Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 211 The sideline gambler

"Historically, the Sevilla Voyagers have reached the finals of the Europa League six times before, and they won all of these six times. This data can fully demonstrate the navigator's dominance in this competition..."

Listening to Shen Lang's broadcast, Xie Lan complained: "What's the point of talking about past data? The competition is now compared!"

Shen Lang continued: "So it's not easy for Leeds City to beat such an opponent. After the second half started, the Sevilla Voyagers really slowed down and played steadily...while Leeds City obviously accelerated... "

Shi Wuyin said next to him: "Clark's response is to force the Sevilla Navigators to increase their speed. But whether this force will work or not is hard to say...I think it depends on whether we can score goals. If Leeds City can't enter No matter how fierce the attack is, it will be nothing more than 'a lot of thunder and a little rain'."

"To score a goal? Of course it depends on my son!" Xie Lan answered like a second guest commentator.

But Shen Lang retorted on the spot: "It's a pity that Hu Lai has been targeted by the opponent since he scored the first goal, and it is difficult to get a chance. It seems that in the eyes of the Seville Navigator, Hu Lai's threat is still The biggest one, so I dare not relax..."

Xie Lan rolled her eyes, feeling like she was being targeted too.

At this moment, in the ongoing game, Hu Lai was indeed closely marked by the opponent.

When Houlai is in the box, he is always accompanied by a Sevilla Navigator defender, sometimes the centre-back Arthur and sometimes another centre-back Victor Poiatos .

And if he withdraws from the penalty area, then a Sevilla midfielder like Montero or Becker will appear next to him to prevent him from taking a long shot-it seems that the Sevilla Navigator was opened by Hou Lai He was frightened by a long shot, for fear that he would score twice with another long shot.

In response to this situation, after the start of the second half, Hu Lai played very concisely - after receiving the ball, he always quickly passed it to others to avoid getting caught in the opponent's entanglement.

After passing the ball, he can give full play to his characteristics of being good at running without the ball, move around to find space, and look for opportunities while disrupting the defense of the Sevilla Navigators.

In order to speed up the pace, Leeds City did not look for Hou Lai every time they attacked, but whoever had the opportunity to give the ball to whom.

And follow the arrangement of the head coach Clark, shoot directly when there is a chance to shoot, instead of passing the ball outside the opponent's penalty area, and finally miss the ball...

Now Jay Adams is getting the ball outside the box, and Houlay is up front with Kamara and Lasky, especially Houlay.

He alone firmly suppressed the opponent's two central defenders in the penalty area.

Let them dare not go up to defend Adams. Coupled with the fact that Pete Williams was holding down the opponent's midfielder Montero, Adams instead got the space around the top of the opponent's free throw arc where no one came up to force him...

"Jay Adams—!"

With a roar from the commentator Matthew Cox, Adams finally shot directly from outside the penalty area!

The quality of this kick was very high, and it was within the range of the goal frame, allowing Sevilla Navigator goalkeeper Dulic to fly into the air and save the football from the bottom line.

In the next corner kick, Ben Grist grabbed the spot again and scored with a header!

This time Du Liqi was beyond his reach and powerless.

But the football was headed out by the right back Federico Nogues standing next to the goal post!

"Nogues! Ah! A crucial clearance! He saved the Sevilla Navigator's goal in front of the post!" The Spanish commentator exclaimed, "Leeds City's offensive is very fierce during this period! Be careful! !"

※※ ※

"They want to force us to speed up, don't fall into their trap!"

Brent told his assistant coach Reynolds.

Then Renault walked to the sidelines and made a "steady down" gesture to the players on the field-he raised his hands and pressed them down.

Use this time to remind the players on the court not to worry, if we get the ball, slow down the rhythm and don't rush to hit it. If there is no chance, I would rather pass back and forth in the midfield than pass the ball forward.

In this way, the rhythm of Leeds City's game is interrupted.

If you lose the ball in the frontcourt, you will foul the first time and do everything possible to prevent Leeds City from successfully playing the football.

This did have an effect. Leeds City's offense had just started, but it was dragged into the quagmire by the Seville navigator again, and it was still unable to increase the speed smoothly.

After standing on the sidelines and watching the game for a few minutes, Clark made a decision: "It is still necessary to further strengthen the offensive and continue to increase the speed."

Randyll knew it was a gamble, but he didn't persuade him. Because Clark has done this kind of gamble many times, although he doesn't win every time, it is indeed the only feasible way at present.

It's like two people fighting in a boxing ring. They know that they may be attacked by the opponent if they attack, and they punch KO. But if you hold your head and don't attack, you will be defeated by the opponent sooner or later.

At this time, it is better to attack, and then keep attacking until you are exhausted and knocked down by the opponent, or the opponent is knocked down to the ground in reverse.

Randyll gestured to the players to speed up the pace and continue to speed up.

Leeds City on the field is even crazier.

※※ ※

"Kicking like this, we must be extra careful behind our defense line, it was too dangerous just now..."

From the stands, Levin said anxiously.

Leeds City looked like the last madness, completely ignoring the space behind them, and kept attacking the Sevilla Navigator's goal.

And the Navigator did launch several attacks, hitting behind Leeds City.

One of them came close to scoring.

If it weren't for goalkeeper van der Ven's brave performance, Dani's one-handed goal might have ended the suspense of the game...

"No way, we can only do this now. In fact, the life of the Seville navigators is not easy now, and they are also under tremendous pressure..." John said.

David Miller agreed: "John is right. Now it is actually more persevering than the two teams. If the Voyagers can't hold on, they will lose the ball. If we can't hold on, we will have no hope of winning the championship. So this We should support the team more at this time! Come on guys, sing our song louder!"

Almost at the same time, in every corner of the stands where the Leeds City fans were, there were people greeting their companions like this:

"Let's sing our song!"

So the singing of Leeds City fans sounded over the World Cup Stadium:

"We love you, Liz! Liz! Liz!"

"We went through it together, through those ups and downs!"

"We'll walk together until the earth stops spinning!"

"Go on, Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!!"

They didn't just sing it once.

They sang the song over and over, completely drowning out the cheers from the Sevilla Voyagers fans.

※※ ※

The players of Leeds City do seem to have gained strength from the singing of the fans. In the singing of the fans of Leeds City over and over again, Leeds City's offensive became more fierce, like a storm.

During this period of time, the Sevilla Navigator was so overwhelmed that they couldn't even make it past halftime...

This made the Voyager fans in the stands very upset.

"We are the overlord of the Europa League, when have we been so aggrieved!"

"Exactly! To be beaten by a team that entered the Europa League final for the first time!"

"Is this Leeds City so good? Aren't they playing well in the Premier League?"


Brent, who was sitting on the coach's bench watching the game, cast his eyes on the Leeds City coach's bench next to them. Their coach Clark was standing on the sidelines, waving from time to time to signal the team to attack.

"It's crazy... I really want to go all the way to the dark! In this situation, I have to continue to attack... Isn't he afraid that the space behind him will be caught by us?" He said with emotion.

Assistant coach Renault said: "Otherwise, why would the English media call him a 'lunatic'? This is really not something a normal-thinking person can do."

"Football does need to take risks, but having a gambler's mentality all the time is not what a head coach should have..." Brent commented.

Letting the team press out and attack Leeds City like in the first half is a "forced" and "adaptive" for Brent. After the team took the lead, he immediately changed the team's tactics and returned to a stable state. This is Brent's favorite stage.

He doesn't like to gamble. If he wants to gamble, he has to do it as a last resort. Once he wins a small win, he will stop immediately. This is what Brent thinks of a normal person's mentality, and only in this way can he get out of the casino.

But in Leeds City coach Tony Clark, what he saw was the state of a red-eyed gambler. This is wrong and dangerous, and it will ruin the team sooner or later...

※※ ※

Under the fierce offensive, Leeds City shot one goal after another.

Hou Lai grabbed a chance to shoot in front of the goal, but the header was slightly right, and was saved by Sevilla Navigator goalkeeper Duric in time.

After the football was saved, it was again controlled by the Leeds City players outside the penalty area, and it was quickly passed to Kamara's feet.

After Kamara got the ball in the ribs, he passed the football to Pitt in the middle, and he went forward after passing the ball.

Williams was obviously looking at Lasky on the other side, but a reverse oblique ball was passed from his feet.

Passed the ball back to Kamara who was forward!

This caught the Seville Navigators players by surprise!

"Strike, chance!"

While receiving the ball, Camara knocked the football in the opposite direction with the outside of his right foot. At the same time, he made a sudden stop and swayed the Sevilla Navigator right back Federico Nogues who was returning to the defense.

Then he dribbled the ball straight into the goal!

Voyagers centre-back Victor Poiatos ran to defend him.

Goalkeeper Marco Duric also moved swiftly forward to block his shot.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Hu Lai who had stepped in front of the goal, gesturing for Kamara to pass the ball.

Although Hu Lai was accompanied by another central defender, Arthur, but Arthur had already been blocked by Hou Lai. If the football was passed, he could directly complete the shot...

Thinking of this, Dulic slowed down before blocking, and locked on Hu Lai from the corner of his eye.

Although Hou Lai rushed to the goal, he made an obvious pass gesture, but he shouted in French: "Shoot directly!"

He is not afraid of being heard, the goalkeeper Duric is a Serbian international, the central defender Artur who follows him is a Brazilian player, and Poiatos who is going to defend Kamara is a Spaniard.

They should be less sensitive to French.

Hearing Hu Lai's voice, Kamara twisted his body, opened his crotch, and after making a posture to cross, he swung his right foot and swept the football to the near corner!

Goalkeeper Duric failed to completely seal the front point because of Hu Lai's involvement. When he saw Kamara raised his foot, he thought he was going to pass the ball. When he found out that it was a shot, it was too late to make another move. Reflexively fell to the ground and stretched his legs to block. But the football rubbed against his calf, changed direction slightly, and flew into the goal behind him!

Eighteen minutes after the start of the second half, Leeds City finally equalized the score!

※※ ※

PS, today is still the third watch. On the first day of November, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

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