the Barcelona Derby, the Spanish national derby, and some very important games, this stadium will be full.

The seats for 120,000 people are not so easy to be filled...

But even without a full Sagrada Familia, it's enough to put a lot of pressure on any visiting team.

For example, now, the players of Leeds City stand in the player tunnel and can clearly hear the noise from outside.

For today's game, Catalan United is bound to win, and Catalan fans are bound to win.

They are using the collective singing of the Catalan United team song to declare "sovereignty" to the Leeds City players and tell them who they are fighting here.

In addition, the Holy Family Stadium is close to 60 meters high, with an extremely steep slope. At the highest level of the stands, without a telescope, you can almost see some black spots running around on the turf, and you can't see the specific actions at all. Looking up from the stadium to the top of the stands, it even gives people an illusion, as if the huge stands are squeezing towards the middle and may collapse at any time.

It is said that this was done on purpose by the designer, in order to bring great psychological pressure to the visiting team players who are not familiar with the stadium. When they look up at the stands during the game, they will find that Catalan fans are overwhelming them from the air and from all directions, which will greatly shock and disturb them.

thereby affecting their performance.

Of course, this statement has not been officially confirmed, and it is limited to the "secrets" circulating on the Internet.

But if you push it backwards from this statement, you will find that it really has such a meaning...

The stands of the Holy Family Stadium are indeed steep, and the visual effect is indeed tightened inward and concentrated, which will give people a psychological hint of being surrounded.

If Leeds City's first Champions League game is an away game against Cathay-Thailand, such a home atmosphere coupled with the strong strength of Cathay-Thailand, maybe Leeds City will lose miserably here.

But for the Premier League champions who have already been to the Gulf Stadium to challenge the Turkish giants Gulf Lighthouse, in terms of the terrifying atmosphere at home, the Holy Family Stadium is actually a bit worse than the more primitive Gulf Stadium.

And... Leeds City has captured Stan Park Stadium, which has been unbeaten in 90 consecutive games in various games. No matter how famous the Holy Family Stadium is, Catalan United has not been unbeaten in 90 consecutive games in this stadium.

Today's Leeds City is no longer the country bumpkin who has never seen the market, and is not so easily intimidated by some bluffs.

Just like their head coach Tony Clark reminded them before playing:

"...Always remember that you are not cats and dogs who are lucky enough to participate in the qualifying rounds. You are the champions of the Premier League and one of the eight seeded teams! You are the champions to participate in the Champions League! So you and the Champions League The other teams are no different, no worse than them! What Vesuvius did here, we can do the same! Score their goals and play against them in the way we do best! We just rely on offense to get The league champions, we can also face them here by attacking!"


Diagonally behind Hou Lai, Mario Salado, who started the game, was pinning his fierce eyes on him.

He is observing his opponent in this game.

Although in terms of team performance, the Catalan United defeated Leeds City, but Salado, a talented player of the Catalan United, did not feel the slightest joy.

Because in his personal contest with Hu Lai, the current Salado is at a disadvantage.

The Champions League group stage played four rounds, Salado still failed to score a goal, but had two assists...

Hell, if I knew it, I would have assisted with Hollei!

As for Hu Lai, he scored in the first Champions League game, and then in the last round of the group stage, Leeds also scored a goal in their 2:3 home loss to Vesuvius.

In this way, there are two Champions League goals.

In terms of the number of goals in the Champions League, 2:0, Hu Lai temporarily leads.

Salado focused his eyes on Hu Lai, and at the same time put aside distracting thoughts, he decided to compete with Hu Lai only in this game.

He doesn't care about other games, or this kind of direct dialogue is more valuable.

Before the game, he talked with his good friend Valero on the phone, and Valero, as he promised before, would come to watch the game.

And I have to keep my promise and dedicate the goal to Valero in the game.

He has already found out where Valero is in the stands, and when he scores a goal, no matter where he is, he will run to find Valero.

At the same time, he also believes that with the support and blessings of good friends, he will definitely be able to score the first Champions League goal in his career in this game!

He will never let Valero down!

Don't try to stop his "Super Mario" with Leeds City's battered defense!


"Although the St. Familia Stadium is not full today, there are 80,000 people according to the visual inspection... The pressure is great to compete in such an environment." In front of the TV, Yong Jun looked at the aerial shots of the St. Familia Stadium and said with emotion .

Zhang Qinghuan sat beside him without saying a word.

Although he is in Barcelona and is very close to this stadium, he has not played in this stadium yet... The first round of the Barcelona derby this season is Saria's home court, and he will at least wait until the second half Only in the season can I have the opportunity to play in this world-famous stadium. It still depends on whether his performance in this half of the season can completely impress the head coach Casas and earn himself a place in the team.

Now that I think about it, if I also compete in such an environment, what a wonderful thing it would be!

Well, after playing a Barcelona derby, Zhang Qinghuan didn't feel that such an away atmosphere was daunting. Instead, he was eager to try and gear up.

After all, this is one of the important purposes for him to travel thousands of miles from China to Spain to play football.

Only by confronting masters and competing with strong teams can we make progress.

For example, he played in the World Cup this time. Although it was only three group matches, he felt that he had benefited a lot.


Zhang Qinghuan and Yong Jun were definitely not the only ones watching the game in front of the TV.

Xia Xiaoyu, Wang Guangwei and Chen Xingyi were also watching the live broadcast of the game in front of their TVs at home.

When they played football in China before, because of the time difference, they basically couldn't watch all the UEFA Champions League games that kicked off at around three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Because staying up late is a taboo for professional players.

During the non-truce period, they must maintain a good work and rest at all times, so as to maintain their spirits in the training and competition the next day.

Speaking of which, they still have to come to Europe to chase the Champions League without a game.

As players, they are temporarily unable to participate in this highest-level football event, but this does not prevent them from watching the Champions League to increase their knowledge and deepen their understanding of European football.

After all, when they were in China, as long as the time was right, they were also brought by Qin Lin to watch Hu Lai's Premier League games to learn. So they are all familiar with this matter, and they can also cheer for Hu Lai by the way.

Also waiting for the game to start is Li Qingqing.

She sat cross-legged on the sofa with her doll in her arms, staring at the TV screen seriously.

In the picture, Hu Lai and his teammates walked out of the player channel to the sound of the Champions League theme music.

The shouts at the scene were deafening.

The largest stadium in Europe is opening its arms to the players of Leeds City, but it is definitely not embracing them, but like a giant beast, trying to swallow them all.

In the close-up, the top scorer of Leeds City has a calm face, without any tension. He followed his teammates out of the aisle, holding the little caddy in his hand, looked up naturally, and cast his eyes on the famous steep slope stands of the Holy Family Stadium, the expression on his face did not fluctuate at all.

Seeing this, Li Qingqing slightly let go of the doll she held tightly in her arms, with a smile on her face.

They can't scare you, Hu Lai, your heart... is so big!

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