Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 112 Reunion, Farewell and Thunder

Latest URL: Although Hu Lai scored a goal in nearly 80 minutes, it dealt a heavy blow to the morale of Leeds City.

But Leeds City manager Tony Clark has not given up.

There are still ten minutes left in the game, only one goal away, and it is indeed not time to give up.

Clark quickly made substitution adjustments.

He used the last substitution - Charlie Potter for Junpei Morikawa.

Don't play midfield defense at all.

After Charlie Potter came on, he went to the right to play wide midfielder, and Pete Williams returned to the center, partnering with Jay Adams.

At this time, Pete didn't care about Ramirez, and went up to the head-to-head confrontation with the Madrid Pirates.

Of course, it is possible to lose more goals in this way, but anyway, it is dead anyway, so it is better to fight to the death, maybe it can turn defeat into victory?

No, turning defeat into victory Clark didn't dare to think about it now.

But if they can equalize the score and draw at home with the most powerful Madrid Pirates in this group, that is completely acceptable.

Junpei Morikawa walked off the field with his head down. Coach Clark hugged him gently and patted him on the back: "You did a good job, Morikawa. Don't blame yourself."

He knew that Junpei Morikawa was still regretting not being able to defend Hu Lai's second ball.

Junpei Morikawa nodded and walked back to the bench without saying a word.

On the court, Leeds City seized the last ten minutes to launch a "death charge" against the Madrid Pirates.

The offensive was indeed very sharp, which made the Madrid Pirates feel tremendous pressure.

Especially Kamara, as if tireless, sprinting back and forth on the wing, up and down, left and right.

Sprint, cut inside.

Cut in, change direction.

Shots, crosses.

Everything comes, there is him everywhere.

Seeing this, Parotti also quickly made adjustments,

The whole team recovers the defense.

For offense or something, use the simplest method-long pass.

Use Ruiz's role as a fulcrum in the frontcourt and Hu Lai's ability to capture opportunities to harass Leeds' defense and at the same time relieve the pressure on the Pirates themselves.

Leeds City fans in the stands cheered their team with singing.

But until the stoppage time period, the score was not rewritten.

The leading advantage of the Madrid Pirates is like a natural moat, making it difficult for Leeds City to overcome.

Among them, Zhou Zijing also made two shots, but one shot was outside the goal frame, and although the other shot was within the goal frame, because the angle was too straight, he was embraced by the pirate goalkeeper Hewell without any suspense, and even a corner kick or No opportunities for teammates to make up shots were created.

Four minutes of stoppage time was Leeds City's last hope.

Until the third minute, they still failed to blast away the goal guarded by Hewell.

With just one minute left in the game, possession fell to the Pirates of Madrid.

The shouting in the stands of the Flanders Stadium was much quieter.

Many Leeds City fans realize that it will be difficult for them to score again.

Sure enough, at the last moment of the game, the Madrid Pirates gave full play to their pass control advantage, passing the football back and forth, mobilizing the Leeds City players to run in vain again and again.

Even the most diehard Leeds City fans in the North Stand are not thinking about the game at this time.

"If Hu is still with us, we will definitely win this game!" Someone said with emotion.

"Don't think about things that can't be changed, and accept the reality, man. No matter how reluctant we are, we have to get used to the days without Husbands..." the people around advised.


Everyone sighed in unison.

The Leeds City fans in the stands fell silent and watched the stadium.

If this is an ordinary game, facing an ordinary opponent, then at this moment, they can still use boos to express their dissatisfaction with the loss, and use boos to let the opponent feel the anger and enthusiasm of the Leeds City fans at this moment. accurate.

But facing Hu Lai now, how can the Leeds City fans have the heart?

Hu Lai is unwilling to celebrate a goal in front of them, and they are naturally unwilling to boo Hu Lai for losing.


After passing back and forth, Tonini suddenly slanted the frontcourt from the left, wanting to attack again.

While he was passing the ball, Hu Lai rushed out immediately, trying to catch the ball.

Beside him, Leeds City captain Pete Williams joined him in the chase.

But neither of them touched the ball - Tonini made a big pass and was intercepted by Ben Grist.

Seeing this, Hu Lai slowed down.

Pete Williams beside him braked the car synchronously.

The two former teammates appeared in the broadcast footage at the same time, but one was wearing the away jersey of the Madrid Pirates and turned to the left.

The other, wearing a Leeds City shirt, turns to the right.

The English commentator Matthew Cox, who watched this scene, sighed: "I don't know how heartbreaking this scene is for Leeds City fans. The most anticipated young talent in Leeds City in the past, now That's how they parted ways...

"I don't know if they will have a reunion in the future, and I don't know if this kind of reunion will happen in Leeds City... This is not something that Leeds City fans can decide. The only thing they can do is to keep the two together. Those good times when the two players played together on the same team..."

The audience in the stands did not know who sang that song first, but they only knew that the singing came from the direction of the North Stand:

"Who had the what a GOAL?"

The singing quickly spread, and more people joined in:


The stands on all sides of the Flanders Stadium are singing in unison:

"'s what a GOAL!"

Now that there is no hope of winning, it is better to use the last bit of time of this game to remember the glory days that are destined to pass away.

All the fans roared hoarsely:

"HU! HU! HU! HU! HU!"

"HU! HU! HU! HU! HU!"

Amidst the roar, Hu Lai, who was slowly walking back, raised his head and looked towards the stands.

The giant TIFO that was displayed before the game and then put away after the game was put down from the top of the South Stand.

As the canvas slowly unfolded, ";home", "HUUUUU!!!" and the silhouette of his celebration gradually appeared in front of everyone.

It's like a curtain that slowly descends from the top of the stage after a big show is over.

Han Shuyu pointed her mobile phone at the South Stand to shoot. The scene in front of her reminded her of what the Leeds City fans interviewed before the game said:

This is a reunion, but also a farewell.

She suddenly felt that Hu Lai's two and a half years in Leeds City hadn't really ended until this moment.

At least for these Leeds City fans, September 28, 2027 is the day they say goodbye to Hou Lai, and it is also Hou Lai's curtain call performance at the Flanders Stadium.


I don't know if it was a coincidence, but when the giant TIFO fell completely and unfolded, the referee also blew the whistle to signal the end of the match.

"The game is over--! The Madrid Pirates defeated Leeds City 3:2 in the away game! Hu Lai scored twice in this game and is a well-deserved best player! He has continued his fiery form since the beginning of the new season. Just This time the victim at his feet has become his former club, Leeds City!"

The Madrid Pirates players on the field began to celebrate the victory, and the substitute players off the field also ran onto the field to celebrate with everyone.

The Leeds City players accepted the result of this failure relatively calmly.

The same is true for the fans in the stands. They re-expressed what they had written in advance and wanted to say to Hu Lai.

The TV broadcast camera also swept across the stands, displaying these slogans one by one in front of everyone.

"Welcome back, Hu!"

"Flanders will always be your home!"

"Thank you for everything, Hu!"

"When you first came, we were nobody. When you leave, we are kings of Europe!"


Every sign was surrounded by clapping Leeds City fans.

After the game, the suspense is over, and they can finally express their feelings for Hu Lai without any other concerns.

They were all ready before the game, no matter whether they win or lose this game, now is the time to officially say goodbye to Hu Lai.


When Hou Lai saw Pete Williams, who was shirtless and holding a Leeds City jersey, walking up to him, he knew what the other party was going to do.

"Come on, exchange jerseys." Pete handed over the jerseys.

Without further ado, Hu Lai took off his Pirates jersey and handed it over.

But when he took Pete's jersey, he was a little surprised: "This is..."

In his hand is not the No. 10 Leeds City jersey of Pete Williams, but the No. 14 jersey with his name on it!

"My grandma asked me to give it to you. She said she hoped you could wear the Leeds City jersey again."

Hu Lai was taken aback when he heard this.

Then he quickly bent over and lowered his head, spreading the jersey open and slipping it on.

Pete saw him wearing Leeds City's No. 14 jersey, and nodded with a smile: "Well, sure enough. It's better if you look like this...Okay, go and say goodbye to them."

He patted Hu Lai on the back and pushed him towards the stands.

Seeing Hu Lai put on the Leeds City jersey, in addition to applause, there was also a burst of cheers.

"Ah, Hu put on the Leeds City jersey again! Then he touched his heart and kept bowing slightly to the stands... Seeing this scene, I believe many Leeds City fans must be very happy... If you must say If there is any regret, it is that Hu did not have the opportunity to make his iconic celebration in this stadium..."

Matthew Cox said affectionately.

"The Leeds City fans had a huge event before the game, ostensibly hoping that Hu would celebrate the goal in the game ... but I think they may just hope to see the team again in Flanders. A hero fell from the sky. After all, the last time they saw this scene at their home stadium was on May 16 this year-the last round of the Premier League. Hu scored his last goal in Flanders. Obviously no one Realized that that goal was Hu's farewell to this stadium...

"Maybe the fans of Leeds City just want to make up for the shortcoming in their hearts, and the shortcoming of not being able to say goodbye to Hu at home..."


A song suddenly sounded on the live radio, not the team song of Leeds City, nor "Hu Zhi Song", but a very classic old song, but the lyrics are slightly different from the original version. (Note 1)

The singing was melodious, and all the Leeds City fans began to sing along:

"City roads—"

city ​​road

"Take me home——"

Take me home

"To the; I belong—"

to where i grew up

"West Yorkshire, Mountain Mama!"

West Yorkshire, the Mother Mountains

"City roads—"

city ​​road

"Take me home——"

Take me home

"City roads—"

"Take me home——"

Every Leeds City fan in the stands opened his arms and sang along to the music.

This is a chorus of 30,000 people.

Listening to the singing, He Feng couldn't help saying: "Leeds is Hu Lai's first stop in Europe. In a sense, this is indeed his home in Europe. He grew up in Leeds from an unknown person to Everyone knows "Mr. Billion". He has made Leeds City, and Leeds City has made him. They met at the best time and wrote a legend about dreams and love together. I still know I still remember that on the first day of the Chinese New Year two and a half years ago, Hu Lai represented Leeds City in the Premier League for the first time, and he opened the door to a new world for us..."

Following He Feng's narration, many Chinese fans in front of the TV seemed to have returned to the Spring Festival of that year.

Hu Lai came off the bench and scored the first goal of a Chinese player in the history of the Premier League.

That was the beginning of a legend!

And now the saga is over.

In the following days, whether it is Hou Lai or Leeds City, they will all go on their own different paths, just like the scene between Hou Lai and Pete Williams in the game.

"Leeds City fans have prepared a song for Hou Lai's return, and I also have a song I want to give to Hou Lai's past years in Leeds City!"

Then He Feng read:

"The past is unforgettable, warm as yesterday, and still rippling in my heart. Don't be in a hurry, say goodbye to each other, can you be deeply in love? Flowers bloom and fall, several times are like dreams, I hope you don't forget me..." (Note 2)


During the singing, Hu Lai came to the bottom of the North Stand and waved to the fans of Leeds City.

Everyone squeezed forward desperately, stretched out their arms to Hu Lai, and shouted: "Hu! Hu! Hu!!"

The security guards and police officers at the scene surrounded him as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

They were not afraid that Hu Lai would be in danger.

Instead, they are worried that so many fans are crowded in the front, which will cause crushing and stampede accidents.

Seeing that the situation at the scene was getting out of control, Hu Lai waved his hands again and again, and then stepped back.

The fans were still shouting, stretching out their hands as if they wanted to keep him.

It wasn't until Hu Lai finally retreated into the player tunnel that the fanatical fans gradually regained their sense.

On the north stand, Levin looked in the direction of the players' tunnel and asked absently, "He... is he leaving now?"

"Yes, go, Levin," said David Miller.

"This farewell is actually quite good, except for one thing-we didn't show them success in front of the group of Spanish fans." John sighed.

"Forget it, John. I believe that group of Spaniards will learn." David Miller patted John on the shoulder.

"Who the hell cares if the Spaniard can learn it? I just want to cooperate with Hu at the Flanders Stadium and shout for him..." Levin next to him murmured. "It turned out we never had that opportunity again."

David Miller didn't comfort him this time, because he felt sorry for it too.

Saying so much is actually an excuse, they just want to satisfy their own selfishness.

A group of people stood silently for a while, and the shouts at the scene gradually subsided.

David Miller said: "Come on, guys, let's go back to the 'White Rose' for a drink. Anyway, we finally gave Hu a grand farewell..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a commotion from the direction of the west stand.

Little Matthew pointed there and exclaimed: "Dad, look quickly!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw Hu Lai, who had already left the field, suddenly ran out of the player tunnel again!

All the Leeds City fans who were reluctant to leave after the game saw this scene. They didn't expect Hu Lai, who had already left, to return.

They all cheered.

Amidst the cheers, Hu Lai, who reappeared on the sidelines, first waved to everyone, then pointed to the stadium below the North Stand, and then he ran there.

David Miller, who was stunned by Hu Lai's return in the stands, suddenly reacted, and he shouted at the top of his voice: "Quick! Guys! Get ready!!"

Others also came to their senses one after another, knowing what Hu Lai was going to do.

Although they were very excited, they were all suppressed.

As a result, the Flanders Stadium, which was still roaring with joy before, suddenly became quiet.

The 1,100 Madrid Pirates fans in the southeast corner were leaving the arena, and they were also attracted by this sudden scene. They all stopped and looked into the arena curiously.

They want to see what the Leeds fans are up to.

I saw Hu Lai, who ran to the bottom of the north stand, adjusted his pace, sprinted, and then... leaped high!


Countless fans in the stands raised their arms in command.

When Han Shuyu in the media seat saw Hu Lai suddenly returning to the court, she turned on the camera function of her mobile phone. At this moment, she also realized what would happen next.

She even held her breath, as if she was afraid that she would disrupt the rhythm.

Hu Lai in the air crossed his arms in front of his chest, turned 180 degrees in the air, and landed.

At the same time, he opened his legs and swung his arms down from his chest.

At this moment, those Madrid Pirates fans clearly heard the breathing of all Leeds City fans.

When Hu Lai fell from the sky, with his feet firmly planted on the ground, he revealed the number and name behind him...

The thunder over the Flanders Stadium came on time:



Note 1: The song is adapted from "Take Me Home, Country Roads", the Chinese name is "Country Road Take Me Home", written and sung by John Denver.

Note 1: The song is from Feng Feifei's "The Past is Like Yesterday", the original song is the American song "When You And I Were Young, Maggie" (When You and I Were Young, Maggie), composed by James Austin Butterfield.

The above two songs have been added to QQ Music's "Fox in the Forbidden Zone" playlist.

PS, I would also like to ask everyone for a leave of absence.

During the three-day holiday on New Year’s Day, I have to take the children to Dawa Gengza to play. Considering that I have to drive and get up early to watch the sunrise, I don’t have time to code words at all, and there are only four chapters in the manuscript so far... So the holiday three The day can only be changed individually, please understand.

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