Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 35 La Liga debut

In the end, the Sevilla Navigator still failed to score another goal before the end of the first half and took the lead.

The two sides drew 1:1 at halftime.

After the half-time whistle, Hu Lai, who had warmed up in advance, ran from the warm-up area to the player tunnel with his teammates on the field.

The live broadcast also gave him a special shot.

In the shot is his back running into the player tunnel.

The director used this lens language to tell everyone who knows a little bit about penalty kicks:

The Madrid Pirates will complete the substitution at halftime, and Hou Lai will be replaced.

As for who will be replaced, it is hard to say.

When He Feng and Yan Kang were analyzing the first and second half of the game in the studio, they made guesses.

They thought head coach Parotti might trade Holley for Maxi Carey.

Although Carey had a goal in the first half, he was completely restricted by the Sevilla Navigator after the goal, and he didn't have any good performance. After all, after he recovers from injury, he still cares about the injury.

After being targeted by the navigator, no matter how good the technology is, it will be useless.

Staying on the court is of little use.

※※ ※

Maxi Carey himself thought so.

When he saw Hu Lai walking into the locker room, he realized that he might be replaced at halftime.

After all, he did not have any better performance except for the goal in the first half.

But when he thought of being replaced by Hu Lai, the Dutch superstar still felt a little unhappy and unwilling.

But in front of Hu Lai, he didn't show this emotion, but seemed indifferent.

It was still that cloudless and breezy, as if the master had never seen any scene before.

Sure enough, as he expected, Parotti made personnel adjustments during the intermission and replaced Carey with Hu Lai.

When he replaced Carey, he also specifically praised Carey's performance in the first half, and kept silent about the fact that he was frozen by the opponent after scoring a goal.

I want to maintain Carey's self-esteem in this way.

Carey remained indifferent from beginning to end. He did not express dissatisfaction with being replaced, nor was he happy with the coach's praise and maintenance.

Seeing that Carey had no objections, Parotti quickly changed the topic to the adjustments in the second half.

Because Hu Lai played, the team's offensive tactics will definitely be adjusted from the first half.

After all, Hu Lai's characteristics are not the same as those of Maxi Carey.

Maxi Carey got the ball more in the first half.

With Hu Lai's current proficiency in cooperating with the team, don't expect him to be deeply involved in the team's pass control system.

Although Parrotti hopes that Hu Lai can do that, but that is only a long-term goal after all.

In the current game, the team is in trouble, and it would be too rigid to stick to that set.

Of course, how can a goal be scored at such a time!

So Parotti decided to let Hou Lai do what he does best in the way he is best at - grab points and score.

He said to Hu Lai: "You play like Leeds City, you don't need to change anything. You played against Sevilla Navigator in the Europa League final, so you should have a good idea of ​​​​their defense. Kick as you like!"

Hu Lai nodded to express his understanding.

At the same time, in the system space, he used the [Consonance Card] that he had exchanged for 300,000 points on his teammates one by one.

Whether it is to grab points or integrate into the team's system, the tacit understanding between him and his teammates is indispensable.

Fortunately, he has hung up.

Thanks System Dad!

Hu Lai murmured silently in his heart.

※※ ※

When Hou Lai came out of the locker room with his teammates and walked to the court, teammate Joaquin Bella came over to him and said: "There are some differences between La Liga and the Premier League, but I don't think the difference is very big, don't worry. , you'll get used to it pretty quickly."

He was telling Hu Lai, who played La Liga for the first time.

Hu Lai smiled and nodded to the friendly Bella: "Don't worry, Joaquin. I'm not in a hurry."

"Well, it's important to be patient. After all, this is your first La Liga game. Although Mr. Parrotti put you on at this time, he has high hopes for you. But I still want to say, take it easy and don't try Put the whole team on your shoulders."

Bella is such a kind person, and Hu Lai replied seriously: "No, Joaquin. I won't be so reckless."

Bella didn't say any more, just nodded.

They came out of the passage together.

"Hu Lai is finally going to be replaced!"

He Feng and Yan Kang who saw this scene in the rear studio said excitedly.

"Friends from the audience! Hou Lai is about to usher in his first La Liga game in his career! After writing his legend in the Premier League, Hou Lai came to Spain. Today, he will take the first step in making history in Spain !"

These words made Xie Lan in front of the TV tremble.

"Come on, son!"

She cheered on her son across a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers in time and space.

※※ ※

"Palotti couldn't wait to put Hu on at half-time, and Carey, who scored for the Pirates in the first half, was replaced." La Liga commentator Alvarez Sanchez watched the TV broadcast. The screen said that he did not go to the scene of this game, but explained through the broadcast signal from behind.

"This is Hu's first La Liga game. For a completely unfamiliar league, it is curious what kind of performance he can show..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud and ear-piercing booing from the stands of the Windsurfing Stadium.

There is no doubt that these boos are all for Hu Lai.

So Sanchez laughed: "Aha! Welcome to La Liga, Hu! This is the warmest 'welcome' for you from Voyager fans!"

Of course he knew it wasn't "welcome".

Voyager fans hate Hu Lai so much, how could they welcome him?

The grievances between Voyager and Hu Lai are not just because of the loss to Leeds City in the Europa League final.

It is also because many Voyager fans feel that they have not been respected by Hu Lai.

Because Hu Lai provoked Voyager fans in an interview after the game, saying that he was able to sprint quickly at the last moment of the game because he touched the trophy before the game and got good luck...

Isn't this blatantly targeting Voyager fans?

Because after Hu Lai touched the trophy before the game, the Voyager fans were the happiest, and they thought that Leeds City was doomed.

Some people call Hu Lai the "team star" who helped the Voyagers win the Europa League.

As a result, after Leeds City won the championship, Hu Lai said that in the eyes of Voyager fans, it was no different from "whipping corpses".

They were very upset at losing the Europa League championship, but now they are even more upset when they see Hu Lai say that.

"Every match between the Navigator and the Pirates will be very fierce, especially the away game against the Navigator is even more difficult. So what kind of report card can Hu give us?"

Sanchez said this with great anticipation.

Maxi Carey, who was already sitting on the bench, looked at the court and seemed to want to see what answer Hu Lai could give.

※※ ※

Players from both sides returned to the field and stood up after switching places.

The referee blows the whistle to start the second half.

The football was passed back into the backcourt by Sevilla Voyagers striker Rafael Herguez in the center circle.

Hu Lai, who was standing just outside the center circle, took the lead and followed the football.

The second half begins!

The Sevilla Navigators, who failed to overtake the score in the first half, continued to launch a fierce offensive against the Madrid Pirates' goal as soon as they came up, hoping to score a goal at the beginning of the second half.

They have the advantage of the home court, and there is no need to deal with the Madrid Pirates slowly at this time.

Don't stop when you can attack.

So Hu Lai had to run back soon after running up, because the Seville navigator hit up the offense, and he had to go back to participate in the defense.

With the opportunity to serve, the navigator formed a cross opportunity.

However, their cross was intercepted by Pirates goalkeeper Jonathan Hewell.

The best goalkeeper in the US-Canada World Cup, with a height of 1.97 meters and a wingspan of more than 2 meters, his physical condition is very outstanding. He has played for the Pirates for four seasons and is the absolute main force of the team.

With his height and wingspan, it is not difficult to attack and win this kind of high and floating cross.

After intercepting the ball, he looked left and right, wanting to launch a counterattack quickly.

But the players of the Seville Voyagers have retreated quickly, as if the tide was ebbing, they withdrew very quickly.

So Hywell changed his idea of ​​throwing the ball to launch an attack, but waited for his teammates to gradually get in place.

Then he threw the football in his hand to the ground and passed it with his foot to the full-back Ion Martinez who was on the sidelines.

Pass control pass control, the head coach Parotti asked them to try to use the pass to advance the offense to the frontcourt, instead of kicking directly to the front with a big kick.

Especially when the opponent shrinks the defense and does not press up.

There are forty-five minutes left in the game.

The Madrid Pirates, who are playing away, have no reason to worry at all, they just deal with the Voyagers slowly.

If the Seville navigator can show his flaws because of his anxiety, the pirates will catch him. If they also play steadily, the pirates will not be in a hurry.

The two teams are sworn rivals.

But this does not mean that the whole game has to be straight and head-to-head.

Parotti stood on the sidelines with his hands in his pockets, quietly watching the field.

He appeared very calm.

It's not like he's putting it on.

But really from the inner peace.

Because he now owns Holly.

That top killer with particularly high efficiency.

On the contrary, the Navigator, who had just suffered at the feet of Hu Lai, should feel nervous about Hu Lai's appearance.

Look at the present, the Pirates' offense has not advanced yet, Hu Lai is already standing beside the navigator's central defender Artur.

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