Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 83 Traitor and Undercover

Different from ordinary ordinary games, the Madrid city derby has a different opening method:

Just a minute after the start of the game, the Madrid Pirates made a pass in the backcourt after kick-off, and chose to make a direct long pass to Hu Lai in the frontcourt. Then Hou Lai was knocked to the ground by the King's Argentine center back Peralta in the process of fighting for the top.

The referee's whistle was accompanied by the cheers of the Kings fans, almost unheard - another Kings central defender Nuno Sequeiros who was next to him at the time seemed to have not heard the whistle. The football that Lai lost was hooked over, and he was about to move forward.

So the referee had to blow the whistle continuously to make Sequeros stop.

Sequeros then apologized to the referee, pointing to his ear to show that he hadn't heard the first whistle at all.

The referee ignored him and signaled for the Madrid Pirates players to take a free kick in the frontcourt.

But he also didn't make any other indications to the fouled Peralta-no card warning, no verbal exhortation.

However, it is not correct to say that the referee on duty in this game deliberately favored the King of Madrid and blew the home whistle.

Because just three minutes later, when the King of Madrid attacked, Dudu Carlos had just received the ball in midfield and was dragged to the ground by the Pirates' captain Juan Ramirez, and the King's counterattack fell through.

In response to Ramirez's foul, the referee also only whistled him for a foul, but did not issue a card, let alone a verbal warning.

The two fouls and two penalties in the first five minutes of the game clearly told everyone-this is the Madrid derby.

Although Ramirez was not shown a yellow card by the referee for the foul, he was booed and scolded by King Madrid fans in the stands.

Han Shuyu heard with his own ears the King Madrid fans around him raised their middle fingers and cursed loudly in the direction of Ramirez.

The content of the scolding is very unbearable.

As a girl, she also browses the colorful jokes on the Internet, and dirty words are not a rare thing for her. But after hearing those cursing words, she still felt a trace of disgust from the bottom of her heart.

But she also understands why Kings fans are like this.

Because the captain of the Madrid Pirates, Juan Ramirez, was once a player trained by the Madrid King's youth academy.


"After Ramirez pulled Dudu down, there was a huge booing! As a former Madrid King player! Today's pirate captain! Every Madrid derby! Ramirez is the focus!"

The commentator He Feng introduced the background of the characters to the domestic audience in the live commentary booth, and he had to shout almost every sentence.

On the one hand, it was because the scene was so noisy. The various voices from the 85,000 fans were intertwined to form a storm of sound waves that could almost drown out everything.

Even with sound-isolating and noise-canceling headphones, and even with a microphone next to his mouth, He Feng had to amplify his volume to speak.

Another reason is that he was affected by the atmosphere of the Madrid Derby. He Feng couldn't help but get excited, and his voice naturally became louder.

His partner Yan Kang did not come to the scene for this game,

Instead, he hosts game starts and halftime and post-game commentary in the back studio.

So He Feng had to talk non-stop for the entire game.

Talking at the top of his voice for ninety minutes in such a noisy environment, I'm afraid his voice will be abolished in the end.


In fact, as early as when he lined up to play, Hu Lai felt the hatred of the King Madrid fans towards the captain Ramirez-because the captain's boos were even louder than his own boos!

Why do King Madrid fans hate Ramirez so much?

Juan Ramirez was once trained by the King of Madrid youth academy. He has been trained in the Real Madrid echelon since U13, and he has been a player of the King of Madrid all the way to the B team (reserve team).

But his career as the King of Madrid is over in the B team, and it will be difficult to advance to the first team.

He was unwilling to follow the B team to play in low-level leagues, so he refused to renew his contract with the club, and left the club freely after the contract expired.

But to say that this is nothing new, for the emotional system of the King of Madrid, a large number of young players graduate from the youth team every year, but very few of them can enter the King's first team. The vast majority of players will eventually bid farewell to the Kings Club and switch to other teams.

Therefore, the youth training camp of the King Madrid Club has trained a large number of players for the La Liga teams.

Trees move to death, people move to life. There are also many players who have mixed up in another place.

Ramirez is also one of them. After changing teams, he failed to make it to the first team in the King of Madrid training. Now he is the main force of the Spanish national team and the cornerstone of the world championship.

There is just one thing that makes Ramirez different from others, because after he left the king, he chose the king's sworn enemy-Madrid pirates!

When he joined the Madrid Pirates as a free agent, he caused heated discussions among Kings fans. They couldn't accept that a Kings player chose to become a pirate...

When Ramirez was interviewed by the media and was asked "why he chose the pirates", his answer shocked many Kings fans.

Because he said: "I have been a supporter of pirates since I was a child!"

Everyone thought he was talking nonsense at first, until they found a photo of Ramirez wearing a Madrid Pirates jersey when he was six years old, and everyone believed what he said was true...

This player who grew up in the king's junior team and youth team turned out to be an "undercover agent"!

In every subsequent game between the Pirates and the Kings, Ramirez was particularly desperate and active. I don't know if it was to make the king realize how big a mistake it was to let him go, or because he wanted to teach the king a lesson simply as a pirate supporter...

In short, every time they played against each other, Ramirez's outstanding performance was not only impressive, but also caused a lot of trouble for the King of Madrid.

At the same time, in many interviews, he was not at all grateful for the training of the King of Madrid. Instead, he regarded defeating the King as a great honor.

Originally, many Madrid King fans were upset about his behavior from the king to the pirates. Later, he was still so energetic in beating the king, he simply deceived his master and wiped out his ancestors.

So which Pirates player do Kings fans hate the most?

Then the newly joined Hu Lai can't compete with his captain Juan Ramirez anyway.

This had to make Hou Lai secretly determined that he must perform well in every Madrid derby, and strive to win the title of "the most hated king fan" as soon as possible, so as to reduce the burden on the captain.

Gu\u003c/span\u003e Every time he hears boos, Hu Lai feels very sorry.

It's a pity that my system can't collect negative emotions, it's a waste! Violence!

As a professional player, you don't need to spend as much time as some people do, and work so hard to collect a little bit of pitiful negative emotions.

Think about it, 80,000 people booed you, so the negative emotions can't be maxed out directly?

It's a pity that these are just Hu Lai's own idle delusions...

It's better to put away these delusions and think about how to break the goal of the King of Madrid!


The referee's two calls for fouls in the first five minutes of the game did not really calm the two teams down.

After all, this is a derby in the same city. If calling a foul each can make them calm down, then the Madrid derby is not worthy of so many people's attention.

The King of Madrid played very fiercely, even a little brutally.

As the king, the style of the team is seriously inconsistent with the name. How much is also a bit weird.

But Kings fans love the fighting spirit.

Not to mention that this is a derby in the same city, which is already more intense than ordinary games.

The King of Madrid, who is playing at home, wanted to seize the initiative of the game from the beginning of the game, so it was particularly aggressive and aggressive.

The two sides played fiercely, but the game was cut into fragments because of this, and it really couldn't run smoothly.

This kind of game is actually not good.

The fans at the scene were very excited and devoted.

They don't care whether the game is good or not, they only care about who wins and who loses.

It wasn't until the referee gave a verbal warning to both players for fouls that the scene changed slightly.

But it's hard to tell if this is the role of the referee, or whether the "warm-up" of both teams is over-after giving each other a bad blow, they feel that they can finally start the real game.

In the eleventh minute, the first shot appeared on the field.

The side that shoots is the home team King Madrid, and the shooter is their captain Serrados.

After receiving a pass from Meli, he shot a low shot from a close angle when the angle was not too large.

The football hits the side netting.

The net vibrated like a goal.

The Kings fans in the stands were so surprised that they cheered, but soon they discovered that the goal was missed.

They didn't regret it, but turned the cheers into cheers-although they didn't score, everyone still saw hope from this attack.

"Keep playing like this! That's it, well done! Captain!" The Kings fans around Han Shuyu roared again, encouraging their team, cheering for Celados, and at the same time creating a more enthusiastic home atmosphere.

In the first half, the Madrid Pirates' goal was just under the North Stand, and if the Kings scored, then all the most die-hard Kings fans will have the bonus of watching the goal up close.

Celados's shot inspired Kings fans and made them look forward to the next game.

But the Madrid Pirates were not overwhelmed by the home team as they had hoped.

Instead, he quickly retaliated, playing a wave of fast breaks through the wing, advancing to the 30-meter area of ​​the King of Madrid, and the full-back Ion Martinez, who was plugged in after the edge, sent a cross from the wing .


With the roar of the commentator Sanchez, Hou Lai jumped high in the penalty area and collided with Peralta.

But he still hit the ball first, and a lion shook his head and threw the football to the back of the goal!

This is a high quality header!

But the level of those who guard the gate for the king is also very high!

Spanish national team, World Cup champion, close comrade-in-arms of "Four Heavenly Kings" Serrados, and one of the representatives of Spain's golden generation, Rodriguez Bakker threw himself across and saved the football to the bottom line with a single palm!

Unlike the king's attack just now, which was just an empty joy, this time the pirates' attack scored a corner kick!

Hu Lai, who completed the header, was hit by Peralta and couldn't stand still. After landing, he fell to his knees on one knee.

He heard Peralta's cold snort coming from beside him.

Obviously dissatisfied with not being able to stop his own header.

Hu Lai got up from the ground and said to Peralta who was beside him with a displeased face: "Be careful, buddy, you almost gave us a penalty."

Peralta didn't expect Hu Lai to say that to him suddenly, and turned his head to look over.

Hu Lai looked at him calmly: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen an opponent who thinks about your opponent?"

Peralta opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, he was pushed by the captain Serrados who returned to defense: "What are you doing? Defend the corner kick!"

Hu Lai: "Tsk."

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