Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 128 Ten consecutive draws


When returning to their own school from No. 8 Middle School in this city, the players from Dongchuan Middle School sang and danced on the bus. They were very excited. They won another game, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Li Ziqiang didn't care about the players who did this at all. He was always very serious in training, but off the court, he was relatively Buddhist.

He went straight to Hu Lai's side.

Seeing this, Mao Xiao, who was sitting next to Hu Lai, quickly got up and gave up his seat: "Coach, sit down..."

Li Ziqiang nodded, sat down beside Hu Lai, and looked at him.

Hu Lai also looked at the head coach curiously.

"Scored five goals in three games, how do you feel?" Li Ziqiang asked blankly.

"Cool, coach, very cool!" Hu Lai replied with a smile.

"But you can score more goals." Li Ziqiang said.


"From next Monday, the morning and noon training will mainly focus on your strength."

Hearing what the coach said, Hu Lai frowned: "But coach, didn't you say that increasing strength will reduce flexibility?"

Li Ziqiang frowned and said, "What are you thinking? That's the result of training towards a bodybuilder. Do you think you can train such a muscular man with your small body?"

Hu Lai raised his arm and looked down at the biceps above: "I think I also have potential in that area!"

In another time and space, when Ronaldo just joined Manchester United, he was thin and looked like a thin boy with a weak face. In the rough action of the Premier League, he had to rely on falling to the ground again and again to protect himself, so that he got the nickname of "Diving Luo". At that time, who would have thought that the later Portuguese would train himself into a muscle maniac?

So it is possible for him to...

"Damn it!" Li Ziqiang was too lazy to chat with Hu Lai, "Running without the ball is your biggest specialty now, but it doesn't mean you can score goals just by running without the ball. Sometimes, if you are caught by the opponent Follow along, what if you don’t have a chance to run without the ball? Or what if you are hit by the opponent’s defender and defended closely in the penalty area? Don’t tell me about fouls, you can guarantee that every time you fall, the referee will Call the opponent a foul?"

Hu Lai's opened mouth closed again.

"So you need to strengthen yourself."

Hu Lai thought about it for a while, and his muscular image seemed to be pretty good... After scoring the goal, he took off his jersey and put his hands on his hips, revealing his eight-pack abs, causing the commentator and the female fans in the stands to scream , Even if you get a yellow card for it, it's worth it.

However, the head coach's next words immediately extinguished his fantasy: "You don't need to train to have sharp muscles, you just need to increase your strength appropriately. After all, your advantage is still in dexterous running. If you really practice If you become like Chen Rui, you will be useless."

As a midfielder, Chen Rui is actually not tall, but he has a solid and powerful figure, and he runs like a small tank. His lower center of gravity tends to give him an advantage against taller players.

When Hu Lai heard the words, he turned his head and glanced at Chen Rui. Chen Rui found that Hu Lai was looking at him, showing a puzzled expression.

But before he could ask, Hu Lai turned back again.

Considering that the head coach was still sitting next to Hu Lai, Chen Rui could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

"This time you're going to focus on training your upper body strength."

Upper body strength will be involved in the team's overall training, but it is only involved, not the focus of training, unless it is a goalkeeper, so Hu Lai is a little strange: "Upper body strength? Coach, I am not a goalkeeper..."

"Who stipulated that only goalkeepers can practice upper body strength?" Li Ziqiang stared. "Enhancing upper body strength will help increase the stability of your ball control, help you maintain balance, and strengthen your confrontation ability-you don't need a strong confrontation ability, it's too wasteful for you like Chen Rui- —Don’t look back, why do you keep turning back?”

Seeing Hu Lai, Li Ziqiang turned around and said.

Hu Lai, who was confused by Chen Rui, turned back again.

"You just need to be able to withstand the first impact of the opponent's defender before you catch the ball and shoot. Before you shoot the football off your feet, you can't lose your balance under the impact of the opponent. National competition against Huitang Middle School, you play Afterwards, the first shot was directly shot high under the interference of the opponent's collision?"

Hu Lai recalled that scene. While he was shooting, the opponent leaned forward. He lost his balance and naturally lost his ability to accurately control the football. His center of gravity moved back and he shot high.

He nodded.

"So the opponents you meet in the future will definitely deal with you from this aspect. Therefore, you must strengthen your confrontation ability. Starting tomorrow, every morning and noon, I will wait for you on the court."

After speaking, Li Ziqiang got up and walked back to the front row of the bus.

Seeing that the coach had left, Chen Rui quickly got up and walked to Hu Lai's side impatiently, and asked, "Deputy Hu, did you keep looking at me for something?"

"Ah, no, no." Hu Lai glanced at Chen Rui's body. Under the thin jersey, his muscles were sharp and sharp, as if each muscle contained huge energy that might explode at any time. So much so that Hu Lai wondered if this kid had secretly changed the size of the jersey, otherwise why did he wear a jersey that was a little too big for him, but it looked like a tights on Chen Rui?

"Really?" Chen Rui didn't quite believe it.

"Actually, the head coach is very satisfied with your performance and praised you a few words." Hu Lai made an excuse casually.

"The head coach praised me, why did you tell Deputy Hu?" Chen Rui still felt strange.

"He asked me to talk about something, and he just mentioned you by the way. I said that with you sweeping the midfield, we have less worries when we attack. The head coach agreed and praised your performance." Hu Lai said with a normal expression Said.

"Really?" Chen Rui's tone was full of surprise this time.

"Really, will my dignified vice-captain still lie to you?"

"Hey, thank you, Deputy Hu!" Chen Rui sat back happily.

Mao Xiao sat down beside him, turned his head to look at Chen Rui with a happy face, and asked curiously, "You really told the coach like that?"

"Of course, as the vice-captain, when my teammates perform well, I must praise them in front of the head coach!" Hu Lai said confidently.

Mao Xiao laughed: "Hu Lai, I think the more you do, the vice-captain, the more you feel. I thought it was too unsuitable to wear the captain's armband on your arm, but now I think I can look forward to such a scene Already—wait until the third year of high school, you will be our captain."

Hu Lai looked at the ceiling of the car, it was still hard for him to imagine himself like that...

His charisma should be completely insulated from him.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, this scene will definitely not happen - if he performs well in the national competition in the second year of high school and can attract the attention of professional teams, then he will leave school to play professional football without hesitation.

And if his plan fails, then he should have no choice but to quit the team in his third year of high school to prepare for the college entrance examination.

In any case, he will not wear the captain's armband of the Dongchuan Middle School football team.


In the dead of night, Hu Lai lay on the bed and entered the system space.

In fact, when he first got the system, Hu Lai was still fresh and curious, and had to enter the system several times a day, even though it was still very simple in all aspects.

And now if there is no mission, most of the time he can hardly remember that he still has a hang...

He didn't know what other systems looked like, after all, this was the first time in his life that he was possessed by a hacker.

Before, he had fantasized that this plug-in would keep giving him various god-level equipment or skills, and then allow himself to block and kill gods on the court, and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas.

But that obviously belongs to his yy with excess energy.

In fact, my cheating is very salty...

He looked at the ten consecutive lottery tickets in the storage space.

This was rewarded by the system after he completed the special training mission. But he has been useless, on the system space.

Why has it not been used?

On the one hand, his need for the lottery draw is not very urgent, and on the other hand, he is naturally worried that his non-chief physique will waste this ten-game lottery ticket.

But today he plans to give it a try. He wanted to see if he could get something useful for his next training.

For example, strength training scrolls, etc... Although he has not seen this kind of scrolls yet, since there are scrolls for shooting and catching the ball, it can be inferred from common sense that there must be training in strength training and physical training. Scroll, right?

Besides, this lottery ticket is given by the task reward anyway, so it's not for nothing.

Before, he always used a single lottery ticket to draw every time. He felt that the probability would be recalculated every time the lottery was drawn, so the winning rate was not high.

But now he smokes ten times in one breath, which is equivalent to fishing with a big net. If you cast such a big net, you can always catch something in the end, right?

Thinking of this, Hu Lai decisively came to the lottery interface, and used ten consecutive lottery tickets on the simple lucky wheel.

The special effects of ten consecutive draws are different from those of ordinary word draws.

Before, I could see the big turntable turning and the marquee flashing every time, and then when the turntable gradually stopped turning and the marquee stopped flashing, the drawn things would appear.

But now that ten consecutive lottery tickets are used, his field of vision is completely occupied by golden light, accompanied by exciting sound effects, and ten things float in his field of vision...

It is actually not very accurate to say that there are ten things, because there are words in it.

Yes, "Thank you for participating", he accidentally hit it twice.

Two out of ten lottery results are "Thank you for participating", and there are four bottles of the cheapest, one, one, one...

? !

: After use, enhance the training effect in the next ten strength training sessions.

In the space of consciousness, Hu Lai's pupils shrunk. Isn't this exactly what he needs?

In the next strength training, with this thing, you can get a higher training effect in a limited training time, and your strength will grow faster.

Although it only has the effect of ten lessons, according to the urine of the system, as long as it is used once, this thing will appear in the mall, and then spend 2,000 points to buy it—just like the previous shooting and catching training scrolls .

And Hu Lai already has 14,100 points after the previous special training mission, and it is not a problem to use it to buy a few training scrolls.


Hu Lai suddenly remembered something, and he suppressed his inner excitement.

Isn't it ten things? That's only nine...

He turned his awareness to the last thing floating in the air.

It looks like a... jersey? !

: After wearing it, it will slightly increase the wearer's strength on the existing basis. Valid for one match only. But after being equipped, the success rate of dribbling will be greatly reduced, and sometimes it is more impulsive.

Note in small print: This jersey was once worn on a player who was as powerful as a giant bear.

Hu Lai froze in the system space.

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