Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 128 The Light of Dreams

"...The joy that Hu Lai scored twice in the game has not yet passed. In the early hours of this morning Beijing time, in the just-concluded Ligue 1 Women's Football League, Chinese player Li Qingqing scored three goals and performed a hat-trick... ...This is Li Qingqing's first hat-trick this season, and these three goals also brought her league goals this season to twelve..."

The game is playing on the TV screen.

Li Qingqing, wearing a Paris Erger jersey, with a ponytail, took the ball at the front of the penalty area.

In front of her, the opponent's defender was retreating rapidly, while Paris-Egerre's two forwards also advanced forward, one of whom raised his arm to ask Li Qingqing for the ball.

It was precisely because of the two of them advancing forward that they took away the opponent's defender, and now there was a space about four or five meters wide in front of Li Qingqing!

Li Qingqing looked up for a while, and after understanding the current situation, he gently flicked the football forward, and then kicked directly about 30 meters away from the goal!

She wants a long shot!

No one could come up to block her at this time, and all the defensive players could only watch helplessly as Li Qingqing blasted a long-range world wave that was no less than that of a male football player!

The football roars into the net!

The audience in the stands burst into enthusiastic exclamations.

This is Li Qingqing's third goal in this game.

After scoring the goal, she ran happily and hugged her teammates to celebrate.

The voiceover continues:

"... In addition to these twelve league goals, she also has ten assists in the league. The season is not over yet, she has achieved a 'double-double' in goals and assists data, and she has performed very well...she The good condition also makes everyone look forward to the performance of the women's football girls in this summer's China Women's Football World Cup!"

It wasn't until the screen switched to the next news that Xie Lan looked away from the TV screen and praised: "Qingqing is really amazing!"

There was something else that she didn't say directly, lest her husband roll his eyes when he heard it - she really deserves to be the "golden boy and jade girl" in Chinese football. Her son scored twice, and Li Qingqing immediately scored a hat-trick. The cooperation was great!

Thinking about the relationship between his son and Li Qingqing, Xie Lan felt elated.

Although the son never said it in front of his own eyes,

But Xie Lan always felt that the relationship between Li Qingqing and her son was unusual, and her intuition told her... There was something going on!

Anyway, now that Lao Li and Li Qingqing have moved their family to the next door, are they afraid that they will run away?

After being happy with the performance of her future daughter-in-law, Li Qingqing turned her eyes away from the TV screen, lowered her head and continued to use her mobile phone.

At this moment, she posted a breaking news headline:

"It's official! It's official! Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are official!"

Xie Lan's eyes widened, his heart stopped beating for a second, and then it started beating again uncontrollably.

what's the situation?

what's the situation?

What is the official announcement? !


Are you moving so fast?

This child, why didn't he know to inform me of his mother first...

In the end, I actually saw this news on the news!

With excitement, Xie Lan clicked on the news link with trembling hands:

"Official announcement! The official organizing committee of the National Competition has officially announced the promotional videos of the two promotion ambassadors!"

Below is a poster.

Xie Lan took a closer look and saw that it was the promotional poster of the National High School Football Championship that had been publicized before.

It's just that the two people on the original poster were just black silhouettes, and their real identities were not revealed. And now the black silhouette lit up, it was the photo of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing back to back.

"...the ancestor of Japan!"

Xie Lan couldn't help swearing.

This made Hu Lixin, her husband next to her, frown sideways: "What are you talking about..."

Xie Lan ignored him, she was still full of anger: "The headline party of the dog day!"

cheat her feelings!

It made her really think that her son and Qingqing were together...

What's so good about a broken photo!

Everyone knows it!

Although complaining frantically in his heart, Xie Lan still downloaded the poster.

In any case, the two people on this poster are still very good in terms of expression and appearance-they stretched their hands forward at the same time, looking at the audience outside the poster, with smiles on their faces, as if hand in hand to greet the audience who are watching this picture. The people on the posters issued invitations and calls for them to participate in the national competition and pay attention to the football matches of Chinese high school students.

After saving the poster, she was about to close it, only then did she notice that there was content under the poster:

"...At the same time as officially launching the publicity ambassador, the organizing committee also released the promotional song "Light of Dreams" for this national competition, and accompanied it with a MV..."

There is indeed a video.

Xie Lan clicked in with the idea of ​​"being idle is also idle", and then turned the phone sideways to watch it automatically in full screen.


The story of the MV is simple, a boy and a girl who don't know each other and live their own lives in their own lives.

The only thing in common is that they all love football.

However, the boy is thin and not favored by others. He wants to play football with his friends, but he is excluded by others. No one wants him to play with him. When everyone else was running and chasing football on the field, he could only stand by and be a lonely spectator.

Girls are ridiculed by people around them because they want to play football. Everyone thinks that girls should like dolls, go to dance and sing, not like a boy chasing a football on the field, falling all over the body, covered in dust.

The boy found an almost abandoned open space, and he played football training alone in his "secret base".

The girl doesn't care about other people's cold eyes and ridicule, and still insists on her favorite football. Among the group of boys running on the field, the girl with the ponytail stood out.

As time passed, the grass in the secret base turned from green to yellow, from yellow to green again. The boy who played alone has gradually grown up, and judging from his kicking movements, he is already very proficient.

Girls are still playing football. At first she was surrounded by boys, but as time went by, girls gradually joined and fought side by side with her.

Accompanied by the chorus, the picture becomes brighter and brighter, which makes people feel uplifted and feel the positive attitude of young people and girls working hard.

"...If you keep running, you can realize your dreams, don't stop; even if no one believes in your wild dreams, never give up—"

"Seeds buried in the ground are longing to germinate! Dreams are flowers that bloom on the top of a cliff, and you must be brave to get them!"

The screen changed, and boys and girls appeared on the national competition field respectively.

Use their outstanding performance to help the team score goals and win. Run to celebrate, hug your teammates with big smiles on your faces.

From being looked down upon and misunderstood, they finally stood on the top stage of national high school football.

The stories of boys and girls gradually faded out here in the national competition.

After a short black screen, Hu Lai, who was wearing a Leeds City jersey, and Li Qingqing, who was wearing a Paris Eger jersey, appeared on the stage.

At this time, the MV shows the wonderful game scenes of the two of them in their respective professional arenas.

Accompanied by the excited voice of the commentator and the cheers of the game scene, the wonderful goals of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing appeared in turn.

Until the end, Li Qingqing kicked the ball from the wing and made a pass in the game.

The screen switched, and Hu Lai followed up in the middle and volleyed the passing ball!

Soccer hits the net!

The cheers and exciting commentary from the game fade out in sync with the screen.

When the screen turned on again, only Hu Lai and Li Qingqing were left standing side by side on the court.

They came from a distance, as if they had stepped out of the exciting game just now, and appeared in front of everyone. Wearing the exclusive T-shirt of the national competition, they walked all the way to the camera, first looked at each other and smiled, and then looked at the camera at the same time.

The golden light of the setting sun shone from behind them, and a rainbow was faintly visible in the distant sky...


"The game is over, but the dream is starting to shine!"

"A rainbow in the blue sky, a green field at dusk—"

"Shining with the light of dreams—!"


"This is the adaptation of Hu Lai's story! I've seen the documentary about Hu Lai made by "Character History" before. Before joining the school team, he trained alone in such a secret base!"

In the locker room of the football team of Jiaxiang High School, the teenagers who had just finished training and were changing their clothes were attracted by the official promotional MV for the national competition.

After reading it together, they expressed their views one after another.

"That's right, I remember that the documentary said that Hu Laigao wanted to play football for a while, but no one was willing to take him with him. As a result, he could only stand on the sidelines and watch others play football..."

"Hey, it's really amazing! He persisted under such circumstances, and finally became the hope of Chinese football! Although he is from Dongchuan Middle School...but he is also a star from our Anton Province!"

Amidst the admiration, someone suddenly said:

"I said... you didn't notice, the scene at 2 minutes and 20 seconds, the boy went to the corner flag area to celebrate after scoring a goal in the game... It's especially like the scene after Hu Lai scored our Jiaxiang High School goal. Celebration?"

In the hot locker room that had been discussed before, it suddenly became quiet.

This is the rhythm of eating melons and eating melons on my own head, and only finding out that I am a clown after making jokes for a long time?

In this awkward silence, someone chuckled.

Everyone followed their reputation, and it was their captain, Qin Qi, a sophomore in high school.

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Qi smiled and said: "Why should you care about this matter? We defeated Dongchuan Middle School in the final of the Anton Cup this year, which is considered revenge!"

When everyone heard what the captain said, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Team Qin is right, this year's Anton Cup champion is our Jiaxiang High School!"

The laughter and laughter resumed in the locker room.


"Team Feng, have you watched the promotional video just released by the official National Competition?"

A girl put her arms around the arms of another short-haired girl from behind, then bowed and stretched the latter's body.

"What promotional video?" Feng Yuqing, a girl with short hair, asked with her face up.

"It's the MV for the promotional song "Light of Dreams", featuring Hu Lai and Li Qingqing..." the bowed girl explained. "I read on the Internet that it was based on the real experiences of two people. I believe the one about Hu Lai. But I think the one about the girl is clearly your experience, Captain Feng!"

Feng Yuqing didn't make a sound, let out a breath, and then slowly pulled it back, and then it was her who bowed and helped the girl behind her stretch.

The teammate continued: "Li Qingqing has been a football prodigy since she was a child, and she was trained by her father. How could she be laughed at for kicking a ball? On the other hand, Team Feng, you were laughed at and didn't understand when you were young. At first, you could only play with boys. Playing football is exactly the same as in the video..."

Feng Yuqing straightened up slowly: "I'm not a celebrity, how could someone use my experience to make a video?"

"Why aren't you a star? Team Feng, you are a talented player, and you were interviewed before... Maybe the production team got inspiration from that interview?"

"I think too much. That should be the experience of all our female football players. If we talk about the source of inspiration, it is also from all the girls who play football." Feng Yuqing felt that the stretching power coming from her body was not enough, and then Remind, "Don't patronize the chat, be serious!"

The teammates hurriedly used more force.

"Hey, Team Feng. Do you think our team can win the first National Championship this time?"

"I don't know. Do you really think that our Golden Willow Forest Middle School is the only traditional women's football school in the whole country?" Feng Yuqing shook her head.

"Then Team Feng, will you become a professional player in the future? Just like Li Qingqing..."

Feng Yuqing thought for a while, and gave her a very positive answer: "Yes. I want to serve the country like Li Qingqing."

There were whistles on the pitch, and the coach was loudly reminding the girls:

"You must warm up well! This is the best protection for you! The first national competition, but don't get injured before the opening of the competition, you will regret it for a lifetime!"


PS, "Light of Dreams" is actually a promotional song released by Qidian when I wrote "Light of Champions". Written and sung by myself.

During the Shanghai Book Fair in August 2014, I went to Shanghai to record this song.

Recorded from noon to early morning.

As a self-confident person, I only found out how important the sound modification was when I entered the recording studio-it can completely make the dry voice full and mellow and sound good. So I found out in the recording studio that I actually didn’t sing very well...

Thank you so much for Yinxiong Lianmeng's million-dollar sound repairer!

There is actually another version of this song, which is also used for publicity and promotion, sung by Amuro.

I'm just here for self-entertainment, I just take advantage of my job to satisfy my little hobby of recording songs in a recording studio...

Considering copyright reasons, the songs I released in the later Easter Egg chapters are my own solo versions.

There is a version of me and Amuro singing together on QQ Music, which has been added to the playlist of "Fox in the Forbidden Zone".

However, the name of this song on the Internet is "Light of Dreams", but in fact, the name I originally gave to the producer was "Light of Dreams", which may have been confused with the title of the book "Light of Champions", and finally became "Light of Dreams" Dream Light"...

Now I made a simple MV by myself using the promotional poster of the book "Light of Champions" back then, and put it behind as an easter egg chapter. Everyone is welcome to listen to it.

Listening to this song and then reading this chapter, you may feel more like it—anyway, when I wrote this chapter, I played this song on a loop.

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