Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 115 Chongwen Middle School

"High-light shots of today's national competition: You can score goals with your face!"

Song Jiajia browsed the official app of the National Competition on her mobile phone, and when she clicked in, she saw this video push on the most prominent position on the homepage.

The cover is a freeze-frame picture of a football hitting a person's face, and there are comic-like speed lines pointing from all around.

This player is wearing the yellow-blue Dongchuan Middle School jersey that Song Jiajia is very familiar with.

Although the player's face was completely blocked by the football, Song Jiajia still had a strong premonition... the person who scored in such an unexpected way should be his stupid tablemate, right?

Sure enough, after he clicked on the video, he found that it was Hu Lai!

"Ha! It really is this idiot!" Song Jiajia mocked Hu Lai mercilessly while holding the phone.

The video barrage is also full of joyful atmosphere.


"I think if he doesn't use his face to block, maybe Luo Kai's shot may not be able to score!"

"Huitang Middle School Goalkeeper: MMP!"

"Kid, do you have a lot of question marks?"


"The kid is famous and I bet he'll be mentioned in the future and say: 'Oh, the guy who scored goals with his face?'"

Song Jiajia was so teased by these bullet screens that her whole body was shaking with laughter.

Then he saw the "Guess you like" related recommendations under this video. The cover of the first video was also Hu Lai, and he seemed to be being interviewed.

"Damn, I haven't seen this kid for a few days, and he still looks decent when being interviewed..."

While complaining, Song Jiajia's fat finger hit the video.

In the picture, Hu Lai is standing in front of the sponsor brand background board of the national competition, his face is covered with sweat, and his hair is also wet with sweat, sticking crookedly to his forehead.

On the opposite side of him, a reporter was holding a microphone and saying: "Student Hu Lai, first of all, congratulations to your team for advancing to the quarterfinals... Before the game, many people thought that Dongchuan Middle School was participating in the national competition for the first time. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the fourth place in the previous session to move on..."


"Is it unbelievable to beat the fourth place in the previous session? I haven't thought about it at all... After all, we eliminated the national competition that came from the third place in the previous session in the province... It's Jiaxiang High School Ah, weren't they the third place in the last national competition? I won them all. So you see, winning the fourth place in the last national competition is nothing special, right?"

The video of Hu Lai being interviewed after the game was playing on the mobile phone. In the screen, Hu Lai spread out his hands, with a natural expression on his face, making it impossible to see the slightest trace of artificial performance.

So there is no way to use "he was just making a joke" to justify his remarks.

Yes, he just expressed his truest thoughts.

As for what the people who heard his words thought...that was none of his business.

On the video screen, dense barrages floated across the screen from right to left.

"What are you?! So we are Huitang Middle School!"

"If you have the ability to come to Meiling, I guarantee that you will not be able to leave the house!"

"Damn it, it's the first time I've seen you be so arrogant after winning the game!"



"The child is a Zhongshan wolf, and if he succeeds, he will be rampant!"

All kinds of angry attacks almost filled the small screen of the mobile phone.

"Pfft! This kid is famous!"

On the bus back to the Olympic Village from the competition venue, some players from Shuguang High School laughed out loud while holding their mobile phones.

"Yesterday, the officials were still pushing and promoting Luo Kai in various ways. I didn't expect that this kid would steal all the limelight of 'The Strongest Newcomer' in just one day!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the players of Shuguang High School were very excited, and someone immediately echoed: "That's right, that's right, it's like he stole Luo Kai's goal in the game... Hahaha! Originally, Luo Kai Kai might be able to get into the world wave, but in the end he cut off his beard with his face... Ha!"

Originally, the national competition was desperately promoting Luo Kai,

It made the players of Shuguang High School a little upset. After all, in their hearts, Chen Xingyi is the strongest high school player. As the best player and top scorer of last season, you are desperately promoting a rookie player who participated in the national competition for the first time. What do you mean?

The war between fans on both sides of the Internet made everyone see it before, but now the official's behavior is regarded as the official's end, and Luo Kai is urged to come out and confront Chen Xingyi.


Isn't it because Chen Xingyi didn't cooperate with the official propaganda?

The Shuguang High School players were all fighting for Chen Xingyi.

Based on the principle that an enemy's enemy is a friend, they were very happy that Luo Kai's lore goal was robbed by Hu Lai.

"Hey, Chen Xingyi, judging by their momentum, maybe they can really make it to the final..."

Chen Xingyi was also staring at the sincere face on the phone screen. After hearing what his teammates said, he waved his hands: "You guys are overthinking, their opponent in the next round is Chongwen Middle School in Shanhai."

Upon hearing the name "Chongwen Middle School", everyone fell silent.

Although in the last competition, the defending champion team was eliminated in the first round, and became the laughing stock of many people.

But the people of Shuguang High School are very aware of the ability of Chongwen Middle School. After all, they were the ones who eliminated Chongwen Middle School in the last national competition...

As the most famous football specialty school in Shanhai City, before the national football championship for high school students, they were a nationally famous football traditional school.

In the 1990s, when professional football in China was just emerging, many professional football clubs did not have a formal echelon system. Chongwen Middle School even served as the talent transfer base for Blue Moon, the only professional football club in Shanhai at that time. People from the Yue Football Club came to Shanhai to select outstanding seedlings, and they were selected into the Shanhai youth team or reserve team.

Until now, the football team of Shanhai Chongwen Middle School is also very strong.

In fact, although they were eliminated in the first round last year, there was a certain element of luck.

Shuguang High School's ability to defeat Chongwen Middle School has something to do with Chongwen's underestimation of the enemy at that time. After all, Shuguang High School had never participated in a national competition before, and last year was the first time they participated.

It is somewhat similar to this year's Dongchuan Middle School.

As the defending champion, Chongwen Middle School thought to himself, when we meet such a novice team, can't we just play casually and win?

But there is a monster named "Chen Xingyi" in this rookie team.

He scored twice in that game, and it can be said that he defeated Chongwen Middle School by himself.

If Chongwen Middle School had a correct attitude and took this game seriously, Shuguang High School might not necessarily be able to win.

After the disgraceful exit in the first round of the last competition, it is said that Chongwen Middle School learned from the painful experience. In this competition, when their strengths are more balanced, no one position is the most prominent, but they are all among the top.

This can be seen from their two rounds.

The two games won the score is not big, but the performance is very stable.

In the tournament system, it is often such a team that is the scariest. Those who won a big victory in the first game are very likely to drive high and low, and will be eliminated if they can't even touch the top four. Playing several games in a row in a short period of time, stable performance is more important than anything else, which means that their team is very strong, rather than relying on a certain person or a few people.

After the first round of the competition, there was such a saying that this year's championship competition was likely to start between Shuguang High School and Chongwen Middle School.

Chongwen Middle School must be holding back their energy to seek revenge from Shuguang High School, and if Shuguang Middle School can withstand Chongwen Middle School's revenge, then they will become the first team in the history of the national competition to successfully defend their title.

Therefore, these two teams will definitely not give in to each other, and it will be a matchup between Mars and Earth.

Dongchuan Middle School's opponent in the next round of competition is Chongwen Middle School, which is indeed more ominous...

This kind of bad luck is not even the difficulty of their match against Huitang Middle School.


On the bus back, the players in the car were so happy that they asked for a microphone from Sister Lin and sang karaoke.

This time Li Ziqiang did not stop them, nor did he stand up and ask them what they thought of the upcoming game.

He was fascinated by the latest results of the match on the phone screen.

Chongwen Middle School 30 Haihe No. 3 Middle School.

The next round will be against Dongchuan Middle School.

His eyes stayed on the words "Chongwen Middle School" for a long time.

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