Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 93 A Rising Superstar

When Hou Lai fell to the ground for the second time because of cramps, there were unprecedented boos and curses in the stands of the Crown Stadium.

Kings fans take it for granted that Hu Lai is acting.

Just like they thought Tonini's free kick was cheated by Hu Lai.

Han Shuyu, who was in the storm, could only refute in his heart:

"Just pretend to be a fart! Do you have any control over the rules of fair use! Do you think everyone is like your Cuera, and you can't end without breaking your leg?"

In fact, Hu Lai was really cramping.

Since joining the Madrid Pirates, except for the first game as a substitute, all other games have been started.

Maxi Carey's injury made Parotti afraid to rotate easily, so Hu Lai had to do his best every game.

Even if he has [Physical Strength Potion], it can only restore the physical energy he consumes in each game, and it cannot increase the upper limit of his physical strength.

So if the physical exertion of a game exceeds Hu Lai's physical upper limit, Hu Lai will have to grit his teeth and persevere in the last few minutes.

And this Madrid derby is just such a game.

From the first minute of the game, the players of the two teams were fighting unreservedly, which in itself required more physical energy than usual games—the most energy-consuming thing in a game is never running, but physical confrontation . As the main striker of the Pirates, Hu Lai, who scored twice in this game, is of course a thorn in the side of the king's defender. Peralta, a "full of martial arts" central defender, will come to Hu Lai for fierce physical collisions and exchanges whenever he has the opportunity.

This made Hu Lai's physical energy consumed much faster than in ordinary games.

Of course, Hu Lai also made full use of the rules. For example, the second time he fell to the ground could have been earlier, but he deliberately fell to the ground when Merry wanted to quickly serve a throw-in.

In order to be able to disrupt the opponent's rhythm while consuming time, and frustrate the morale of the King of Madrid.

This approach is actually like Hu Lai’s “self-protection”:

The opponent didn't kick him?

Kicked it.

Did the opponent commit any fouls?


Is it a little exaggerated that Hu Lai fell?


So does Hu Lai's exaggerated fall mean that the opponent did not foul?


It's the same this time, did Hu Lai really have a cramp?


Can Hu Lai choose to fall to the ground at other times?


Then why did he have to choose this time?

Because he likes it.

In fact, Hu Lai did not lie down on the ground with a cry when Meli was dribbling the ball, and then forced Meli to take the initiative to kick the football out of the sideline, which is already very "wude"...

Of course, Hu Lai's failure to do so was more likely because he was worried that Meli would be less virtuous than him, and he would finish the attack if he was red-eyed.

So he can only wait for the football to be destroyed and go out of the sideline, and then fall to the ground, so that his cramped left leg can take a good rest.


In the end, Hu Lai walked off the field slowly with the help of his teammates.

Sanabria Ruiz, meanwhile, was standing on the sidelines, waiting for Houlai to come off the field and hand over to him.

In fact, this kind of substitution due to injury or cramps does not need to be handed over. As long as the replaced player leaves the playing area with both feet, the players waiting to play on the sidelines can enter the field.

But Hu Lai hasn't come down yet?

The rules also stipulate that when a player leaves the field, he does not necessarily have to come down from the place where the substitution was made, but can leave the field anywhere.

But the place where Hu Lai sat down for the second time was in the middle circle.

Regardless of the distance from the stadium, the distance is very far...

So now everyone can only wait for him to limp and be supported to walk down.

The scene was full of boos, like a storm.

Seeing this scene, Xie Lan in front of the TV, instead of worrying about his son, laughed.

The louder the boos from the Kings fans at Crown Stadium, the better her son's performance in the game.

His enemy, my hero.

Xie Lan was of course on his son's side, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his son's slow delay.


When Hu Lai was replaced, it was the 88th minute of the game, and the score was still 1:3. The King of Madrid, who was playing at home, was two goals behind.

There were already some Kings fans in the stands who left the stadium in disappointment because they couldn't bear the result.

After entering the stoppage time, the boos at the Crown Stadium were still not small.

It's just different from before - as long as the Madrid Pirates players have the ball, the boos will not stop. Especially when people like Hu Lai and Ramirez, who are hated by Kings fans, control the ball, the boos can reach new heights.

In addition, when the Madrid Kings players took the ball to attack, the stands were full of cheers from the Kings fans.

But now that the Kings players have the ball, the boos haven't gone away either.

Gu\u003c/span\u003e Hu Lai, who was already sitting on the bench, turned his head and glanced at the stands, and said to himself, "Huh? Is this really booing your own player?"

He had heard before that the fans of King Madrid were very strict with their home team.

If the performance is slightly unsatisfactory, they will boo their players without hesitation in the stands.

Here is an extreme example:

There was once a seventeen-year-old player who joined the King of Madrid under the name of "genius", and his first game happened to be at the home court of the King of Madrid. But that game was nothing short of a disaster for the young talent.

Because of being too nervous, or overexcited. In short, the performance of this genius after his first appearance was not good.

Still no improvement after half a game, Kings fans lost patience with him.

They started booing in the stands, booing the young man.

The young man was overwhelmed by this kind of malicious treatment. He had never experienced such a situation-being booed by his own team's fans in his home stadium.

He played worse, and the booing and booing against him in the stands became louder and more obvious.

In the end, the young man was replaced after sixty-six minutes of playing in a daze.

That was his first game with the Kings and his last.

Since then, the youngster refused to play in the first team and he was sent down to the second team. And after struggling for two seasons, he negotiated with the club to terminate the contract and left the Kings Club freely.

This team that once made him dream of joining countless times has turned into a nightmare that will never go away in his career.

After leaving the king, he moved to many places, but he failed to fulfill the talent that made the king of Madrid willing to sign him.

In the end, at the age of 26, he chose to retire in the distant Singapore league.

When he retired, no one even remembered anything about him other than his one and only first-team appearance with the Kings.

After retiring, he neither became a coach nor a scout... His work has nothing to do with football.

There is no trace of football in his life anymore.

It was as if he had never had anything to do with football.

This example is very extreme, because in the history of the King Madrid Club, there is actually only such a case.

But it is also because it is too extreme and weird, so it is firmly remembered by people, and it has become a model for Kings fans to be strict with their own people, and it is dug up and reviewed from time to time.

This shows how weird the King Madrid fans are.

But the King of Madrid fans themselves don't seem to think that this is such a bad thing.

They believe that since they want to play in the best team in the world, they must naturally bear the most stringent requirements in the world, have the toughest heart, and show the best performance.

If any of this isn't up to scratch, it's best not to try to be a knight of the king.

As a player who is the mortal enemy of the Kings of Madrid, Hou Lai naturally doesn't think there is anything wrong with the Kings fans doing this.

Anyway, it wasn't me who got hurt...

They are willing to play like this, and no outsider can control it.

And if this can help to break the mentality of the Kings players, then Hu Lai must be in favor of it.

Come on, let the booing storm come more violently!

He got up from the bench and really put his arms up.

It was at this time that he heard a crisp whistle from the field.

One, two, three!

Hu Lai waved his raised arms vigorously again.

Beside him, the other Pirates players jumped out of their seats and rushed to the court.


"The game is over! The game is over!" He Feng shouted excitedly. "The first Madrid derby of the season is over! The Madrid Pirates in the away game finally defeated the King of Madrid 3:1 at the Crown Stadium with two goals from Hu Lai! This is their first time in the last four seasons This stadium wins!"

Sanchez was also chanting: "Ladies and gentlemen! The pirates overthrew the king in the palace! Before the game, many people thought that this would be a close contest, and it was indeed the case from the game scene. The team played at a very high level. But the score is very surprising... 3:1! The Pirates beat the Kings by two goals! And these two goals all came from the same player. He is this summer with 100 million The Chinese striker Hu Lai, who was transferred for 20 million euros!! He became the winner of this game! He is the biggest contributor to the reason why the Pirates were able to beat the Kings in the away game!"

Although Hu Lai didn't rush to the court to celebrate immediately, a cameraman came to him with a camera on the scene and shot the camera on his face.

This move also means one thing-the best player in this game is no longer in suspense, it is the "winner" Hu Lai who scored twice!

"The best in the game! Well deserved! This is not only a contest between the Madrid Pirates and the King, but also a duel between two young talents! At least in this game, Hu defeated Meli. Although the two people's The style of play and the position on the court are different, but Hu did help the Pirates win in the game, but Meli did not do this... 11 goals in seven games, if you count the Champions League against Ruhr Rhine In the group stage, after coming to Madrid Pirates, Hu scored every game and scored 13 goals in eight games. What a terrifying efficiency! I have seen efficient shooters, but I have never seen them at such a young age. To be able to have such efficiency! Is 120 million very expensive? I don’t think anyone who has watched this game will think it is expensive!”

Sanchez gave Houlay all the compliments, and he didn't hold back. He wasn't even afraid to offend Merry's fans by saying so.

Because what he said is the truth, if Meli fans are dissatisfied, then please talk about it after their idol also performed like Hou Lai in the Madrid derby.

"...Just keep going at this pace, Hu Lai! This Madrid derby is just the beginning of your legend and history in La Liga. Audience friends, at this moment, I suddenly thought of the Olympic Games three years ago. At that time, when our Olympic team faced the Argentine Olympic team, the whole team almost became the background of Meli. I believe many people must be thinking, 'If we also have Meli', it would be great. At that time, many people may not have realized that the super talent of our Chinese football is already in the team! If Hu Lai’s hat-trick against the Argentine Olympic team at that time still made many people think it was good luck, then The second contest between the two has been clearly told to everyone - that is not luck! It is the first cry of a rising superstar!"

The more He Feng talked, the more emotional and excited he became. He looked at Hu Lai who was closely followed by the camera, looked at Hu Lai who was surrounded by his teammates, and watched Hu Lai who walked onto the court and raised his hands to thank the Madrid Pirates fans. Hu Lai...

Although Hu Lai has achieved good enough results in the Premier League, he has never had a strong impulse today-he finally dared to speak out what was buried in his heart before.

This young man is going to be a world star.

He is not afraid of defeating his character, and no one can defeat Hu Lai's performance!


Li Qingqing in front of the TV stood up early and raised her arms to be happy for Hu Lai's performance.

Then she frowned slightly, and began to think about how to avenge her club...

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