Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 76 The Necessary Conditions for Becoming a Legend

The game between Leeds and London Mars is over, with goals from Zhou Zijing, Pete Williams, Kamara and Lasky, they finally beat London Mars 4-1 at home to get their first win of the season - including Including the European Super Cup, League and Champions League before the season, this is the first time Leeds City has won.

This thing itself is quite a gimmick.

But after the game, something else stole all the limelight.

That was the controversial celebration of the London Martians' Australian striker Benjamin Torrio after scoring a goal, and the series of things that followed from this celebration...

Therefore, this game has become the most eye-catching game of this round of the Premier League, not only in the UK, but also in Europe.

Things are indeed legendary.

The Flanders opponent used the legendary star of Leeds City to humiliate Leeds City. Unexpectedly, he was hit by the furious Leeds City with "hemiplegia".

Isn't this story better than a simple 4:1 match?

This round of the Premier League has not only a strong dialogue between Athletic Manchester and London Bridge, but also a "North London Derby" between Warship Harbor and North London Wanderers.

Compared with them, the game between Leeds City and London Mars at home can no longer be ordinary.

Except for the local media, no one paid attention before the game.

The result was such an unremarkable game, but it became the focus of this round of the league and contributed to all the topics.

"...Leeds City vs. London Martians played a movie-like plot..."

"Before Mars scored in London, the game was pretty normal. Although it was a home game, Leeds City continued their sluggish performance since the new season. They seem to have not recovered from the blow of losing Hu. This team is too strong. Get used to bullshit and form 'hulai dependence'. As I said before, this is very fatal..."

"...the game took an unexpected turn when Australian striker Benjamin Torrio of London Mars broke the deadlock - no one expected that Torrio would score in front of three players at the Flanders Stadium. In front of tens of thousands of Leeds City fans, he celebrated his goal with Hu's signature celebration gesture. Then he made a gesture of looking and looking... This action completely angered the fans and players of Leeds City. There was even a conflict..."

"...There is no suspense about what happened next. Look at the score at the end of the game, 4:1, Leeds City won. And Torrio was replaced early in the game. After the game, after the inspection, he was even injured. May not be able to participate in the next round of the league due to minor injuries. Torrio, who was slapped in the face after provocation, became the biggest joke... Matthew Cox criticized Torrio for being stupid in the commentary game, but I think he said It's too polite. Torrio is more than stupid? Just stupid!"

Both the traditional media and the Internet are full of reports and discussions on this game.

Klein's "Season in Progress" was also discussing the game with two guests, Hector Ingram and Peter Nelson.

"Honestly, I still haven't figured out why Torrio did that action... Did he think he could humiliate Leeds City here and then retreat? Did he underestimate the madness of Leeds City too much?" ?” Klein spread out his hands with a puzzled look on his face.

Ingram said: "Maybe it's because of Torio that he came to the Premier League from the A-League this season...he hasn't seen how crazy Leeds' offensive football is."

Nelson said from the side: "I think Torrio's views on Leeds City represent a misunderstanding of many people now."

Klein heard different opinions, and he became interested: "Oh? Tell me, Peter."

"Torio may have been influenced by the current popular view that Leeds City without a Hu is like a tiger without minions. What is the difference between it and a cat? So he feels that even if he humiliates Leeds City, Leeds City There is no way to take him."

Klein and Ingram both nodded when they heard the words,

This is indeed a popular view now. Many people jumped out and said that they have already seen the crisis in Leeds City, and they have been advised not to rely too much on Hu Lai. Do not listen? If you don't listen, you will end up now! They also said that if Leeds City had not relied on Hou Lai before, it would not be in crisis now.

Of course, the people who said these words don’t think about it. If Leeds City hadn’t relied on Hu Lai before, they would not be so uncomfortable now, but the previous Premier League champions and Europa League champions probably have nothing to do with them...

"Of course, Leeds City's previous achievements are inseparable from Hu. How much affection Leeds City fans have for Hu now can prove how important he is to Leeds City. But don't forget, football is a team sport. If there is only Hu alone, and the others are all mediocre players, it is absolutely impossible for Leeds City to win the Premier League and the Europa League successively... After losing Hu, Leeds City did not perform well because they are not very good. To adapt to the playing style without Hu, as long as they adapt to it, they will always be able to adapt slowly..."

Ingram, who was listening next to him, echoed: "That's right. After all, this Leeds team has England internationals like Pete Williams and Jay Adams, as well as French international Kamara and Polish international Laski... The overall strength is not bad. Even if it is difficult to compete for the championship, they will not be ranked as they are in the Premier League. They just need a transformation..."

Nelson clapped his hands and said with a smile: "And Torrio just gave Leeds City such a chance to transform. His approach not only angered Leeds City, but also allowed Leeds City players to regain their original hope of competing for the Premier League championship and winning the Europa League. The mentality and momentum of a cup champion..."

Klein laughed: "So we can see that after the game, many Leeds City fans ran to Torrio's account to thank him, hahaha!"

"They should really thank Torrio. If Leeds City can continue their performance and feeling in this game, then they are likely to compete for European qualification." Nelson laughed, "It can be said that Torrio A slap woke up the city of Leeds. Of course, Torrio himself paid a high price—this is the first time I saw someone use his life to wake up a hibernating giant bear... Ha!"

Ingram was also laughing: "I heard that some media are doing 'Top Ten Stupid Behaviors on the Field'. Benjamin Torrio provoked Leeds City after scoring a goal and was selected into it..."

"It's really stupid." Klein shook his head with a smile, "But what makes me most emotional about this is Hu's popularity in Leeds... It stands to reason that Hu didn't play for Leeds for a long time, only two Half a season. But he has written his name forever in the history of the Leeds City club. I don't think I will be surprised if the Leeds City club is announced as Hu's statue outside the Flanders Stadium tomorrow.

"Hu has already left the Premier League, but he still has such influence in the Premier League...I think yesterday's game should make other Premier League teams feel lucky-fortunately, Hu has left the Premier League. If he stays in the Premier League, Absolutely no good life for them!"

Hearing what Klein said, Ingram and Nelson looked at each other and smiled wryly.

As victims of Hu Lai, they couldn't be more touched by Klein's words.

I can only say, thank you Madrid Pirates for taking Hou Lai away.

Otherwise, let Hu Lai stay in Leeds City, this season's Premier League championship competition, I am afraid it will be more intense than ever...

Look at Hou Lai's performance after transferring to the Madrid Pirates. It feels like he has been promoted to a higher level. Such Hou Lai is paired with Leeds City's crazy offensive football.

"I don't know how Hu will react when he finds out about such a rare thing? Before long, he will return to Leeds with the Madrid Pirates. Now Leeds City expresses their respect for them in such a way. Hu's favorite, so I don't know how Hu will behave when he meets his old master again?"

Klein touched his chin, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth that he didn't mind watching the excitement.


"...I didn't watch the game, but I watched the news. It really touched me, to be honest...I didn't expect that after I left Leeds, I would be loved by the fans there. I want to Said, in my heart, there will always be a place for Leeds City..."

Hou Lai was interviewed by reporters before the Madrid Pirates' match against Real Steele.

The question asked was naturally related to the game between Leeds City and London Mars.

What happened in the game was really bizarre, so not only England was talking about it, but the whole of Europe was talking about it.

This incident had a great impact on everyone.

After all, no one thought that Hu Lai, who had only played for Leeds for two and a half seasons, could have such a high status.

Torrio just made a huge celebration in front of the fans and players of Leeds City, and was beaten by the whole team of Leeds City on the ground, and dragged the entire London Mars team to be buried with him...

It is not uncommon for a player who has brought honor to his old club to leave his old club and is often missed and loved by fans of his old club.

But it is not easy to still get the support and love of the old club players.

Everyone is a mixed person in the professional football circle and knows how difficult it is.

But Hu Lai did it.

The influence of this incident on Hu Lai is a very huge positive effect.

The previous sky-high transfer fee made Hu Lai a top player in European football, and his past achievements are also very convincing.

But that's not enough. To become a superstar, it's not enough.

It is a legend, there must be some legendary stories.

And what happened at the Flanders Stadium today is the best legendary footnote.

The whole world knows that both fans and players of Leeds City are willing to do their best for a player who has left the team...

This kind of influence, not to mention Meli, is probably unrivaled among the "Four Heavenly Kings".

Because no one among the "Four Heavenly Kings" has ever done such a thing.

It is conceivable that as long as Hu Lai's honor can keep up in the future, his reputation and status will surely rise like a rocket. At that time, just relying on his legendary footnote, no one will jump out and say such strange talk as "Hu Lai is not worthy".

A reporter followed the topic of Leeds City and asked: "On the 28th, you will meet Leeds City in the Champions League, so after knowing the match between Leeds City and London Mars, what kind of mood do you feel? How about against Leeds?"

Hu Lai waved his hand with a smile on his face: "Our opponent in the next game is Royal Steele, not Leeds City. So I only think about Royal Steele now."

The tone and content of the answer were somewhat familiar to the reporters present.

Some of them remembered after a while—oh, in the third round of the league, before the Madrid Pirates faced Sebastia, the results of the Champions League group draw had just come out, and a reporter asked him about the upcoming reunion with Leeds City in the Champions League Hu Lai, that's what Hu Lai answered back then...

In that game, Houlai scored twice to help the Madrid Pirates beat Sebastia 2:1.

Thinking of this, a reporter immediately realized:

So, isn't Royal Steele in danger?

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