Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 97 New and old

"Dillon has agreed to be the head coach..."

Hong Renjie told Dong Jianhai the inside information he had just obtained.

Dong Jianhai, who was studying the formation of troops, waved his hands without raising his head: "Then I don't worry. Originally, this head coach position should also belong to others."

"You can't say that, Old Dong. You are not a temporary transition..."

"To put it bluntly, I am a link between the past and the future." Dong Jianhai raised his head and smiled at Hong Renjie.

Hong Renjie was so choked that he couldn't speak.

A link between the past and the future, isn't it transitional to put it bluntly?

He can only change the subject: "I will continue to play Iran with three defenders?"

Dong Jianhai shook his head: "No, Yao Huasheng can't make it. We only have three central defenders left, and we can't play a three-back system. I have to keep people just in case. The next game will still be 433, and then we will wait until the game to be specific Look……"

Hong Renjie nodded without any objection. Through the last game, it can already be seen that Dong Jianhai still has two brushes in his on-the-spot command. He didn't need to express any opinion on this matter.

Looking at Dong Jianhai who fell into research again, Hong Renjie chose to leave.

Dong Jianhai just nodded and didn't get up to see him off.

Coming out of the head coach's room, after closing the door, Hong Renjie glanced back at the door again.

According to the news he knew, there should be no surprises in the signing of Dillon and the Football Association.

Just after the Asian Cup is over, the Chinese Football Association will officially announce that Jorge Dillon will become the new coach of the national team.

I don’t know how the fans and the media will evaluate Dong Jianhai, the coach of the national football team that connects the past and the future...

Since becoming the team leader of the national team, Hong Renjie has worked with three head coaches, from the first Marcel Wilson, to the most successful Shi Wuyin, and then to the controversial Dong Jianhai...Dong Jianhai is the one with the shortest cooperation time, But it left an equally deep impression on him.

Especially in the game against the Japanese team, when he replaced Bai Di with Zhou Zijing, his heart almost jumped out of fright when he saw this substitution Hong Renjie on the sidelines.

He suppressed the worries and doubts in his heart,

He didn't bother Dong Jianhai during the game, and asked him why he removed a defender and replaced him with a center when the team needed defense.

Of course, later he understood that Dong Jianhai was going to fight the Japanese team desperately.

As a result, he couldn't understand Dong Jianhai even more.

Because this is not the adjustment style that Dong Jianhai should make at all.

Not only that substitution, but even before the game started, Hong Renjie felt that Dong Jianhai made him a little confused.

Now he finally understands—perhaps since then, Dong Jianhai has made up his mind not to continue to be the coach of the national team.

It's just that he still hasn't figured out one thing: is Dong Jianhai's decision really like what he said, because he feels that he is not capable enough, or is he disheartened by public opinion?

He went further:

If Dong Jianhai leads the Chinese team to win the Asian Cup, what will it look like online?


The reality did not develop in the way Hong Renjie imagined.

Playing in the familiar 433 formation against Iran, the Chinese team did not play the same football they played against Japan.

Facing the Iranian team with better physical conditions, the Chinese team did not take advantage of it and was eliminated with a score of 1:2.

Hu Lai scored the only goal of the Chinese team, allowing him to score seven goals in this Asian Cup, and he has a great hope of winning the Asian Cup Golden Boot.

But in an interview after the game, Hu Lai didn't want to talk about the Golden Boot: "I don't care if I can win the Golden Boot. Compared with this, I hope we can go further in the Asian Cup..."

In this Asian Cup, the overall performance of the Chinese team, which was highly expected before the game, was actually not good. It stopped at the top eight and did not achieve the goal of the top four before the game.

The 3:1 defeat of the Japanese team is their only bright spot in this Asian Cup.

It can be said that without this game, the Chinese team's trip to the Asian Cup would have been a failure.

At the post-match press conference, facing the reporters concerned about his future, Dong Jianhai announced his decision:

"...The contract period we negotiated before is after the Asian Cup. My contract will expire after the Asian Cup. I will no longer be the head coach of the national team... It is a pity that the Chinese team failed to reach the fourth place in the Asian Cup. I am strong, and I, the head coach, will bear all the responsibilities...All of us tried our best, but our performance was not good enough because of my lack of personal ability. So I accept the criticism from the fans...Although not No longer the head coach of the national team, but I will always support the Chinese team..."

After the Chinese team lost 0:2 to Iraq, many Chinese fans wished that the Football Association would immediately fire Dong Jianhai instead of not renewing his contract after the Asian Cup.

Because they feel that this is not enough for the people to be angry-by the time the Asian Cup is over, the Chinese team will be finished. It's too expensive to use one Asian Cup to bury Shuai Zhu with him...

At that time, they imagined many situations in which Dong Jianhai would leave the Chinese team, but they never thought that the final result would be that Dong Jianhai took the initiative to express his position not to renew his contract.

This is very different from their initial expectations, but now it makes them very reluctant.

After the Chinese team was eliminated by the Iranian team, some fans on the Internet spoke to persuade Dong Jianhai to stay. I think he is getting better as the coach of the Chinese team, and he should be given more time and trust to lead the team.

After all, there is still some time before the World Cup qualifiers - the top 40 will not start until September this year, and there are still eight months, enough for Dong Jianhai to establish a tactical system that belongs to him, right?

Judging from the game against the Japanese team, Dong Jianhai has his own ideas. He is by no means the kind of coach who has no ideas in his head and only knows how to keep old and imitate. Those attacks on him on the Internet may be a misunderstanding...


"Actually, Dong Jianhai is quite honest, but public opinion on the Internet is like this. Sometimes they scold your 18th generation ancestors, and sometimes they praise you to heaven. They are all in one mind, and they don't care what you really look like." Hu Lixin commented on this news. said his wife.

"He made it very obvious that he lacks personal ability, so he can't continue to coach. I don't think he should use this as an excuse. Generally speaking, excuses are based on 'physical reasons' or 'family reasons'... no Make excuses about your incompetence."

"But he obviously performed very well against Japan..."

"On that one, who hasn't coached a classic game in his entire life?" Hu Lixin was a little emotional, "You always ask me why I don't take a more advanced coaching certificate to coach a professional team... How can a head coach be so easy to do? Ah. I think it’s good to be a grassroots coach who teaches children to play football, and the pressure is not so great.”

Xie Lan thought about his previous teasing of Dong Jianhai, as well as those criticisms, ridicule and abuse on the Internet, opened his mouth, and was finally speechless.

It is estimated that her husband has really become the head coach of a professional team, and if he does not play well in a game, he will scold him with all kinds of ugly words...

Although she is not afraid of fighting with others, if she fights with others every day, she is afraid that she will lose ten years of life.

She couldn't bear it.

Her son is not yet married, and she has not yet embraced her grandchildren, so how could she be willing to live ten years?

"Then who will replace him?" she asked her husband again. "We can't let Shi Wuyin go out of the mountain again, can we?"

"I don't know..." Hu Lixin shook his head, he really didn't know either.

After Dong Jianhai proposed not to renew the contract, the Football Association has not responded yet.

Until an hour later, the Chinese team's official Weibo posted a message saying goodbye to Dong Jianhai, thanking him for his contribution in leading the team in the past six months, and adding that when the Chinese team defeated the Japanese team 3:1, he directed the game from the sidelines. photo.

Obviously, this is officially certified as the highlight moment in Dong Jianhai's national team coaching career.

Then the Chinese team released another Weibo official announcement. The former Dashun Golden Arrows coach, the world famous coach who led the La Liga giants King Madrid and the Italian giants Torino Bulls to win the Champions League respectively, Jorge Dillon will become the coach of the Chinese national team. coach.

The contract signed by the Football Association will expire on July 30, 2030. At that time, the 2030 World Cups in Spain and Portugal were over.

This date means that Dillon will lead the Chinese team to the World Cup qualifiers. If he can lead the team to the World Cup finals, then he is also the candidate to lead the team to the World Cup.


After the official announcement that Dillon took over Dong Jianhai and coached the Chinese team, the focus of public opinion among fans on the Internet quickly shifted from feeling sorry for Dong Jianhai to expecting that the Chinese team under the coach of the famous coach Dillon would have success in the World Cup qualifiers. What performance.

After the Football Association and Dillon failed to negotiate, there were many rumors on the Internet about why Dillon did not coach the Chinese team.

The most important point in those rumors is that Dillon believes that the Asian Cup should be abandoned, so that overseas players can adapt to the European football environment, and don't rush to call them back to play in the Asian Cup.

In this way, the Chinese team may not be able to achieve good results in the Asian Cup, and it will also delay the players' overseas career.

At that time, it was rumored that Dillon's views caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. Many fans held different opinions and criticized Dillon's approach. It is said that strong teams such as Japan and South Korea have recalled overseas players to participate in the Asian Cup with the strongest lineup, so why can't the Chinese team recall overseas players? Is the Chinese team not worthy of competing for the Asian Cup?

But now it turns out that the famous coach is worthy of being a famous coach, and he has already seen the problem. His views also hit the nail on the head.

In this Asian Cup, even if all the overseas players were recalled, the Chinese team failed to achieve any good results in the Asian Cup.

In the last Asian Cup, the Chinese team also stopped in the quarter-finals-it was eliminated by the host South Korea when it entered the fourth round.

In this Asian Cup, the Chinese team is still the top eight.

So otherwise, why did the Football Association before the Asian Cup set the goal at the semi-finals?

Because there are many more foreign players in the Chinese team this year, it stands to reason that the strength on paper has greatly increased, so if the goal is still the same as the previous one, how can it reflect the change in our strength?

Besides, we were the top four in the last Asian Cup. At that time, we didn't have any overseas players!

In the end, it was still the quarterfinals... The performance of the overseas players is hard to describe. Some performed well, while others performed mediocre.

It turns out that the rumored Dillon was right.

Isn't it normal for such a famous coach who has seen the team's problems, that everyone has more expectations for his leadership results?

There are still three years between now and the next World Cup. The Chinese team in the top 40 should have no problem. The qualifiers are actually counted from the top 12.

There are still two and a half years before the top twelve.

This period of time is enough for our overseas players to adapt to Europe and grow up, right?

At that time, if we can reach the World Cup finals, what can we achieve in the World Cup?

Can we really hope for a World Cup victory?

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