Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 56 Goal Europa League

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"From today's training, it can be clearly seen that the players of the whole team are indeed working harder than before..."

Another day of training is over. In the tea room at the training base of the Leeds City Club, the coaches have just finished a day of training. While having refreshments, they are discussing today's training situation.

Having said that, everyone turned their attention to head coach Tony Clark.

"Obviously, the entire locker room knew that I was going to invite Lasky to dinner, ha!" Clark was also very satisfied with the result.

As a "unlucky guy" who wanted to invite the whole team to dinner, Clark seemed very happy.

Because this means that the team's results are worth looking forward to.

How much does it cost to treat them to a meal?

Compared with Clark's current annual salary, it is a drop in the bucket.

And the key is that the team's morale is high, and the team's performance will be better. Exchange a meal for better grades, this business is simply too cost-effective.

If the head coaches of other teams knew that Tony Clark only needed one meal to buff the team's morale and achieve results beyond expectations, they would be envious.

Clark even plans to pretend to be forceful in his own memoirs in the future:

"...I didn't rack my brains to encourage them, I just told the players that after the end of the season, if we can achieve any goals, then I will ask them to go to the red pepper rub... By the end of the season, we really are in the red pepper. Had a great evening at Chili's...”

"It seems that we have initially solved the problem of activating Lasky. I believe that with the help of the whole team and his talent, his performance will not let us down..." Clark watched To the whole team, "Then what do you guys think about the opinion I raised yesterday?"

The coaching staff looked at each other.

During yesterday's tea break, when Clarke confided his "immature opinion", everyone's first reaction was the same - you look at me, I look at you.

So after seeing their expressions, Clark spread his hands and said, "Isn't it? Guys. You went back and thought about it all night and this is the result?"

Assistant coach Sam Randle coughed, "This... Tony.

Indeed, if you win the Europa League, you will automatically be eligible to participate in the Champions League next season... But the Europa League is not something we can just say! "

Yesterday's Tony Clark's so-called "immature opinion" is actually to qualify for the Champions League by winning the Europa League, which can be called "curve to save the country".

According to the UEFA Champions League qualification regulations, in addition to the league champion and the top few, the Champions League defending champion and the Europa League champion will all qualify for the UEFA Champions League next season.

There was no such regulation before, and it was only changed in recent years.

"... now that winning the UEFA Europa League can qualify for next season's UEFA Champions League, the competition in the UEFA Europa League is much more intense than before, not only for those teams that already have an advantage in this competition , the strength of a team like ours that has transferred from the Champions League group stage to play in the Europa League cannot be underestimated..." Sam Randyll analyzed for Clark.

"Isn't this normal, Sam?" Clark asked rhetorically, "Isn't it already difficult to compete for an honor like the Europa League?"

"Uh..." Sam Randyll was speechless when Clark asked.

"I just set the Europa League championship as the goal of the season and worked hard towards this goal. I didn't say that we will definitely win the championship. It is not normal for those rich teams to set some championship goals before the season The thing? So many giants have won the championship as their goal, but there is only one champion, so the goals of other teams that have not won the championship are meaningless?"

Clark didn't ask Randyr back this time, but asked the coaches in the entire tea room.

Everyone was silent when he asked.

The answer is self-evident.

Everyone knows that the effort put in to aim for the championship is not meaningless.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Clark continued, striking while the iron is hot: "Besides, I don't think we have no hope at all in the Europa League. Gentlemen, you should all remember the UEFA Champions League game that just ended. The away game defeated Catalan United 4:2. It was the victory of this game that gave me confidence and made me realize that Leeds City is actually stronger than we thought. I believe that after this game, our players also I should have gained a lot of confidence, and I will be more calm when I meet a strong team-to be honest, this is what it means for us to participate in a high-level competition like the Champions League. This Leeds City is different from the previous Leeds City!"

The colleagues in the coaching staff didn't say a word, but recalled the game that just ended.

Is Leeds City's 4:2 victory over Catalan United a lucky victory?

It is understandable for outsiders to think so, but none of the coaches of Leeds City think so.

Because they know the strength of this team.

With Hu Lai, the opening goal, falling behind and tying, tying and overtaking, overtaking and expanding the lead... These things cannot be explained by "good luck".

Leeds City's offensive system ensures that they can create a large number of opportunities, and the existence of Hou Lai ensures that the opportunities they create can be used efficiently.

The two complement each other and complement each other.

Leeds made Holly, and Holly made Leeds today.

If the whole team of Leeds City can use the momentum of playing Catalan United in the Europa may not be impossible to hit the championship!

Seeing everyone's thoughtful expressions, Clark knew that they must have thought of the key point, so he kept quiet and let them think that it would be more effective for them to figure it out than him to persuade them.

Randyll was thinking too.

But he is thinking about what problems still need to be solved in the current lineup and tactics of Leeds City...

"But there is a problem, Tony. If we want to win the Europa League, we won't be able to perform well in the league... Now the team's lineup can't play on both fronts and perform well." He looked up. Say it to Clark.

"Of course. Besides, we are working hard in the Europa League because it is difficult to make a breakthrough in the league. This season, other teams in the league have played us very hard. It is not easy to achieve good results in the league. But the Europa League is completely foreign to us..." Clarke explained. "There is only one goal of the league, it's very simple - relegation."

The coaches nodded one after another, and they all felt that if it was just relegation, the problem should not be big.

"One more question." Randall raised his hand again.

Clark motioned for him to speak.

"If the Europa League is the goal, we need to sign reinforcements in the winter transfer window. The focus is on midfield defense. Sedu... no." Randyer said.

"In fact, the Europa League is not considered. I also plan to introduce new aid to replace Seydoux in January next year." Clark said here and turned his head to look at Matt Dawn.

The latter stepped up and said: "Yes, our scouting team has already looked at multiple targets."

Randyll nodded.

Seeing this, Clark asked everyone, "Who else has any questions?"

No one raised their hands again.

But just when Clark was about to finalize, Matt raised his hand: "Me!"

Clark turned to look at him and frowned. "What's your problem, Matt?"

Matt said with a smile: "I just want to remind you, Tony. If the goal is to win the Europa League, it is obviously not enough to rely on Hu alone to score. Do you want to reconsider the plan for Lasky?" Seasonal goals?"

Clark froze for a moment, then realized that his friend was right.

If you want to aim for the Europa League championship, of course you need the whole team to perform well in the Europa League. What if they just played harder in the league? Isn't it putting the cart before the horse?

Thinking of this, Clark smiled and said, "You're right, Matt. I need to update Laski's season goals..."

※※ ※

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Laski knocked on the door of the head coach's office, and saw the head coach Clark sitting on his chair.

Seeing Lasky coming in, he stood up and greeted him: "Ah, Dominic, yes I'm looking for you. There is something that I went back yesterday and thought about it for a long time. I think I should talk to you again."

"What's the matter, boss?" Hearing what the head coach said, Lasky suddenly became uneasy.

"Didn't I make a promise with you yesterday? That is, as long as you can score ten goals in the league, I will treat you to eat red pepper... I went back yesterday and thought about it carefully, and I don't think it's very good... ..."

Hearing what the head coach said, Lasky's eyes couldn't help puffing up—the morale of everyone in the locker room was high, and they were waiting for the end of the season to have a big meal at the chili peppers. As a result, now I hear the boss say that it is not very good...why is it not good? Very good, boss! If you are like this, I will have a hard time doing it!

Laski just thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He is afraid that the head coach will think that he is a person who has no professionalism and only wants to eat Chinese food. After inviting so many people, I regretted it.

Clark noticed the sharp expression change on Lasky's face, he suppressed a smile, and continued to say solemnly: "I think it's just ten goals in the league, it's too easy for you...I'm very optimistic about your talent Yes, ten goals in the league should definitely not be your limit. If you only take this as your goal, you will... underestimate you."

Lasky's eyes widened, he didn't expect the boss to say that.

"What do you think of yourself, Dominique? About this goal..."

Laski, whose name was selected, quickly said: "I...uh, I will try my best to score more goals, and I will not let the boss down!"

What else can he say? Could it be that "boss, I think ten goals in the league is enough, but I'm afraid I won't be able to complete it if there are too many goals, and the whole team will not be able to eat red peppers"?

Clark seemed to be very satisfied with Lasky's answer, he nodded with a smile: "Very well. I knew you were an ambitious player and you would never let me down. So I want to, otherwise we will make the agreed Change the conditions?"


"Ten goals in the league is too easy for you, so I hope you can score goals in all competitions this season, and strive for... a total of 20 goals! League, Europa League Add up the number of goals in various games, at least 20 goals, as long as you can achieve it, I will treat you to eat red pepper! You know, Ms. Schmidt does not approve of me doing this, but I think if you If you can show your abilities and talents, then even if Ms. Schmidt disagrees, I promise you!"

What Clark said was awe-inspiring, as if he invited Lasky to have a Chinese meal, how much risk would he take...

Twenty goals in all competitions...

Laski thought about it, and it is not uncommon for him to score more than twenty goals in a season. When playing in Poland, he scored 18 goals in the league alone last season, plus the number of domestic cup goals, and finally scored 22 goals.

But that was the Polish First Division, and now he is in the Premier League, playing in the Premier League, the FA Cup, the Champions League, and the Europa League.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is to score goals.

If he was alone, he couldn't do it if he couldn't do it. But now everyone pins their hope of eating red pepper on themselves, if they can't do it...

He didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

Seeing Lasky's hesitation, Clark asked a little more seriously, "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"Ah, no, no, boss, no. Twenty balls... I will work hard for this goal!" Laski quickly recovered from his thoughts, and nodded repeatedly to express his agreement.

Clark smiled again and nodded: "Very well, come on, Lasky, you can do it, I believe in you. Because you are my favorite player, just like I was optimistic about Hu at the beginning!"

※※ ※

When Laski returned to the locker room, he was immediately surrounded by his teammates: "What's the matter with the boss looking for you this time, Dominique?"

Lasky told everyone all about his experience with Clark.

"Twenty goals in a season?"

Lasky nodded and confirmed to his teammates: "Yes, the total number of goals in various games is at least twenty."

But what surprised him next was that the teammates didn't frown, thinking that this was a difficult task, and instead started making noises.

"Hey, what do I think it is! Isn't it 20 goals in the season? Dominic already has 4 goals, which means that in the next half of the season, he can score 16 more goals!"

"That's right, it's just sixteen balls. We all work together as one, can't we complete this task?"

"That's right! With our offensive firepower, if Dominic can't score another 16 goals, then Leeds City can't be considered a good offensive team!"

"And we will participate in the Europa League in the second half of the season. There will be more matches for Dominic to score goals!"

The crowd in the locker room was passionate, even arousing the pride in Laski's heart.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will let you eat 'red pepper' after the season is over!"

"Well said, Dominic! It is necessary to have such a fighting spirit! For the red pepper, let alone 20 balls, 30 balls are also fine!"

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