Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 49 Han Shuyu's Watching VLOG (3)

Han Shuyu switched the phone to the front camera, and then began to explain the game just now to the camera.

"...From the point of view of strength, the Pirates are definitely stronger than Valero. But I don't know if the Pirates' 4:1 away game against the Voyagers in the first round of the league was too brutal, which sounded the alarm for Valero. This From the very beginning of the game, Valero shrunk his defense and didn't give the Pirates too many chances. So although the Pirates have firmly controlled the ball so far in the first half, they have not been able to score... Valero Ronaldo's team is not like a Spanish team, but more like an Italian team, their defense is really good..."

Then Han Shuyu shook his phone to the side again, recording the reactions of the pirate fans around him, including the uncle.

"The uncle who was very talkative before the game is a little silent now... He just told me that he hoped that Hu Lai could score a goal and break the deadlock, so that the next game would go much smoother. I suddenly thought of the previous online The debate on the tactical role of Hu Lai. Isn’t this a real example? In the uncle’s view, the tactical role of Hu Lai is to score goals. As long as he can score goals, the situation can be opened, and Valero can’t continue to defend Yes... But Valero's defense against Hou Lai was really tight in this game. I have to say that the hat-trick in the last round of the league was both a good thing and a bad thing for Hou Lai..."

Han Shuyu said while switching his eyes back and forth between the front camera of the phone and the stadium.

On the scene, the pirates have an absolute advantage.

However, there are not many opportunities for them to directly attack Valero's goal.

Hou Lai repeatedly raised his hand in front of the goal to ask for the ball, and Valero's defenders defended him closely.

Under such circumstances, he can still hit the goal frame, which is actually very good.

But the distance goal is still a little bit less interesting.

In fact, it stands to reason that such a performance is not bad for a forward player, it is quite satisfactory.

Maybe it's because Hu Lai's performance in the last round of the league was really amazing, which invisibly raised everyone's expectations for him.

So seeing that he didn't score, everyone was a little anxious and disappointed.

Han Shuyu heard the uncle next to him, every time the Pirates attacked, he kept saying, "Come on, pass the ball to Hu! Hu! Go for a goal! Hu!"

Hearing that, Han Shuyu also became a little anxious-for fear that Hu Lai's failure to score would make the Spanish uncle fans disappointed with Hu Lai.

She still hopes that all Madrid Pirates fans can become Hou Lai's diehard fans,

I don't want to hear any criticism about Hu Lai.

The past week has been the happiest time for her, because every day on the Internet, I can see all kinds of fanciful praises of Hu Lai from Madrid Pirates fans.

It was precisely because of such a wonderful experience that she was worried that in the next week, she would see people's disappointment with Hu Lai on the Internet...

Even if it's not a criticism, but just expressing disappointment, as a Hu Lai fan and a Chinese fan, she will be unhappy.


Just when Han Shuyu was worrying about gains and losses, the uncle next to him suddenly jumped up, and at the same time, the entire Pirate Park stadium burst into loud cheers.

Han Shuyu quickly looked down, and saw that after Silvilio dunked Valero's defender on the right, he directly kicked up his right foot and cut the football towards the goal with the outside instep!

The Valero goalkeeper jumped up and tried to save.

But the arc of the football is very large, just bypassing his ten fingers.

Then drilled into the goal from the upper back corner!

The ball is in!

In the 38th minute of the game, the Madrid Pirates finally broke the deadlock and scored!

Everyone was cheering, but Han Shuyu didn't do it.

Because she is a King of Madrid fan, she has no feelings for the pirates at all, even if she felt a great shock when she entered the stadium just now. But as time passed, after the shock faded, it was really hard for her to empathize with the king's sworn enemy.

It's just that when everyone around her is cheering, she still stands there so stupidly, motionless, which is particularly dazzling.

As if stamping the phrase "I'm not a Pirates fan" above my head...

Han Shuyu, who realized this problem, quickly waved his fist in a pretentious manner.

But her perfunctory attitude is still clear at a glance, and it is even more glaring to make amends at this time...

It was like after a joke was told, and it took a minute for everyone present to finish laughing before she suddenly burst into laughter. Became the prettiest boy in the crowd.

Just when Han Shuyu was uneasy, the uncle beside him suddenly said, "Is it because the one who scored the goal was not Hu?"

Han Shuyu immediately nodded again and again: "Yes... I have a little regret, I think it would be better if the goal was scored by Hu Lai..."

The uncle comforted her: "Don't worry, Hu will definitely score. It is impossible for Valero to continue to defend like this, and Hu will get more opportunities."

Although Han Shuyu was very embarrassed, she still expressed her gratitude to the uncle.

She could clearly feel that the other party was under her steps.

She thanked the uncle for his kindness.

But she was also a little embarrassed in her heart. The harmonious atmosphere of having a happy conversation with the uncle before did not exist anymore.

She has a guilty conscience that her disguise is seen through, and her small thoughts are seen by others.

I don't know how to continue to get along with my uncle.

So after the first half of the game, she used the excuse of going to the toilet and wandered outside for fifteen minutes.

Of course, she was not idle during these fifteen minutes. She took a mobile phone and recorded everything she saw.

For a King of Madrid fan, every detail of being able to watch the Pirates at home is precious and extremely rare.

She didn't want to miss the opportunity to replenish her material library.

She also bought a bottle of beer and a pirate hamburger in the dining bar to fill her stomach after eating only an Orleans chicken drumstick at noon.

It wasn't until the start of the second half that she regained her position.

The uncle laughed when he saw her: "Have you visited the Pirate Park?"

Han Shuyu was still a little embarrassed in his heart, and nodded with a stiff expression: "Yes, this place is really big, and it's very lively..."

"Ha!" The uncle laughed as if he didn't see Han Shuyu's stiff expression, "Did you eat the pirate burger?"

Han Shuyu nodded: "Eat."

"what do you think?"

"It's delicious..." Han Shuyu complimented.

The uncle smiled: "Actually, it's just an ordinary black burger, there is no secret recipe."

"Uh..." Han Shuyu didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, at this time the second half of the game started, saving her.

She can devote all her attention to the game.


The Madrid Pirates, who led by one goal, continued to attack in the second half, but Valero did not give up defense because he had already conceded a goal, and came out to attack the Pirates.

On the contrary, they still insisted on the previous defensive tactics at the beginning of the second half.

It seems that in their opinion, a small away goal loss is also a completely acceptable result.

Faced with such a situation, Parotti replaced Maxi Carey, who started the game, with Danielle Di Kunzo.

"Ah, Parotti has changed. He replaced Carey!" Han Shuyu breathed a sigh of relief—she was afraid that Parotti would replace Hu Lai.

In the last game, Carey scored the first goal of the new season for the Pirates, so he and Hu Lai are arranged to start this game.

But the effect is not good.

This is also one of the reasons why Hu Lai did not have a bright performance in the first half.

The two clearly haven't had chemistry yet.

Carey still hopes to use his personal ability to challenge Valero's dense defense alone more often.

It was also difficult for Hu Lai to give Kaili any support.

After seeing Valero continue to defend in the second half, Parotti finally made up his mind to make adjustments.

He put Di Kunzo off the bench, used his assault and technique to disrupt Valero's defense, and then created opportunities for Hou Lai.

The changes brought about by Di Kunzo's arrival were immediate.

Finally, in the fifty-ninth minute, after he disrupted Valero's defense, he passed the football to Hou Lai who inserted in the back.

Hu Lai pushed the ball and the football flew into Valero's goal!

"Long live!!!"

Han Shuyu raised his arms and shouted, and jumped up on the stands.

"Hu Lai! Hu Lai! Hu Lai is awesome!!"

She kept chanting.

At this time, among the cheering crowd, she didn't look awkward at all.

She can finally cheer for the goals of the Madrid Pirates as a King Madrid fan without worrying about the eyes of the people around her.

Of course, even while cheering, she did not forget her work here, and her mobile phone camera was always facing the court.

Full and detailed footage of Hou Lai's first signature celebration at Pirates Park.

It's just a little bit regrettable - when Hu Lai landed, there was no sound of thunder in the Pirates Park Stadium, so the atmosphere was still a bit poor.

Perhaps the Madrid Pirates fans are not quite used to it...

But I believe they will get used to it soon!

Seeing Han Shuyu so happy, the uncle Madrid next to him also laughed: "Congratulations, Hu scored a goal!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Han Shuyu thanked the other party repeatedly.


Hou Lai's goal sealed the victory for the Madrid Pirates.

Although they didn't score again, it was enough to ensure that the Madrid Pirates took all three points at home.

At the eighty-eighth minute of the game, Parotti used up the last substitution and replaced Hu Lai, who started the game.

This substitution has no tactical significance, but simply hopes that Hu Lai can receive the applause of the fans alone at home.

Let this player, who has just joined the team and can win the love and support of most fans, fully feel the love of the Pirates fans for him, in order to repay his "feat" of saying no to the King of Madrid twice in a row.

Han Shuyu was very happy. When Hu Lai left the field, she not only took a picture of Hu Lai leaving the field and raised her hands to salute the fans, but also recorded all the pirate fans in the surrounding stands applauding Hu Lai.

For her, a Chinese fan, this moment is a time when her national pride is bursting:

In just two, one and a half games, Hu Lai conquered the fans of the giants Madrid Pirates!

Enthusiastic applause echoed over the Pirates Park Stadium like thunder.

This made Han Shuyu, who had previously felt regretful that there were no fans yelling in unison after Hu Lai's goal, suddenly came to a complete conclusion.

She recorded this scene with her mobile phone and commented in real time:

"Hu Lai has been replaced! Listen to the applause, brothers! All the Pirates fans are applauding for him! Although Hu Lai only scored one goal in this game, he joined the team with four goals in two games. Ball, he has completely conquered the Pirates fans! Come on Hu Lai! Long live Hu Lai!"

Amid the roaring applause, Hu Lai walked off the field, then hugged the head coach Parotti, and then walked back to the bench.


Not long after Hu Lai was replaced, the game was over.

Han Shuyu is also ending her first trip to Pirates Park.

Before leaving, she saw Uncle Madrid next to her, who gave her a thumbs up: "It's a beautiful afternoon, isn't it?"

Han Shuyu replied politely: "Yes, for me, this is a very wonderful experience."

"Haha, I wish you happiness." Uncle Madrid waved goodbye to her.

At this moment, Han Shuyu suddenly stopped the other party: "Please wait..."

When the uncle stopped in his tracks strangely and looked back at her, Han Shuyu was struggling and hesitating fiercely in his heart.

She always felt that she shouldn't deceive the kind and kind Pirates fan in front of her, but she also felt that if she told the truth, she might offend the other party or make the other party sad, no matter which of the above two results, It will disturb the uncle's good mood today-his team won the game, and he shouldn't know that the little girl who watched the whole game with him turned out to be a supporter of his rival in the same city.

The uncle saw Han Shuyu frowning, with an uncertain expression, he didn't ask her to urge her, nor did he leave, but just stood there and looked at her with a smile on his face.

Han Shuyu finally decided to treat people honestly, she is what she is, she can't deceive a kind person, no matter it's out of kindness or cowardice...

So she said anxiously: "Uncle, I'm sorry, but I'm not a pirate fan..."

Unexpectedly, the uncle nodded, "I see."

"Eh? know?!" Han Shuyu was taken aback for a moment, then exclaimed.

The uncle smiled and said, "You can tell from the fact that you only cheered when Hu scored a goal. It's not difficult to guess, isn't it?"

"Actually, I am..." Han Shuyu wanted to admit that he was a King of Madrid fan, but was stopped by his uncle.

He said, "It doesn't matter, girl. It doesn't matter if you're not a Pirates fan now, maybe you will be in the future?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, turned around and walked down the steps, leaving only the back of Han Shuyu wearing a blue pirate fan.

Soon this figure merged into more blue figures, and they could no longer tell each other apart.

An adapted "Song of the International Brigades" was playing on the live radio.

"...But we have not lost our hometown, our hometown today is Madrid—! But we have not lost our hometown, our hometown today is Madrid——!"

Han Shuyu was standing on the steps, and there were always pirate fans passing by, and they were all singing along:

"...onward, onward, pirates of Madrid! Raise high our flag! Onward! Onward! Resistors of Madrid! Raise high the banner of victory!"

Han Shuyu's cell phone kept recording the whole scene.

The blue crowd receded like a tide, and the singing sounded again and again.

This is the last shot of her VLOG of watching football at Pirates Park.


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