Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 107 You Are Out

When Morikawa Junpei came back, he found that Hu Lai was not in a very high mood. He was very surprised at first, and then quickly figured out the reason - Leeds City lost...

Hulaisang must be feeling sorry and sad for not being able to go to the away game to help the team win the game, right?

Thinking of this, he bowed his head: "I'm sorry, Hu Lai..."

Hu Lai was very strange: "Why do you say sorry?"

"I couldn't help the team win the game..."

Hu Lai was full of question marks at first, and then said: " didn't play, what does losing have to do with you?"

"If I perform better in training, I can go out and help the team. That way... maybe we won't lose."

Hu Lai waved his hands again and again: "It's not necessary, it's not necessary, you're not Benzema..."

"Who is Benzema?"

"It's nothing... I mean, you're not the one to take the blame. Don't take all the responsibility on yourself. We can say whatever you want in private, and you can say the same in an interview...the media in England can play you die."

Morikawa Junpei nodded seriously: "Understood."

Hu Lai patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, don't think about the game you lost. Are you hungry?"

The game between Leeds City and Warship Harbor kicked off at 1:30 noon. After the game, the team returned to Leeds directly, just in time for dinner.

Morikawa Junpei nodded: "I'm really hungry."

Then he went to the kitchen: "Hu Lai, wait a moment, I'll do it right away..."

"What are you doing!" Hu Laila held him back, "Go, brother, I invite you to eat outside, to comfort your wounded heart."


Junpei Morikawa got into the car and sat on the passenger seat, and suddenly frowned: "This guy..."

Hu Lai in the driver's seat turned to look at him: "What's wrong with this guy? Broken?"

" just seems a little too small to sit up..." Junpei Morikawa turned his head to look for the button to adjust the seat.

"Illusion? You are getting hot after playing the game.

Therefore, it expands with heat and contracts with cold, and the body is slightly larger than usual, making the seat seem small. "

"But I didn't play, I just warmed up off the court..."

"Listen, listen, you've already said 'warm up', what is 'warm up'? Warm up, warm up, doesn't the body have to be heated to expand and gain weight?"

Hu Lai pointed to Morikawa Junpei and said.

The latter thought for a while and closed his mouth.


Li Qingqing leaned her head against the glass of the plane's porthole, staring at the bustling city below the cabin—the plane was about to land at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris.

It takes only an hour and a half to fly from Leeds to Paris.

The distance between the two places is really not far.

But this was the first time she went to Leeds to look for Hu Lai after he came to Europe.

If she hadn't seen Hu Lai's depression in the news this time, she probably wouldn't have had the urge yet.

Thinking of this, she felt that her treatment of Hu Lai was not as good as that of Hu Lai's treatment of herself.

After her muscle strain back then, Hu Lai had to come over to visit her, comfort and encourage herself even when she was playing a game.

Although the excuse I made was "delivering medicine"...

But in Li Qingqing's heart, it was not the small bottle of "placebo" that really healed her wounds, but Hu Lai who came here to make her happy.

Obviously afraid of my dad, but still try to pretend nothing happened, pretending to be funny in front of my dad...

Besides her father, Hu Lai was the first person to do this for her.

Li Qingqing suddenly regretted that she wasted too much time in the past...


"Honey, where have you been these two days? I wanted to ask you to go shopping with me, but you're not in Paris!"

Li Qingqing had just landed and turned off the airplane mode of her phone when she received a call from her friend Lilith Laza.

"I'm away on vacation, Lilith."

"Vacation?" Lilith's tone on the phone changed, from doubt to anger. "Why didn't you call me when you went on vacation?!"

"Uh..." Li Qingqing was stunned, unexpectedly Lilith discovered her blind spot.

That's right, based on her relationship with Lilith, if she really went on vacation, she should have called Lilith.

"I... I thought you had an appointment. You are such a busy person..."

"I didn't have an appointment. I wanted to go to training when I was free at home. That's why I wanted to ask you to go shopping, but you actually ran out on vacation alone behind my back!" Lilith screamed, a little out of breath. "No! You have to be honest about where you've been and who you've been with—I don't believe you're going on vacation alone, you're not like that!"

"Ah? Hello? Hey, hello? Talk to me, Lilith...Hello? Can you hear me? Strange, is the signal bad?" Li Qingqing hung up the phone.

Soon she received a message from Lilith: "It's okay, dear. I will ask you face to face!"

Li Qingqing looked at the phone screen and frowned:

She has been in Paris-Egerre for four seasons, is it time to consider changing places?

But she might not go to the team starting tomorrow, right?

Even if you want to transfer and leave, you have to wait until the end of this season...

So she still had to face Lilith's questioning.

How should I answer then?

Li Qingqing had a headache.

What made her even more troublesome was that when she returned to her apartment from the airport, she saw a smiling Lilith Laza at the door.

The tall and sexy French girl smiled proudly: "The good news, honey, you don't have to worry about how you will face me tomorrow. The bad news are going to face me now!"

Li Qingqing raised his head and sighed, then put down his luggage and raised his hands: "Okay, I surrender. But can we come in and talk?"

"Of course, of course. No problem. Let's go in and talk, make a cup of coffee, or open a bottle of wine...I'll order another pizza, and we'll talk while we eat. I've got enough time to hear you."

Lilith hugged Li Qingqing's shoulders, and after she opened the door with the key, she hugged her into the room.


"You actually ran to find Hu?" Li Lisi's eyes widened after listening to Li Qingqing's story, and then she frowned again, "No, I should have a hunch. I knew that the two of you are not simple!"

"What! Why is it not simple?" Li Qingqing protested.

Lilith did not answer the question, but continued to ask: "So there is only a wall between you two, and nothing happened all night?"

"what happened?"

"Do you know what images I had in my mind when I heard you say you decided to spend the night at his house? When he said good night to you, you suddenly grabbed him and kissed him bravely! Then you grab his hand and guide..."

Li Lisi was dancing and dancing, but Li Qingqing was embarrassed: "If you keep talking, this book will be blocked, Lilith!"

Lilith pointed at her and asked, "Didn't you have that thought at all? When you were led in by him, when you were taking a shower, when you were lying on the bed..."

Every time she asked, Li Qingqing shook her head once, turning herself into a rattle: "No! No! No..."

Lilith spread her hands: "Oh my God! God Jesus! Do you Chinese strictly follow the tradition and don't do pre-marital [sensitive words]?"

"Lilith! I'm going to be angry!" Li Qingqing's face was flushed, and she didn't know if it was because of anger or... other reasons.

Seeing this, Lilith raised her hands in surrender: "Okay, okay..."

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"The pizza I ordered must have arrived, I'll get it!" Lilith jumped towards the door.

Li Qingqing looked at his friend's cheerful back from behind, put his hand on his forehead in pain, and always felt that Lilith was very excited...

When she came back with the pizza, Lilith frowned as she looked at the scented pizza: "Honey, I also want to eat that goulash and scrambled eggs with tomatoes... How about we eat that?"

Li Qingqing said helplessly: "I don't have time. I don't have any beef or tomatoes in my refrigerator. We need to buy them and make them later...but I'm hungry."

Lilith could only sigh: "Okay...but next time, you must make it for me!"

Li Qingqing said: "As long as you don't mention those messy images in your mind..."

"Okay, okay, I promise!" Lilith rubbed her chest with her hand, "I promise not to mention my delusions in front of you."

"Please come to my place for Chinese food during your next vacation." Li Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally getting out of that embarrassing subject.

Every word Lilith said made her blush and her heart beat fast, just like when she was lying on the bed next to Hu Lai that day.

So she had to think back to that night again and again...

This will make her heart that has finally calmed down become restless and tense again.

She didn't like... no, it should be said that she was afraid of the feeling of rapid heartbeat, as if her heart would stop beating at any time, and then suddenly beat violently when she thought she was going to die.

She couldn't control it, she could only cover her heart and open her mouth wide, panting limply and heavily, like a fish out of water.

Just when Li Qingqing was secretly glad that she didn't have to face this embarrassing situation anymore, she heard Lilith suddenly asked in an excited tone: "Honey, since you and Hu are not in a relationship, why don't you?" Can you introduce me to him? I'm interested in him..."

Li Qingqing's expression changed, and then she shook her head vigorously: "No, no, no."

"Hey! Why not?"

"Hu's parents don't want him to find a foreigner as his girlfriend."

Lilith was stunned, and unexpectedly appeared on her face: "What?"

Li Qingqing smiled and said, "So you're out, Lilith."

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