Maxi Carey, who was driving home, found a taxi parked outside his neighbor's yard when he was about to get home, and a familiar figure got out of the car.


This surprised Carey, who didn't expect to meet his teammates here.

He knows the villa.

It was vacant before, and no one came to live there.

Although they are neighbors, the distance between the two houses is about 100 meters. Usually, if there is any movement here, I can't hear it, let alone care about it.

So I didn't expect someone to live here now, and it was... Hu Lai who was not very popular with him.

He didn't stop to say hello to Hu Lai, but drove slowly, watching Hu Lai walk into the gate of the courtyard.

After returning home and kissing his wife, he went straight to the third floor and looked at the next door through the bedroom window.

He was the same as when Hu Lai looked at this side, he could only see the second and third floors of the house, and they were too far away. Even at night, when the lights were turned on in the other room, he could actually see everything with the naked eye. Not sure.

Carey looked in that direction for a long time without saying a word.

Until his wife found him looking out the window in a daze, she asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at the scenery."

Sophia followed.

The sky is not completely dark, and the twilight is getting deeper.

Far below the hill is the city of Madrid, where the stars shine and the rest melt into the night.

On the western horizon behind them, there should be a little bit of sunset at this moment.

This scenery is actually very ordinary. The couple lived in Madrid for seven years, and they have seen it countless times, and it does not cause any waves in their hearts.

So Sophia still didn't quite understand why her husband was looking out of the window in a daze.

Until he said: "That house... is lived in by Hu."

"Hu? Hu... Lai?" Sophia and her husband looked in the same direction, which was a neighbor that hadn't lived for a long time.

The lights are on right now.


"The lower level? What you said is really interesting!"

On the table,

After hearing Hu Lai's introduction, Li Qingqing laughed.

"Does your king have such activities?"

"We also have a fan day, but it is for fans to visit the training base. Most clubs are like this. There is no such thing as yours, and you also go to work in the factory... At most, it would be good to visit the community nursing home. And with us The women's team has nothing to do with it." Li Qingqing shook her head, envious in her words - she also wanted to go.

Really, for professional players who train every day and live a monotonous and repetitive life, "lower grassroots" is really like going out to play.

"Why don't you transfer to the pirates!" Hu Lai joked.

Li Qingqing rolled his eyes at him: "How is that possible? My goal is to win the Champions League!"

Unlike the Madrid Kings women's and men's teams, which are championship-level teams, the Pirates' women's team is much weaker.

The Pirates Club's investment in women's football is far less than that of the King of Madrid.

Their men's team is still trying to catch up with the King of Madrid, how can they have the energy and financial resources to invest in women's football? Anyway, it is enough to ensure that there is a women's team, and there is no requirement for performance.

Hu Lai naturally knew that this was impossible, he just wanted to tease Li Qingqing.

I don't know why, even when Li Qingqing rolled her eyes, Hu Lai thought it looked good...

Seeing Li Qingqing's frowns and smiles, Hu Lai's heart started beating wildly again.

Then he said shyly, "We don't have to practice tomorrow, so can we...hehehe!"

After the young men and women break through that layer of boundaries, it's time for them to feel like glue. However, both of them knew their identities, they were both professional players, so they didn't overindulge, otherwise, if they went to training every day, their legs would be weak, how could they play football?

Before that, Hu Lai had been holding back for several days. When he thought of not having to train tomorrow, his mind became active.

Li Qingqing pouted: "You don't need to train tomorrow, but I want it!"

"Ah?" Hu Lai was stunned, then disappointed. "okay then……"

" can."

Hu Lai suddenly raised his head and looked at the shy Li Qingqing opposite.

"But we still need to practice the left foot first at night." Li Qingqing made a request.

"No problem!" Hu Lai hurriedly nodded in agreement, and then vomited, wishing he could go to practice now.

"Don't be so impatient..." Li Qingqing felt shy and helpless seeing Hu Lai like this.

But there's still a little bit... looking forward to it.


The spring night is short.

When Hu Lai opened his eyes again on the bed, he turned over skillfully and hugged the person beside him into his arms.

His hands fumbled again.

This time his claws were stopped by Li Qingqing:

"Get up."

Hu Lai buried his face in the majestic mountains and rivers, and murmured: "This is my country..."

"What did you say?" Li Qingqing didn't hear clearly.

"I said anyway, we don't train today..."

Li Qingqing, who was thrown on the chest by Hu Lai, pushed him away helplessly: "You don't train, I still want to train!"

Hu Lai, who was pushed away, had no choice but to collapse on the bed, watching his sweetheart sit up with some regret, and turned his back to him naked.

Then he found that just admiring the graceful curves like this is also a wonderful thing.

As an athlete, Li Qingqing did a good job in body management. She really didn't have a single bit of excess fat on her body, making her look like a perfect work of art statue.

Hu Lai simply raised his body halfway, tilted his head and admired quietly.

Until Li Qingqing put on her clothes and found no movement behind her, she thought that Hu Lai was angry after being pushed away...

As a result, when he turned around, he saw him staring at him obsessively.

Li Qingqing's face instantly turned red again.

But my heart is very sweet.


When Hou Lai came to the Casa training base, the atmosphere in the locker room was more relaxed than usual.

Everyone did not change clothes, but wore casual clothes.

Waiting for the draw.

After waiting for everyone, the three captains organized the draw in the locker room and began to draw lots.

What lot to draw?

Draw everyone's grassroots projects.

There are three projects this year: factories, nursing homes, and cafes.

Going to a nursing home is the easiest, going to a factory is the most tiring, and going to a cafe is the most trivial.

Who goes to which project depends entirely on luck.

You can go wherever you smoke, you can't pick and choose.

Absolutely fair and just.

In the end, Hu Lai got the chance to work as a waiter in a cafe.

Besides him, Maxi Carey was among them.

They were both drawn to work as waiters in the café.

This made Hu Lai very curious - he wanted to see how this proud guy would be a buddy and serve others.


Unexpectedly, Maxi Carey is at ease in the cafe and is very popular.

When facing the fans, the Dutch superstar always has a smile on his face, like a spring breeze.

His own image is not bad, tall and slender, with a height of 1.9 meters and fiery red hair, he is very conspicuous in the crowd.

Now he is carrying a plate full of various beverages, shuttles through this fan cafe, and delivers the coffee ordered by the fan customers to every table of guests.

And it's not just as simple as serving coffee to others, after serving it, he will always hold an empty plate and chat with the other party, with a smile on his face all the time.

This kind of smile is not the kind of perfunctory professional fake smile, but a genuine smile.

It can be seen that he is like a fish in water here, and he is in a good mood.

Hu Lai was stunned. He didn't expect this superstar with a special personality to be able to mingle with the fans...

Joaquin Bella, the third captain who led the team, saw that Hu Lai behind the bar was always glancing at Carey, and asked, "What's the matter, Hu?"

"Kyrie... seems to be very popular among the fans."

"Ah, of course. He is our number one star, and it is normal to be popular. He is the number one contributor to the championships we won recently..." Bella suddenly reacted at this point——Hu Lai Is this envious of Kyrie's popularity with Pirates fans?

So Bella comforted him with a smile: "With your ability, as long as you play a few games, you will be popular with the fans. Besides, you are already popular, ha!"

He was still talking about Hou Lai's refusal of the King of Madrid twice.

In the minds of Madrid Pirates fans, whoever doesn't give the king face is their friend of the pirates.

This kind of thinking is very extreme, and sometimes it is not right.

But the majority of Madrid Pirates fans recognize this truth.

It can even be said that this is the "legal principle" for them to fight to the end with the King of Madrid.

Those who do not rebel against the king are not worthy of being pirates!

Therefore, fans of the King of Madrid can accept the transfer of pirate players to their king. After all, this is a kind of "recruitment". Of course, they will also object and be unhappy about the King's players going to the Pirates, but the degree of displeasure is far less than that of the Madrid Pirates fans' transfer of their players to the Madrid Kings.

The Madrid Pirates fans are very, very disgusted with their players switching to the Madrid Kings, and it can even be said to hate it - it is not possible to transfer directly from the Pirates to the Kings, even players who have been pirates, and then transferred to other clubs to the Kings.

For Pirates fans, it's tantamount to betraying class.

How can workers surrender like kings?

During the period of the First Republic and the Second Republic, did the workers still eat less?

"Kerry also seems to like contact with fans?" Hu Lai asked his question.

"Every Tradition Day, he's the most positive," Bella said. "Maxie is actually a good guy, he's just a bit extreme sometimes, but if you get in touch with him more, you'll find that he's actually not bad..."

Bella still hopes to ease the relationship between the two.

Although it seems that Hu Lai has no dislike or dissatisfaction with Carey.

But who knows what he thinks in his heart?

As the captain of the team, even if he is the third captain, Joaquin Bella still has to shoulder his responsibilities and try to deal with the unstable factors within the team.

He wasn't lying.

Maxi Carey really isn't a bad guy.

Otherwise, with his outstanding personality, how could he have played for the Pirates for seven years and still have such a high reputation and status among the fans?

But to Holly, it doesn't matter if Maxi Carey is the bad guy or the good guy, because the two are rivals.

The competition may not be the position on the court, but who is the number one star of this team...

Hu Lai was observing Kaili when a customer came up to him to order: "Please bring me a cappuccino, Hu!"

After Hu Lai ordered for him, the other party took out his mobile phone, not to pay the bill, but to take a selfie with Hu Lai.

Hu Lai naturally smiled to meet the other party's request.

The other party gave up his seat in satisfaction, and immediately behind him, another person came to order and take a photo with Hu Lai.

When ordering food with Hu Lai, he gave him a thumbs up: "I'm glad you didn't go to the king, Hu! Although you haven't played for the pirates yet, I believe you can succeed here!"

"Thank you, I will try my best." Hou Lai replied in Spanish.

As Joaquin said, I am also very popular with Madrid fans...

he laughed.

The other party laughed: "Haha! I learned your Chinese cheering slogans..."

After he finished speaking, he waved his fist and shouted in a very crappy voice: "Hu Lai! Lin Bi!!"

The smile on Hu Lai's face froze.

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