Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 25 This giant is different

Under the leadership of captain Juan Ramirez, Hou Lai walked into the locker room, and then met one by one with his teammates who were going to be with him day and night.

However, his mentality has changed dramatically from when he first went to Leeds.

How did he meet his teammates for the first time?

In the team cafeteria, he ate alone in a corner with the camera crew. He also thought that he would take the initiative to get to know these people, but he didn't know how to get to know them, how to take that step. It was the team manager who brought the captain Lorenzo over to get him on the line with the team.

And he didn't integrate into the team until Charlie Potter took the initiative to chat with him.

This process of contact and integration is not long, but it does exist.

Without Charlie Potter, Holly might have taken longer to integrate.

He didn't even know how to integrate into a completely unfamiliar team-he had no similar experience before.

Whether it's the Dongchuan Middle School team, or going to the Flash Star, the Olympic team, or the national team, they are always guided by acquaintances.

In Dongchuan Middle School, there are Mao Xiao and Meng Xi.

When he went to the Poseidon youth team, he was led directly by the "godfather" Zhao Kangming and directed by Zhao Kangming, so that he was strongly labeled as the "Zhao Kangming faction", was implicated by Zhao Kangming, and was excluded by Sun He...

When it came to Shining Star, Wang Guangwei was also his leader, leading him into the real first professional team in his career.

From then on, everything went smoothly.

No matter how he turns in domestic football, he can always meet acquaintances around him.

For example, if you go to the Olympic team, there are Wang Zijian and others.

Who hasn't heard of the deeds of scoring eleven goals in half a season and helping Shining Star to avoid relegation?

But when he left China and went to a broader European stage, all the connections he had accumulated before were broken.

Clark and Matt were familiar with him, but they couldn't protect themselves at that time, so it was impossible for him to help him integrate into the team.

So Charlie Potter took the initiative to talk to Hu Lai, which was really a great opportunity and help for Hu Lai himself.

At that time, Hu Lai still needed to be led and led by others before he could really step into that door.

Otherwise, he would always live in his own world—it's not impossible for him to do it. Before he met Li Qingqing, didn't he always come here like that?

Inferiority and arrogance, timidity and stubbornness, the seemingly contradictory personality traits are all in him.

But now it's completely different.

The Madrid Pirates are a giant, and he came from the small team Leeds City. But he will not develop the mentality of "looking up to the giants", he will not regard the players whose names he has heard of before him as stars, and he will not have any star-chasing mentality.

Because he is the same as them, the name of "Hu Lai" has long been known to everyone, and everyone knows it.

Hou Lai found himself more confident, whether facing the Madrid Pirates or the King of Madrid, he could treat them with a sense of normalcy.

This kind of self-confidence is not a bluff, but a change from the deepest part of the heart.

Thinking about it carefully, maybe since he caught up with Li Qingqing, his mentality has quietly changed in this way.

It's the feeling of "the goddess likes me, how can I not stand up".

Not only does Hou Lai feel good about himself, in fact, when the players of the Madrid Pirates see him, no one will treat him as an unknown person.

Before Ramirez introduced Cardoso Tonini, Ion Martinez, who had just been introduced, jumped out: "Grandly introduce, Hu, this is the one who was once entered by you in the World Cup." Cardoso Tonini, the main player of the Brazilian team with three goals!"

The hand that Tonini just stretched out quickly retracted, and at the same time he kicked Martinez next to him.

Martinez dodges like a reflex.

Then Tonini stopped shaking hands with Hou Lai, and turned around to chase Martinez.

The two chased each other in the locker room again.

Others followed suit.

Hu Lai was dumbfounded...

In fact, there is no need for Martinez to specifically explain, he also knows the origin of Tonini in front of him and himself. But he didn't intend to mention it, because there was really no need to mention it... Why did he bring it up, did he slap his face and pretend to be very powerful?

It turned out that he didn't mention it, but the pirate's teammate mentioned it himself!

Well, maybe Martinez and Tonini have a feud, a bad personal relationship. But watching everyone booing, it's like watching the excitement, it doesn't seem like there is any deep hatred.

And the two of them started chasing and fighting like this, hey, this is the welcome ceremony for new players!

As if he didn't see the situation around him, Ramirez said to Hu Lai: "Okay, since Tonini has already introduced it. Let's continue."

What are you going to do!

Captain, didn't you see it? Dare to call it an introduction?

But Ramirez still led him to another teammate: "This is the team's third captain, Joaquin Bella. Joaquin was trained by our pirate youth academy."

Joaquin Bellahoulle also knew him, not in the "I've heard his name" kind of way, but because he played against each other on the pitch.

At the time of the Madrid Olympics, the Chinese Olympic team entered the knockout round but was eliminated by the host. At that time, Joaquin Bella was in the Spanish Olympic team as Hu Lai's opponent.

His dexterous and delicate footwork has caused a lot of trouble for the players of the Chinese Olympic team.

At that time, Joaquin Bella seemed to be a rotation player in the Madrid Pirates. Unexpectedly, he is already the third captain...

But when I heard that the players trained by the Madrid Pirates themselves, Hu Lai could understand immediately.

Consider Pete Williams.

European clubs, no matter how big or small, still talk about inheritance.

Having a local account is an advantage.

Bella saw that Hu Lai was always attracted by the movement behind her, so she smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about them, they're just like that, we're all used to it."

Hu Lai asked cautiously: "Is the relationship between the two of them bad?"

Bella shook her head: "No. Actually, the two of them are our team's golden partners on the left flank."

Then he brought the topic back to Hu Lai: "I didn't expect that after playing the Olympics, I would be teammates with you one day, ha! Welcome to the pirates, we are a group of happy pirates, there are not so many broken rules to be particular about Yes, it’s not the same as the Kings – they even have requirements on what kind of car the players drive to training, they must drive the car provided by the sponsor. We also have sponsors to provide cars, but we don’t force everyone to drive the same brand of car Come."

"Huh?" Hu Lai froze for a moment.

Seeing Hu Lai's reaction, Bella was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

Hu Lai said sadly: "I just bought a new car... If I had known that there was a sponsor to send the car, I wouldn't have spent that money!"

Bella laughed loudly: "It's normal to have several cars, let's drive them differently."

However, Hu Lai thought in his heart, he might as well tell Fatty not to give the car to Qingqing, but to let Qingqing drive his own car, and wait for the club sponsor to start the car.

Seeing that the two had finished their conversation, Ramirez took Hu Lai and continued down.

And over there Tonini finally grabs Martinez and kicks him in the ass, making everyone laugh.

The third captain, Joaquin Bella, was also among the booing crowd.

Seeing this scene, Hu Lai just felt so magical.

This wealthy family seems to be a little different from what I imagined...


When the hustle and bustle in the locker room finally died down, Hu Lai was led by Ramirez in front of a tall figure.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hu Lai felt that the locker room became much quieter.

He knew who the tall man in front of him was.

"Maxie Carey." Without waiting for Ramirez to introduce, Carey took the initiative to speak.

But he didn't reach out to Hu Lai like other teammates.

He folded his hands on his chest, and he was tall and slender, and he spoke with a straight neck, which gave people a somewhat domineering feeling.

Everyone around thought they would see an embarrassing scene, that is, Hu Lai's outstretched hand hanging in the air...

But they didn't see it!

Because Hu Lai didn't make a move in advance.

He seemed to have known for a long time that Carey would not shake hands with him, and he didn't take the initiative to ask for trouble.

Kaili lowered his eyelids, glanced at Hu Lai's hands hanging by his side, and then looked up at Hu Lai's smiling face again.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "I don't shake your hand because I don't like you. I know what you are here for."

After speaking, he turned around and ignored Hu Lai.

Hu Laixin said that he made a good guess last night. This superstar with aloof and arrogant personality is not easy to get along with...

But it has nothing to do with myself.

It was Ramirez's reaction that made him even more strange.

The captain patted Hu Lai on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Maxi is just such a person, with a bad mouth and a bad personality, ha!"

He said this in front of Kaili, and he didn't deliberately lower his voice, as if he didn't care what would happen if Kaili heard it.

And Carey really didn't care what the captain said about him, and he didn't even turn his head when he heard Ramirez's words.

As if the captain was not talking about him.

Hu Lai nodded inwardly.

This giant is indeed different from what I imagined.

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