Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 9 The Great Melon Eaters

Deng Wencong couldn't help but call him a good guy after reading the long analysis and reply of an altar friend named "TZY1995".

The logic is clear, well-founded, and impeccable!

After being analyzed by the other party in this way, he looked at the photo taken by his girlfriend, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the two people holding hands at the edge of the photo were Hu Lai and Li Qingqing.

He set his sights on the last sentence of TZY1995:

"Look carefully, the two of them are still holding hands... they seem very close. If this is really the two of them, it will be explosive news! You, the landlord, have discovered something extraordinary!"

He gets excited.

Looking down, there is a new reply:

"Why are you so excited about this matter? The two of them have known each other since high school. Isn't it normal to be close? You don't have any good friends in high school?"

"My friend, you may have misunderstood. No matter how good my relationship with friends of the opposite sex was in high school, I wouldn't make an appointment to go to an amusement park alone, and then hold hands..."

"It's so pitiful upstairs..."

"Fuck, who do you think is pitiful?!"

"Hey! Don't go astray! Anyone with a discerning eye knows that our so-called intimacy is definitely not just a relationship between high school friends. Let me just say it directly. If the people in this photo are really Hu Lai and Li Qingqing, it means that they are friends. The relationship is not high school classmates, but lovers!"

Deng Wencong nodded vigorously after seeing this reply, and then said to his girlfriend, "Honey, your photo is going to be popular!"

Despite being explained by her boyfriend, his girlfriend still couldn't believe it: "I just took a picture and got a big news?"

"Yeah! Haha! Life is full of surprises!"

※※ ※

Sun Yonggang sat at his desk, browsing various news and forum posts on the "Goal" website.

When there is no specific editorial work, the water forum is also one of his jobs, because sometimes the news materials are in the forum.

In the Internet age, every netizen is a non-staff reporter.

Floating with water, he found that the popularity of a post in the water section of the forum was increasing sharply.

It quickly became the number one hot post on the hot topic list.


"Can someone confirm for me, can these two people be Hu Lai and Li Qingqing?" "

Curiosity drove him to click in to see the specific content.

From the main building to the replies, he read them one by one.

The more you look, the bigger your eyes are.


Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are together?


Hu Lai and Li Qingqing have been together for a long time? !

Before he recovered from the shock, he heard someone in the office exclaim: "I'm going! Big news!"

His voice attracted the attention of many people in the office. They broke away from their desks and looked up at the colleague who made the sound. Some people asked, "What's the big news? Which team does Hu Lai decide to go to?" gone?"

"No, no." The person who spoke first explained, "Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are together!"

Everyone in the office was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "What the hell?!"


"This 'together' is the 'together' I understand?"

"Is this an official announcement?"

"No, it's a post on our forum... Some fans found a photo of the two of them visiting Disneyland Paris together..."

"It's normal for the two of them to go out to play, right? After all, they have such a good relationship, what kind of news is this?" Someone expressed doubts.

"It's not that simple. It's not just about going to Disneyland Paris together. More netizens have followed the vine and turned the Internet upside down. More and more clues show that the two of them are together, and should have been together a long time ago. !"


The people who eat melons let out exclamations of excitement.

"Wow, there are related topics on Weibo... Netizens are so quick to respond now!"

"Out of the circle, out of the circle!"

Everyone is not in the mood to work, so they take out their mobile phones, or use their computers to open Weibo and forums, and enjoy their paid melons.

Sun Yonggang originally wanted to ask Hu Lai directly on WeChat to verify this matter - he has Hu Lai's contact information. When Hu Lai was a high school student player, the two added each other to WeChat. He has kept in touch for so many years, but usually he doesn't bother Hu Lai for nothing. At most, when he wins the championship or performs well, he will leave a message on WeChat to congratulate him, and Hu Lai will respond.

In addition, the two will not use WeChat to chat.

However, when Sun Yonggang thought about the time difference between the two places, he gave up the idea of ​​getting the answer directly.

Instead, he shared the link of this post on the "Goal" website with Hu Lai, and left a message: "It's not an interview with a reporter, it's purely private gossip: Is what this post says true? If it's not convenient to reply, it's okay Come back!"

After posting, he continued to eat the melon with relish.

Oh, this melon is so sweet!

Ah, I'm full...

※※ ※

This post, which was originally posted on the water area section of the "Goal" online forum, was quickly posted everywhere.

And got more and more replies, and the replies from these netizens seem to gradually piece together the truth of the matter for everyone——

"...I don't know what you are surprised about? Am I the only one who thinks that the two of them have been wrong for a long time? That's right, they are classmates in high school. But it doesn't lay a solid foundation for them to walk together in the future Is it? After all, there are many examples of my high school classmates who finally entered the marriage hall, and the moon is the first to get the moon. So when I knew that the two of them were high school classmates, I thought they must be having an affair!"

"The handshake upstairs! I always feel that the two of them should be a couple! Because the two of them always appear together in front of our eyes... From the East Asian Cup, to the Olympic Games, to attend the European awards ceremony together, and She is the spokesperson for the image of the recent national competition... Don’t you guys think that ‘The Golden Boy and Jade Girl of Chinese Football’ is just a fancy name? ‘Golden Boy and Jade Girl’ is itself a CP!”

"Since this friend mentioned the Olympics, it reminded me of one thing. During the Olympics, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing appeared on a CCTV program together. Do you have any impression? Do you know how I felt when I watched that program? Is it? I feel that the two of them seem a little strange in front of the camera... Especially Li Qingqing, who watched Hu Lai several times, every time there is a feeling in his eyes that I can't describe... Now let you say this, I will Come to understand, that's the look in the eyes of a lover!"

"Wow! With that said, I'm going to watch that episode again!"

"It's a very early episode, isn't it hard to find online?"

"Station B is here! I'll go... the current netizens are really efficient in order to eat melons!"

"Not only that episode, but also the highlights of Hu Qing's CUE on the show!"

"It's not just Hu Qing's CUE. A UP host edited all the shots of Li Qingqing looking at Hu Lai in the show, and counted them. In the 30-minute program, Li Qingqing watched Hu Lai nine times in total! Almost every time Hu Lai Every time I speak, Li Qingqing will look at Hu Lai. This is still when the camera captures it, and where the camera does not capture it. I don’t know how many more times! This look, this smile, you look at it, anyway, I look at it Go, and I saw four words repeatedly in it: 'Lovely'!"

"GKD! GKD! UP masters, come on!"

"You are all talking about the Olympic Games, which made me realize that that Olympic Games seems to be a treasure! In addition to being on the program together, do you still remember that it was also in that Olympic Games that the women's football team entered the knockout round and played against the host Spain. At that time, The Olympic team was just eliminated by the Spanish Olympic team in the afternoon. In the women's football game in the evening, Li Qingqing scored twice to help the women's football team beat Spain 3:0. Lai's iconic celebration! At first I thought she was seeing off her high school classmates. Li Qingqing also said in an interview after the game that she was paying tribute to the Olympic team, but now it seems that I may be thinking simply... There is definitely something else behind that action!"

"Yes, yes, yes! There is such a thing, I am deeply impressed! When Li Qingqing was celebrating, the commentator also said something, to the effect that this was Li Qingqing's first time doing Hu Lai's signature celebration! Wow, if at that time The two of them are together... that is so sweet! It turns out that this is a secret code belonging to the two of them! All of us were kept in the dark!"

"After reading these comments on the Internet, I went to find out all the group photos of Li Qingqing and Hu Lai... Before I saw these group photos, I didn't think there was anything. It seems that only the two of them understand the same small thoughts..."

"Ahhhhhh! I think of that song by Li Zongsheng: 'About us, they all guess wrong; about the words in the heart, the words in the heart, only say to you'! The so-called beautiful love may be probably Let’s do it this way!” (Note 1)

"And the bracelet! No one noticed? Hu Lai often wears a red bracelet in the game. He once said that it brought him good luck. This is normal, right? Most players will I didn't pay much attention to the whole similar "flower work". As a result, Li Qingqing also wore a red bracelet throughout the Women's World Cup. Some people will say, isn't it normal to wear a red string bracelet? Because lucky bracelets are It’s red, what’s the fuss about it? But I’ve found two pictures to show you, they’re screenshots from a TV broadcast, they might be a bit blurry, but you’ll know when you put them together...the one on the left It’s Hu Lai’s, and the one on the right is Li Qingqing’s. Do you see anything? There are three colored threads of different colors in the middle of the two bracelets!”

"Bracelet! Yes, this bracelet! I noticed it when I was watching the live broadcast, because I just watched the Europa League final and the Women's World Cup, so I had an impression. I was wondering if it was on their wrists? The same style. Now it seems that my intuition is correct! Not only is it the same style, but it is also a couple style!"

"Wow, that's true! Actually, they've been together a long time ago, but we didn't know it! The couple bracelet is so sweet! This is really the best news I've heard recently!"

※※ ※

After Hu Lixin saw the speculations about his son's relationship with Li Qingqing on the Internet, his eyes widened and he couldn't wait to run to find his wife.

"Have you read those words on the Internet?"

Xie Lan glanced at the mobile phone her husband handed over, nodded: "I see."

Hu Lixin frowned: "Why are you so calm? Something is wrong..."

Xie Lan smiled slightly: "Because I have always regarded Qingqing as my daughter-in-law, what's so surprising? In my heart, she has long been part of our family!"

Hu Lixin was tongue-tied, not knowing what to say.

Seeing her husband like this, Xie Lan was very happy: "Look, old Hu, I have already said that they are a couple. Just tell me if my intuition is right?"

What she was talking about was a past story - after Hu Lai returned home after his first professional season, talking about going out to dinner with the school team coach and the coach's daughter, Xie Lan felt that the relationship between the two of them was not simple.

At that time, Hu Lixin scoffed at his wife's speculation and didn't believe it at all.

Hu Lixin frowned and said, "It's just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse. You didn't even meet Li Qingqing at first, so how dare you be so sure..."

But he didn't expect that his wife didn't answer this question, but instead asked: "Old Hu, what do you think of our son's popularity with women?"

"Not very good." Hu Lixin said truthfully.

"Yes, I have never seen a girl like him since I was a child. He is such a person, but a girl suddenly appears next to him, and he has been together since high school until he played professional football. What do you think? Could it be a simple friendship?" Xie Lan said confidently.

Hu Lixin didn't quite agree with his wife's logic, but at this time the iron-like facts were in front of him, and it was really difficult for him to refute his wife.

Xie Lan ignored him, and continued to look down at the phone, with a smile on his face, and murmured: "But I didn't expect so many interesting stories to happen among them. Thanks to the great melon-eating netizens, all for It came out, ha! Oh, this kid... OK! Couple bracelets, couple celebrations... Tsk tsk tsk!"

※※ ※

Note 1: The lyrics are from Li Zongsheng's "The Spirit in Life"

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