Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 88 We are the Asian Champions!

"Fuck! The Chinese team leads Japan 2-0? Am I right?"

"Stop talking, I still can't believe my eyes..."

"If I hadn't watched the live broadcast of this game, I would have thought that the TV station had made a mistake..."

"It's not just the score, my friends! That scene... the Chinese team was not at a disadvantage! Even if the Japanese team played against the Chinese team for a while, it gave the Chinese team a chance to counterattack. And the second The goal happened to be scored during the counterattack... I think the tactics of the Chinese team in this game are completely right!"

During the half-time break, the excited Chinese fans couldn't wait to start a discussion on the Internet, expressing their feelings after watching the half-time game.

It is understandable that everyone is so excited, after all, this is a two-goal lead against the Japanese team.

Even if the Chinese team has participated in the World Cup, the Japanese team is still an opponent worthy of their special attention.

It can even be said that after the World Cup, they understood the strength of the Japanese team better.

After all, in this World Cup, the Japanese team is the only Asian team that has reached the knockout stage. The South Korean team with "former Light of Asia" Park Chun-tae also stopped in the group stage and failed to go further.

With this comparison, you can know how strong the current Japanese team is.

But in the face of such a strong Japanese team, the Chinese team was able to take a two-goal lead at halftime... This performance cannot be overstated anyway.

However, this cheerful discussion quickly turned to a weird angle-if the Chinese team beat the Japanese team, can Dong Jianhai continue to serve as the head coach of the Chinese team?

Someone posted such a post on the "Goal" website, and it quickly became the most popular discussion post during the halftime break.

Everyone rushed in to express their opinions, and even quarreled.

Some people were overwhelmed by the performance of the Chinese team in this half, thinking that everyone should give Dong Jianhai some trust and opportunities. There must be an adaptation process, and now he should have passed the adaptation period.

Frequent coaching changes are not a good thing for the Chinese team. It is still necessary to give the head coach a stable environment, instead of clamoring "change coaches" when there is a little trouble.

It's easy to change coaches, but after changing back and forth, you can't get out of the line in the end.

Isn't it still Chinese football that gets hurt, isn't it still us Chinese fans?

There are also those who object to this statement. They believe that even if Dong Jianhai leads the Chinese team to defeat the Japanese team—not to mention that the possibility of winning Japan is very small—it does not prove that Dong Jianhai is a capable head coach.

It is very likely that defeating the Japanese team is only a flash in the pan, and it can even be said that luck is far greater than the victory of strength. If Dong Jianhai is allowed to stay on because of rising nationalist sentiment, that would be the greatest harm to Chinese football.

People holding two diametrically opposed viewpoints quarreled like this, and there were some people whose positions were not exactly the same, but who disliked each other.

The popularity of the post has remained high, and many people have been attracted to watch the excitement.

At the same time, on Weibo, quarrels and personal attacks spread over the same topic.

The frantic excitement everyone showed on this matter proved how entangled they were.

Originally, if the Chinese team were eliminated cleanly in the group stage, then there would be no problems, and everyone would agree that Dong Jianhai was an incompetent person who harmed the country and the people.

Even if they made it to the knockout round, if they were defeated by the Japanese team, it would be a result that would not cause any controversy. Dong Jianhai still has to bear all the responsibilities. As the head coach of the team, he must be responsible for the poor performance of the team. Not to mention the serious consequences of losing to the Japanese team...

Only when the get out of class is over can the people be outraged.

Fortunately, the Chinese team not only leads the Japanese team by two goals in the score, but also is not at a disadvantage in the scene, and can play back and forth with the Japanese team.

This made some people get cold feet and turn their backs, thinking that it would not be an unacceptable result for Dong Jianhai to continue coaching.


There were endless quarrels on the Internet, and in the locker room of the Chinese team in Qatar, Dong Jianhai didn't know that his fate was being discussed fiercely by fans all over the country.

He is saying to the Chinese team players in the locker room: "The Japanese team will definitely strengthen their offensive in the second half, and our defense will face tremendous pressure. However, the more it is like this, the more we must hold on. If you feel that you are overwhelmed Don’t stop, just think about the World Cup.”

Dong Jianhai's words made the players of the Chinese team a little dazed.

Before the start of the Asian Cup, they felt that they had "played in the World Cup" was a huge advantage. There is a mentality of "I have seen all kinds of big winds and waves, what's the big deal about the Asian Cup?"

As a result, when they faced Iraq with a shrinking defense and were unable to attack for a long time in the game, their mentality changed completely.

The previous sense of superiority of "playing in the World Cup" disappeared, but it became the culprit that made them so embarrassed.

After losing to Iraq, "playing the World Cup" has become a taboo. Both the media and fans are criticizing the Chinese team's mentality of "looking down on the Asian Cup after playing the World Cup" as one of the important reasons for their loss.

They are right to criticize, there is indeed such a mentality among the players.

Therefore, the international players also learned from the painful experience and made reflections. Even in the face of Palestine and the Philippines, they dare not take it lightly.

Thus achieved two consecutive victories and qualified from this group.

It seems that having played in the World Cup is no longer the strength of this team, but has become a burden that hinders their progress. They must get rid of this burden and cannot allow themselves to continue living in the past achievements.

Now their manager is asking them to "think about the World Cup".


"...The Chinese team's offensive was very fierce in the first half. According to common sense, it is impossible for them to continue such a fast offensive." Hiroto Motegi said to his players with his hands on his hips. Patiently defend for a while, and after their own physical fitness declines, they can regain control of the situation on the court...but I don't want to do that!"

The players of the Japanese team looked at their head coach, and from the tone of this sentence, they could tell that their head coach was obviously angry.

This is also normal, anyone who sees such a first half will be angry.

So a group of players playing in European clubs, even though they have been famous for a long time, dare not make mistakes in front of the angry Motegi Hiroto.

The Japanese national team has reached the knockout stage of the World Cup three times before. Last year's World Cup in the United States and Canada was their fourth time to reach the knockout stage, and it was the first time they were led by a Japanese head coach.

So Mogi Hiroto's coaching level can be seen.

The Japanese Football Association is also very satisfied with Hiroto Motegi's coaching work, and renewed a contract with him after the World Cup.

If nothing else, he will continue to lead the Japanese team to the next World Cup. If he does come true, it will make Japanese football history. Because there has never been any coach who can lead the Japanese national team to participate in the World Cup twice in a row.

In front of such a head coach, those famous players in the Japanese team also have to bow their heads.

"We are the Japanese team! We are the defending champions! Why should we avoid their edge? The majestic Japanese team has to wait for the opponent to run out of energy before they can reverse the situation?" Motegi Hiroto asked very seriously with a straight face.

No one in the locker room dared to answer his question.

"If we bow our heads to the Chinese team here, then in my opinion, we don't need to pursue any defending Asian Cup. Because we don't deserve it! So we have to push the Chinese team back in the second half! They are absolutely not allowed in the Play wild on our heads!"

The atmosphere in the locker room of the Japanese team also became lively.

Most of the Japanese players were dissatisfied with the fact that the Chinese team stole their limelight in the World Cup, and they were humiliated by the Chinese team in the first half. They were so angry that they were about to explode.

Now let the words of their head coach be ignited.

Yes, how can we hide in our penalty area and pray that the Chinese team will exhaust their energy?

What does this look like?

Did the Chinese team, which hadn't won against us in 29 years, scare us out of courage just because we scored two goals in the first half? !

Do not!

Absolutely not!

We must not let the Chinese team players dominate our half, not even for a minute!


"Just after the start of the second half, the Japanese team launched the most violent attack on the Chinese team's goal. This is actually not unexpected... After all, the Japanese team is two goals behind! The Chinese team also tried to attack in the second half, but it was quickly lost. I was pushed back by the Japanese team's offensive... This period of time is very critical for the Chinese team, we must defend it!"

At the commentary seat, He Feng frowned, with a solemn expression.

The Japanese commentator on the other side yelled excitedly: "That's right! That's it! From the very beginning! Don't underestimate the Chinese team in the slightest. The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength! Put their momentum to the test! Hit it back! Press it down! You are the Asian champion Japanese team!"

The Japanese team's fierce offensive in the second half was kicked off by a long-range shot from their midfielder Masao Yonezawa.

Although the long-range shot was blocked by Hao De, it gave the Japanese team a chance to make up the shot.

Forward Hirokawa Masato swept the football towards the goal before the Chinese players destroyed it.

Fortunately, Yao Huasheng, the experienced captain of the Chinese team, appeared in front of the goal line and made a key defense. The football hit his leg and deflected off the baseline.

Japan gets a corner kick.

The Japanese team did not directly kick the corner kick to the goal of the Chinese team, but made a cooperation. First, Masao Yonezawa, who served the ball, passed the ball to Akira Fukuzawa, who came up to meet him. He moved to attract the attention of the Chinese team's defense, and then Akira Fukuzawa passed the football to the goal of the Chinese team.

The captain of the Japanese national team, central defender Kengo Yamagami jumped high in front of the Chinese team's goal, and competed with the Chinese team's captain Yao Huasheng for this point.

He slammed into Yao Huasheng's body hard and grabbed the point.

But the football was pushed higher than the crossbar by him...

Although there was no goal, Kengo Yamagami waved his fist to his teammates after landing: "Just kick like this! We are the Asian champions!"

Beside him, Yao Huasheng knelt on the ground with his hands on his shoulders.

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