Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 45 Han Shuyu's troubles

With the opening of La Liga where Zhang Qinghuan and Hu Lai are located, the new season of European football is in full swing.

On the same weekend, La Liga, Premier League, Eredivisie and Portuguese Super League with Chinese players started at the same time.

However, the Premier League, which also has two players, does not belong to Chinese players on this match day.

Although he was selected into the big list before the game, Luo Kai's fans were excited.

But until the end of the game, Luo Kai didn't get a chance to play.

He just got up several times during the game to warm up, avoiding the description of "sit on the bench for 90 minutes".

But every time he gets up, his fans are happy for nothing.

And what about Zhou Zijing?

He was not selected for Leeds City's squad for the first round of the league at all, which disappointed those Chinese fans who were holding back their energy and wanted to cheer him on, as well as the Leeds City fans who wanted to go to the Flanders Stadium to scold him.

The two of them can be said to be the most watched and anticipated Chinese overseas players besides Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan.

After all, it is the Premier League.

But just judging from the situation of this first round of the league, the international players that Chinese fans are looking forward to are blooming everywhere in European football, and the time to shine has not yet come.

On the contrary, Chen Xingyi and Xia Xiaoyu both had their own opportunities in the small league that received little attention.

Because he won the Eredivisie championship with the team last season and contributed three goals and five assists, Chen Xingyi won the opportunity to represent Sporting Amsterdam in the first round of the league in the new season.

He performed quite well in this game, without scoring or assisting, but played the full 90 minutes.

Until the end of the game, he was not replaced in advance.

This may also explain his position in Athletic Amsterdam. He may no longer be a rotation substitute player, but is evolving towards a regular main force.

If he can really become the main player in Athletic Amsterdam, even if the Eredivisie is not as good as the Premier League or La Liga, it will be a very remarkable thing for Chen Xingyi, and it will be very helpful to him personally.

With Hu Lai's success in the Premier League, there was a very optimistic view on the Internet. It seems that Chinese players have the strength to go,

You should also play in the five major European leagues in order to help your own progress.

Otherwise, whether it is going to a league other than the five major leagues, or to a sub-level league of the five major leagues, it is a waste of time and time. Even if you can play in that environment, it is useless for personal improvement.

There is a market for this argument, because it appeals to some people's strange national pride.

But it is actually very harmful.

If some young Chinese players really think that with their level, if they don't go to the non-five major leagues, they will probably rot in China.

In fact, it is the most reasonable and correct for Chen Xingyi and Xia Xiaoyu to go to the next level league or the small country league to start.

On the one hand, the competition is much less, and on the other hand, the pressure is also much less, and the requirements for players are not so high.

It is very suitable for the first stop in Europe.

A bug like Hu Lai cannot be used as a standard, and no one has been able to copy Hu Lai's way so far.

Zhang Qinghuan went directly to La Liga because he was a little older, more experienced, and not bad at the same time. And I went to the middle and lower reaches of La Liga, and it took most of the season to gradually adapt.

His own personality also allowed him to overcome various discomforts very well. After all, he has experienced the trough of hell. What are the setbacks he encountered in Spain?

If it was another young player, his mentality would collapse if he couldn't play for half a season, and then he would make a fuss about returning to China to play football.

Although there are a lot of high-sounding reasons, deserters are deserters, and no amount of excuses can change this fact.

It is easy to go back to China, but it is difficult to go to Europe.

It is hoped that the fact that Luo Kai and Zhou Zijing hit a wall in the first round of the Premier League can sound a wake-up call to some overly optimistic people in China, letting them know that blindly advocating the level of Chinese players is not beneficial at all.

Xia Xiaoyu understood this truth very well.

So when he went to the reserve team of the Portuguese Super League giant Alvara as the main force of the Chinese Super League champion, he didn't complain, so he trained and played with peace of mind.

He was eventually recalled to the first team at the end of last season.

In the first round of the league this season, he had the opportunity to come off the bench for 23 minutes.

Although it was difficult for him to show any impressive performance in these 23 minutes, it was a good start after all.

It proves that he has the ability to play in the Portuguese Super League.

You must know that this is Alvara, Alvara is a giant in the Portuguese Super League, and their standards are higher and stricter than ordinary Portuguese Super League teams.

So being able to play in Alvara, even if it is a substitute, might be able to play the main force in other teams.

In one season of the reserve team, Xia Xiaoyu has accumulated enough experience playing in Europe. At the same time, his physical fitness has also been further improved, stronger, and his movement speed is faster. Also got rid of some "bad habits" of playing football.

Going to the reserve team to play football seems like a kind of exile, but it does allow him to develop more calmly and silently.

A year ago, when they went to Europe one after another, some fans excitedly declared on the Internet that they all had a bright future.

But this year, everyone has not seen any so-called "bright future".

Looking back a year later, there is still no "bright future", but many people can already see some clues from it.

"Bright future" is no longer a fictional concept, but a real future that can be touched.

Although it didn't come today, it will come eventually.


Han Shuyu's mobile phone stayed on the background page of the creative background of station B, and there was her latest video results on it.

The number of clicks, the number of bullet screens... and other data can tell her whether this new video is popular or not.

She doesn't have to look, she's sure to be welcome.

Because there is Holly in it!

This latest VLOG came out overnight when she returned to the dormitory after watching the ball. It records the process of watching Hu Lai's first show with other Chinese students.

As an amateur video creator who is still in school, Han Shuyu's UP master journey started when she came to study abroad in Madrid, Spain.

At first, she just wanted to record and share her study abroad life in a foreign country by shooting video VLOG.

The content of the video is mainly a record of my daily life.

In the beginning, the videos were very short, generally no longer than three minutes, with music on the screen, and no audio commentary, only plain text subtitles...

The content is basically boring and nothing special.

So she, like all newcomer UP masters, was ignored.

It wasn't until she appeared in a VLOG of a visit to a Chinese restaurant in Madrid that her fans began to increase slightly.

Because Han Shuyu looks...pretty and cute.

Well, the world is so realistic. When those boring viewers at Station B accidentally found a cute and beautiful female UP host, Han Shuyu was no longer that new up host that no one cares about.

With the increase of fans, Han Shuyu also appeared more in her videos, and she also started to use her own voice to comment on the videos. Up to now, she has been able to record at the same time with the camera of her mobile phone very calmly, under the gaze of passers-by in various unfamiliar environments.

The first time Han Shuyu’s VLOG exploded in popularity was when she went to the Crown Stadium to watch the game of her favorite home team, the King of Madrid. She recorded in detail the way she went to watch the game, as well as what she saw during and after the game.

The immersive game watching record, coupled with the King of Madrid’s top giants’ own traffic—the latter is more important—this video became Han Shuyu’s first work with more than 10,000 views in his UP career.

In addition to the original boring LSPs, more fans, especially the King of Madrid fans, began to pay attention to her.

Although there are many girls who like football, there are still relatively few female fans in this large group of football fans. And there are fewer female fans who are willing to appear in the public eye in the form of video VLOG, and there are very few female fans who are willing to appear beautiful and cute in front of everyone in the form of video.

So when Han Shuyu gathered all the above conditions, she naturally received more attention.

At the beginning, it was the King of Madrid fans who followed her. Later, not only the fans of the King of Madrid, but also fans of other teams followed her because they wanted to watch the video VLOG of beautiful fans.

Now each of Han Shuyu's videos has 100,000 to 200,000 views, and the number of bullet screens often hovers around 2,000 to 3,000.

So now Han Shuyu is already a "medium UP master" with 180,000 fans at Station B - not a big UP master with over a million fans, and definitely no longer the weak and pitiful little UP master before host.

Of course, it is difficult to go further.

Because on Bilibili, a website that focuses more on two-dimensional subculture, football is not a hot topic—you don’t even know where football is in the category on the homepage of Bilibili.

Actually "football" is in the "sports" channel.

However, the "Sports" channel is not directly displayed on the homepage at all, but at the top of the homepage, it displays a down arrow at the end of all channel categories representing "more".

Click it to find the poor "Sports" channel in "More".

This shows how difficult it is to rely on football to become a big UP owner at Station B.

Of course this is much better than before.

A few years ago, the "Sports" channel was a subcategory under the "Life" channel.

Han Shuyu has no ambitions, but he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

She started watching football VLOGs just because she likes football.

Now that I can gain hundreds of thousands of fans, I am already very content. She never thought that she could become a little "net celebrity" because of this.

However, as Hu Lai joined the Madrid Pirates and came to La Liga, Han Shuyu's UP career seems to have changed...

She recorded the VLOG where Hu Lai joined the Madrid Pirates and went for a physical examination, and the video had more than half a million views.

If she hadn't been too excited at the time and didn't pay attention to the position of her mobile phone, which caused Hu Lai to fail to capture Hu Lai's upper body when she signed her autograph, I believe the popularity of the video will be even higher.

And the latest video of Hu Lai's La Liga debut broke the record of all previous videos of Han Shuyu.

870,000 views, 12,000 bullet screens, and more than 10,000 viewers at the same time... These achievements she has never achieved before prove how terrifying the traffic of "No. 1 Chinese Soccer Player" is .

And you must know that this is just a video she recorded of a group of them watching the broadcast of Hu Lai's game, instead of actually going to the scene.

That is to say, a group of domestic fans can watch Han Shuyu and other Chinese students watching the live TV broadcast of Hu Lai's game through station B, and there will be almost one million views.

This is only the data of the last three days.

With Hu Lai's "East Wind", Han Shuyu became popular.

This is of course a good thing for her - there is no UP master who does not want his videos to be seen by more people.

But it also means a lot of pressure.

Because suddenly so many people liked to watch her video, and wrote all kinds of enthusiastic messages in the barrage and comment area, she naturally didn't want to disappoint the lovely viewers.

There are many spectators who are already looking forward to her watching VLOG at the Pirates Park Stadium this weekend.

Han Shuyu himself is looking forward to it.

But now she is worried.


Where is she going to get tickets for the next round of the league match between the Madrid Pirates and Valero at home?

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