"Good morning, Qingqing, Hu Lai!"

When Song Jiajia came in, he immediately saw two people eating in the restaurant.

By the way, Hu Lai already knew that Song Jiajia was right, in fact, his house is really high-tech.

Take opening the door as an example.

Just after Song Jiajia rang the doorbell outside, an image was displayed on a screen in the restaurant, which showed Song Jiajia's face and the surrounding situation.

Then Li Qingqing didn't get up to open the door, but opened an app on his mobile phone, and after a few operations, the door opened by itself.

So in fact, she went to the door to greet Hu Lai yesterday.

"Good morning, Lao Song, do you want to eat together?" Li Qingqing extended an invitation to him.

Song Jiajia shook her head: "I ate at the hotel."

"Then I'll get you a glass of water." Li Qingqing turned and walked towards the Nakajima dining table.

"Okay, thank you!"

"It's too polite, ha!" Li Qingqing laughed.

Song Jiajia looked away, looked at Hu Lai and asked, "How did you sleep last night?"

"It's pretty good. I wake up naturally when I sleep until dawn." Hu Lai replied to Song Jiajia while spreading jam on his toast.

This answer surprised Song Jiajia, his eyes widened: "You can still sleep well?"

"Why can't I sleep well? I don't recognize the bed."

After Song Jiajia glanced at Li Qingqing, she lowered her voice slightly and said, "Xiao Biesheng is newlywed, how can you bear it? I want to give you a new look. Could it be that you are the legendary modern Liu Xiahui?"

Although the voice was lowered, but the restaurant is so big, the other two people still heard his words clearly.

So his operation of lowering his voice was more like a kind of "show of respect". It's like when people are talking about secrets, even if there are no outsiders around, they will lower the volume reflexively.

When he said this, Li Qingqing blushed as he was pouring water for Song Jiajia from the automatic thermal kettle.

Hu Lai wanted to sleep with her yesterday,

But considering that he will have a physical examination today, just in case, Li Qingqing still sleeps in a separate room with him. After all, the transfer to the Madrid Pirates is the top priority. Before this matter, everything must give way.

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment and then quickly explained: "Hey, what are you talking about... I slept in a room alone yesterday."

"Sleeping in a room alone? Why?" Song Jiajia was even more surprised.

"It's because of Qingqing..."

Hu Lai's explanation was interrupted by Li Qingqing, who handed the water cup to Song Jiajia: "Lao Song drinks water."

"Ah? Oh, good..." Song Jiajia picked up the cup and brought it to her mouth reflexively.

But as soon as the water entered the mouth, he sprayed it out: "It's hot! It's so hot!"

Li Qingqing covered her mouth and stared wide-eyed: "Ah, I'm sorry! I forgot to cool it...Are you okay, Lao Song?"

Song Jiajia covered her mouth with one hand, and waved the other straight, and said vaguely: "Ummmmmmmm..."

Li Qingqing quickly went to the refrigerator and poured out a glass of ice water and handed it to him: "This time it's ice!"

Seeing this scene, Hu Lai couldn't help complaining: "Fatty, why are you so careless, can't you see the steam coming out of that cup?"

Song Jiajia glanced at him resentfully, if I hadn't been so engrossed in listening to what happened between you and Qingqing last night, wouldn't I even feel the heat on my face!


"I'm done eating. Should we go?" Hu Lai clapped his hands and stood up from the table.

"Yes, yes." Song Jiajia answered him with a nod. He had no problem talking. After all, he spit out the boiling water as soon as he entered it.

Hu Lai turned around and asked Li Qingqing, "Then how do you train?"

"I'll take a taxi, you don't have to worry about me." Li Qingqing leaned on the island in the kitchen and waved her hand.

"You can't take a taxi every day? Can you drive?"

Li Qingqing said: "I took the driver's license test in China, but I haven't driven it much..."

Hu Lai turned to look at Song Jiajia. Of course, this kind of matter must be resolved by their manager, Xiao Jiazi.

Seeing this, Li Qingqing also cast her gaze over there.

Song Jiajia, who was watched by two people, waved his hand: "Qingqing, it's easy if you have a driver's license. You can apply for a translation certification first, so that you can legally drive in Spain."

"Well, is it that simple?" Li Qingqing was a little surprised that this matter could be resolved so easily.

Song Jiajia quickly poured cold water on her: "But this translation certification is only valid for six months. After the validity period, it can no longer be used."

"Then what should we do after that?" Li Qingqing frowned.

"If you want to continue driving, you have to learn and get a Spanish driver's license."

"I still have to learn a driver's license..." Thinking of this, Li Qingqing felt a little headache. It took her almost a year to get her domestic driver's license intermittently. Of course, she didn't mean that learning to drive was difficult for her, but because as a professional player, she didn't have much time to learn to drive. , while learning a driver's license in China now has a mandatory requirement for study hours, even if you already know how to drive, you still have to gather enough hours before you can sign up for the test. As a result, she could only learn from time to time and intermittently, so it took only a year.

"This is actually very easy. You can drive in Spain with a Chinese driver's license for half a year, which is equivalent to getting familiar with how to drive. After all, you have learned the driver's license, and you have mastered the basic knowledge and skills of car operation. And automatic transmission The car looks like a toy car, without difficulty. These six months should be regarded as a refresher, and you will be able to get started soon. Spain is not the United Kingdom, and here are left-hand drive cars, just like our country.”

"Okay." Li Qingqing agreed.

"What about me, I have a British driver's license." Hu Lai asked, pointing to himself.

"The British driver's license can be directly exchanged for a Spanish driver's license without the test." Song Jiajia answered Hu Lai's question first, and then turned to Li Qingqing:

"You have no problem with the road test. The rest is the theory test. The main reason is that some rules are different from ours in China, and it is actually not difficult."

Li Qingqing showed embarrassment: "But I don't know Spanish yet..."

"It's okay, let Hu Lai teach you. By the way, it can also be used as an opportunity to learn Spanish."

Li Qingqing looked at Hu Lai, who patted her chest: "I like people to call me Mr."

That's it for the driver's license.

Hu Lai and Song Jiajia are leaving too.


As soon as they got in the car, Song Jiajia couldn't wait to ask Hu Lai while fastening his seat belt: "What happened to you and Qingqing last night?"

Hu Lai told Song Jiajia what Li Qingqing said to him yesterday.

Before he finished speaking, Song Jiajia was already laughing enough to pat the steering wheel.

"You're still laughing!" Hu Lai glared at him.

Song Jiajia was still laughing, but she restrained herself a lot, from laughing loudly to smiling: "I understand you, ha, Hu Lai! But this is the first day in Madrid, you have a long time to come! Don't worry .”

"I'm not in a hurry, so I slept well last night." Hu Lai pouted.

"Well, I was really worried about your lack of energy in front of the media and fans... Today is a very grand welcome ceremony. It is said that nearly 20,000 Madrid Pirates fans will go to the Pirates Park in the afternoon to witness your arrival .”

Pirates Park is not a park, but a football stadium called Pirates Park, which is the home stadium of the Madrid Pirates and can accommodate 80,000 people. The five-star stadium certified by UEFA is fully worthy of the rich status of the Madrid Pirates.

"Wow, that was indeed a big scene." Hu Lai remembered that when he went to Leeds, there seemed to be only two hundred people present, and most of them were Chinese faces. Local fans are not impressed with him.

The stars have changed, and now he is no longer a nobody.


In the morning, Hu Lai went to the San Antonio clinic for a physical examination.

The "clinics" in Europe and the United States are different from the "clinics" in China. In China, when it comes to "clinics", everyone will think of that kind of small facade on the street, which doesn't seem very serious. People usually go to this small clinic near their home community to get some medicine when they have a headache and a cold.

If you really encounter any serious illness, you still have to go to a tertiary hospital.

But in European and American countries, the scale of the clinic can be no less than that of a hospital.

The "San Antonio Clinic" that Hu Lai went to is actually the official partner of the Madrid Pirates Club and the designated medical institution for the medical examination of new players after joining.

In the past fifteen years, every newly joined pirate will receive a medical examination here, lying on the bed with an electromagnetic patch attached to his body, connected to a wire, and then half-sitting up, giving a thumbs up to the camera of the reporter. Leave a memorable photo.

So is Holly.

The car stopped at the gate of the clinic, and Hu Lai got out of the car.

He waved and smiled towards the cameras of the media reporters waiting there.

The fans cheered.

In addition to some Madrid Pirates fans, there are also many Chinese students studying abroad. Some of them should not be fans of the Madrid Pirates, because they are wearing the jerseys of the Chinese national team. The red Chinese team jersey stood out among a group of Pirates fans in blue.

Seeing Hu Lai's appearance, many international students were very excited. They finally don't have to envy their classmates in the UK!

When Hu Lai was in Leeds before, it was very convenient for international students in the UK to watch the game.

The VLOGs of those British international students watching football are everywhere on the Internet.

Seeing the scene of the Leeds City fans collectively shouting "HUUUUU!!" they recorded on the spot, many people really felt numb.

It also made them envious.

For international students in continental Europe, it is not easy to go to the UK to watch a game.

Now at least the Chinese students studying in the Ilya Peninsula don't have to envy others, but the Chinese students studying in the UK should envy them.

These Chinese students are not only studying in Madrid, but also in the whole of Spain and even Portugal.

They came all the way here just to be able to witness the historic moment in the nearest place.

Hu Lai naturally did not disappoint them.

After receiving the physical examination, he reappeared in front of everyone, and went to the Chinese students, took photos with them, and satisfied their signature requirements.

This caused a commotion at the scene.

Someone was shouting: "Hu Lai is awesome!"

There were also people crying: "Hu Lai! Hu Lai! Ahhh! Hu Lai!"

When Hu Lai walked towards a girl who was taking a video with her mobile phone, the other party seemed to be too excited, and handed over the small five-star red flag in his other hand, wanting to get Hu Lai to sign it.

Hu Lai froze for a moment, then said to her apologetically, "Ah...sorry, you can't sign on the national flag."

The other party only reacted, and in a panic, she found a particularly clumsy excuse for herself: "Ah, no... I didn't ask for your autograph, I wanted to give you this national flag!"

As she said that, she directly stuffed the small national flag into Hu Lai's hand.

What's wrong with Hu Lai holding this national flag?

The people around laughed loudly.

Amidst the laughter, Hu Lai came to his senses and stopped the girl who was about to hide her face and run away: "Don't run, I'll sign for you."

He saw that the girl had come with a postcard.

After the girl was stopped, she handed the postcards to Hu Lai, ten in total.

"So much?" Hu Lai didn't expect it either.

The girl immediately explained embarrassingly: "Ah, some of them are for my friends and viewers. I am the UP host at station B... If it doesn't work, forget it..."

But Hu Lai just shook his head slightly, picked up a pen and wrote down his names on the postcards one by one.

After signing ten postcards, he handed them back, waved goodbye to other fans, and left the clinic in a car.

The lucky girl held the signed postcard, looked at the tail lights of the car, and suddenly remembered the national flag... that national flag was really taken away by Hu Lai!

She became happy: Am I the first fan to give Hu Lai a gift?


Han Shuyu, Han Shuyu, you are so lucky!

Today's VLOG has good material!

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