Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 150 The Tactical Function of Hu Lai

"The Chinese team tried to cooperate on the wing...Chen Xingyi and Xia Xiaoyu played two to one! Good job!"

When Chen Xingyi received the pass from Xia Xiaoyu, he flicked the football forward, dodging the Mexican players who came up to grab him.

There was a huge cheer from the stands of the stadium.

Mexico's reaction was also quick, and someone immediately came up to block Chen Xingyi's path of dribbling the ball forward along the wing.

Chen Xingyi didn't get entangled with the opponent here, but passed the football sideways.

It was given to Xia Xiaoyu who came up to meet him.

Xia Xiaoyu quickly transferred the football to Zhang Qinghuan who was already in the middle.

Zhang Qinghuan tried to go straight to Hu Lai, who had already started to run, but after the football was passed, it was destroyed by a tackle by Mexico's central defender Jose Tona.

"Oh! It's a pity!" He Feng sighed, and then said immediately, "But it's okay! The Chinese team's offensive quality is very high! Tona also took a huge risk to tackle. Because if he doesn't shovel, Zhang Qinghuan The pass will penetrate the Mexican defense. And he can tackle the empty space...”

Although the attack of the Chinese team was not successful, thunderous applause rang out in the stands after the initial sigh.

This is how the fans encourage the team.

After all, the performance of the Chinese team on the court was really good.

Facing Mexico, they can still create such opportunities. And this is not a chance created by chance, after the start of the game, such opportunities are not once or twice.

In this China Cup, Mexico is the well-deserved No. 1 team.

The strongest of the four teams.

In the world of football, Mexico can also be regarded as a "strong team".

In the latest FIFA standings, the Mexican national team ranks 17th, which is higher than the ranking of the Asian overlord Japan team-Japan's ranking is 28th.

As for China, FIFA ranks 50th and 5th in Asia.

It can be said that Mexico is a huge catfish in Asian football.

So when everyone saw that the Chinese team played back and forth with Mexico in the first half, many people were ecstatic - the improvement shown by the Chinese team in the last game was not due to the strength of the South African team It's not strong, it's not a flash in the pan, and it's not their illusion!

This team has really improved in every way!

Of course, the mentality of the players in Mexico who came to participate in the China Cup and Mexico in the World Cup is still different, so the performance cannot be simply equated.

But despite this, the Chinese fans are also very happy.

The characteristic of Mexican football is that the players are skilled and quick, but their bodies are not very good. They have the delicate skills of South American players, but also have the overall coordination of Spanish football.

Such a team, if they are allowed to play smoothly, will be very scary.

Even strong teams like Brazil, Argentina, Germany, and Italy will fall under the feet of Mexico.

So Dillon's strategy for the Chinese team, in general, is to use the advantage of the number of midfielders to disrupt Mexico's offensive coordination.

At the same time, use the offense of the Chinese team to suppress Mexico so that they cannot attack unscrupulously.

To put it simply, it is necessary to be able to defend, but also to be able to attack.

It is easy to say, but it is not easy for the Chinese team.

The previous Chinese team was somewhat one-sided.

Or just go all out to attack with high pressure, and ignore the latter. Either shrink the defense, and those who are pressed can only rely on the two sides to occasionally fight back.

Neither worked very well.

But now this Chinese team is already a bit like that.

Although it's still just a prototype.


The Chinese team was able to play back and forth with Mexico, mainly because Hu Lai was in a particularly good state today.

Why did Jose Tona take a huge risk to tackle just now?

It stands to reason that the priority of defensive players should be safety, not risk.

It's easy to show off by doing some cool defensive moves, but it's even easier to stumble.

But in the situation just now, if Tona didn't do this, I'm afraid that Hu Lai would catch the ball behind him.

At that time, there is no need to worry about being in the limelight or falling into trouble, because it is too late to say anything!

That's why he had to do this, taking the risk of shoveling halfway. Judging from the slow motion, if his feet were shorter or stretched slower, he would really have missed the ball.

It has to be said that although Zhang Qinghuan's kick was eventually blocked, the level of passing was very high.

You must know that when he did this, there was actually a Mexican player beside him, but he didn't post it.

But with people around him, Zhang Qinghuan was still able to send such a precise pass calmly.

This is actually the result of his training in La Liga.

The rhythm of La Liga is faster than that of the Chinese Super League. He used to play in the Chinese Super League, and he could wait to observe and think after receiving the ball, and then decide what to do next.

If he still plays like this in La Liga, he can't even hold the ball. You must think about what to do next before you catch the ball, and decide what to do when you catch the ball.

It has to be said that although Dillon was not able to take over the team immediately after Shi Wuyin left, he was transferred to Dong Jianhai for half a year, which seems to be a loss for the Chinese team. But looking at it now, it may be the best arrangement.

Not to mention that after the failure of the Asian Cup, it poured cold water on all the people who were too inflated before, and made them more accepting of some of Dillon's practices.

Let’s just talk about Dillon himself, if he takes over the team after the World Cup, maybe the changes he envisioned will not be carried out so smoothly, and the public opinion environment will definitely not be as relaxed as it is now...

After all, in the Chinese team at that time, there were still only Hu Lai and Luo Kai who had played football in Europe for a long time. Zhang Qinghuan, Chen Xingyi, Wang Guangwei and Xia Xiaoyu had just gone to Europe, and they hadn't even adapted to the environment yet. How could they adapt to Dillon's tactical requirements and training intensity?

Now if the Chinese team hadn't been supported by players in Europe, it would be absolutely impossible to perform so well.


Although Hu Lai didn't catch the ball, he turned around and gave Brother Huan a thumbs up, praising him for passing the ball well.

He was in a good state for this game, maybe it was Dillon's words before the game that made his blood boil.

Dillon was able to use "Ode to the Motherland" to motivate them, obviously fully aware of the importance of this song.

Even if a foreigner can do such a meticulous work, don't these native Chinese realize that they can't even compare with a foreigner?

Wouldn't that make foreigners look down on them?

So after the game started, Hu Lai has been very active.

Regardless of whether he has a chance or not, he runs around Mexico's defense line without hesitating his physical strength. Some balls obviously have no chance, so he has to rush up and try.

In the twelfth minute of the game, Zhou Zijing resisted the Mexican central defender outside the penalty area and then turned around and shot.

The shot was so powerful that Mexican goalkeeper Salvador Manriquez couldn't fully hug it and let it go slightly.

Fortunately, his second reaction was very quick, and he bounced off the ground immediately, pressing the football under him again.

As a result, as soon as he pressed the football, Hu Lai rushed forward and kicked the football!

If it wasn't for Manlix already controlling the football, he was afraid that he would be blown into the goalkeeper if he kicked the opponent, so he hastily withdrew his foot in time.

Manlix was bent over the ground at the time, lowered his head and completely missed this scene, so he didn't feel anything special.

But it made the other Mexican players break out in a cold sweat.

Especially Jose Tona, who is in charge of defending Houlai.

That's really a half-second difference—from Manlix's pounce on the ball to Hou Lai's kick, that's half a second.

If Manlix had been a little slower for half a second, the football would have been stabbed into the goal by Hu Lai!

Everyone has heard of Hu Lai's reputation before this game, knowing that he is a striker who is very good at capturing opportunities.

Also watched his game video.

But to let them establish a specific feeling in their hearts, it is not just as simple as watching the game video.

Still have to play the actual fight.

This fight made the Mexican players very nervous.

Otherwise, why did Jose Tona take the risk of shoveling just now?


Dillon sneered: "There are some stupid views in Europe that Hu can only score goals, and tactics are not very effective. Seeing that a Hu can make Mexico's defense line tense to such a degree, who dares to say that this tactic is not effective? I think their brains are all rigid, as if they can't meet the tactical requirements of the head coach, and if they haven't completed specific tactical tasks, they don't have tactical effects...Hey! Actually, I don't need to assign any tasks to Hu Lai, he only needs to Playing on the field, it has already played a great tactical role!"

He was speaking to his assistant coach Keely Sequeiros.

Sequeros also laughed: "My friend told me that the King of Madrid seems to be interested in Hu again..."

"It seems that Xavi Sanchez is not old enough."

"But they would have had the chance to take Hu for no more than 10 million euros..."

Dillon laughed: "Kiely, isn't this the normal operation of the King of Madrid? If you can't buy players at a high price, how can you prove that they are the team that the best players want? The best players can only spend a thousand Wan sign it?"

Sequeros froze for a moment, then laughed too.

The atmosphere in front of the coach's bench is so relaxed, naturally because the Chinese team is not at a disadvantage from the scene, and everyone is very satisfied with the performance of the players.

At the same time, because the Football Association did not give them any goals before the game, they have no pressure and don't have to worry about gains and losses.

Of course, although the Football Association did not set goals for the coaching staff, Dillon still set goals for the team, hoping that the team will come back with a championship.

Of course Mexico is very strong and it will not be easy to beat them. But it is precisely because of this that Dillon has to set his goal specifically to win the championship.

Because he wanted to see if these young people could do it.

If he can't do it, he won't be disappointed, let alone criticize the players, but if he can do it...he will have more confidence in the future.

After all, he led and coached this team not just to participate in the World Cup!

Three years later, the 2030 World Cup will happen to be held in his native Spain. For him, this can be regarded as a return home.

As the last job in his coaching career, he certainly hopes to draw a successful conclusion for himself.

More importantly, he also has some resentment for leaving the first-line coaching position at the beginning, working at home, and finally coming to distant China to coach....


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