Thunder sounded and reverberated over the Volendam Stadium.

This is the applause of Veronica fans.

Amid the applause, Luo Kai raised his hands to applaud the fans in the stands who applauded for him, and returned the salute.

The commentator of Dutch TV said: "With five minutes left in the game, Rowe was replaced early... He contributed a goal and an assist in this game, helping Veronica 3-0. Leading the Hercules of The Hague. If Veronica can finally win the game, it can be said that Luo is the biggest contributor to the team's victory...

"It's not even just this game. In this season, he is an important contributor to Veronica's ability to rank first in the Netherlands. With nine goals and six assists in the league, he created fifteen by himself. This goal accounted for more than one-third of Veronica's team's league goals!

"What makes Veronica fans very sad is that such an excellent striker is about to return to China to participate in the Asian Cup and will be absent for at least a month. It is precisely for this reason that Halloy will replace Luo in advance, so that He was able to enjoy the send-off of the home fans..."

In the TV broadcast, in the stands of the Volendam Stadium, many Veronica fans stood up and watched the audience applaud.

Sui Xin was also standing in the stands, wearing a black woolen coat and a Veronica team scarf around his neck, looking as if he had become a Veronica fan.

His actions were the same as those of the Veronica fans around him, applauding as well, watching the figure who was raising his hands and applauding off the field.

My heart is extremely sad. You must know that just last season, when he and Luo Kai first came to this team, they were like invisible people for a long time, not only in this team, but also in this small town.

No one cares whether he plays or not, or how he performs.

Nobody even booed him when he wasn't doing well and couldn't fit in with the team - that's the saddest thing about nobody paying attention.

Looking at the current scene, how could Sui Xin, who was in despair and pain at the time, imagine it?

Now he is very glad that he listened to Luo Kai's words and worked hard for him to renew the lease of Veronica.

The matter itself is not as simple and smooth as the news. Behind the simple official announcement is the game between him and the club.

Tramed was reluctant to renew the lease of Rokai to Veronica, who fell into the second division of the Netherlands, because they thought the level of the second division was too low.

Can't exercise Rocky well. They originally planned to loan Luo Kai to Antwerp City, a Belgian first-tier team.

This team is one of the strong teams in the Belgian First Division and has a good cooperative relationship with Tramed.

At the same time, Belgium is close to the Netherlands, and the two countries also have many similarities in language and living habits. Luo Kai does not need to adapt from scratch.

It can be said that the Tramed Club is still very concerned about Luo Kai, which can only be seen from the selection of this team.

But Luo Kai himself insisted on staying in Veronica.

In the end, after some debate, although Tramed agreed to Luo Kai's renewal of Veronica's lease, the meaning revealed in the speech put Sui Xin under a lot of pressure.

Obviously the club is not very satisfied with Luo Kai's idea of ​​self-assertion. If Luo Kai does not perform well in Veronica, then they may end the lease early and take him back.

If he can't find a suitable loanee at that time, he may only be able to train in the Tramed reserve team, and he will not even be able to participate in the game.

Such a result is definitely not a good thing for Luo Kai.

Fortunately, Luo Kai performed very well this season. He has fully adapted to the Dutch environment and team tactics, and he has made great achievements in the game.

Tramed no longer talked about ending the loan early, but let Luo Kai concentrate on playing in Veronica.

Luo Kai achieved this through his own efforts.

Looking at the scene in front of him again, this was also won by Luo Kai himself.

Sui Xin was happy for Luo Kai from the bottom of his heart.

Unlike Hu Lai, he chose the most difficult path. Although I have experienced many unimaginable difficulties, I finally came over.

Take the hardest road and see the most beautiful scenery.

All deserve it, Rocky!


Chen Xingyi saw his teammate Laurent Abiers holding the ball in the middle and looking up. He who was originally on the side suddenly accelerated and slashed towards the middle.

At the same time, he shouted: "Pass the ball!"

He unceremoniously asked Sporting Amsterdam's main midfielder Abiers to give him the ball.

Abiers didn't hesitate when he saw this, and passed the football.

At the same time as receiving the ball, the defenders of the opponent Rotterdam Elite also rushed to him.

However, Chen Xingyi seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He didn't stop the ball, and directly used the toe of his right foot to stab the football diagonally to his forward teammate Mario Ingels on the left rib.

After passing the ball, he didn't stop, but bypassed the defender and continued to insert into the penalty area, and at the same time gestured for Ingels to pass the football back.

Ingels didn't stop the ball and went straight back to do it, and the two played a two-pass and hit the wall to cooperate!

"Chen! Great cooperation! He caught the ball!!" The commentator suddenly raised the volume at this time, because the exclamation on the scene had reached its peak. If he didn't raise the volume, he was afraid that his commentary would be completely drowned out.

Rotterdam Elite's central defender quickly stepped forward to intercept him. Chen Xingyi deftly pushed the football forward with his right foot, followed by a slight twist, and neutralized more than half of the opponent's rush. Then, relying on his dexterous figure and speed, he wiped past the opponent!

"The goal was scored! Beautiful! Chen slashed into the penalty area! Opportunity!"

Amidst the loud screams, facing the second Rotterdam elite central defender who rushed forward, and the Rotterdam elite goalkeeper who attacked to block his shot, Chen Xingyi lightly picked with the outer instep of his right foot!

In this way, the football passed through the gap between the two people without time to close together, drew a parabola, and flew towards the goal behind...

At the same time, Chen Xingyi also turned his head and stared at the football, looking forward to his first goal in the Eredivisie League...

But the football finally flew out of the baseline by rubbing against the edge of the far post!

"Oops!!" The Dutch commentator yelled regretfully, covering his head with his hands, as if he had missed this opportunity himself.

Chen Xingyi was also very sorry, but he just stuck out his tongue and made a face, then shook his head, not even the commentator seemed reconciled.

"Chen, who just came off the bench for seven minutes, almost scored his first goal at Athletic Amsterdam... and almost ended the suspense of this competitive and elite duo! What a pity, What a pity!"

The TV broadcast switched from a close-up of Chen Xingyi's regretful face to his sharp breakthrough just now.

From a sudden inside cut to receiving and passing the ball in one go, he used his super high agility to dodge the Rotterdam elite central defender who was too aggressive.

The narrator kept admiring: "All these movements are done at high speed. Chen is like flowing water. When he encounters a stone, he bypasses it, and when he encounters a bend, he goes down the river... he doesn't feel complacent at all. Those who block and stay! His pace makes Rotterdam's elite defense unable to keep up..."

"What a pity!" The assistant coach felt sorry for Chen Xingyi's ball in front of the visiting team's coach bench. "If this goal is scored, it can even become the best goal of this round..."

Head coach Yop Munster was expressionless: "It's a pity that he has to leave us after showing such a state."

The assistant coach was stunned for a moment before realizing what Munster said was that Chen Xingyi would leave the team to play for the national team.

"We waited for half a season and gave him time to slowly adapt and integrate into the team... Now it's finally going to succeed, but he's going to play in the damn Asian Cup!" Munster remained expressionless, but his words But with anger. "I don't know if he can keep up with us after the Asian Cup. Maybe we have to start all over again...Damn it..."

The last swear word, Munster muttered very quietly.

In fact, it stands to reason that if the team loses one Chen Xingyi, it will have no effect. He can't bear such a big temper.

Munster felt sorry for Chen Xingyi. After finally getting on the right track, he was transferred back to participate in the Asian Cup, and he was gone for at least a month.

He does not believe that the training and competition level of the Chinese team is comparable to that of the Eredivisie giants Sporting Amsterdam, so Munster is worried that Chen Xingyi's state and feeling will be interrupted.

"There is no way, Yop. Chen is the main player in the Chinese team." The assistant coach explained. "They performed well in the World Cup, and it is said that they aim to win the championship this time. South Korea, Japan, and Iran have all transferred back their European players. Why can't the Chinese team do this?"

Munster shrugged: "Then I don't care, I'm just the head coach of Athletic Amsterdam, not the head coach of the Chinese team."

"Speaking of which, Jorge almost became the coach of the Chinese team, but unfortunately he didn't succeed in the end, otherwise you don't have to scold him secretly here now. You can call him directly." The assistant coach joked with a smile.

Munster said angrily: "You know I dare not, that's my boss."

He had been Jorge Dillon's assistant coach for a while when he just retired, so he couldn't be arrogant in front of Dillon...


While the two coaches were talking and laughing, the game was actually still going on.

Athletic Amsterdam leads Rotterdam Elite by one goal away from home.

There are ten minutes left in the game, which is actually enough time for the Rotterdam elite to counterattack.

However, the appearance of Chen Xingyi gave Sporting Amsterdam an extra explosive point in the frontcourt, which made the Rotterdam elite a little uncomfortable.

So until the end of the game, the Rotterdam elite failed to win the Amsterdam Athletic at home. The league schedule is almost halfway through, and the team from the capital leads the standings. There is no suspense to win the half-time championship.

And until the end of the game, Chen Xingyi failed to score his first goal at Sporting Amsterdam.

He can only keep this regret in his heart and make up for it after returning from the national team.

After the game, the team's main central defender Danny Drew came up and put his arms around Chen Xingyi's shoulders to comfort him: "Your goal was really beautiful, but it's a pity you didn't score. But it's okay, Xing. As long as you keep playing like this, I believe you will be getting closer and closer to scoring a goal! But first you go back to the national team to play, and be careful not to get injured..."

"Thanks Danny, I'll keep an eye out."

"Good luck, Star. I'll miss you, my good friend!"

Chen Xingyi smiled: "Actually, we have to go back to the locker room together, and then back to Amsterdam together. I won't go directly to the airport from here, my flight will leave tomorrow afternoon..."

Drew waved his hand: "Tell me in advance, I'm afraid I'll forget it by then!"

"Hey, your friendship..."

Drew laughed loudly, and patted Chen Xingyi on the shoulder vigorously.

Chen Xingyi smiled and shook his head, not as knowledgeable as Drew.

In the more than five months at Athletic Amsterdam, although he did not score a goal, he gained friends in the team and adapted to a completely unfamiliar environment. Generally speaking, it is going up.

Although this upward momentum was forced to be interrupted because of going to the national team to participate in the Asian Cup. It seemed to be his loss.

Chen Xingyi did not have any emotions of worrying about gains and losses. He is still full of confidence in his future in the club.

Just like flowing water, if you encounter obstacles, you can go around. You don’t have to fight to the death. The important thing is to go forward and don’t stop before rushing to the sea.

Luo Kai likes to challenge the limit, to climb the highest mountain, walk the most difficult road, suffer the worst beating, and see the most beautiful scenery. It seems that life is not complete without experiencing these things, and life is meaningless.

But Chen Xingyi was not so stubborn.

If you don't have a good time in the golden arrow, go to the flashing star in the middle class. When Shan Xing helped Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan, Hu Lai's reputation as the "No. 1 person in high school" was completely overshadowed by Hu Lai, and he didn't care if he was "hugging his thigh" by doing so.

He followed the trend, went down the river, accumulated experience along the way, and made continuous progress, from a trickle at the beginning to a torrent that was surging enough to cut mountains and cover the ground.

This is Chen Xingyi's path.

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