Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 104 Possession and Lost

Latest website: Every time Leeds City players take possession of the ball, the cheers in the Flanders Stadium will remind the Madrid Pirates players:

All the warmth before the game no longer exists, or it has been temporarily suppressed.

This is really the home of Leeds City, and it is definitely not a grand party for Hu Lai's homecoming.

In fact, when the Pirates players re-established such a cognition, the game became normal and ordinary for them.

After they used their advantages in possession to resist the indiscriminate bombing of Leeds City, they gradually gained the upper hand in possession of the ball.

Started to put pressure on the goal of Leeds City.

However, in this process, the pirates appeared to be very cautious, step by step, and fight steadily.

Basically, there will be no sudden swarms of bees rushing to chase and fight.

But if they find that the situation is wrong, they immediately take it back, pass the football back, and turn it upside down.

Of course, this approach of the Madrid Pirates is not a panacea, on the contrary, it is actually very hidden.

Because they don't have a strong enough commander in the midfield.

This makes them lack a little aura in the process of transmission, and the response is a little bit weak.

Although they can rely on Parotti's coaching team to practice smooth pass and control tactics in training, but if they encounter a strong enough opponent or a situation that is difficult to deal with, this set of tactics will not work smoothly.

Coach Parotti himself knows the shortcomings of his tactics.

This is why he really thinks that Maxi Carey and Hu Lai can coexist, because they really don't conflict.

Parotti tried hard to persuade Carey to change his playing style after the injury, rely less on speed alone, and more use his skills and experience to pass and control. It is also hoped that Carey can make up for the most critical part of the Madrid Pirates' organization in the midfield and frontcourt.

In fact, Parotti did not adopt the pass control system in the Madrid Pirates from the beginning.

His tactical style is the same as his image, which seems a little vague and not clear enough.

Li Qingqing's description of him really hit the nail on the head,


Ettore Parrotti, the Italian head coach's tactical thinking is like water. Water is impermanent, and his tactics can also be changed and converted according to the situation. Sometimes water looks very gentle and has no destructive power. No, but it can carve out mountains and change the earth, so water can also become very violent.

He led the team to the Europa League championship in the first season after replacing Hantchek. At that time, the Madrid Pirates' tactics were actually very simple, that is, to use two wings and then rely on Kyrie's super personal ability.

It worked surprisingly well.

Because Maxi Carey is considered to be the first person under the "Four Heavenly Kings" by no means for nothing, he is really strong at his peak - if he does not get injured before the World Cup and leads the Dutch team to the World Cup For the champion, I believe that the "Four Heavenly Kings" will definitely be rearranged, and Celados will be replaced by Carey.

But he was injured at the most important time.

When Carey was seriously injured before the World Cup and would miss almost half of the season, Parotti realized that the successful routine of last season could not be replicated, and he had to make changes.

At that time, many people were desperate for Kyrie's performance after a serious knee injury, thinking that this person was useless.

Carry it away, it's hopeless.

But unlike these people, Parotti thought that Carey could save him again. And he believes that as long as Kyrie can change his playing style, the length of his career will not be lost much, and he can still play a very important role.

Even to the extreme...he can still be the core of this team.

In Parotti's original vision, Kyrie, who had risen from the phoenix, would become the core of the Pirates' midfield and frontcourt, and he had to lay a platform for him to play well.

Therefore, the team has to change its tactical concept.

Use pass control and high pressure to attack.

As a result, who would have thought that Kyrie, a superstar, has a different temper. Even if he hits the south wall once and still doesn't look back, even if he hits his head badly, he still insists on playing football in the way he used to be used to.

The result was that he was injured again.

Although it was not a recurrence of the old knee injury this time, it also made him miss half a season again.

The most important part of the team's tactical system has been unable to return to its place for a long time. In this one and a half seasons, the Madrid Pirates have to use this incomplete pass control to deal with it.

So last season, the Madrid Pirates ended up empty-handed and didn't get any honors-the league title belonged to the Catalan United, the Copa del Rey title belonged to the King of Madrid, and they stopped in the quarter-finals of the Champions League.

Although the start of the new season is very smooth, if there is no sudden outbreak of Hu Lai, the Madrid Pirates will still have a hard time this season.

Of course Parrotti is aware of his team's problems, so in addition to pass control, the Madrid Pirates also focus on wing attack.

This is the tradition before the pirates.

But there is also a problem with the Pirates of Madrid's wing attack, that is, they have a lame leg...

In fact, the Madrid Pirates were flying on both wings.

It's just that Martin Losada, the original right forward, was poached by his former head coach Hantchek to Blue and White Munich after winning the Europa League with the team.

The original main right back of the Pirates, the team's former captain, French international Corentin Kilic also announced his retirement after the 2025-2026 season.

The original two main forces on the right, one walking and the other retreating, caused the two wings of the Madrid Pirates to fly together, leaving only Tonini and Ion on the left.

Irazusta's ability is relatively average, which is not bad, but he just joined the team and has not yet fully integrated.

Silvilio has been here for a season, but his performance has been ups and downs, very much like the Leeds City players at the beginning of this season.

This has led to the Madrid Pirates' right-wing attack coming and going, which can be called "Schrödinger's right wing".

So strictly speaking, the current Madrid Pirates is not the final form in Parotti's mind.

If the Madrid Pirates of last season met Leeds City of last season, then maybe Leeds City can beat the Pirates at home.

But as fate played tricks, some interesting changes took place in the two teams.

Hou Lai, who played for Leeds City, left the team and came to the Madrid Pirates.

The balance of power between the two sides has thus changed.


Leeds City failed to score again within ten minutes after the goal, and the initiative of the game gradually fell to the visiting team Pirates.

As assistant coach Valentine has analyzed, Leeds City's offense is quite a bit of an opening posture.

As long as it can withstand these three axes, Leeds City without Hu Lai, the threat will be greatly reduced.

Of course, pirates don't have many means of attack.

But they have a Holly.

A highly effective killer.

Leeds City have always enjoyed the many benefits brought to them by this efficient killer.

Now it's their turn to experience the feelings of their former opponents.

Tonini pedaled his bike down the wing but Leeds City right-back Josh Lawler, who was in front of him, was unimpressed.

The Brazilian didn't want to pass Lawler with such a simple and perfunctory dribble, he was waiting for Ion.

Sure enough, when he stepped on the third time, Ion rushed in from behind at high speed, and at the same time brought Leeds City's right winger Solberry.

While Ion was plugging in at high speed, Lawler remained unmoved, as if he was relieved to hand Ion over to Solberg, and he was only responsible for staring at Tonini in front of him.

Tonini passed the football to Ion.

Ion accelerated to the football.

It seems that he wants to dribble past Leeds' defense and cross, or cut inside.

But at the same time when he was catching up with the football, he used the outer instep of his right foot to gently push the football horizontally...

The football rolled past Solberg, who was chasing back, and rolled behind the Swedish international. It's right in the gap between Solberry and Josh Lawler.

And this gap now belongs to Di Kunzo!

The Italian striker is short in stature but has a fine foot, and he works his way into the penalty area as soon as he receives the ball.

Junpei Morikawa, who was defending him, wanted to stretch out his foot to steal the ball, but when he saw him getting into the penalty area, he immediately raised his hands and made a sudden stop.

But he didn't stop here. He raised his hands not to surrender, but to show his innocence to the referee.

The sudden stop is also to avoid physical contact with the opponent, thus giving Di Kunzo a chance to fall in the penalty area.

After the emergency brake, Junpei Morikawa started again, caught up and put the shovel directly!

He was not going to tackle Di Kunzo, but he was next to Di Kunzo - when he chased up again, he had seen Di Kunzo swinging his left leg, that posture was going to cross, and he wanted to stop This ball!

But he was unsuccessful.

Although he has worked hard to chase back, he has also worked hard to put a shovel.

The football is still passed before he tackles it.

Morikawa Junping's eyes followed the football to the penalty area, and he was already aware of the great danger.


Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of that figure.

He first pretended to run towards the football, but suddenly stopped suddenly when he started, and at the same time bowed and retreated, shaking Leeds City's central defender Vaughan Acheson.

But at the same time, because of his forward fake, the football passed behind him.

He can't shoot directly!

This doesn't seem to be a rare thing for that figure.

While shaking Acheson away, he turned around immediately, instead of trying to stop the ball, he swung his right leg and chased after the football to draw it!

Don't stop the ball, turn around and shoot directly!

He was so fast that everyone didn't expect it.

For example, another central defender of Leeds City, Ben Grist, was still standing by the side stupidly at this time, not thinking of coming up to block the shot as soon as possible.

Leeds goalkeeper Donny van der Ven didn't realize it was a kick until the football was shot towards the goal... a shot!

It was already too late for him to make another save!

The football flew into the goal diagonally above his saver!

There was a sudden explosion in the Flanders Stadium, and the momentum was huge, but it was neither like cheers nor boos, but the cheers of the Pirates fans in their early thousand were particularly obvious.

In the 31st minute, Hu Lai scored!

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