Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 165 You Have Lost

"Hu——! That's too upright!"

Following the narrator's yell, Alberta Qi rushed forward, lay down on the ground, and pressed the football under his body.

"Under Serafini's personal interference just now, Hu kicked his feet hastily and hit too squarely, which did not threaten Albertazzi..."

Looking at the regretful Hu Lai on the TV screen, Crewe shook his head and said, "Hu Lai was defended by Ferenc the most. I don't think his performance in this game will change..."

Chen Xingyi didn't say anything, just watched the game.

Crewe offered to watch this Europa League live broadcast, and Chen Xingyi agreed without refusing.

After all, he is also very concerned about how to resolve the grievances between Hu Lai and Albertazzi.

After watching it for 20 minutes, it was basically the same as the previous round of duel between the two sides:

As soon as the game started, Ferenc, who was playing at home, shrank his defense and set up a bus in front of his goal.

Give up all the rest of the court, including possession of the ball.

From the scene of this kind of game, the side that shrinks the defense will be ugly. Especially at home.

There are a few home fans who can tolerate their team being surrounded and beaten. Even if it is not for the sake of face, it is really unfriendly from the experience of watching the game, because they must always be on tenterhooks.

But Ferenc's fans don't think so.

They seem to be used to the team playing like this, and they fully support it.

Therefore, their singing and cheering did not decrease at all, and they did not quiet down because Ferencz shrank his defense and set the bus.

With the support of the fans in the stands, Ferenc's players are also very motivated to defend.

In this game, Ferencz played in a 451 formation, with the team's Dutch striker Gouvillon Riddick at the top. This guy's scoring ability is lackluster and he has only scored five goals in the league this season. But he has good physical strength, strong running ability, and is obedient, unambitious and diligent. His position in Ferenc is not a scoring shooter, but a defensive forward. Ferencz's defense starts from him.

Behind him, there are five midfielders. Simon Lesorio on the left is fast and skilled, and has a unique free kick, which is one of Ferencz's main scoring points. Correspondingly on the right is the native Italian player Fabio Montesano, an experienced player with comprehensive skills and balanced offense and defense.

There are three defensive midfielders lined up in the middle, namely Italian international Samuel Lencourt, German international Henry Schlitter and French international Ibrahimma Diarra. Although the three of them are international footballers, they are actually marginal international footballers, and their positions in their respective national teams are not stable. Sometimes they can be selected, and sometimes they miss the national team.

All three are outstanding -- all good at defense.

The three of them formed the most important line of defense in front of the back line.

Behind them are four defenders.

Guinea left-back Arnold Kone, Italy right-back Andriano Mandelli, with Italy international Nicolo Serafini and Czech international Jakob Dvořák at centre-back.

Starting from striker Riddick, all the way to the back line, they built three lines of defense in front of Albertazzi.

It is like a water purifier, filtering layer by layer, and finally there are not many attacks that can leak to Albertazzi.

Coupled with Albertazzi's super personal ability, Ferencz's bus tactic is like putting an armored truck in front of the door...

Of course, such staffing and tactics cannot be effective in every game. At other times, they have problems and drop the ball. But the point is, against Leeds, this team is in great shape and everyone is on fire.

That's why Danny Drew said that it was unlucky for Leeds to meet Ferenc in the Europa League, because the characteristics of this team are suitable for playing in a cup like the Europa League with knockout rounds.

If it weren't for the Europa League, there would still be a group stage,

The knockout stage is also a two-round home and away game, and people's predictions for Ferencz will be more optimistic-in a single knockout match, Ferencz with Albertazzi might be able to win the championship!


"Damn it... the whole team just shrank and defended themselves. What's the point of this game?"

Xie Lan pointed at the TV screen and cursed.

Although there are no TV stations in China to broadcast this game, Tengfei Video also has a TV client, so you can still watch the game broadcast on TV.

The couple are not used to watching games on a small mobile phone screen, so they bought a super diamond membership of Tengfei Video, so that they can enjoy membership rights on computers, mobile phones, tablets and TVs at the same time. In fact, they mainly came for the last item, but Tengfei Video is very sophisticated, and they don't sell only big members on the TV side.

Now Xie Lan and Hu Lixin are sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching the live broadcast of the game on TV.

After watching the game for more than 20 minutes, Xie Lan became angry.

With Ferenc shrinking his defense so much, it is foreseeable that it will definitely be the same as the last round, and it will be difficult for her son to get any decent opportunities...

That's what he said... Hu Lixin looked sideways.

Of course, sticking to the bus also has its meaning. Some people just like to watch weak teams draw with strong teams in this way, or simply beat strong teams. In the case of poor strength, choosing the right tactics is also an interesting part of football.

It's just that he definitely can't say this to his wife now.

After all, those who can say that "the game of sticking to it is meaningless" do not understand those reasons, they just say that because the team they support is facing the side that sticks to it...

As a supporter of the offensive team, I certainly hope that the defensive side will not cause difficulties and troubles for their team. It is best to open their hearts and attack their team, so that their team has a chance to score goals...

Hu Lixin is more concerned about how Leeds City will break Ferenc's intensive defense in this game.

I also want to see what my son can do when facing Albertazzi...

Goal yourself?

Or after attracting Albertazzi's attention, suddenly pass the football to other teammates?


Hu Lai looked at the props in the official mall, sighed, and then exited from the system space.

He can't even use those various props...

In order to prevent him from cheating, the system directly locked the official mall, and all the items were grayed out and could not be purchased. Even the props that he already owns are all gray and are not allowed to be used!

This grandson system is so ruthless!

Well, I wasn't going to use it anyway!

But the goal of this mission... It is difficult enough to score a goal against Alberta Qi, but let me complete a hat-trick?


Oh nothing!

I think back when I was a rookie, the system also gave me a hat-trick task.

Was it more difficult for me at that time?

Is it me now?

Since I knew nothing at that time, I could score three goals without the help of system props... Then why can't I now?

Shouldn't I be stronger now?

Since it is stronger, it should be able to do it.

Three balls are three balls, what a big deal!


When Hou Lai entered the system, it was a dead ball - Pete Williams' long-range shot from outside the box was saved by Albertazzi, so Leeds City won a corner kick.

This is Leeds City's first triangle goal in this game.

It is also Albertazzi's fifth successful save in this game - there are already good people paying attention to the number of Albertazzi's saves in real time on the Internet.

They want to see if the Italian "Iceberg" can break the record he just set in this game.

Hou Lai, who had withdrawn from the system, was standing in front of the goal, next to Ferenc's central defender Nicolo Serafini, and next to him was goalkeeper Albertazzi.

Hou Lai stood very close to Albertazzi, and Serafini stepped in to prevent him from interfering with the goalkeeper, trying to squeeze him away.

Hu Lai didn't intend to stay here. With his height, he couldn't take advantage of the core and couldn't hit the ball.

So he said to Serafini who was pushing him hard: "Don't push me, believe it or not, you will push me to lie on the ground again?"

Serafini was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Hu Lai to say that - it was the first time I saw someone say "flopping" so frankly. This calmness made him subconsciously believe what Hu Lai said, and he had no doubt that Hu Lai was lying to him, but that he could lie on the ground as he said it...

Because he was too surprised, Serafini stopped what he was doing and didn't push Hou Lai again.

Hu Lai himself did not stay in front of the gate, but left this "battlefield for military strategists".

Before leaving, he turned his head and smiled slightly at Albertazzi who was standing behind Serafini with his hands raised high:

"You've already lost."

After speaking, he turned around and left without even looking at the other party.

And Albertazzi stared at his back in a daze:

What is he saying?

I lost?

What have I lost?

Albertazzi looked up at the scoreboard.

That's right, the score is 0:0.

The total score is also 0:0.

I don't understand why Hu Lai suddenly said that.

So he shook his head imperceptibly.


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