Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 73 He is different from ordinary people

Salif Sedu, who was in training, suddenly sat down with his hands on his knees. At first, everyone was stunned, because there was no confrontation at all, and there was no one else within a five-meter radius around him.

Everyone thought he was tired...

But soon everyone realized that Sedu was injured!

"Damn!" Assistant coach Sam Randyll cursed in a low voice, and then blew his whistle to interrupt the ongoing match.

Then the team medical team on standby on the sidelines quickly entered the field to check Seydoux's condition.

At the same time, coach Clark also strode towards Sedu, and at the same time he signaled other players to rest first and not to watch.

The players obediently walked to the rest area on the sidelines to replenish water, but they still turned their attention to Seydoux, showing concern.

Clark did not stand directly beside Sedu, but stopped a few steps away, so as not to disturb the work of the team medical team.

Thom Middle hadn't finished checking, but just looking at the painful expression on Seydoux's face, Clark could guess based on experience that Seydoux was seriously injured.

Leeds City was really unlucky this season. They spent 30 million pounds, setting a record transfer fee for the club. They bought what they thought was a good player, but the performance on the field was mediocre, and they are still injured in training.

It stands to reason that the 29-year-old Seydoux is in his prime, and he is not the kind of glass body. He has only suffered three injuries at Goshen United Berlin, and none of them were serious injuries.

As a result, Leeds City caught up with the first serious knee injury!

Thirty million pounds wasted just like that...

Clark's guess was right, and soon Middler came over and whispered to him: "Sedu said his knee is very painful, I think there should be a big problem with the knee ligament...We need to send him for a detailed examination... "

"Okay, no problem." Clark nodded calmly.

Then he walked to Seydu's side, leaned over and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "It's okay, Salif. It's not a big problem, you'll be fine. Now feel free to go for a checkup..."

After comforting Sedu for a while, he asked Midel to help Sedu to undergo the examination.

When Middler and the others left,

Just in time to brush shoulders with assistant coach Sam Randyll.

Randyll didn't stop the other party from asking another question, but just patted Seydoux on the shoulder to show comfort, then watched the other party leave, and then found Clark: "How is the situation?"

"I guess Sedu will be reimbursed this season, Sam..." Clark said his judgment.

"Damn it!" Randyll swore.

"Do you know what that means, Sam?"

"It means... uh, it means we lost a midfielder?" Randyll tried to guess.

"It means I'm going to go to Eric and ask him why our signings in the midfielder position are progressing so slowly!"

The coaching team did not decide to continue to introduce the midfielder after Seydoux was injured. Long before that, Clark had finalized several transfer targets with Matt Dawn and reported the list to the club.

As a result, no progress has been made so far.

Seydoux's injury brought the issue back to the point where it was simply impossible to ignore.

"But Nevin is in charge of signings." Randyll reminded him that Nevin Ball, the club's director of football, is the person in charge of the transfer.

"I know, Sam. But why go to Nevin when I can go straight to Eric?"

Hearing what Clark said, Randyll grinned. From this sentence, he could hear how dissatisfied Clark was with the club's signings.

He wants to use general manager Eric Duffy to press Nevin Ball, lest his head coach is not good at speaking.


"There's bad news, Eric."

When Clark knocked on the door of the club's general manager's office, he cut to the chase with Eric Duffy, who sat behind his desk.

"Seydoux is injured and the whole season is over."

Eric Duphy froze for a moment, then stood up from his seat. He had realized why Clark had come to him specifically to tell him the news.

It stands to reason that there is no need to notify the general manager of a player's injury at all. There are many things he needs to deal with, but the player's injury is not his responsibility, and he is not the team doctor.

Clark appeared here today, euphemistically expressing his dissatisfaction with the club's signing work.

So he explained: "Tony, Nevin has been flying around Europe all this time, just for the names on your list. But I'm sorry, either the opposing club won't let you go, or The asking price is too high... It's no secret that we lack a good midfielder, people want to take advantage of it."

"Europe?" Clark asked back, "Did he go to Asia?"

"Uh..." Du Fei was speechless.

Looking at him like this, Clark knew that Nevin Ball wasn't there. He didn't get angry, but let out a long sigh.

Hearing his sigh, Eric Dufy felt even more guilty. He quickly explained: "At the beginning, we planned to give priority to the introduction of players who play in Europe. After all, it is easier for players who play in Europe to adapt... "

Clark didn't argue with Duffy, even though he felt that Nevin and Duffy might just not want to deal with that damn fat man... But he didn't say it out, but chose to accept Duffy's explanation, and then said : "Then Nevin can go to China now, right?"

"Go, go, arrange it right away." Duffy picked up his mobile phone and called football director Nevin Ball in front of Clark.

Since Clarke led the team to win the Premier League title, his status in the club has risen sharply, and even the general manager dared not offend him easily.

After all, a head coach like Clark is a favorite wherever he goes, but it's hard to say whether Leeds City can find such a capable head coach after giving up him...


"I'm full, thank you Brother Lin and sister-in-law."

Morikawa Junpei got up from the chair while talking, and then bowed to Qin Lin and his wife.

"Oh, I told you not to be so polite..." Wang Yuan waved her hand, feeling that Morikawa Junpei was too stubborn. "Anyway, we have to eat every day. One more you is just a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks. It's really not troublesome."

Qin Lin raised his head and looked at Junping Morikawa who got up: "Otherwise, Morikawa, you should move out. You live in such a big house by yourself... you are not used to it."

"Thank you Brother Lin for your concern." Junpei Morikawa shook his head and said, "But this is my home in Jincheng, where will I live if I don't live at home?"

Qin Lin had seen Junpei Morikawa's stubbornness before, so now he just shook his head and did not continue to persuade.

"Then, brother Lin, sister-in-law, I will take my leave." Seeing that neither of them had anything to say, Junpei Morikawa nodded his thanks again, then turned and went out.

"I'll see you off." Qin Lin also stood up.

Junpei Morikawa did not reject Brother Lin's kindness, he just stopped and bowed again: "Thank you Brother Lin."

Qin Lin waved his hands, put his arms around his shoulders, and went out with him.

But it was only delivered to the gate of the yard of his house. He squeezed Morikawa Junpei's shoulder hard and waved goodbye.

Then Qin Lin stood at the door and watched Junpei Morikawa cross a road to the big white palace-like villa, and took out the key to open the door.

After opening the door, he turned his head and looked towards Qin Lin. Seeing that Qin Lin was still at the gate, he bowed again.

He didn't turn around and walk into the house until he saw Qin Lin waving his hand to signal him to go in quickly.

The heavy door was closed with a muffled sound.

"The child Morikawa is too... Isn't it scary to live alone in such a big house?" The voice of his wife Wang Yuan rang in Qin Lin's ears. "As far as our house is concerned, if Qiqi and I live alone, I dare not turn off the lights..."

Qin Lin turned his head and glanced at his wife who was standing beside him at some point, and then continued to look at the white house in the twilight.

"Indeed, I'm also afraid to live in that house alone," he said.

Wang Yuan and her husband looked over together, and they were still nagging: "This kid Morikawa is very poor. Hu Lai and the others have left, so I leave him alone to look after the house. The Asian Cup Japanese team didn't recruit him, just because of him. Stayed in Shining Star to play in the Chinese Super League... I was able to play in the World Cup half a year ago, but now I can't even play in the Asian Cup. Oh, really..."

"I remember Lao Zhao said that Mori Chuan's thinking is quite different from that of ordinary people, so people often can't understand him. In private, they would think that he..." Qin Lin pointed to his temple with his finger. "Whether he is in a Japanese domestic club or the Olympic team, it seems that he has not changed when he goes to the national team. He has no friends in Japan."

Wang Yuan nodded. Based on her contact and understanding of Morikawa Junpei, she could also feel that this person's spiritual world seemed to be very different from ordinary people.

"But in Shining Star, he made friends. This house has a special meaning to him. We feel that living in such a big house alone is very scary, but he thinks it is better to be bigger, so that it can accommodate He and his friends..."

"But his friends are gone, didn't they agree to leave this house vacant?" Wang Yuan asked.

Qin Lin looked at the villa and said: "That's why Morikawa thinks differently from us. He doesn't live here to live, but to protect it. Because if the house is not occupied for a long time... it will break down."

While speaking, orange lights shone from the windows on the second floor of the villa.


Junpei Morikawa closed the door of the villa, changed his shoes, walked through the dark and empty living room, turned up the stairs from the right to the second floor, and turned on the lights in the corridor first.

Then he turned and walked to the bathroom.

After a while, there was a splash of water in the bathroom. Then he reappeared in the hallway with a mop in hand, and began... mopping the floor.

Drag it from one end to the other, dragging the corridor again. They also used the key to open the door of Wang Guangwei's room, turned on the light, and mopped the floor.

After mopping, he turned off the lights and came out, then locked the door. Turn around and go to the bathroom to wash the mop.

The sound of water sounded and disappeared.

Morikawa Junpei came out empty-handed and went back to his room.

After turning on the light to brighten the room, he sat down at the desk and spread out a book of notes on the desk.

This is a hygienic duty record.

When they rented this villa together, they would regularly hire part-time workers to clean the public areas of the villa.

But everyone's room is cleaned up by themselves.

Now that they are all gone, and no one cleans their respective rooms, Morikawa Junpei takes over the job.

He has only one person, and he has to practice and compete. He doesn't have much time to do housework. He can only clean one room today and another room tomorrow.

In this way, day after day, it took a week to clean all six of their rooms.

In order to prevent himself from forgetting which room was cleaned or not, he prepared such a sanitation duty record with the names of six people written on it.

For all the rooms that have been cleaned, tick under the corresponding name.

Now he has added a new "√" under "Old Wang" with a pen, which means that Wang Guangwei's room has been cleaned by him this week.

After recording, he closed the duty record and put it aside.

Picking up the tablet on the other side of the table, under the two Hu Lai jerseys hanging on the wall, I buried my head at my desk and learned English with the app.

In the room with the solitary light on, English readings in two tones soon sounded.

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