Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 162: Two Records

When Jay Adams took a shot, Mauro Albertazzi did deflect his center of gravity in the direction of the football's flight and made a movement to save it.

In such a situation, the ball hit Ferenc defender Nicolo Serafini halfway, and then turned and deflected, it was fatal.

Not to mention that there is still a Hu Lai guarding this deflected direction!

It's doubly deadly!

At this moment, in the camera lens behind the goal, Albertazzi and the football changed direction at the same time!

He turned around and kicked the ground very simply, and threw himself back without hesitation!

It was also because he was so decisive that he rushed back when Hu Lai shot...

Then he narrowly saved the football that Hu Lai touched to the bottom line!

The close-up of the camera keenly captured Hou Lai's facial expression - he first stared at the goal with wide-eyed eyes, then turned his head to follow the football, and finally turned back, still staring at Albertazzi with wide-eyed eyes.

Although he didn't say a word, this expression has already betrayed all his inner thoughts.

The picture was fixed on Hu Lai's shocked face. The hosts and guests in the five Italian TV studios laughed happily, and some even beat the table.

"Hahaha! Hu's expression seemed to say: 'Isn't it buddy? You can save this ball?!'"

"Friends in the audience, what you see now is the condensed essence of this game—all in Hu's big eyeballs!"

"Seeing Hu's expression reminds me of Eldrea's away game against Ferenc in the last round of the league. I remember Eldrea's Wang's header at the end of the game was shot by Al After Betazi jumped out, she also had this expression..." a guest said.

The host immediately operated on the computer excitedly, called up a photo, and displayed it on the big screen for everyone to see: "Is this the one you're talking about?"

In the picture, Wang Guangwei's eyes are also wide-eyed, with "shock" written all over his face.

The host put these two photos together, and the two stunned faces were extremely happy.

Everyone in the studio laughed.

After laughing, the host coughed and said in a serious tone with a stern face: "Okay, no kidding. In fact, Ferencz was able to draw 0:0 in the away game, except for Albertazzi's brave performance In addition, the excellent performance of the Ferenc team is also one of the main reasons... In front of the united Ferenc, the offensive methods of Leeds City, which is good at attacking, appear simple and crude, with no technical content... I didn't get too many opportunities in the game. So I can't just attribute the victory to Albertazzi's personal heroism..."

The guest next to him still smiled and said: "But anyway, the whole of Europe is now discussing the amazing record of Albertazzi. Eighteen successful saves in a single game! It's incredible! I saw Agbo En talked about Albertazzi in an interview yesterday, and he congratulated Albertazzi on his achievements..."

The Agerborn mentioned by this guest is the former Swedish national goalkeeper Merkin Agerborn. In the Europa League in the 2017-2018 season ten years ago, he represented the Danish giants Haken and the Premier League Tramed. In the quarter-finals, he created a Europa League record of 13 saves in a single game.

In that game, Tramed took a total of 40 shots, 14 of which were within the range of the goal frame, and Agborn saved 13 shots. Only one missed - it was Tramed's penalty...

In the end, Tramed also eliminated Haken with this overtime penalty.

Although he lost the game, Agborn was named the best player in the game after the game.

However, Argenborn's 13 saves in that game were based on the 120 minutes of the game-90 minutes Tramed and Harken drew 0:0, because the first round was also 0:0, so the game finally went into overtime.

And now Albertazzi's 18 saves are not only more than Agborn,

The time spent is also shorter, counting the stoppage time of the first and second halves, the total time is 96 minutes. This means that Albertazzi takes an average of just over five minutes to make a valid save.

No wonder the whole of Europe was sensational after this game.

In a normal 90-minute game, an average goalkeeper who can make ten saves is already a top-level and rare performance.

Albertazzi raised this ceiling to 18 times in a single game, almost doubled!

As the person whose record was broken by Albertazzi, Agerborn of course wants to show it at this time. He is full of praise for Albertazzi's performance:

"The English media always like to exaggerate. Under their bragging, Leeds City's attack seems to be unstoppable... But it is obvious that Mauro (Albertazzi) let them see the ability of a top goalkeeper. I am proud of it. He is proud and proud. I think Mauro will definitely grow into a great goalkeeper. As for my be broken by Mauro, that would be great. Eighteen saves in a single game...My God , I don’t even know how to use words to describe his performance... My record has been maintained for ten years, and in my opinion, Mauro’s record may be maintained for twenty years or more!"

Agborn's remarks were very useful to Italian fans and the media, and they were blown away with comfort.

In turn, Leeds City became the object of their ridicule.

As Agborn said, before that, the English media did not brag about Leeds City's offensive firepower.

Before the first round of the game, the English media believed that this game was a duel between the strongest shield and the strongest spear. Of course, they were all optimistic about the victory of "Spear" Leeds City.

This naturally made the Italian media and fans unhappy.

As a result, Leeds City was tied by Ferencz at home, and also achieved Albertazzi's epic record. Although they did not lose, they have already lost...

These days the Italian media and fans are just like Chinese New Year.

In addition to media like TV5, fans even use their ingenuity to create various memes and videos on the Internet.

For example, a video of the confrontation between Hu Lai and Albertazzi in the game was specially produced. Getting up from the ground, he casually glanced at his close-up. Then put a red light on Albertazzi's eyes...

What this means is self-evident.

And the Italian media congratulated Leeds City for also setting a record:

"Forty-four shots in a single game allowed Leeds City to create the record for the most shots in a single game in the history of the Europa League. And what they broke was Tramed's forty shots. It seems that shooting 40 kicks in a game is really a 'tradition' of the English team... It is really gratifying. Like Albertazzi's record, this record of Leeds City is estimated to not be easily recognized for many years. Broken! This is the glorious record of the English team in the Europa League! The team with the strongest offensive firepower deserves such a record-only 44 shots in a single game can demonstrate the offensive firepower of Leeds City! "


"Those bastards in Italy! I'd love to chop 'em up!"

In the north stand of the Flender Stadium, Levin burst into foul language angrily.

His partner and friend John Falkenham sarcastically said: "Forget it, Levin. You asked for it, you shouldn't read those comments on the Internet after the game...Look at me, I don't even None of them are online!"

"What's the difference between you and an ostrich? You can't solve the problem if you don't look at it." Levin snorted.

"Then if you read it, can it solve the problem?" John retorted.

"Okay, okay, focus on the game now!" Matthew Miller advised his two companions.

John shrugged: "What's so important about this... We're doomed."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

John was right.

Leeds City lost this game-although the game is not over, but now Leeds City is 0:3 behind Stan Park Rangers.

There are thirteen minutes left in the game. In any case, it is impossible for Leeds City to complete such a reversal at their home court.

Regardless of morale, this Leeds City team is not the main force.

That's right, Clark gave up the league again.

Even if he was tied by Ferenc in the last Europa League match, Clark still chose to smash the Europa League.

In order to preserve his strength for the Europa League second-leg match on Thursday, April 15th, Clark used all his substitutes in the game against the Stan Park Rangers...

Leeds City's schedule during this period is not very good.

In the middle of these two Europa League games, Leeds City will continue to play against the three strong teams of Manchester Athletic, Stan Park Rangers and Tramed.

If you don't give up the league, Leeds City is bound to be involved in a lot of energy in the match against these three teams, and there is also a risk of injury to the main players.

In Clark's view, this is a very normal choice.

But in the eyes of some people, Clark seems to be out of his mind.

Before this round of the league, Leeds City ranked ninth with 46 points, and Stan Park Rangers ranked sixth with 54 points. The difference of eight points is not as big as expected.

In fact, if Leeds City put all their energy into the league after being eliminated from the Champions League, the current ranking should not be so low.

Even if there is the impact of Hu Lai's participation in the Asian Cup, counting from the time he returned to the club after participating in the Asian Cup, if it weren't for the Europa League, Leeds City could at least get four more points, and these four points are all in the current ranking. The opponents who are ahead of them are getting more and more. This is not just four points.

If you sprint with all your strength in the second half of the league, with the strength of Leeds City, get the top six rankings in the league, and qualify for the Europa League next season may not be small.

As a result, Clark mistakenly bet all his wealth on the Europa League.

This kind of persistence is simply incomprehensible-does he think that Leeds City, who participated in the Europa League for the first time, can win this competition?

After all, all efforts are meaningful only if you win the Europa League. Otherwise, winning the Europa League runner-up is tantamount to nothing.

Neither honors and trophies, nor the qualifications to participate in the Champions League next season.

The question is, is it difficult to win the Europa League? Or is it difficult to get the top six in the Premier League?

However, the fans of Leeds City will not settle this account now. They and Clark are of one mind and 100% support the abandonment of the league and the Europa League.

It's not to compete for the championship, but because I can't swallow that breath.

No matter what, the Italians must be killed!

Leeds City can be eliminated after reaching the semi-finals, or they can win nothing in the league this season.

But you can't be kicked out of the Europa League by Ferencz!

Otherwise, those Italian fans and the media will not be able to go to heaven? !

"The game is over! Leeds City lost 0:3 to Stan Park Rangers at home...Clark left the field quickly after shaking hands with Brooks...I believe that at this moment, his mind is no longer on the league. , but flew to far away Florence, Italy!"


ps, two updates will resume tomorrow...

Speaking of single updates, all orders grow fast, I really feel a little bit reluctant... [cover face]

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